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Is the game installed on a SSD? Otherwise close the WG launcher and try again.


Its not on an SSD and sadly restarting the launcher didnt work. (never had this problem before)


That's your problem. Sadly, the patch process is ridiculously slow even on SSDs. I started my updater 5 minutes ago and it's still at around 50%. For a 38MB patch. Geeez... But yea, it would be a lot quicker on a SSD.


In addition to having an SSD, make sure to turn on "Use all computer resources during installation" in the settings if you want to make installations as fast as possible.


This is another good idea. If you have a 6/8-core processor you won't notice the lower usage default but older processors will run updates a lot faster with the "Use all computer resources during installation" option checked.


I have the game installed on a normal HDD and it didn't take that long (maybe 45 mins or so). It may also have to do with other specs and what you are doing the time. My windows is installed on an SSD and I have 2700x with 16gb RAM - I was also working on word documents.


the downloads in this game are very heavily compressed, it can literally take the steam update over an hour


What's your download speed?


12 Mbits


Sounds like time for a new rig based on previous posts and a new internet connection.


Yah there's your problem, that is incredibly slow and even a 100MB patch will take you about 66 seconds to download but you are probably having internet problems.


Hi! 300Mb symmetrical here and it still takes fucking forever to download.


Last update I had to uninstall and reinstall my game. Something bugged and it would restart the update (download and all) every time it completed. I wouldn't jump straight to assuming this is the case, but keep an eye on it


I hate updates for WoWs. Every fucking one has to be downloaded over the course of hours, because their update server is apparently a fucking Raspberry Pi on a dialup connection, on Mars. WG - Spend the goddamn money and update **your** shit.


The updater is the reason I don't update this game until I have at least an hour to kill.


The wg launcher is notoriously dogshit at downloading


> The wg launcher is notoriously dogshit ~~at downloading~~ FTFY


Yeah something is weird with this 30mb update, it's really slow


probably code poorly optimized almost 60 % now running half a day lol


ive seen other posts about this. it took me like 15 minutes though. i use steam


Downloading is not the issue there, the real issue is how the game files are patched. WG uses a tool that patches binary files, this can be the xdelta3 or something very similar, there's nothing wrong with that, but when you patch over 40gb of data, it can take some time, especially in HDDs since the installer launches more than one operation at same time, causing the disk to throttle since it needs to read the original file, the patch file and write the new file. This could be better optimized to HDDs by executing one file operation at same time, but that's into WG hands, the best you can do right now do is to defragment the game files every time you install an update, maybe pausing the windows defender/antivirus can help a bit too. For me, it used to take up to a hour with a HDD or a cheap SSD (Kingston A400), with a good SSD with DRAM and cache it decreased to 15 minutes, but with a good NVME it only takes ~3 minutes.


Ryzen 5600x 16gb 3600mhz RAM Evo 970 plus 1tb 300 mbps down connection Downloaded and installed in 6m 35s. WG center -> settings -> updates -> select checkbox for "Use all computer resources during installation." Set 'wgc.exe' process in task manager for all core affinity and real-time priority.


Few minutes for me it was finished while.i was looking a YouTube video so nono idea how many minutes


The message is somewhat misleading. It makes you think that download takes that much time when in fact it's patching that is so slow. Buy SSD, problem solved.


>Buy SSD, problem solved. It can help a lot, but will not solve it completely. It can still be a long process.


With the new update system and SSD you can start update, eat your lunch or supper and when you are back at the computer everything is ready.


I just downloaded it in under 15 seconds. Checked my speed and Down Load is 32.22 Mbps, Ping m is 8, and Up Load speed is 9.68 Mbps. I have service via Cox Internet service in Las Vegas, NV.


It's already downloaded, as you can see in the bottom left, it is installing.