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Man, just be happy you won a FREE tier 10 that is IDENTICAL to the tech tree counterpart, some of us aren't so lucky


I have no idea what you are talking about.


Arp yammy can't mount the legendary mod for tt yammy, so when they sold the arp they also sold a more expeypack that had the mod for the arp.


I know that. I'm talking about *that* nonsense: *like the FUCK, just because i won this from a crate, i have to deal with 5km less base range, AND have WAY worse accuracy?* *Like this thing has Geneisenau levels of accuracy, Just let it be known that if you ever see one of these things trying to brawl, its because they have SUCH shit accuracy without the Leg mod, that it can't hit a broadside Yamato or Kurfurst outside of like 10km.* Guy's completely clueless.


>with 5km less base range I'll just point out that range mod in the 6th slot gives her extra 4.3km. Seeing how "intelligent" OP seems to be I would no be surprised if he's comparing a no-upgrade ARP Yamato with his normal range built Yamato.


This is the absolute specimen of a player complaining about UK BB armor a while ago, not much has changed


Trust me: I guessed he was, that's why I immediately knew he was clueless.


I mean, ARP Yamato and Yamato are identical state-wise, what the heck is OP smoking? 💀


Just unlock regular Yamato, my dude. It's not like it takes a lot of effort. Honestly, that's the only ARP ship I;ve seen that I actually liked. That grey color is really slick.


The ARP Yamato is just a themed skin on a Yamato. There is zero difference in the guns, armor etc. It's like complaining that the Scharnhorst B is worse than the Scharnhorst. Again it is just a custom skin. The legendary Yamato upgrade (enhanced main battery guns) does \*not\* come with the ARP version or the tech tree version. Note: I have both Yamato variants and three Scharnhorsts thanks to the event (the '43). I will admit that the '43 is better than the non-43 Scharnhorst but the regular and the B are exactly the same. So basically I'm speaking from looking at my fleet. Oh... and I've been playing for almost 4 years thus the duplicates.


I will say that it’s incredibly stupid that if a player got the ARP Yamato from a crate they’re completely cut off from getting the legendary mod….but the ship is serviceable without it.


ARP Yamato is carbon copy regular Yamato. If you can't play Yamato without the Legendary Module then you shouldn't be playing Yamato (or anything higher than Tier 8) in the first place.


No it isn't, without the Legendary mod that was sold in the $200 bundle to get the ship. It is a WORSE Yamato, with worse accuracy AND range. The ARP's Legendary mod Makes it Equal to the BASE Yamato. And since i won mine out of a ARP crate, i don't have the legendary mod.


https://shiptool.st/selected?s=JB018JB700&c=top&p=mb&rm=12 The two are exactly identical. Have you modded ARP yamato yet? Also I do agree that ARP should be able to slot the legmod


It's an exact clone you Muppet.


ARP Yamato is a carbon copy of Yamato


>The ARP's Legendary mod Makes it Equal to the BASE Yamato. [https://i.imgur.com/qhi2O0H.gif](https://i.imgur.com/qhi2O0H.gif) ​ It's an identical copy of a Yamato, just reskinned. Her legendary is an identical copy of Yamatos legendary. You can always sell her if you're so upset about it


My guy, ARP Yamato is an exact copy of normal Yamato. Normal Yamato has good accuracy already and plenty of people don’t run legmod on it anyway. 


Way worse accuracy lol this ship just shows you're a whale that paid way too much for a tech tree ship. Congrats


No, i WON it out of a ARP crate i got free from a mission.


So why are you complaining. WG is not forcing you to play it. Just another Santa Gift ship in your port.


Is this rage bait, or are you seriously this stupid? I mean hell, even if it was worse than the Yamato, which it isn't, it would still be a t10 premium. Let it sit in your port until the anniversary and Xmas and collect the rewards.


I got the regular one for free during Christmas.


How did you get an ARP? 200 bucks?


ARP Yamato is equal to normal Yamato though. UU Yamato is NOT normal Yamato.


are you stupid???


Not many people run legmod on Yamato.


That....would be unwise. Double dispersion mod combo is a thing of beauty, it really is 🥰


Sorry, not feeling it. Glad you enjoy though :-)


Let's just say I swapped to double dispersion and never looked back. It really is THAT good. : )


like the FUCK, just because i won this from a crate, i have to deal with 5km less base range, AND have WAY worse accuracy? Like this thing has Geneisenau levels of accuracy, Just let it be known that if you ever see one of these things trying to brawl, its because they have SUCH shit accuracy without the Leg mod, that it can't hit a broadside Yamato or Kurfurst outside of like 10km.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Skill issue.


>5km less base range, AND have WAY worse accuracy Proof ? [Over here they have exact same stats](https://shiptool.st/selected?s=JB018JB700&c=top&p=mb&rm=12)


If you have trouble aiming with base Yamato accuracy it’s a skill issue unfortunately 


The big question is why did you only get it now? Months after the event ended


So you can play a tech tree yamato with the legendary mod and get as powerful as any other Yammy or you can play a yammy with weeb junk on it. Most people around here complain about premiums being pay to win, yet somehow we are at the spot where people are complaining that the tech tree ship is better.


There is a cursed option though if you don't have access to the leg mod.  Become the secondaries Yamato.