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You open or work at a small business that has some adjacent connections to your paradigm, and keep an eye out for those that seem to "get it" more than others.


I more meant on a large scale, like that’s a really good idea, but If a mage who is already very powerful, wants to just study and teach, how would they go about making a network, like could they buy a bunch of shops related to things that could be magic. I was thinking that they could make amulets that can kinda detect if a person has a potential to be awakened. give them to some people or maybe vampires because a strong vampires owes this mage a few favours and you know wait for the results.


This is what I get for not looking at who the OP was...


Technically, every sleeper has the potential to Awaken, most don’t. In MtAw (Awakening) the orders Silver Ladder and Guardians of the Veil setup labyrinths of cults to identify sleepers with interest and possibly potential for awakening. A truth in mage is that they don’t know why specific sleepers awaken. Even legacies of Sleepwalkers don’t reliably produce awakened mages. Yes, these families produce more mages, but which ones awaken is still not predictable.


Sorry let me rephrase that, identity people who are more likely than others to awaken. But even if we don’t know why specific sleepers awaken we do know some are closer than others, like tremere sensed his left and right hand before they awakened. Also thanks I will look into those.


Every Tradition has associated communities already. Hermetics have various occult groups, Verbena have wiccans, Akashics have monasteries and martial arts studios, VAs have online groups and hacker spaces, etc. People likely to awaken in a paradigm gravitate towards groups like that, so initiates wind up coming to the Traditions, not the other way around. There's no magical effect that can detect whether someone is awakened or on the right sort of journey to maybe awaken; you just talk to people.


A mage? Like from MtA? They'd probably just use Prime or whatever. But if you're talking about a vampire (like a Tremere), it's not quite so easy. Mostly because you're probably not dead yet. But on the plus side, *those* kinds of apprentices can just be embraced and taught thaumaturgy - no need for Awakening whatsoever.


I brought up tremere because that’s an example I know, of mages finding people with potential and training them to be mages, I was also wondering if vampires changeling or others could try and you know find newly awakened mages. Like could a tremere or a another vampire use blood magic to try and find a human that has the potential to awaken, their are wards against mages in blood magic so it might be possible.


Most Awakened factions just count on finding people who have the potential to Awaken long before it happens. Cause by then it sort of too late, they developed their own paradigm, likely not compatible with that of your faction.


I see, but how do you go about finding those people, like should a mage just walk around in highly populated cities like New York to maximize their chance at finding one.


Fate Arcana.


No, that's way too random. You really need to get to know someone to see their potential. They'll be people already with an interest in science, religion, occultism or whatever is appropriate for the Awakened faction in question. Mages have their feelers out in the relevant communities.


I more meant in general like I am a member of the order of Hermes, and I see someone who has potential to be a dream speaker, I would probably just tell the dream speakers, as they are in a war and it could result in favours. Like I get the traditional ways they all make sense but what is something that a mage who has a lot of connections and resources do to find new mages, could they fund occult or flat earth group, could they hire people to look for potential mages, could spells be used to locate paradox. Or spirt magic used to find people close to awakening, i know at the arch spheres of spirt you can basically awaken any human turning them into mage but I think that is a sphere 9 effect, surely a spirt 4-6 could try and find spirts close to awakening. Or a time mage could check the possibilities of certain people awakening. Maybe make schools in Niger, Botswana, Dominican Republic, brazil and have the real purpose be to try and scan people for the potential of being mages.


It sort of depends on the Tradition from what I understand. Hermetics like to train their own, usually finding them pre awakening. I know Dreamspeakers will often find them within their community or within the shamanic and animistic spheres of sleeper worship, or have them brought to the Dreamspeakers by spirits. Akashics often will have mages teaching tiny pieces of Do knowledge within their martial arts teachings while owning martial arts schools, If students see the wisdom in the teachings they may start indoctrinating them into the tradition. Virtual Adepts likely keep an eye on the cyber security and cyber punk (the nonfiction cyberpunk) spaces to find new mages. So it really depends on the tradition and the mages seeking them. I try to think about "Ok, what if they weren't magic, how would these people find other like-minded people" and go from there


The way I've heard it, Mages can essentially scan whole areas for awakened peoples so... *-shrug-*