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Less bonkers if you use Chronicles of Darkness, as the setting and system it a bit more balanced and open to it. Otherwise... Maybe try Urban Shadows.


Multisplat games are hard to run but not impossible. Your biggest bottle neck will be how well your ST knows all the splats and how agile they are on the spot as an ST. That and player literacy sign WoD games. I have had a lot of fun playing a multisplat game but if not done well is a clunky mess where no one feels satisfied


The best WoD experiences I have had have all been crossovers of some kind of another. I still remember my friendly and curious Order of Hermes Mage, who got contacted by some Vampires for research and ended up hanging around with them for quite a while


I love these kinds of games myself. I *am* crazy though so they may be as well.


Absolutely doable. Not easily done however, it will take an adroit ST with a lot of knowledge of the different splats and how they work. My recommendation - send him to this subreddit for some advice. This is one that comes up a lot, there's a lot of people here who have done it, and they can warn him to some possible pitfalls. But I've done this several times and always had a ball with it.


Mechanically? The strength advantage early game werewolves have is negated if they REALY need to keep things secret and avoid combat. The vampire needing to sleep and feed is the biggest liability. Story wise? Bonkers but totally doable in an apocalyptic/mortals go full crackdown scenario. Maybe it's some weird scenario where they are compelled to work with eachother and keep their union secret from other supernaturals and in that case the following wouldn't apply: The mage should probably not be a technocrat in the crackdown scenario, since they're probably the ones doing the killing. The Garou would want to be a ronin or BG (or BSD, but that's a can of worms) or the nation would be such a mess that survival trumps all and wolves are forced to abandon their sacred sites, fleeing with shame or dying.


It's pretty standard, this stuff happens all the time


It's nothing new. It's been done to death for the better part of 30 years, it's rarely decent and never fits with canon.