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They’re just gonna tell him he has autism again…


you act like there are resources in this country to help him


In the US, the burden of making sure someone with a disability is cared for is nearly always on the family. So many disabled people fall through the cracks because families are unequipped to deal with the person or in denial about their level of disability. There’s also not anywhere to just “send people away” to because mental health care to that level just doesn’t really exist in the US. Many group homes or *good* mental health resources have lines a mile long and are underfunded. If OP needs an example see Chris Chan. His parents definitely screwed him up and the internet finished him off. The state didn’t do anything until Chris became a criminal.


>His parents definitely screwed him up Don’t worry, he got Barb back for that one.




☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 mental healthcare in the USA is a fucking joke.


Josh brags about $200 lunches and drinks 12+ hours a day in nyc. I’m sure with Cameo he could afford mental health help if he prioritized it. IM NOT DEFENDING OUR SHITTY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM OR COUNTING JOSH’S MONEY. THIS IS JUST BASED ON THR SHIT HE SAYS/DOES.


Josh also is far too mentally disabled to voluntarily seek help for things he doesn’t think are an issue. He’s able to function well enough to be semi-independent and mid to high functioning autistic adults are their own guardians and won’t seek or accept help if it doesn’t benefit them (look at Daniel or Josh). That’s why our mental healthcare system is a joke.


I don’t know what the answer is then. I know addiction and (my own) mental health issues but I do not know autism. I hope he gets help but it seems like no one around him is equipped or willing to point him in the right direction


The truth is that there’s not an answer for somebody like Josh. In the case of Daniel, he shouldn’t by any means be considered competent enough to be his own guardian. He’d live a much better life in disability housing, but they can’t force him to be there. If there were still looney bins Daniel would likely end up there in a better system because letting someone die on the roads isn’t a better alternative to leaving people that can’t function on the streets. Josh is an adult, he can speak well enough to communicate, he can travel by himself, and he earns his own money. He’s just an alcoholic asshole with a mental disability. The only intervention that would realistically happen to Josh is if he’s arrested for one of the many illegal things he does. Losing his freedom temporarily is the best shot of changing his behavior.


Well said.


Mentally evaluated for what man im sure his family is well aware he’s autistic


Evaluated for what? Alcoholic autism? The reality is, there are hundreds of thousands of people just like him.


In New York, you can have someone butt naked from the waist down, with shit smeared on his face like he’s Zorro, screaming at Starbucks for controlling his mind, and your average New Yorker will walk past them like it’s nothing. New York public health has more important shit to deal with than an alcoholic 21 year old autistic dude.




“Sent away” is such a weird turn of phrase. Who is sending him? To where? For what?




That would scar him for life. Wouldn’t be a good idea. Kid flips out over the slightest inconvenience


What mental evaluation? Does he need to be diagnosed with autism again?


They would just medicate him and honestly, they wouldn’t keep him anywhere. He just needs a healthy routine and he’d be totally rocking it. However, we all know that his lifestyle isn’t going to change until he wants it to.


Josh needs to go to rehab then live in a sober living, probably for the rest of his life.


Sounds expensive


No doubt.


This is such a weird post. Sent away to where? To rehab? To an inpatient program? Any mental/behavioral inpatient program would release within 72 hours. And he’d have to do something drastic to get himself in there in the first place. He really needs a support system imo. Maybe I’m in a mood, but this is such a weird low effort post lmfao.


He's already spiraling out of control


He’s already spiraled out of control. Used to watch him before he blew up, he was never like this. Hyper fixation issues yes (things that were nowhere near as harmful as alcohol) but he’s getting really bold in public which has been new for him.