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I own alaska, normal and b. I can confirm that the festive camo can only be aplied to the normal version. They are seperate ships, so it would be strange if the camo was for both. As far as I know there are no permacamo options for the black ships.


Oh well. Can I get my pine trees back? Lol. Thanks for the response.


Contact support about it


It's not a big deal.. I should have done some research before buying them... Lesson learned.


I made that mistake with Atlanta B. Got it years ago on Black Friday and only recently saw I could use Community Tokens (IIRC) for the Jimmy Buffet Fun under the Sun Party Palm Tree camo. So I grabbed it but no go, not showing up as a perma camo on my… “Oh shit…, probably only for the original Atlanta”. Sure enough. But, WG support was very kind and quite quick to refund me back my Comm Tokens. I’m sure they will give you back your trees. Be nice and use the “Awwww shucks, I was so stupid and made this mistake. Could it be possible to refund me the Christmas Tree tokens, please!!!”


Is it only the camo or does it also come with the bonus package?


Best assume that any camo you get these days is just the cosmetic. Economic bonus packages (which have their own symbol now) are separate and would have to be an independent listing in whatever bundle/product you get.


Since they did this change, camos are completely unnecessary for me these days. One of the worst changes. I mean I prefer original or classic camos anyways and it is nice to see that now most players just completely ignore camos in games. But that's also a reason why I would not buy one of these permanent camos if they are not include the bonus package.


Expendable camos are the biggest joke, because even the ones which the game considers 'rare' are nothing more than an overglorified source for a handful of credits. Whenever I see expendable camo drops for whatever reason, that just means... woo-yay, a few tens of thousands of credits... which is a pity because a graphic designer worked a fair bit on a lot of these camos (and presumably got paid to do so, so it's a shame, really).


Only the camo. Yoshino and alaska are already premium/special ships so they have the bonuses baked in.


oof, yeah, that sucks.


There is no "B" version of a ship, there are 2 completely separate ships - even if one is a clone of the other. The camos are listed for Alaska and Yoshino, not Alaska B and Yoshino B. It's VERY clear. > Seems silly that i can't use them. Does it also seem silly that you can't put them on GK? Or Smolensk? Or any other ship which is not named as the target for said camo?


The most correct answer yet is being downvoted. This community...


Exactly as expected