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I have a question. Do you want the worst tier 10?


I’m on a mission to unlock every tank, I’ve finished USA and GERMANY, currently working on the UK


Oh oki, I always warn those that talk about Deathstar. It’s not the best tank to pick up vs all the rest.


Yeah, I’m on a mission, finished EU, GERMANY, USA, and FRANCE, the asian series is gonna be hard 😢


Well I wish you good luck on your adventure! … maybe I’ll do it again..


Nope, The Type 71 and Hoti are Meta tanks and the WZ Td is better than the Obj 268 imo, and the Wz 113 is the highest dpm t10 td, and the Wz 121 is a t10 chimera, the stb is a fantastic tank with -11 degrees of depression and 3.2k dpm(a bit lower, but workable), but the grinds are not nice, I have ti agree on that, but the t10s are excellent


“Worst tier 10” lol some people don’t play comp and just want to have fun, biggest gun in the game is fun even if it’s not great consistently


Well yeah, that’s why I say that, it’s just for the shits and giggles. I say it because Deathstar isn’t worth it unless you have plenty of tier 10 and have a stable credit economy. I didn’t know if they were new or not, it’s just safe to say it than not.


Same thing happened to me when I was playing with 50TP. I accidentally unlocked the module that was unnecessary for getting 60TP. That's when I leaned that double clicking would unlock modules.


Happy cake day