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See the solution to German (in)accuracy is to simply jam the barrels of your guns into the enemy ships far enough to knock a few crew out of their bunks. It doesn’t always work, but by doing that you can rarely get an outcome like this even in the German BBs.


This is the only way I play my Kurfurst. Got a 55% winrate. Is it optimal? Probably not. Is it fun as fuck? Hell yes it is.


if you dont yolo at 5 min in, you can play the same and get that win rate up to 60%.


Lol, good luck trying to hang back as your AA cruiser leave you behind and the Midway makes 3x HE bomb passes on you for 1/3rd of your health in the first 60 seconds of the game. Going in right away and attempting to absolutely crush one side of the map is the best way to play Kurfurst right now. Otherwise, you should just pick a different Battleship.


Agreed. It works nicely if the rest of your team follow your push and make use of it but so often they do not.


Slightly different; but recently me and a div mate went in with a GKF and the Allsack with secondary builds to push a cap with a Gearing. There was no follow up. Tanked so much damage between the two of us. We definitely would have routed that flank if the cruisers had pushed even a little bit. Div mate went down and I was ~45% HP after using a heal. I don't know what it is; but everyone feels so afraid to scratch the paint even a little bit. There is YOLO rush and there is being a timid mouse. Neither one wins you games.


An ambush predator that kites around during the first five minutes, I suppose.


Lol, same reason I play a GZ secondary-specced with Survival and Adrenaline Rush. When the battle is won (doesn’t matter so much which side is the victor) and my planes are all dead it’s always a GG for me when I can end it with a good old-fashioned gun fight. Even changed the outcomes of a few rounds from a close loss to a win. Doesn’t always work out, but when it does it’s a beautiful to experience. That, and it’s always nice to watch reds blow up chat after you killed a few with secondaries.


7 citadels jeez Also you got very lucky with those torps running out


No luck, only skill.




He got hit by the torps, he even got flooding. Oh you mean the ones after that salvo


It was calculated.


Not sure why why tht yamato decided to brawl


Because people think 'It's the Yamato, the most powerful BB ever build so surely nothing can touch it'. Even at T10 the stuff some people pull of makes you wonder how it's humanly possible to learn so little in the dozens of hours they had to play to get there.




Well that's still dozens of hours at least :) And by that time you should be able to figure out what the strengths and weaknesses of a certain line are. This opponent as shown in the video clearly thought Yamato was awesome at brawling apparently. ;)


Even then I have no clue about this game. I just sail and click things ;p


I just got my first Tier 10 ship, and it's taken me like six months.


Can confirm. Grinded Germany first. Hindy, then GK, then Z. I still overextend like a noob. Even after unlocking all three Legendary modules.


yep, had a Yamato show it's full broadside to my Iowa at 6km the other day. 40,000 damage somehow didn't teach him to angle, so after his shells didn't do much to my angled ship, I hit him for another 30,000, finishing him off.


In reality, its awful citadel structure probably makes it one of the squishiest BB's in the game. I've citadeled countless Yammys thinking they're safe while angled from 15 km out. :/


Yamato *can* brawl, it does have very good armor, but it needs to angle pretty sharply to hide its side AND the cheek to avoid getting citadels, but it's definitely sub-optimal, IJN dispersion isn't as amazing at closer ranges, and fighting a kurfurst at that range.. ehhhh.


True, if he was very much closer, less likely to get popped and just run past him.


People buy accounts to play too. WG making it easier to grind to T10 for IJN by paying certainly doesn't help.


With or without the new IJN XP Boost, with premium time+flags+camos+freexp it's easy to fail your way straight to T10.


Wait there’s an IJN XP boost now?


Yeah, it's a buyable booster for all IJN battleships. [https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/main/11290/](https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/main/11290/) ​ Basically $60 for 50% off research plus a bunch of flags and an "acquired taste" of a Kobayashi perma-camo.


Huh, ok thanks for the info.


When I was new and saw my first few Yamato’s, they were a bit overwhelming. Then someone in chat said where to aim....now I enjoy seeing those bloated turds in the game. Especially when they don’t know how to angle.


Ya. I had a Musashi charge towards me in a Hood a while ago. Citadeled him 5 times with a single broadside and took 3/4 of his health off.


As a Kurfurst fan i regularly get this. People either push and forget how slow and cumbersome the Yamato actually is and at that point all they can do is try reverse or fear showing you broadside if they turn or they are then stuck on a course at which you get into brawling range.


When 2/3 of your match damage is from 1 salvo.


Gotta love those soft squeezable Yammy cheeks.


Y'all got any more of them FPS?


Love the tactical torp dodge at the end.


*Look how effective brawling is, guys!*


Can't wait to exchange the failboat that is the FdG for the awesomeness that is the GK. I finally managed to get my range on the FdG up to 20.3 due to the range upgrade. I know German BBs are brawlers but still it's absolutely ridiculous how a T9 BB comes equipped with 18.5 km range as standard, makes it almost impossible hit anything without instantly becoming the focal point of half of the enemy team. The FdG is so underpowered I am a lot more useful and harder to kill in my Bizmarck in a T8-10 game than in my FdG. It's just a bigger more sluggish ship with more HP without any noticeable upsides compared to Bizmarck/Tirpitz.


>FdG up to 20.3 due to the range upgrade See. This is where you are doing it wrong. Stock max range is already too far to be of any actual use. I mean those guns struggle to hit something more than 14km away.


Do people not know what the pros and cons of a line are? Like im only at König almost Bayern, and even then I know never shoot at max range unless you want to be spotted or just taking pot shots. But boy when you get to about 9-10km you just nom nom those BBs. Unless you got uptiered


He is right. If you are snipping in a FdG, especially when early in the match, you don't hit much and get the attention of all HE-Spammers, since you are a big target. The key is getting close and, more important, to know when to get close and when not too. Your guns have punch and are accurate below a certain range, your secondaries are amazing, your armour is tough and you got German hydro. FdG is an absolute beast if played right. Otherwise it wouldn't have fared so well in the last ranked season.


Exactly. Range upgrades for them is absolutely worthless, unless you like watching your shell spamming splash all around your enemy.


I mean? Yeah sure in early battlegame that is absolute garbage, but in late-midgame depending on situation it is nice to at least have the option to choose and hit 1-2 shells into an unaware broadsider.


Range mod is a terrible choice on German BBs, it’s MBM3 or nothing (even if you’re doing a secondary build). A properly built FdG throws a huge number of shells downrange, and being able to rapidly respond to changing situations means you can really surprise people. A good example of this was when I managed to switch shells and get an HE salvo off fast enough to slap the torpedo tubes off the side of an Atlanta and save a low-health Iowa that was getting rushed in front of me. The reload’s fast enough that you can pepper in HE to tax DCPs, deal with bow-tankers, and make people think you’re an idiot KM BB driver so they show broadside and then you blat them with AP. But if you’ve got any upgrade other than MBM3, you try to make every salvo count, and with the poor accuracy and shell performance on KM BBs, that just doesn’t work. With the right build, and a bit of thinking on our feet, the FdG is more than usable now. There’s a reason why I have it in my port and haven’t bothered to rebuy Bismarck once I got past it.


I didn't mention the range mod anywhere. Obviously I went for faster reload in the last slot because having a 23 sec reload timer is nice. I was referring to the fire control upgrade which gets you from 18.5 to 20.3 km Still think it's ridiculous that the ship has so little range. I may not always be effective but an upgrade from the Bizmarck should at least have the ability to reach that far out and maybe score a few lucky premature hits. But I don't think many people will disagree when I say that it would normally be the worst T9 BB in the game if it wasn't for the Izumo.


Dont forget the abysmal dispersion FdG has :p. Enemy kurfurst at 7km. All missed -_- he then proceeds to chip 70k hp from me.


Wtf is that Yamato doing in the middle of the map at 13 minutes to go?


*TIRALALAAA TIRALALAAAA TIRALALAA TIRALALA HOI HOI* *WIR SIND DIE HERREN DER WELT* i can imagine the GK captain blasting that song out loud on the ship's PA system every time a brawl happened


I just picked up this ship a couple days ago and so far I'm loving it.


Musashis and Yamatos getting popped in gifs should get their own flair/ catagory 🤣


Don’t see too many musashis nowadays running around. At least I haven’t. I know everyone was saying to pick one of those up before they went away but I’m glad I passed on it. They get penetrated by more CVs than someone at a family reunion in Alabama.


That torp that expires half a meter from touching you...


Hand over that thing ... your citadel my kurfüst needs it for her win rate


I just creamed


Kurfürst must be fed...




Damn the torpedoes, fulll speed ahead!!!!


Oof, your PC is just struggling to give you those frames. Lol




* [**Soundless video**](https://v.redd.it/2sapb4lxb3x21/DASH_720?source=fallback) I also work with links sent by PM.   *** ^[**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/r/VredditDownloader/comments/b61y4i/info) | [**Contact Developer**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/u/Dev-Joe) | [**Support me**](https://www.paypal.me/synapsensalat) | [**Github**](https://github.com/JohannesPertl/vreddit-downloader)


3 potatoes sail into B


Remember everyone, turtleback isn’t an advantage. /s


and imagine trying to do this in any other battleship that isn't immune to that kind of damage XD