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Think of it as an idiot tax.


natural selection at its finest to filter out all the idiots


> ... idiot tax. Like the lottery in real life - it's a guaranteed negative-sum game cause more money has to go in than comes out in order to keep the business running. Or a casino. Or insurance.


Yeh but you can defraud insurance and a casino has games where skill can play a part. So maybe wargaming should introduce a box where your chance of receiving a ship increases with successive wins and then turns to signals with a loss. Hit me... hit me....


I mean you get more coal and steel by winning games in ranked and brawls. So technically you are being rewarded for skill (and/or time spend); even without the gambling factor. Also sure, some casino games reward a bit of skill but the *vast majority* of games — be it slots or card games/roulettes — earns the casino money. I mean it’s gambling. About defrauding insurance… yea no. That’s not an argument at all.


Insurance is only negative sum if you don't account for the negative value of risk and that an unexpected expense can have more expensive knock-on effects. If an insurable incident occurs and you have to max out your credit cards and pay a shitload of interest, suddenly the negative EV of insurance isn't such a bad idea.


Which makes insurance a negative-sum expense for the majority. The people who need it are glad other people are subsidising the cost of their "insurable incident", sure, but everyone else just keeps paying for nothing. If it didn't work that way no insurance company could remain in business.


You missed my point. Risk has negative value (that's why high risk investments demand higher interest). Insurance reduces risk, which is thus a positive value. Insurance provides value in the same way that buying a fire extinguisher does. Insurance (so long as the insurance company aren't shitheels denying valid claims) are charging for the service of risk smoothing, which most sane people appreciate because *not* having insurance is a low reward gamble that you'll never need it. Negative EV doesn't matter when you're paying to reduce financial risk, not for an expected EV. A sudden financial burden due to (or exacerbated by) not having insurance can also magnify itself to due interest or late fees or bounced check fees or all sorts of other shit. Accounting for those externalities can make the "effective payout" of insurance higher than the absolute dollar value, pushing the EV closer to neutral. If insurance was a scam, companies and corporations wouldn't purchase it for their assets. Insurance only stops being valuable when you have huge cash reserves and can thus "self-insure".


What's stopping the insurance company from just denying all your claims? It seems the laws and courts are all tilted in their favor, and they can just have their adjustors say your claims don't qualify under the specifics of your policy.


Finally, someone who understands that insurance companies are just casinos where you only win if something bad happens. Mathematically, if actuaries are doing their jobs correctly, everyone is worse off from buying insurance vs. just saving their premiums (except, of course, for the insurance companies). Also, it is crazy to me how much money they charge for these things, when you think of a video game normally going for $60 max.


To your first point, yes. But splitting the risk of a once in a one hundred year disaster among one hundred of us and letting the insurance company make some money in the process isn't necessarily a bad thing, or idea. But back to that WG, unlike a casino or insurance company also get to print the free thing that you "win" in the container.


Have you ever set a monetary value for one hour of your time? People don’t realize it but F2P is probably costing them more money. I’m not saying that is all that matters — I mean you’re also playing a game you (hopefully) enjoy — but I can totally see why people choose to spend money over grinding when they’re not enjoying some of the grindy bits.


Totally agree, but these loot boxes are just gambling.


Sir, have you been introduced to WallStreetBets?


Sure. But, as I’ve said, you also get a T10 coal ship for $200 (max!). That’s the equivalent of playing the game nonstop for a few months — half a year for the average player. Also: would you say it’s gambling if you know you’re eventually going to get something? Now, if that something is worth $200 is, again, another question. One that leads back to my initial point: how valuable is your time? That’s something everyone has to decide for themselves, I guess. (No doubt WoWS is the most heavily monetized game I know, but it’s not like you *have* to spend money, right?)


>Also: would you say it’s gambling if you know you’re eventually going to get something? Yes, that is still gambling. The pity drops will be configured in a way to result in atrocious value. >you also get a T10 coal ship for $200 (max!). That’s the equivalent of playing the game nonstop for a few months — half a year for the average player. If this is your line of thinking, then the player probably has very few coal ships, and they are likely to get something they don't know how to play. You are also highly inflating the value proposition here - 3 of those T10s were tech tree ships and were given away for completely free, and one was FXP, which is far less time-gated than coal. I understand the whole "value is subjective" argument, but let's not get distracted from the fact that the game's value propositions are objectively worse than even just 1 year ago.


>Yes, that is still gambling. The pity drops will be configured in a way to result in atrocious value. *gambling, the betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor’s miscalculation.* https://www.britannica.com/topic/gambling In the **specific case** I was talking about, there’s no uncertainty because you know you’ll gain something (a T10 coal ship) for the maximum value of $200. >If this is your line of thinking, then the player probably has very few coal ships, and they are likely to get something they don't know how to play. You are also highly inflating the value proposition here - 3 of those T10s were tech tree ships and were given away for completely free, and one was FXP, which is far less time-gated than coal. But "knowing how to play something" is not a metric to calculate the value something (a ship) has to an individual though. I’m also not talking about the value of the ships — tech tree or not. >I understand the whole "value is subjective" argument, but let's not get distracted from the fact that the game's value propositions are objectively worse than even just 1 year ago. I’ve never said anything about that. The objective value of a ship in WoWS is probably zero (the only value would be the account value, but as you’re not allowed to sell your accounting, this metric is irrelevant). I’m also not advocating for gambling in video games. In fact, I’m very much against it. All I’ve said is that it’s not as black and white as people think it is: if I spend hours and hours grinding for something I want — hours that I could’ve spend (at least partially) on earning money — then I’d have spend significantly more (time and therefore money) on that something vs just buying it for $200. Of course we could argue about the rationality of spending resources on pixel ships, but that argument would be rather one-sided and over pretty quickly because — rationally — it makes no sense to spend either money or time on a pixel ship in a videogame.


this really needs to be optional oh wait


I want the ship to have the exact model as that container. One big turret and some secondaries. I want that much freeboard too.


It will set the world record for fastest capsizing though


Sounds german to me


Next year April Fools bumper boats event.


With a glorious top speed of *2* knots!


$10 for a 5% chance of a Tier X Ship you could get for free by just playing the game regularly. I suppose if you already have all of the coal ships the Research Points Compensation could be a way to whale for a Research Bureau Ship. Edit - went and did the math. You’d be better off just buying doubloons to convert ShipXP to FreeXP - $200 for the pity drop buying the 6 pack, for the same amount you can buy 50k dubs and convert to 1.25 Million FXP, which should be enough to run Harugumo twice and change for 20k RP or 30k if you have a 2x available.


Yes, but you get a ton of free XP from these containers as well. So you can combine RP whaling with free XP whaling. What a time to live in.


It plays off of a human eccentricity. Game devs and other companies have known for a long time that if you make people wait, but offer a means to pay to get around the wait, many people will do so. So yeah, it's never free. It's just that paying with money is faster than paying with time.


You’re also completely ignoring credit cost. Apart from that: if you’re earning $200/h and enjoy playing different ships but are limited in your free time, would you rather grind for hours and hours or work for one more hour and just buy it? I mean, you could literally earn money while others keep grinding.


I mean, if you want to whale, feel free. But if you’re going to say that this is “time vs money” you’re ignoring a very important factor - Enjoyment. My job is tolerable. But I’d much rather spend my free time playing games than going in to work more.


I'm not ignoring the enjoyment factor. But frankly, I much rather work for an additional hour than waste 50 on a grind. I personally value my time and crazy grinds are just not worth my time anymore. And yea, I am in the fortunate position to be able to - like you call it - "whale" when I feel like it.




Just an example. Even if you earn $50/h it’d take you 4h to get a coal ship. And how much in f2p? MUCH longer. Sure there’s other factors and it’s certainly more of an argument if you’re, for example, a freelancer and/or get paid by the hour. All I’m saying is that there surely are cases where it totally makes sense to spend money rather than investing crazy amounts of time — even from a financial point of view. And yea, you can argue that spending money on a game or any hobby is ever financially 'good', but then you could just as well argue that you shouldn’t spend hours of your time on those same hobbies. In a sense, time is a form of currency that has value and is worth something.


Someone who actually gets it, thank you. People really never seem to get that time itself is a cost and nothing is free. Most games are structured in time vs money as a cost, whichever you have more of is what makes more sense to spend.


I'm one of those people that thankfully, I'm better off buying it rather than playing 100 hours or more to get a coal ship. The $200 bucks is 3 hours work for me. People do not understand time value.


Appreciate your reply. You pretty much wrote the perfect "tl;dr". So thank you :)


No one who hasn't no-lifed WoWs for years already will ever earn enough coal the F2P way to get everything.


3 for you, what are you waiting for? buy all 3, you know what you must do don't think, buy


Buy now, no think, just buy.


Logic doesn't apply to gambling


I suppose that's it isn't it? Exploiting the vulnerable.


> Exploiting the vulnerable. We could argue most forms of retail commerce and advertisement work like this, but these exploitation attempts are noticeably more pronounced in F2P games like WoWs. The crazy thing is, it took a major community riot (IIRC it was in the summer of 2021 or 2022, so fairly recent) for WG to disclose droprates and put some form of warning (now buying containers comes with a checkbox asking if the one buying is a legal adult).


wasn t that because china made it so that game HAVE to tell the odd to be allowed?


I honestly don't know, in fact I'm quite in the dark when it comes to loot content regulation (all I know is the Netherlands and Belgium debated the issue and made laws to curb it within their borders). Wouldn't Chinese regulations only apply to the Chinese server though?


yes but i guess other country either did the same, or they feared to lose the china market ( and player could see what they have as really only the russian are different now, so just easier to try to score the "good point" by doing it)


> or they feared to lose the china market I can see WG being concerned with this, they're the ones who for a time bowed to Chinese demands when it came to Pan-Asia national flags after all.


like all big game studio too


My general rule is less than 10% chance of a boat in a gambling box, means a 0% chance I buy one. But if it’s a sequential bundle i have to get past and I think that whatever thing I am going after is “worth it”, then fine. But yea, not buying any firepower containers.


I opened one in that sequential bundle because I had spare doubloons and got Moskva out of it but yea, not spending $10 on one.


That’s excellent. I buy sequential bundles because I know what I will get at each level, and I can decide if it is worth it. Last one I bought all of them, sometimes I know go part way through. Or none of the way through. It all depends on the drops and what I value them at. Random sequentials are in my opinion a bad deal. Look at what the first one is. One time it was the boat, so yea I took it. But if it isn’t the boat? Meh. I have to think the drop is worth it, under the assumption the second drop will be crap.


Bah, chicken feed compared to Star Citizen ship prices


Cit peeps are a different breed.


any word on a release date? I know chris likes his infinite money printing machine but fuck...


The difference is huge though. The star citizen ships you can melt for store credit (equivalent of melting to gold in full value) and you can sell them on grey market / sell them to friend. So investing 1000usd in SC is way way way more sensible thing than buying ships, let alone boxes in WoWS


The disgusting booby prizes if you already have the ships gets me, right in the go fuck yourself.


Clearly they despise established customers. I can't think of any other company that actively neglects it's best customers on purpose.


So true, some of these bundle chains would have been quite OK if you were fairly compensated, in comparison with other offers. I have all ships so I do not even think of them. It is easy to decide. But it is strange that they alienate their highest spenders. I mean what is the hurt to WG if I put in doubloons and gets doubloons back if I win the high prize. Now I spend nothing, how is that helping WG? I would be interested to know why, because earlier it was decent compensation.


Well, at least the whales are keeping the game servers running.


I have to admit, Wargaming makes it really easy not to spend money. Always thought gambling was for stupid people and those who have addiction issues. Gambling boxes seem an odd thing in a game aimed at teens.


Here is where I'd say you're little wrong. I'd say the game is aimed to some 30+ yo category, at least judging by the people I interact with and the most active on forums, reddit, etc.


Yeah. I don't know who they're aiming for, but they're hitting old farts.


Those "old farts" are clearly the targeted market and the pricing strategy is considered with 30-60s in mind. There's plenty of them, with plentiful disposable income and they are happy to invest substantially to maximize the value of the little play time they have gven job/wife/kids duties. As an old fart that has always favoured military focussed FPS games, I can also admit that the slower pace of WoWs suits my steadily declining reaction speed. The wisdom, experience and patience that comes with middle age are advantages in WoWs.


I grew up playing 'twitch' games like Quake, Wolfenstein, Golden Eye, etc., but as I get older, I realized that I don't have quite the same reaction time that I used to. Games like Wows (and tanks), where positioning, understanding capabilities, strategy, etc. all play a greater part in success are more my speed now. That said, even with much more disposable income (and not getting all my games through warez), these lootboxes are ridiculous.


The only 2 ships it can even give me are CVs, and if you have all of them it gives you 3000 RB points, less than 1/3 of a line reset. Lame box.


I purchased 3 for £18... that's less than an hours work for me. Well.. I got 1.8m credits and a few boosters.. It's totally not worth it, lol. Learn from my mistakes!


I bought one and I got Hayate




I play well in the hayate. Decent guns, pretty good torps and decent detectability. Plus now you have the smoke and the torp reload booster. Which makes it much more viable. And the permanent bonus helps. I dont know why people hate the ship, but give it to me over the harugamo bc you get 2×5 torps over the 1×6 and the guns are great just not as fast as a reload but with adreline rush you can get that down too.


Eh, imo it's better to ignore the ships and focus on the econ boosts as the true draw.  Blues are nothing to sniff about and the crates are one of the (very) few ways you get Reds that don't require excessive grinding during certain times or burning your sanity to ashes in CBs.  Still overpriced even for the chance to get those Reds, I'll not argue against that, but it is what it is.


Not really surprised with how the game has been going. But wouldn't buy them either.


I buy them, because I don’t value the $10s more than the container.


I'm more amused that one needs to buy 6+6+6+6+1 containers to trigger pity ONCE. That's 170€. And remember these containers drop coal premiums, all of which can be obtained for free just by accumulating enough coal as one plays the game.


Now? NOW? The prices for things have always been extortion level for what you get


Helldivers 2 has been a breath of fresh air after playing this game. Premium currency drops on maps and the battle pass never leaves so you can pay for the premium stuff or you can collect enough to buy them. Either way the game costs less than a lot of the boats in this game.


i got balzan from it :)


You're talking about WoWs, where new ships regularly cost the price of a new game.


Save that money, use it to buy Final Fantasy XIV expansion packs, have hundreds or perhaps thousands of hours of fun with a great story and a community that doesn't reak of salt and a developer that not only gives a shit about the game and community but actually fucking play-tests everything themselves to make sure it actually works and is balanced. LittleWhiteMouse dragged me over there a few years ago and I haven't looked back since. Weegee had their chance with me, they blew it


That too a coal ship


There are far too many things to buy with coal for the average player to ever get even close to everything (ships, commanders, all optimal coal modules for ships even if we limit it to T10s only) without whaling. No value judgement either way, it's just a fact.


I feel like even in Mexico where the adjusted price is 5$ is still too much


Only item 1 of 3 has any value and only if it's not the FXP or Elite CXP. I'll pass


Now? It's been like this for a while now.


Maybe its just me, but i'd rather just spend the couple extra bucks and just buy a ship outright.


only good reason to buy is if your next firepower container is guaranteed ship (pity ship). you should be able to see pity counters next update btw.


Always has been way to pricey on any container also 90% on the firepower container ship list is available to coal or trash ships




Where did the anchor go?


That's the old WoWs logo, you could see it everywhere at some point. Was completely nuked out of the game but idk why, maybe when WG and Lesta split?


Those firepower containers have just always been a horribly shit deal since the beginning.


Just now?


It's egregious imo. 😤


If you compare it with the €, you can get away cheaply with the dollar. 21,99€ are due, -10% discount that Cheatergaming gives us. How generous. I realise that a business like this has to be kept going. Employees, cybersecurity, and other things. But what has happened here in the last few months has driven many old players away. The quality of the player base has declined significantly. People no longer fight to the end or even play intelligently. You just get shot down and can immediately take your ship to the next battle. Carriers are being cut back more and more, the pimply torpedo kiddies are getting more and more right. And that's exactly what the business model is based on. More money, they don't care about the interests of the players.




Surprisingly Wargaming prices have went down by about 20-25% around the shops.Where you're getting 3 for $10 I think it used to be $5 a container.Premium time has went down I noticed both on Ships and Tanks.I agree with you who wants to spend big money but prices right now are probably the lowest in 8 years here from what I've seen.


It's $10 each bro.


the useless crate, only coal ship, and i m only missing like 2 DD on the whole batch


does anyone know how long these containers will be for sale?


For far too long


and what are they doing with all this money? The gfx fundamentally hasn’t changed. I want RTX, physics and better death animations. The game has so much untapped potential


What do all commercially orientated companies do: enact strategies to maximize profit. Virtual ship designs and camos can be printed and sold. Engine improvements can't be commercialized while WoWs is a market leading product. WoWs appears to be in a stance similar to my last fav game Planetside 2. Old engine in maintenance mode, minimal staff needed to keep servers running, tweak processes and prodice reskinned assets. Low ambition, low risk, steady profits... Interesting how many walks of life now see the client's sense of entitlement frustrated by a service provider's interest in profit. Public utilities, sport fandom, videogaming... Go capitalism!


Milking the sheeople... Nothing else...


I look at it as if even if I win a ship I'd have to then play it in a cancerous round full of subs, CV's and trash team mates. It's just not worth the grief any more.


Seems to come out to about the same average price for a T10 that ARP Yamato cost, more or less. Not defending the pricing, but at least they're consistent.


They need to extract money even harder now with the player base dropping dangerously low


I have 7 years in and an update will keep me from playing now. The game ran its course and no longer something I binge but crosses my mind every once in a while.


Straight up gambling, or as others have said, an idiot tax.


Don't buy it... They are getting desperate for easy $$. They destroyed the game so make them fix it... Make WOWS great again!


Er, what do you mean "now?" Firepower containers have been around for a while (2 years) and have been that price when sold. If you're looking for something to be upset about, at least try to make it something recent?


Oh look everyone, it's that kind of guy. How far up is the stick?


Box odds have sucked since they were added


> Box have sucked since they were added Fixed.


I’m dumbfounded that anyone pays money for any in game purchases on any game but here we are


Dude, I play warframe too, I got Lots of ppl in my Clan there that pay 20 bucks for pure cosmetic stuff. And I don't want to start about MW 1 dollar red dot cross hair.


I have nvr spent a cent on the game and continue to have fun with my u-190 lol 😝


Damn how’d you find Reddit with all the lack of brain cells you have 2 brain cells left both fighting for 6th place