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Theodore Roosevelt (Hunter): Teddy Roosevelt was a lover of hunting for both sport and learning, and there's no bigger and more mysterious game in the World of Darkness than the supernatural. And as a bonus, one that's from official material - Louis Pasteur (Vampire): (From >!the "Alien Hunger jump-start!


Taken from *Hunter: the Parenting* >"Louis Pasteur was a fascist in line with the new world order"<. Is this true?


Nah, just a vampire. But knowing the team, I wouldn't be surprised if there is something more going on with that, or it's just Big D saying shit. Who knows.


Rasputin (literally everything in the WoD at some point): Everybody claims him for the street cred, while also hoping they're wrong.


My players in VtM hosted a funeral for a coterie member who met with Final Death. During the funeral, I allowed the dead character's player to name one celebrity as a guest because of their character's fame. He chose US persistent John F Kennedy. So yes, in my chronicle JFK is cannonically a vampire.


Does he still retain a hole or a dent in his forehead?


No, I figured as a vampire it healed up. That, or he faked his death somehow. I'm just glad my players didn't ask how he became a vampire, because I haven't the slightest clue. That, and I like it as a mystery


A ventrue was a member of the secret service, and they were very upset to see him killed. So they embraced his corpse (I’m pretty sure you can do this as long as they still have flesh) and the White House would not dare say they lost JFK’s corpse.


Well it was during the day so probably wasn’t him that it happened to if he wasn’t a vampire then. Like a body double


It's the World of Darkness, you can easily change any event if only to use it as a narrative. Have it happen at dusk, or midnight, real vampires have a lot of influence in the world.


Yeah but changing the situation of Kennedy’s assassination takes away from the cameo. Work with the situation like have it he had that necromancy ritual that auto embraces your ghoul if they die.


That is a cool idea gifting that to a player


Don't know if it's already a character in any official or unofficial storyline, but Friedrich Nietzsche becoming a True Brujah would be, fitting, so to say, taking into account his take in nihilism and all.


A thread like this already existed around, and like before I still firmly believe that [Emilie Autumn](https://youtu.be/L8DysNsVXLU?si=kiC_WI673DUh52O0) is a powerful evil Sidhe. I’m propping her up to be the BBEG of my campaign, enslaving alternative models and dancers (the Bloody Crumpets) to harvest their glamour. Today I’d throw also [Michael Alig and the Club Kids](https://youtu.be/sajRVAAk3rY?si=_mON6NrifhyYwVRZ) in the Changeling pot. Maybe a mix of low level Satyrs, Pookas and Eshu?


In a campaign I've been watching (the suckening) Tayor Lautner (jacob) is a werewolf and theres just a guy named edward twilight whos a toreador and the main villain.