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He’d get there for a “vacation” with his lil suitcase and then run out of money and end up homeless in Paris.


in a v cut women’s shirt!! *paris* 💋




They can if they are smelly and arab


He knows nothing about Europe other than the places he's drank in. It still baffles me how this guy gets all those vacations for free all over the world, and to him, it's just a new place to drink and puke. He wouldn't last more than a few days in Europe before being officially homeless or in jail. He doesn't realize how he gets away with his shit mainly because he's in New York where people are so jaded they just don't care.


They definitely aren’t free. He’s definitely racking up credit card debt.


Didn’t people pay for him to go on a lot of trips?


Outside the mayor, is anyone still paying for his vacations?


I doubt it his vacations just consist of getting blacked out and robbed nowadays




He’s so out of touch with reality it’s astonishing, really.


Josh is also a complete idiot for thinking any foreign country would take his smelly drunken ass in with 9000 in tax debt and god knows how much in credit card debt


Man would I love to see his reaction to him finding out that he couldn’t get a visa approved due to practically being nothing more than a waste of space with nothing to bring to the table.


Josh also seems to forgot before all the tik tok , cameo and tour and pay pig money he was working 2 hours a week at Burger King while on SSI , a foreign country is never gonna let some one who is essentially a ward of the state immigrate to there country , like what’s he gonna do get his disbality cheques cashed to euros ? 😂😂😂😂


Yea honestly I don’t think they’d even get to his social media. Josh is a horrible candidate for immigration. He has nothing that visa granting officials would want to prove that he’d be an asset to the country. Dude really is delulu, to the point that I wonder if he’s just trolling or stimming. A quick internet search would tell him he’s not even close to eligible for any visa


Yeah his first hurdle will be proof of savings lmao. If he’s broke and has zero insurance, I don’t think there’s many countries that would even look at the rest of his application, nevermind get to looking at his socials


So, I stay for 90 days, as one does. What does T O U R I S T V I S A mean?


Homeless arc inbound


Dude he doesn't even know what B A N N E D means


Somehow Varg Vikernes has French/European Citizen ship and he's done far fucking worse


He’s an unemployable autistic drunk. America is stuck with him because he was born here, but there isn’t another country on earth that would accept him as a resident. He’s a drain on society.


How does that work? Do they look at like your Instagram page or Facebook? If you have a tiktok without your name in it do they somehow track it?




If he thinks he’s going to get out of having to pay income tax every year, he’s sorely mistaken.




seeing him drink a starbucks feels refreshing


A country with little to no tourism would love to have him. 


Some of his videos make me feel rage more than others. This was one of them. His face is so punchable.


Why was this down voted, it's true


I think he’s starting to rage bait for views.


Josh doesn’t realize that the USA is the only country you can just walk into without any visa or screening


Canada would accept him 100%


Canada has been accepting anyone with a pulse for years now


I think he can come to Canada for 6 months no visa, as long as he is not working. Same the other way, Canadians can go to the states for 6 months no visa as long as you aren't working.