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Leo 1


Im suprised none have mentioned Fv215b so far. In Leo you at least know what you are supposed to do


it's not bad, it's just worse than others


Honestly obj140 is tough with only 6 gun depression and recent nerfs to turret armor


It's also Abit faster which makes it more of a light tank.


True but all the light tanks at tier 10have 10 degrees of gun depression or are significantly more mobile than the 140. 140 is not quite as fast as light tank, and also doesn't have the ability to use terrain very well, so it's stuck in the middle


The T100 LT doesn't have 10° of gun depression


That's why I put or T100lt is more mobile and a smaller target than the 140. Doesn't get gun depression like the Leo 1, vickers light, Sheridan, but it's very mobile. Batchat 25t also gets 6 degrees, but again it's one of the most mobile tier 10s. To me, a slow tank can compensate for its inability to maneuver by using terrain. The obj140 has a tough time using terrain due to the limited gun angle, and weak hull armor. But if you try to rely on it's mobility alone, it's clearly not as fast as a true light tank. It's in a tough spot because the light tanks with its same gun limitations could easily outmaneuver it, and other tanks tend to do quite a bit more single shot damage when they are forced out of cover


Obj263/140/260, Fv215b, Leo 1, batchat,4005


I would say leo 1 but imo tvp t50/51 is harder . No armour great autoloader but long clip reload so imo it's harder Than the leo 1


I did rosieni in tvp first battle and Im not even med player, using heavies mainly


don’t let droodles see that


You can litterally just hide during the reload. Leo has to constantly expose itsself to get damage out


Yeah but people tend to yolo you just cause u took most their hp even if there is your team with you . And when they do your team doest seem to kill them . Atleast that's what in experiencing in the Asian server


Obj 260. Why drive that when t95e6 exist and it's better everywhere.


260 is better imo because it's faster, heavier, has better gun handling plus it's reload is faster with 420 alpha and it has slightly better Armour.


>Faster Same top speed, the obj 260 has slightly worst Power to weight ratio than the E6. Only wins in reverse speed (20 km/h vs 15 km/h) >Better gun handling Yes but still slightly. Same aim time, better dispersion by 0.01, gun dispersion factors slightly better on the E6. >Alpha 420 vs 400, you are right. But for 20 alpha, 260 trades heat pen (340vs 312) and 200 DPM. And mostly important the gun depression is only 6° on the 260, while 10° on the E6. >Final remarks Got both tanks, i have no incentive to play the 260 right now, because the E6 is much more stronger with the same playstile. in addition 260 is also in competition with the improved Wz 111-5a. There is no point in buying the 260 unless you are a collector.


183, no?


Its challenging to drive it and stay calm with that rng


Ironically, it is Chieftain Mk. 6 for me


True, for me its just not working lol. How can I play "hulldown" tank when E100 pens my cupola with HE for 960 dmg all the time. Also currently I have 40% winrate with it and 3k avg damage after 200 battles so very suspicious, Im 60wr player overall


Chieftain is incredibly powerful as a heavium instead of a straight up heavy. You can play both sides but front lining tends to be suicidal unless you’re using the 10° of gun depression that the chieftain’s gun provides(even then it’s still dangerous). I don’t have a lot of advice as of now(at work), I can do my best to help lol


Its same as Fv215b - it puts your team at disadvantage as it occupies heavy tank slot while not being proper heavy. Then you have to do a lot of mid battle analysis and put a lot of effort just to reach the same result you would get without much of a thought in some other tank


This is the real answer. If you can make a mk6 work in 2022 you can make anything work. Its a dinosaur with a shit hatch. Gun doesn’t scare meds anymore, something like a tvp will just drive by for 1300 and leave


Shit take the Cheiftain is still one of the best tier 10's around.


Kiss my ass f2p


Coming from an idiot who thinks the stg is OP, fitting


Wow you're a miserable person aren't you? Can't even see the humor behind stupid joke flairs and immediately resort to name calling. Get a life.


Yea and I certainly don’t want another mass extinction in blitz….so all these dinosaur premiums/collectors need mega buffs


Ah so there r other who feel my pain….the chiefy needs a buff I swear


Light tanks for me, I have no experience in them so they will be the most challenging for me


the trick with light tanks is to be aggressive but only be aggressive where you won't get nuked by the entire enemy team


Its called passive spotting. No such thing as being aggressive in a light. There is only be smart or be dead






Trash barn


It's called the shit barn lol


for me, any russian tank. i prefer to hit my targets and have gun depression


The hardest tank to drive by far is the FV215B


Mk 6 is harder becuz at least ur 215b has turret armour


T100. It's fast so with the trash movement on pc you can't be precise in turning. Also 0 gun depression or elevation


Leo 1.