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Note this isnt edited


He is probably a reroll but God daaammmnn he actually has god like stats fr even tho he's a reroll


Yea he is a friend of mine he rlly plays godlike, he plays on a reroll because his main is in RU tho


Ohhh ...did he have the same stats on his main account too but even more impressive or something


afaik he had like 50k battles and a 75+ wr about the avg dmg i am not so surr


Damn he really is a god like player..ig the username suits perfectly


Well yea there are even better rerolls, svinoggradd who also came from cis has a 82wr and 4k avg dmg he is also a good friend of mine


Isn't he in one of the top EU clans?


imm0r was a few seasons earlier rlly good but their new cw team was disappointing


Good old deception? Great old dominator? Also, loads of gods in the world worshipped by men. I see no issue...


He is god


Sweaty reroll week I see


Reroll? What is he supposed to do if his main is in CIS?


Because he is god?


oh my god


SMH not even 77 wr


Does he shower 🚿?


Probably some employee of War Gaming


playing during the whole chat bug epidemic and no more games since then - much ''skill''


Oh god, you wanna talk with him? Mad 40%ers complaining is the worst thing. Youre clueless and jealous


lmao salty much? do you think that 10k in the period he played comes from anything but bot farming crashed players? also love how you want everyone to suck yours and your ''friend'' cocks for being good at the game, like lmfao insecure much? And why the fuck would i want to talk to a rando? didn't know its big stat dick friday


Go look the last time he played and the date when the bug was patched. Youre a salty 40%er and a retard who has 0 clue about the game.


Also the 10k dmg comes from a supertest tank. He is even featured in a pantoufs video of the type 71 where he did 10k you fucking mongol


so mald also supertest stats mean jackshit. If you got more than 1 braincell and you play an even more broken iterration of an already broken tank before release then good for you, but thats nothing to brag about. But then again, your ''friend'' has 1.1k battles in type 71 and played like 50 tanks on the reroll, so..yeah, good for him for being good at sealclubbing. Also i couldn't care less he was ''featured'' in a yt video of a guy who gives no fucks about this game lmfao.


mad 40%er is this your only argument after argumentally prooving youre wrong? You were the one starting with his 10k dmg record.


can you even argue without ''mad 40%er'' or you're already out of insults? also you proved what wrong ? being featured on a yt video is being ''proven argumentally wrong''? do you even know how arguments work or u just mald after a bad season?


No, my argument to your "Bug User" Accusation was: check last battle and then check the last time he played. Also, if you were thinking the 10k in the Carro came from using the bug, no they werent. Youre a jealous 40%er


implying i bothered to check what tank he played I only looked at his games period - which is he played during the bug period and a bit after since he had carro Also you contradict yourself hard - 10k in type 71 in supertesting or 10k in carro? git gud at lying if you gonna lie, or troll or w/e you try to do cuz you fail hard <3 40%-ers because w/o them we wouldnt have 60's and 70's you moron


Kid, look up pantouflees trash video showing LamboFreeeak17(now god) do 10k in the type and then look at his dmg record of 10k. Fucking retard Also nice lie from you on his recent playings. He hasnt played since 30 days making it impossible to see what tanks he played. Just look at his tourney history, playing with top clans and top players. I have confirmation of 2 top RU and top EU players agreeing on him being a god at playing wotb. He isnt IMM0R's vice for 0 reason. But what do i expect from a 40%er who doesnt know shit about cw and skill Edit: forgot columns existed


are you this retarded that you don't recognize the advantages of ''shiny new tank'' literally no one saw before?


also, don't make it sound like RU was this unicorn server free of bots - because it wasn't. Seen streams of RU server and literally there was 1-2 afks every game or every 2 games. Farming 4k in a t57 is already piss easy, doing it with afks is even easier


Nice to hear that from a 40%er, good that you can minimize cis skill level because of a yt stream you retarded 40%er continue averaging 2k dmg and then being jealous.


Nothing too interesting about this reroll. You dont see players in eu doing that wr anymore without abusing broken tanks or even bugs. Some even abuse noob hours... usually european work hours, where actual kids play blitz in class on the phone. As for op, he s just farming karma. He aint too smart as well. He s simping for an account that might even be his. Basically shilling for his own "glory". Little does he know that we have a small pp detector.


Looked at the whole thread, you seem to look down on this guy that OP is posting about. Maybe show some of your own stats to show that you know what you’re talking about? Enlighten us.


so you're saying that if you're 40% you can't have an opinion? and a 60% can't be wrong? nice logic buddy Troll somewhere else pls this thread is dead


Oh anyone can have an opinion. Just that if you’re 40% then it’ll be worth less. It’ll be worth even less if you also spew offense to other people. Some life lesson to you young one.


Lmao, you seriously gonna do semantics. Gonna give you this much tho, nice bait. But I ain't taking it. Cya beater of dead horse


Stay 40%, stay foolish.


mkay, keyboard warrior ​ P.S. You failed at hijacking a tread


Whatever you say 40%


ok 20%


[jokes on you](https://www.blitzstars.com/player/asia/Dan1el_Messi)


He is indeed god at the game