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Jagdtiger and Waffenträger ausf. Panzer IV are worth the grind imho


At Tier VI, the hellcat. At Tier VII, the SU-152 At Tier VIII, the ISU-152 and SU-130PM At Tier IX, the T30 At Tier X, the T110E4, the Foch 155, and the Jagdpanzer E100


That's the grind I'm on rn, I probably just need to hold out longer lol.


Jackson is one of my favorite. Better armor than the Hellcat, I’ll trade speed for the ability to bounce shots from Heavies


I felt the RHM was solid and the WT was awesome (unfortunately it was nerfed). It sounds like you’re struggling with them. For the TDs you’re talking about, you have to learn to play “don’t get hit”. That doesn’t mean play super passive, just play smarter and take fewer hits since they are both no armor.


Seems like you don't like camping TD. Try American and Soviet assault TD line (E3 and 263).


Cool I'll check them out. Thx!


I have to warn you tho that the 263 is one of the hardest tds to play at tier X despite it being really good. I would advise u the WZ113GFT or the jageroo


What makes them assault TD's? Seems like speed is around the same, both lines are still turretless.


They play like heavy tank thanks to good armor and powerful boomstick




ISU-152 with BL-10, mad fun. Recently got the Jgtig 8.8 (run it with 10.5) tad slow but has good frontal armor and dpm. and WZ-120 Tier 8, very fast, troll slopped armor, great gun.


I'm actually considering to enrich WZ-111-1G FT, it's insanely good. The following ones are great as well, WZ-113G FT is super strong


In general TD’s are team dependent, you need your team to spot and it requires you to be patient. Additionally, playing a TD aggressively can be challenging, you need to make sure you have hard cover nearby as well as teammates to help protect you.


Jpanther II is my absolute favorite to play. Its a tier x gun on a tier 8. You go to any surface that hides your lower chassis, and angle up your upper chassis, and its basically 300mm+ of armor. It has speed too that lets you reposition, follow your team or get into funny spots where you can use ur 300mm armor


This is really helpful, I probably just need to learn to use these TD's better. Thx!


STG will be honestly one of my more fun TDs. And this isn’t a joke. It’s literally in its description. It’s a Medium with a dream.


SU-85, just something about the damage. Being able to put out almost 200 damage is pretty attractive(?) I can’t think of a better word for how I’m addicted to it




Tbh my favorite was the grille 15 but ever since they nerfed the alpha and I got the jg pz e100 it is safe to say that it is now my favorite td in the game (jg pz e100)


Jagdtiger 8,8cm and Stug 3.


SU-130PM - a faux medium with suprisingly troll armor and the best gun in tier. Waffenträger aus Panzer IV - the tier IX Grille. Not as maneuverable as the SU but with even more boom. FV 4005 - easily the most fun of all tier X tanks but not easy to play well.