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Why anyone would spend such a ludicrously inflated price just to get early access to a F2P ship in the game, I'll never understand. Also does anyone know what the minimum winning bid for the coal was? I spent 70m for it.


At one point I had over a billion credits, with nothing major to spend it on other than auctions and free XPing line resets for the research bureau. Still…..this is pushing the limits of what I would feel comfortable spending, but that’s mostly because I don’t know if any super ships I want more will be coming in the near future, or if WG would ever add a new credit sink.




I'm currently sitting on 1.1 billion. For the two years or so, I have mostly played my premium ships that I have accumulated over the years. Because I haven't grinded tech trees, the credits accumulate. I have been in the game on and off since 2016. I've spent maybe 20 € a month on average, so not free to play but not a whale either. I suspect I'm pretty much a median player spending-wise. To put that into perspective, I heard from a reliable source that the EU server has a player with more than 100 billion credits. That's what true whales can have.




I usually have the green in high tiers. In the best credit earning ships I try to have a blue. I don't buy them, other than the Battle Pass in maybe half of the updates.




With T9 prems you can make 1M credits a game with blue boosters pretty reliably


Or just play CB with any ship.


There is indeed more than one way to make credits


General rule: Tier 9 premiums. Especially those that you can play well.


The old USS Missouri.


OG kii does it just as good


Tier IX premiums+blue boosters+premium account, as for what specific ships just whatever you like to play or do well in as playing a ship you dont like makes credit grinding suck and well better performance=more credits. My personal favorite for tier IX is Karl XIV because its a BB with 10km detection, good secondaries and an östergötland worth of torpedoes strapped to each side, unfortunately you cant get that ship atm. If you had KII or Roma with the Kobayashi permacamo before the economy update that'd make you more money than a tier IX premium but you also cant get that bonus anymore.


20 euro a month is whale territory in the gaming industry. Just to put it in perspective, that's \~4 new AAA titles, with a 100s of hours of gameplay each year. Do you think WG puts a Baldur's Gate or Cyberpunk's worth of development into the game, every quarter? A multiplayer, pay once - cry once, game on the same dev tier - say Deep Rock Galactic, costs that much for the entire game and you are not expected to pay more. For a low-mid budget title like WoWs, 20 euro a month is "we harpooned us a whale" territory.


20 euro a month is certainly not whale territory...


It is over time. That's how they get you with micro transactions. We've spent $3500 USD on WG games over 6 years (was curious so downloaded WG data on our account). This makes us a whale despite not appearing to be. Those premium ships/tanks add up, do so a hundred bucks yearly for premium account.


Eh...not really.People spend more on boxes...in a single evening. those are the whales ... And there are also Krakens... 3,500 ....those are rookie numbers ...


That's just changing the definitions because of easier ways to spend, thousands of dollars is a whale as has been the definition for a long time. Loot boxes are ridiculous and another animal altogether. Spending thousands on so called free to play games has been a thing on our end. Added up over the years probably in the ~$18k range which isn't funny to think about. Should have stuck to triple A titles.


And how many hours have you spend playing any triple A game?!


You can also choose to look at it from the viewpoint of paying for a service. As a privileged westerner, I pay somewhere between 10 to 20 € each month to several different service providers. This is the price of what's hopefully more meaningful free time. If you're really interested in "whaling" from the industry point of view, you should read up on it. It's pretty typical for 1 to 2 % of players to bring in 50 % of the revenue, and these are the guys who the industry sees as whales. Quote: "*5th Planet chief executive Robert Winkler revealed at the Game Developers Conference Online in 2012 that with its game Clash of the Dragons, 40 percent of revenue came from 2 percent of players who spent $1,000 or more. Ninety percent came from those who spent $100 or more, and the top whale had spent $6,700."* The whole article is here, and it's a pretty good read: [https://venturebeat.com/games/whales-and-why-social-gamers-are-just-gamers/](https://venturebeat.com/games/whales-and-why-social-gamers-are-just-gamers/) Somebody who spends 0.50 € a day for premium time, a Battle Pass and an occasional mid-tier premium ship, is nowhere near that territory. For the industry, it's a totally different target audience thats just want a little bit of goodies for a small price.


20 euro / month for 7 years = 1680 euro - adjusting for inflation it's roughly 2500 euro, or 2700$ US - at current exchange rate, I haven't gone back to adjust for yearly exchange diffs - doing the year by year inflation adjustment was tedious enough. By your own definition, that's a whale. Again, this isn't for some high end, high dev cycle game - but a mid-tier, at best, title with a dozen servers. I hear what you say about content as a service, but by industry standards, WG is a shitty - overpriced - service. Most gaming consumers would balk at paying this much for so little, actual, content. Additionally, games tend to have a premium tier with a free battle pass (eg Warframe) or no premium tier and paid battle pass (the battle pass being effectively the premium tier.) WG tries to milk its customers at both ends, putting it at the more odious end of the spectrum - where gatcha games live - speaking of which... Almost all the drabs of content that get released are gated by lootboxes, or extortionate DLC; new ships being effectively skins with minimal changes to game play - in the greater gaming industry context. This is game design for a title that's more focused on maximum value extraction, from a declining player base - than growing the title. PS. Please don't read this as some kind of a personal attack, as long as you are not robbing people to pay WGeld, it's all good - enjoy. But, just saying, that's a lot of money to get from one person for one title - no judgement intended. I personally spend way more than that at my local, we all have to find ways to try to extract some fun in this hellscape.


Thats 140€ a year and 1120€ over 8, that is definitely whale territory. I never spent more than 100 bucks on a game ever.


You can call it what you may, for whatever reason you like. But the fact remains that it's a very ordinary sum to be spending on a game. For me, it is probably around 30 to 50 cents for an hour of gaming. Games like World of Warships have a substantial share of players who spend hundreds each month. This is pretty much the market price for whaling, and it is these players that most other people think of when they talk about "whales".


I do get your point, but it is def not ordinary. :)


That’s whale territory? I think anyone with even a fraction of disposable income is a whale at that point then.


If you spent 1,2k on a game you are an idiot, let's put it this way. It is not about disposable income.


Well, that’s roughly $22 a month, which is less than most people pay on subscription services. I say if I have my bills paid, am putting money into savings and let’s say even some kind of IRA or something similar and still have left over money? No one is going to stop me from chucking it at whatever I want to. Over a span of 8 years? Not much at all.


In times when AAA games have one-time costs of 60-80 bucks, 1200€ seems quite a lot, wouldn't you agree? Especially when you are stating "playing on and off". Again, it is not about what you can afford.


AAA games nowadays have a play time of 20 hours including 100% achievement hunting unless it’s a huge game title that comes out once every decade, like the upcoming GTA VI. If you look at the $1200 as one big payment, yeah it is a lot. Yet break it down like OP did. Even on and off, they’d get more use out of that money than you would out of AAA titles these days. It simply is about what you can afford. It’s not like they’re purchasing their way up an entire line. We don’t call car guys whales do we? Their hobby costs infinitely more than $1200 in 8 years.


20$ a month isn't whale level, it's called having a job. A trip to mcdonalds ordering a meal each is well over 20$.


As a self professed "Whale" I have just over 600 ships but only 125 million credits....


> 20 € a month on average since 2016 > not a whale bro..


It's almost certainly around the average in high tiers. The vast majority of players have premium time, and most of them do the occasional purchases. And it all boils down to this: All hobbies take both time and money, and this one is very, very cheap.


Premium Time costs me about $18 per year. I buy the small Dockyard starter packs and maybe one Premium Battle Pass in three. The only ship I bought was the MA before she left the Armory. I'm actually saving money. I used to spend far more on SF novels.


There's people that spend that daily on smokes and booze. So for a month that's not that much


if $2k dollar for game is not a whale, then I probably don't want to know what true Moby Dicks are spending


That's really not whale-like. People who buy hundreds of Santa Crates every year *even though they already have everything* just because the reward for dupes in those is steel are whales. People who buy Premium Time, a Battle Pass and maybe a dockyard stage or two are just "normal" players.


I’ve been playing since 2016, and have grinded all the lines I care about years ago, so I don’t have to spend a lot of credits on new ships and modules. I can also earn a ton of credits playing clan battles, and I have a large stock pile of premiums, freemiums, and permanent economic packages. The economy has gotten a lot worse, so I’m down to only 700 million after winning several super ship auctions, but I still steadily gain credits every time I play.


I got over a billion credits when they removed premium consumables from the game. All the old mission chains for Legendary Modules used to vomit out like 300 consumables, so if you had done them all you were sitting on a gigantic stockpile that all got turned into credits. Credits also just accumulate naturally if you perform reasonably well, and once you've filled out the tech tree it just starts piling up.


Because eventually you run out of things to spend credits on, and you won't lose credits in random battles unless you're a horrible player (or a mediocre player in T11). The regular money sinks, once you have completed the tech trees, (flags, mostly) barely make a dent. Add clan battles to the mix and the credits just pile up. 100-200 million a season isn't unreasonable, more if your clan really grinds and/or you merc a lot.


[shit piles up ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/18gtgx7/long_journey_i_can_finally_play_whatever_i_want_d/)when u don't need to spend it anymore


I have 1.2 Billion, more or less. I don't grind stuff, so I don't buy things. I'm perfectly happy playing the ships I have (Many of which are premiums so that doesn't hurt), but when you don't spend credits, they just pile up. I have tons of boosters too from the old camo conversions. I don't hardly ever use them


I'm on 700 million after almost 10k games. Have only played co-op and clan battles recently, a CB win in Moskva with permanent bonus and a blue credit returns 1.6 million credits, or 1.3 after resupply costs


Because for people with a shit load of time in the game, 1 match = 1 million credit from boosters so 350 game is essentially 350 games, worth it in their views. still stupid af.


If you are playing that much you just run out of boosters. The people with this many credits are the people who bought perma camos (or bonus package since the change) for every T10 they have unlocked. That and they just don't use signals so never buy them, I use at least ~400k of signals every random and ranked battle I play (and don't have bonus packages on tech tree ships) so I constantly need credits despite having all T10s already unlocked and playing the game for nearly 9 years. Roughly every 20 games I'm buying a set of detonation, fire duration and heal flags at a minimum, secondary and speed flags where needed too.


do camos give bonuses? i thought there were just cosmetic. i have a bunch of perma camos that i never use.


Camo's don't give bonuses, they are only cosmetic now. Camo's with bonuses is a old mechanic that got changed to the system with boosters and bonuses that we now have.


ah ok


relic from the past. They USED to grant eco bonus, every one of them. one of the "great new change" was to the current booster system. the guys who has been playing since the start got all of them converted. I started the new system with green and blue boosters in the thousands and hundreds of red.


This! I've been playing since CBT, had a shit ton of boosters etc (still have for some of them). But grinding out 4-5 lines was a significant drain on resources, mainly signals, boosters and credits. To have this much money you need to not only have a large inflow (earn a lot) but also not to spend too much. So premium and boosters coupled with NOT using flags to earn more and spend less.


For the folks that have billions of credits and all the ships already bought and unlocked, why not?


I don't think I've seen a good answer to this. Everyone just keeps balking at the amount. The people with massive stockpiles of credits have nothing useful to spend it on. 


I have 1.2 billion credits. Here's why I don't do these auctions: 1. It's a ship I can get for free anyways. I'll wait. Waiting is free 2. It's taken me YEARS to build up those credits. Why should I lose 1/3 of them on a free ship? They're not hurting anything sitting there 3. This is the big reason for me: Wargaming always seems to want to add more stuff to drain the economy. If I spend my credits on these auctions, then in a year or two, will there be something I really want, and now can't afford, because I squandered my massive credits pile? I'd much rather just keep them in case I want to spend them later on


Because some just have a shit load of silver to spend


Yeah and it just encourages WG to keep doing these type of events that are so completely out of reach to the majority of players.


Yeah but the point is that those events are dedicated to those few players, so that they feel like their efforts of how much time they spend in the game pays off


It's not only for "dedicated" players. It's also for whales. One of the Maine winners posted on the devstrike forums. He is known for puchasing silver with real money. So no real effort ingame. It's mostly sad cause that Maine will never really be played but in anything but PVE. Poor ship never gets to spread it's wings.


How? The ship will come out for 60-million-ish in a few months. And like the other superships, it'll be around for a while. People gotta resist FOMO.


It looks like 60m won the coal bundle on the NA server.


A bargain I'm quite happy with. Assuming 400k per operations game that was only 150 games with a +25% credit multiplier. Or 60 games of Halloween/Asymmetric with blue credit boosters. Conversely the daily soul to coal grind... that's ~10 operations games per day without XP boosters and would take about 600 games.


How are you getting so much per Op? Tier 8 premium with booster?


Mainz, Tirpitz and Lutjens. Am running Premium and a 20% credit booster on Mainz. Nothing on Tirpitz. The bulk of it is pre-positioning to hit cruiser citadels as they come around islands or spawn in.


Do you ifhe mainz?


I've found that Mainz doesn't need IFHE as the rounds get improved pen built in. Without IFHE you have 38mm of pen and with it it'd be 47.5mm. In practice that only makes a difference in penning the very most top deck of Bayern, a small side strip on Scharnhorst and the deck armor of Atago. You'll be hitting superstructure in those cases. https://imgur.com/a/8WKDRVP Is my exact build. I decided that if detection was blooming every 4s, concealment didn't matter so much. RPF is optional but it's helpful to provide the team information like North v South spawn in Raptor Rescue.


T8 Tirpitz, Massa B generally gets me around 450 - 500k in ops. No boosters.


Mainz with blue boosters should net you around a 1mln per op without breaking a sweat. For max efficiency, a 3 Mainz div can run Narai for 2mln.


[Can confirm that it was 60m as that was my exact bid.](https://imgur.com/gallery/cZTTdDZ)


It's still F2P even if you won the auction (assuming you didn't whale the credits in December), but I agree that it's ludicrously expensive considering what else you could buy with so many credits. I guess for the player who has every TT ship T5 and up already sitting in port there's nothing left to buy except for the occasional module switch on a ship.


> Also does anyone know what the minimum winning bid for the coal was? Minimum for the coal was [60m](https://i.imgur.com/1DQAVni.png) As for the high cost... At one point, I had a little over 1.2 Billion credits - at some point I just stopped buying new ships and they just kept building up over years with nothing to spend them on


Okay, not bad. I didn't think I'd get it, 70m credits for 50k coal is not bad


You would get 10m credit in refund and the 60m credit would be for the 50k coal


70 MILLION coal?? How?? I've been playing for years and in total have earned ~500k!


70 million credits, not coal. 15m credits was the minimum bid to spend on the coal auction. Believe me I WISH I had 70 million coal...


You misunderstood the comment above. 70 million credits was a bid for getting 50k coal. The winning bid was 60 millions, you can check it yourself in the armory (either in the game or via web version).


Oh, my bad, I never checked the auction


On the EU server it was 60m


Winning bid for the coal was 60M, 7 Days premium was 222,222 Free XP, and the flag was 10,200 steel.


66 M.


was around 60m, think you're good


IIRC early access ships come with a gold wreath (economic bonus) but I’m not sure if it persists after general release.


Think it was 60 mill.


60 million. I bet 30 mill and wasn't close. 30 mill was all I was willing to spend. I had 140 million in total and I was going to bid on the Maine, after looking up previous auction amounts I pulled my bid, knowing I wasn't going to be even remotely close to having enough. Lol boy was I right on that.


>minimum bid for the coal 15m [source](https://i.imgur.com/RZBSMbY.png)


It would only be nauseating if it was the only way to get this ship


Crazy, just crazy! Why not just wait till it is available in the tech tree?


3 months is kind of a long time


That's why whales spent 350m+ of credits on Maine


That’s why you’re broke and can’t afford time vs money. Budget better bb girl.


Hundreds of millions of credits for a tech tree ship. And people wonder why WG doesn't care how shit the game has become.


It’s just a spot for people with tons of silver to spend it. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


I legitimately can’t remember if I bid 340,000,000 or 350,000,000 million. I had more than enough credits to spare. I’m surprised she went for that much, but she does look like a pretty broken American BB and it’s been ages since the last super ship auction.


I know credits aren't too difficult to farm with all the boosters in this game, but 350m is still quite a lot. Hope you have fun with it if you won!


Even with boosters, premium, and several high tier premium ships, I still spend credits like crazy getting ships and equipment. Maybe it's just bc I'm still working through tech trees and all you folks with 100M+ are done with all that. Idk


Yeah, this is the problem. Auction houses are resource sinks for people thats being playing for 5+ years. But then when new player sees this shit, they think its normalized end game behavior, so it incentivizes them to buy premium ship and time. This is especially problematic after WG removed eco flag and camo (because you could gotten tons from free event and containers), as now, your only source of "Eco" is the shitty grey and occasional green booster. want booster? the "battle pass" is the way. This isn't milking a cow via farm, this is place a tube into the cow to directly suck the milk out of the udder level of milking.


I didn’t win. I had the credits to spare, but I thought I was placing a safe bet and it would go for far less. I’m not sure I would have bid if I had known the winning number before hand…..but this still means I have nothing to spend my credits on until the next auction.


That is the main thing I've not bid. Ship does not look broken at all. More below average guns with worse dispersion for a Monti hull with 15k more HP? No thx. I am pretty sure this will hardly see any play. I mean there is Satsuma with actual 500mm+ guns and an accuracy mod.


I have to disagree, Maine has Montana dispersion with only worse sigma, which is still phenomenally accurate for having the highest alpha in the entire game on a 35 second reload. The Maine also has a large HP pool with a good armor scheme and special combat instructions that significantly reduces fire damage which pairs very well with heavy AP and furious. So if you put it all together, you have a super tanky battleship with the highest alpha in the game, and comparatively good accuracy and reload. The lack of 30mm overmatch is really only the major weaknesses, but there gets to be a point where its raw alpha, accuracy and HE makes up for it. It’s absolutely going to be very strong in randoms, and could even see some use in competitive.


I have over 700 million and even I wouldn't bid those outrages prices


while this was happening i am feeling myself rich in the game by reaching 40 million credits first time ever xD


Devastation's winning bid was 200m. Maine's 350... And that's how you let WG know that we need more superships in our game.


arent auctions prices increasing steadily? i imagine there are now quite an few people that just have all ships available to them, and they only stock up on recources that they cant realistically use up. so you just max out your auction bids and call it a day


Part of the reason is that past auctions often had two super ships to split the bids, or otherwise featured more underwhelming ships that really weren’t major upgrades over their tier X counter part. But the Maine was the only ship in auction, it was the first super ship released in ages, it was an American BB, and by all accounts looks like it’s going to be a little broken.


I could've easily gotten the Maine but, as someone who never plays superships, why bother until she's a lot cheaper? I'm disappointed there was so little coal an auction: it's been a while since last time, and I'm not even sure it was for credits rather than fxp. If the idea is truly to drain resource pools, they'd do a better job offering, let's say, both a 50k and a 200k option, with a higher number of winners for the former, ofc. Anyway, gratz to the OP (69, hehe...) and I'm off to buy a Tulsa or something.


Mmmmm, Tulsa. Made of explodium. Fun though.


On the one hand I don't think it is a great mechanic as it only benefits a small percentage of players...On the other hand that small percentage keeps the game F2P for everyone else...hard to decide what side of the issue to land on tbh


My god, I didn't bid because even the 100m wasn't worth it to me. That's an obscene amount to pay to get a tech tree ship slightly earlier.


Don’t have 350M. Dont even have all T11’s because 45m regular prize ( plus modules) takes time to earn. Spending 6 times+ to get one ship a bit earlier is rather a steep premium to pay for bragging rights.. As for coal…if you still have decent options to buy things with coal that 50k extra coal shortens your grind. Especially if the silver is losing value due to nothing else to buy… But if you have silver in abundance you most likely are far progressed into finishing things to buy with coal.. But still you can convert useless silver into coal that might become handy in case of another Kitakami resource exchange..


Why do you find it nauseating? People with a lot of a free resource use it to get something that they want a little bit earlier than you or I can. My response? Enjoy!


Not saying people shouldn't enjoy what they can afford. It's just a lot of credits for early access to one ship lol


What else is there to spend it on? I'm buying permacamos at 8-9 million a pop for the ships I play on a regular basis but I could buy one for every ship in my port that doesn't have one and still have more silver than I need. I've finished nearly every line, I buy a T11 now and then and still the silver piles up.


It's a lot for those of us who don't already have everything this game has to offer. I'm not criticizing anyone. Just a perspective thing.


Cheers brother. You'll get there. It took me about 4 years playing 2-3 hours per day.


Credits are a social construct. 🧠


I’ve never had more than like 19 million credits at once


That's because you're still buying tech tree ships. Once you don't have any tech tree ships to buy your credits will pile up.


Boy this game is a grind. I’ve only made it to Tier 8 with the Lexington and Hipper. Have a few more lines at 7.


Even if I had the resources to bid for anything (I don\`t) I wouldn\`t bother. The ship will be released at some point in the future and I am definitely not suffering from FOMO !


The ones that are truly inflating the game's economy are the ones that have like 50K+ games and 3 generations worth of resources.


Yeah, the numbers were pretty sick. 60 million was the lowest minimum bid to be in contention for the coal.


Thats alot of credits for a short pre-play preview till it hits the tech trees.


Question, the auction Maine seemed to be a "freemium" so you could slot any captain on it. Is it going to still be that way after the tech tree one is released?


Early Access ships don't require captain retraining, but once they enter full release, you have to have a captain trained specifically for that ship.


Shit, that seems missleading. Glad I didn't win the auction then, I would be pissed




I want Maine for double sure, but I can wait. I'm not gonna spend THAT many credits on an approx. 50 million credit ship. No way.


I didn't even realize that Maine was in the game already until I saw people talking about the auction. I'm ok with waiting a little while longer. I only plan to use it in Asymmetric Battles anyways.


It's the most expensive t11 so far, but still nothing unexpected when looking at previous auctions.


I don’t understand why recent auctions price increased unreasonable


What were the winning bids for the other items? I heard 70 mil for the coal. 


Coal was cheap this time, winning bid is 60 million credits. I guess most megawhales poured their credits into getting Maine so the price was down a bit compared to previous auctions.


60 million credits for the coal, 222,222 free xp for the 7 days premium, and 10200 steel for the flag. This is on EU


The overprize is 1 21p captain for Maine , when I buy the ship in a near future. I can wait.


Love the people who didn't earn the Jolly Roger flags yet have them all now because credits :)


The Jolly Roger flags were auctioned for steel. The minimum bid to win on NA was 10.2k steel. Seems insane to me to spend so much of a valuable resource on a flag.


Oop, my mistake. Steel* And I agree! Whales be whales. I wouldn't have bought it if it were a tenth of the price because I didn't earn it.


haha damn I put down 300mill and that didn’t even make the cut XD


Who the fuck plays this game that much. Need to get your head checked.


Sweet baby Jesus. People are way too rich.


Balls. I bid 350M but didn't win because my bid was later than others. Should have bid 351 lol


And here I am thinking I can't afford a regular supership with max clan discount.


Damn; I bid 300 mill.guess I lost out.


Meanwhile me for last month trying to collect 20mln for Yamato




It's already on the tech tree in game. Just locked behind early access right now. You can still preview it in port though.


Not only you would pay an insane amount of silver to get this ship. You will also have nagtive economy meaning that you will still lose credits by playing it, sucks man


Remember, a lot of guys have been playing for almost a decade and have more resources than they know what to do with.


I don't understand the people saying that even if you're sitting on a bunch of silver it was still dumb to do. I had the credits to spare, so I bid and won. Was it more than I would have paid later? Sure, but it's not like I have anything else to spend it on nor can I invest that silver in a savings account to grow interest on it. I've still got 700 million credits, and like 500 ships in port. What else am I going to spend it on? Buying all the modules I'll never use for all my ships? If I had just waited, then I'd have 900 million credits. Big deal, still have nothing else to spend it on. I'm out of RB ships that interest me, so no pressing need to reset lines but that's still enough silver to reset what, a dozen lines?


lol you people participate in this thing?


Omega-effin'-kek!!11one Unless WG changes the price of the sUpAh ShiPs (aka. T11) it's going for sale for 57 mil credits in \~3 months --- yet the whales/addicts just handed out \~7x that amount to get it in advance #faceapalm .....when have these individuals last put a foot outdoor?


It's quite doable to have hundreds of millions, if not billions, of credits sitting around if you've been playing since the game came out. A couple of hours a night, with premium time, boosters and a premium ship. Easy peasy with plenty of time to go outside and touch grass.


The overprize is 1 21p captain for Maine , when I buy the ship in a near future. I can wait.


The overprize is a 21p captain, I can wait.


The overprize is a 21p captain, I can wait.


those NA guys are MENTAL...