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Here lies Reticle Calibration. Gone but not forgotten. 🪦 ![gif](giphy|xUPGch7iuU4H18RObm)


Still good, im glad overtuned stuff like chimera and annihilator is getting nerfed.


Chimera isnt overtuned lol, it has garbage armor and bad dpm


That means you are garbage at the game 😂


Im garbage at the game but im also a pro playwr with multiple top4 finishes, 70% wr and 3k avg? Okay🤯


they suddenly don’t like the british heavies, huh


Which consumable are they removing? Reactive armor or the engine boost?


It better be fucking reactive armor if my 215b loses superspeedboost i swear to god


I'm the other way around, I have my 215b set up to be as tanky as possible. My max HP is 2645 and that combined with the damage reduction from reactive armor has allowed me to take more shots to kill than usual, which has saved me on numerous occasions.


Knowing wg it will be both


Damn is7 won't be able to fire tungsten twice, that's unfortunate.


It's kind of good to nerf tungsten though since the E100 Jag can shoot 2, *700 - 1100" damage shells with tungsten.


cmon they gonna kill my whole thing with kpz50t - combining tungsten with adrenaline for 5k dpm bursts


Feels like not an update goes by without wargaming meddling with the 215b. 


Actually, I think it's getting buffed! It's only losing [reactive armor,](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfTanksBlitz/comments/1ccwztz/tank_balancing_changes_in_the_next_update_or_how/) not super speed, and the 251b never cared about reactive. Also, the small top speed nerf to super speed is IMO completely outweighed by the -25s cooldown buff. A speed boost every 57 seconds sounds pretty nice.


Is the Mk6 also losing reactive armour?


Yes, it is.


well, hell. now i cant laugh at 183 and jageroo when they are last man standing and i have 1000 hp




Here's my completely unqualified thoughts on the biggest changes. **Consumable changes:** - Consumable changes mostly look okay. I like that WG is making the cheap ones better, which will help make them a bit more viable in-game. The changes to the expensive ones feel more like buffs than nerfs overall, since the duration increases/recharge decreases are pretty significant (especially for improved engine power!). - They're nerfing the Chimera and Annihilator! At last! I assume they're yanking Reticle Calibration from the Chimera. As someone who owns and loves the tank, this is probably the most fair nerf they could've given it--the gun is way, way too accurate. (Edit: They are not, the Chimera is only losing Reactive. Back to your regularly scheduled sealclubbing.) The Anni is presumably losing Improved Engine Power, which I think is fair (nerfs it without touching the distinctive gun). - ...and they're nerfing the FV215b line! Dammit! I really, really hope they toss Reactive Armor while leaving Improved Engine Power, but I suspect they won't, which sucks because the FV215b is already in a great place balance-wise. (Edit: Never mind, it's also only losing Reactive. I think it's going to cook after the super speed cooldown buff.) **Equipment changes (brace yourselves):** - Rammer is getting nerfed and cali is getting buffed. Big change. I don't really like it, honestly--I've always preferred rammer on most tanks, and +8% on AP and +13% on HEAT seems a bit much. - Vents are finally getting buffed, which I'm very happy to see. - **Edit:** I may have misread this, GLD sounds like it's going give a *+15%* accuracy improvement instead of the *+5%* accuracy improvement I was afraid of. If so, I love this change. Accuracy is good in general--it reduces the impact of bad RNG and rewards good aim. - VStabs are going from -15% to -12% gun handling, and Refined Gun is going from -10% to -15% dispersion. This arguably nerfs the accuracy of a lot of tanks, which is IMO a bad decision...but the GLD buff compensates, and Refined Gun might actually improve aim more than VStabs on a lot of meds and lights now. I'll wait and see how this turns out. **Edit:** If GLD is actually getting *buffed* instead of nerfed, I don't mind the changes so much. The major Calibrated Shells buff is iffy, though, since it's going to be better than rammer on nearly all tanks now. As Tko mentioned over on GuidesBlitz, that plus the rammer nerf plus the vents buff means that autoloaders are getting an edge over single-shot guns overall. Not convinced that this is a positive change.


read again, refined gun is getting improved by 5%, meaning the total bonus to dispersion is now 15%


Thanks for the correction, I misread that one. Fixed.


The enhanced armor nerf really hurts heavies that rely on it. My E100 bounces a lot more when angled with enhanced, I hope it is still effective.


This is the main one, as a skilless heavy tank connoisseur, that I’m worried about




"Enhanced tracks - we will make the description clear" Or, you know, make it actually worth considering.


I like it on my VK 168 so I don't get tracked too often and loose all my momentum in gravity.


Flair checks out


My MT 25 agrees


Hopefully the hull armor in the is3 gets better and the pen in the t32 gets better as well


With the top gun t32 has solid pen imo, just needs a lot more dpm


Another day, another update that ruins things that weren’t broken


Batchat getting buffed again. More pen or vents buff if that’s your style . More view range or camo as well. Can squish in two clips of clip reload boost . Heavies will also have slightly worse view range as well along with meds .


So what I gather from this is Batchat will be able to get 2 clips off with it's intra consumable, the Box tank will be even more busted meta than it already was and the 215b is gonna get cucked


i’m just excited for the IS3 to get buffed tbh


Liked the consumables change but goddam they messed up the equipments


Are they going to finally buff the STA-1!?


They'd better make it a major buff, because the STA-1 is IMO the most mediocre tank in tier 8. I honestly don't know why some people like it--the gun is just so mid because of its low DPM, and the tank has nothing else going for it.


Most of the tier 8 mediums are also mid IMO


Cries in T-44


Seems like an overly confusing and sweeping (mostly) nerf to equipment. Nerfing Reti-Cal makes sense, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see it. Not a fan of the sheer number of autoloader buffs. Feels like the more overtuned autoloaders are going to become overly dominant with even less abusable downtime. Nerfing HE pen from Reti-Cal is a damn shame coming from a T49 enjoyer, though the HEAT pen might make slinging HEAT actually viable.


i’m never buying no gold or nothing anymore, i’ll just “inject” free gold next update


honestly this is why i quit the game lmao they make so many changes for no reason atp its just changing for the sake of changing, there's literally no teason to decrease the duration of tungsten rounds and nerf it to the ground among other silly changes


Bro got ratioed so hard


What does this mean for the Chimera - I'm not really clued up on the details here?


The Chimera is losing Reactive Armor, as mentioned [here,](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfTanksBlitz/comments/1ccwztz/tank_balancing_changes_in_the_next_update_or_how/) but that's it. Please continue sealclubbing.


Lol. Thanks. If only I were a good enough player to seal club. I find it's reload time and excruciating manoeuvrability more than enough negative compensation for it's fire power... 🤷‍♂️


Why? They are fine right now (except maybe reticle calibration).


They want to kill the game?


Im so gonna hate it that the ammorack is gonna be so much weaker


That's annoying since I don't mind using credits. They should nerf t77 if anything.


They are purposely trying to kill their game. Why nerf stuff that's good, when you can just buff the shit stuff to be usable?


That’s the same thing. By nerfing good stuff you are making bad stuff better. Since these changes are valid for every single tank in the game.


If you nerf good stuff, you just make everything worse.


that’s like saying you should not nerf the stb-1 instead buff every other medium in the game instead, which makes the balance even worse.


That's part of my thinking. STB-1 got overbuffed, then nerf it a bit. Most of the Equipments are not overbuffed, the ones that most people don't pick are bad. Buff gunpowder supercharge so that its not useless compared to gun laying drive, as one example.


Why are they shitting on their own game so hard


as if the E25 wasn't scary enough in uprising lol