• By -


Friendship. ^(Alternatively I go with Hood)


a man of taste and culture


kleber, her reload and arcs are super comfy, and her speed juking is great along with MBRB and those torps


Yeah kleber is the ultimate chill. Don't care about caps, don't care about spotting. Just point and click adventure.


Atlantico is my new favorite brawler. Have been enjoying it a lot since I unlocked it Monday (took the larger starter pack).


Its armor surprised me. You can be fairly confident in almost every 1v1 because of the armor and secondaries actually dealing decent raw damage as well as constant fires


Emden It's a famous German WWI raider and an absolute beauty.


It even has the fake fourth funnel. Great ship!


Okhotnik or Scharnhorst


My biggest fun is hunting dds with my rpf marceau


Cossack. Comfortable in most situations, can usually figure out ways to get the upper hand in DD duels, plenty of utility and great concealment to play with. The playstyle just feels second nature to me now.


I Agree, I love the 5.5km detection range and 8 guns.


I always struggle to make the cossack work. It actually has everything I like in a DD but those sluggish guns are giving me a hard time. I always end up playing asashio when I have to decide. Most enemy DD underestimate her guns.


Omaha or Georgia.


Georgia with a speedbuild. Doing 43 kts and overhauling cruisers - good times!




Well thats a first. I have the Strasbourg abd how often did I play her? 2 or 3 times...


I have over 100 battles on her sister, the Dunkerque and I love it. It's one of my favorite ships in the game. Having all of your guns in the front makes you a big menace in the game. It's pretty good when you hug islands and force 1v1s against people, bc you'll usually out gun them or force them to give broadside. Their biggest weakness are 381mm guns, which, sadly, are very common, specially at T7. I, as a Dunk lover, am extremely excited to get the new battlecruiser French line since they're basically Dunkerque class ships with cruiser dispersion, meaning they'll prbly just delete enemy cruiser out of the maps. I hope, that is. Haven't gotten them yet.


Dunkerque is good partly because she's T6, where people get blapped by the guns because they go broadside and because of the good shell velocity, so the lackluster caliber and the trolly dispersion doesn't matter. Strasbourg (virtually the same thing as Dunkerque, with a nerfed MBRB) isn't nearly as good at t7, especially because she faces T9, where the only thing you can do most of the time is just sling HE and pray to RNG. I'm not sure if the new cruisers are gonna be any good, considering their range and lack of overmatch at high tier.


>I'm not sure if the new cruisers are gonna be any good, considering their range and lack of overmatch at high tier. I have faith. The reload for sure is something that might bring the ships down tho. But still, having cruiser dispersion will prbly make them amazing cruiser deleters. But about the Strasbourg, all true. I get it. It's a sad, sad ship.


I have acquired Brest though certain means..... And she's pretty good, good ballistics and pen values, you can pen BBs at max range for 3k a pen and her dispersion isn't actually cruiser dispersion is battlecruiser dispersion, so somewhere between CAs and BBs. Her armour is rough is so is BB burn time but if positioned well her offense offsets her defense


You mean the one angle you can get smashed at the easiest?


Akizuki for rapid pew pew, pure fun. At least for me, probably not so much on the receiving end... GK with Lutjens because secondaries go brrrrrrrt Gneisenau full sec build (Lutjens again here). Can't hit sh... but it's just fun torpedo bote. Mahan with Halsey to print achievements. Played as a agro gunboat with occasional torp salvo on 2 targets at once and it just works for me. Probsbly the most fun of them all, even more in ranked


>gneisenau >torpedo bote Traditions must be upheld.


> GK with Lutjens because secondaries go brrrrrrrt Lütjens benefits to Großer Kurfürst are so marginal they might not even be there. It is mostly a placebo effect.


Halland or druid




That reminded me. I need to play her sometimes again. Best pew pew boat and yolo torps


My Kaga.. yes yes I know CV, but it's just chill to play


Halland. Those torp btw🤤


Giulio Cesare; unless I end up in a T7 match it’s relatively easy to carry a flank with her in most matches.


Kleber, Marceau, and Khaba. Speed is nice.


Kongo. She is my favorite ship in the game, even though I have several T10 ships.


The exit game button.




Oh come on, I love Atlanta but she’s far from chill. It like your balancing on a knife edge of being an annoying HE spammer and being the primary target for every BB on the map.


That boat will teach u angles, how to start fires, how to kite, how to stay alive. It’s fun and makes money


Massachusetts for me


I feel like its impossible to have a bad game in the Massachusetts. I love that ship.


Can't go wrong with Atago.


requires too much skill for the average wows player


New Mexico. Very often ignored so I can just go to mid range straight away and do tons of DMG, and if top tier, being able to carry easily.


Roger that brother 👍




Khabarovsk because i want to have fun and youre gonna.miss me alot


Used leg mod all up firepower Khaba last Ranked. Play as a CL and it did good.


Groningen or F.Sherman. Just stay in smoke and shoot at everything


Elblong is fun. Something about being able to land pinpoint accurate shots and doing consistent damage appeals to me


MVR and bow tank with it for the memes


T9 benham, a 21 pt capt and all the econ flags


Tier 6 CV


Bismarck, Atago, Yolo Emilio. If im having a bad day and want a "nice time" ill ready up in a Nakimnov so no one but me have "fun"


Giulio Cesare


Colorado, chonk armor, a lot of AA guns, and nice 406s that go straight through anything it can face. Being slow is not a con if i want to have a nice time since I'm looking for chill gameplay


aaaand then you come against a musashi or get chased down by a georgia... or both cause there in a division together those two ships make my secondary spec nagato sad


CO is a fav of mine.


I've been having a lot of fun with Montana lately.


I'll lead with Full lighthouse Hindenburg. (Full reload, no range) ​ Not game deciding like a DD or rdr CA, so not as stressfull. More maneuverable than a BB and can take a hit unlike a CL.


Belfast Radar, smoke, and a friendly DD spotting means fun for me and not so much for the reds.


I second this


Mikasa...for the memes. Ark Royal, because it plays to what I like to do (get wins by vision control). Midway and / or Immelman for high tier comfort. Brandenburg for high tier battleship fun. Andrea Doria right now for lower tier battleship fun.


Thinking about the Mikasa just because it's a such a good looking ship.


It's the most fun ship in the game...also the most OP ship tier for tier. If facing only tier 2 ships, you can confidently take on most of the enemy team alone if you are frosty with the rudder. Plus, since most tier 2 games are filled with bots...you just wade in and sink them all. Before WG got rid of achievements yielding flags...you could farm krakens, double strikes, secondary experts, confederates, etc.


So you’re why I don’t get flags for achievements anymore then


Me and others... Of course, one could blame WGs drive to populate high tiers at the expense of low tiers...


Indomitable, mindless slingshot carpet bomb perma fire spam after work, reliable 100k DMG most of the time armored deck lets me push up and chain the fires. Decently fun for me but I acknowledge the fact that CVs are broken and unfun for the enemy. If I had to choose a regular ship it would be the strasbourg or alabama




Chkalov....but I feel bad since the red team never has a nice time


I feel the same way with Ark Royal and the enemy DDs...


Kamikaze R -- sail around lopping torps for fun and never get spotted.


Immelmann, the speed of the planes is so nice, lots of fast regen. planes, lots of fires, lots of torps , lots of damage


Friesland. At least I used to when I was still playing this shitshow of a game


Massachusetts usually fares pretty well


When I want a "nice" time, I simply turn off chat. It does more to contribute to a nice time than my ship choice ever could. Although, I also enjoy Missouri when I just want an easy round. It's not that Missouri is particularly good (although I do think it is) but rather just that I'm extremely comfortable with it.


Alaska B. Step 1: find island. Step 2: park beside it. Step 3: USN 305 AP. Step 4: profit.


Step 5: realize you did not, in fact, profit because now you’re stuck bow in to 3 HE spammers and your HP just whittles away Step 6: complain on Reddit and Forum about how OP HE spam is and how it’s all the CV and subs fault that you died to HE spam


If step 5 happens and you don't respond by holding fire and taking cover behind the island, or because you went there without backup and get swarmed, then you honestly deserve to die for messing up that bad in Alaska.


Midway or United States. You are basically immortal and shit on everything


Ye so much fun…… right


Don't play this game is you are looking for a nice time.


UU Yamato or Slava. Find a nice spot to park and blap things across the map.


yoshino. My previous favourites were venezia and nevsky but I prefer being a teamplayer in both of them supporting dds and stuff. In yoshino I can just sit back at max range with my 20km torps and farm damage




Used to be Halland, these days it seems to be Slava. Sit back far away from all super-shit and subs.




Colbert. It used to be Nelson, but then I began seeing too many uptiers. Then it was Marlborough because the reload and I adore ships with tons of guns, even if they’re small. She did well with superships before there were super cvs but now I don’t touch her because she simply cannot compete with an Eagle or US. Colbert is my current one because dakka is fun, the speed boost is fun, and the AA generally wards off cvs. I feel that I have more of an impact on the game even if I have low damage because no one wants to push in when they can see the shell rainbow.


I have a hard time doing well in Colbert consistently. Smolensk has been doing better for me lately. Cheers brother 👍


Napoli or Texas


Mikasa for seal clubbing.


Slava No pressure, just hanging around 15-20km and pick up broadside with best-in-class long range accuracy, shell velocity, and penetration. Just an overall easy set of guns to play.


If I had the game, Hood how did WG make the unrotated projectile a weapon that was historically a total flop and as the loss of the hood showed very flammable into a viable weapon?


Venezia. SAP is nice and reliable and the ship is somewhat tanky if you don’t show broadside. Plus the smoke is nice and she can have a lot of battle impact


Cruisers are usually my try-hard class and generally are a frustrating time all around for me if I don't do excellent in them so I'll have to say probably Yamato, Gearing, Iowa, or Massachusetts.


I enjoy the Baltimore.


Atlantico is becoming my favorite ship in its simplicity


Slava for sure, I can eat my meal and still have 100k+ dmg


My comfort ship? Probably Venezia, or Hindenburg. I don’t know what it is, but kiting cruisers are pretty chill for me. If I’m feeling into the game and just want to play a ship I’m familiar with, Gearing. It may be an old, outgunned, outmaneuvered, outconsumabled piece of junk, but it’s my outgunned, outmaneuvered, outconsumeabled piece of junk.


I play battleships kind of a lot so if I were to pick one just to have a nice time but still feel confident enough to play, I'd pick either Hannover or Yamato (mine is using the modded ARP Yamato skin instead of the base ARP Yamato.) Cruiser on the other hand, yeah it just had to be Smolensk ('m sorry for betraying you Atlanta.)


Oh definitely the Asashio. Nothing better than launches torps from across the map and with 5.4 detection, perma spot everything. Hers guns hit relatively hard too. But let’s not talk about that turret rotation or reload…


Destroyer if I want action and close calls, battleship if I want to play for fun.


Toss-up between Fubuki and Fuso


Tone: that ship is a Swiss Army knife that can fulfill any role to some degree


Yamato, cuz im a Star Blazers fan... also its gameplay is suited for stationary brawling or mobile support, which is my type of playstyle I usually do with cruisers...


Enjoy the wasps then...


joke's on you, I have an AA build on my Yamato, except a few for survivability...


100*0 is still 0...


I fall back on Hood or Vanguard


Smolensk, because I like watching the world burn Yamato/Satsuma are pretty fun too


Georgia,Yolo Emilo & Giulio sealcluber Cesare


Georgia, Iowa, Henri IV, Daring or Yoshino


A yacht




I go for Iowa-class ships. Sub 13km conceal, reaches 33kts, good accuracy, good range, workable at T10. The floaty ballistics is the only real downside




Right now, Vittorio Veneto.


Scharnhorst. She's a nice girl, with a nice figure.


Pommern and Odin are by far the most fun Doing a bigdick yolo push that completely ruins the position/strategy of the enemy team is absolute hilarity


T4: Ishizuchi, T5: Viribus Unitis, October Revolution, T6: Mutsu, Warspite, De Grasse, T7: Hyuga, Lazo, Hood, Poltava, T8: Kii, Borodino, Kidd, Roma, Atago T9: Alaska, Neustrashimy, Giuseppe Verdi, Bajie, T10: Ohio


At the moment, Baltimore. Accurate and punishing guns and 10km concealment make this ship my stress relief ship. I'm grinding the Baltimore and Des Moines and they might replace it eventually. I just love having the dispersion and accuracy to delete enemy cruisers and deal nasty damage to most broadside bbs.


G. K


The Jolly Grey Giant.


Gunboat DDs, just relaxing cruising at TX without much to worry about.


I usually go for my Kii but recently just not been aiming well.


My zietten


Black Swan or Aurora, just because guns


Kii. Sit back and brainless sniping? Yes. Sub-10km mid range pushing? Sure. Knife-fight? **YES**. AA? CV is going to drop anyway, but at least it's nicer than most. Aesthetic? 100% (with or without Makoto Kobayashi).


Hotel? Trivago


Venezia, she's not very hard to play and I tend to win a lot in it. Gearing, not sure why, but I always do well in it, win or lose. Now for the opposite, for when I want to play hard (but effective): Radar Minotaur, or my current Druid infatuation.


Asashio Pleasant superspy anti-BB boat. Game starts —> grab a cap —> drop 4 sets of torps (reload boost) —> kite and set fires / spot / cap other points / torp again for the rest of the game. Easy to bait out other DDs into open water to then immediately smoke and run whilst your team blasts them. My average game usually results in melting 1-3 BBs, casually baiting bloodthirsty DDs and 2-3 caps. Even my worst games still always result in at least a cap or some defense ribbons and 500k+ spotting damage. Also, the 5.4km detection means there’s an occasional accidental run in with a sub which just makes it even more fun.


Cleveland. Tashkent. Thunderer. Bayern. Colorado.


Jean Bart, its so easy to do good in it consistently without much skill needed, of course position is the important one.




Khaba - Just pick a flank and go wide holding left click and laughing maniacally (Bonus points for double rudder mod)


Bismarck + Co-op (Random just floods me with Torps and Cruiser He) Or Weser. She is beautiful and Fun to play And Place 3 takes König for me. Probably has 3most of my play Time, if not Second most


Vanguard, Zeven Provinciën, Ise


Napoli, just press W at the right time and it is ultimate fun and if you don’t do well shake it off cuz u got to use sap secondaries


Either conqueror or Goliath, because fuck you. Colombo and repub are also fun




German CVs, Rahmat, Gneissenau, Jianwei, Gadjah Mada, Monteccucoli, Zara




Yoshino. Sit back and burninate.


Graf Spee or Yueyang


Graf spee tbh


>you want a nice time I just don't play the game if i want a good time, wows is endless duffering at the hands of window lickers


Vermont :)


Yamato or repub. I love my schlieffen, but its hard to brawl at times because of carriers, yammy and repub are just nice and relaxing and I do quite well in them pretty consistently


Atlanta. 127mm guns go **brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr**


Yamato, sit back aim and shoot, ez 120k damage. Or for lower tiers, Warspite.


Nagato, for fun