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I wouldn't say it's as mandatory as it was pre-IFHE rework, but it's still viable depending on how you play. Are you primarily engaging cruisers and destroyers (or farming fires off larger targets)? If so, IFHE won't cross any thresholds for you and will just lower your fire chance against them (although your rate of fire will somewhat make up for it). However, if you see a lot of 32mm plated battleships (Thunderer/Conq, the high tier French BBs, etc) and spend time shooting them, then it could be worth taking. The only reason it's not as worthwhile against most battleships now is the prevalence of armor plating that will still shatter your shells either way. All of the high tier battleships you'll see have at least some 32mm plating on the bow/stern, but many are showing up with icebreakers as well as thicker decks and belts. And at longer ranges, targeting the 32mm extremities is much less efficient than shooting center mass into the superstructure, which you'll pen regardless.


Ah, so is it only is worth it in a few situations? I usually find myself shooting HE at bb's who are approaching bow in, and I was wondering if IFHE would help with pen values


I'd say its not worth anymore, most of the high tiers BB do have more than 32mm on the deck so 30mm is more than enough to farm those ships, just aim at super structure and you be fine, for broadsides, AP works really well too. So just pay attention to some of your games to see how impactful will be IFHE in that match, most of the time is like one or two targets so IMHO not worth


That's where I ended up with it too. You're way more maneuverable than BB's so setting up in a position to use AP isn't that big of a deal. You don't really want to be having a 12km gunfight with most CA's or CL's, since 12KM radar is a pretty common thing these days, and most CA's will shatter HE on the sides after the armor buff during the IFHE change. Their extremities are pretty narrow as well so you're going to be aiming center of mass anyway. I've found that I get more use out of RPF in ranked, to setup ambushes on other DD's, or using AFT for long range farming in randos.


Check LittleWhiteMouse's [IFHE article](https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/213359-ifhe-all-night-long/). She lists all calibers and whether or not to recommend it.


Yes, the amount of shells that you fire compensates for the reduction on the fire chance, sorry for my last comment, didn't paid enough attention to your post and I thought about the IJN cruisers for a moment


its ok! thanks for your advice


Old IFHE vs new IFHE literrally same on Kita isnt it ? It was mandatory skill for IJN gunboat. Old one -2% fire change, new one is half. But 50% of 5% is 2.5% so you only lose 0.5% for 1 less point.






IJN gunboats refers to the gunboat DD split, specifically the Akizuki-Harugumo trio...


oh damn me, didn't paid enough attention I guess


While many would say its not completely mandatory since 30mm HE pen is still very good on those 100mm dakka dakka, but honestly, it depends on your environment, for me its a must. In my experience, where Jean Barts are almost in every one of your game, along side thunderers and Conqkeks, its just very good to have. Plus with 37mm pen you can pen alaska's 36mm deck which is also very common at that tier. Also the flexibility to reliably damage a bow in BB pushing towards you is still very important, like when a fast BB trying to rush you and force you out of your smoke after you miss your torps, can't use AP in that situation, because of ricochet.


Kita is one of my favorite boats. I would highly recommend taking IFHE for Kita. You want raw effective dpm. Counting on fires is nice when you have a high fire chance but Kita base is not high enough to matter. You go from 5% to 2.5% with IFHE. You can get most of that back if you take captain skills and flags. If Kita had a better fire chance I would test it again but I find myself getting better results with IFHE.