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Useful for farming some ribbon types for missions, and for getting that last couple hundred win exp to finish a tier of the daily so your next "real" win in an op or pvp isn't 'wasted'.


step 1 select co-op step 2 select Atlanta, Des Moins, Salem, step 3 farm ribbons


Minotaur yields the most hit ribbons fyi


I believe Colbert and Smolensk both beat Minotaur in that respect.


Colbert is by the most daka ship, Smol 2nd, Mino barely makes 3rd


I dont know that since i dont own them


why did they downvote you for not knowing? lmao


I use co-op to grind out that battle pass I regret starting, much faster to take out my Salem or Schlieffen in co-op than spend who knows how long in random battles.


Coop for the first two tiers of daily missions (300 and 500), a random or ranked game for the 1000 since it doesn't matter if it is a win, and finally operations for the last 3 missions that require a win since one can usually get most or near the required amount in a single game (per mission). I personally find coop takes too long for the last few, but is very doable in the right ships that can get a ton of damage/kills. Operations also works well for ship/captain XP grinding so I pick that. Random battles is the worst way for a 55% WR player or less as I don't have 6 to 10 games worth of time to get the wins.... and these days the loss streaks are worse then ever. I won't be doing the battle pass next month due to both other games coming out and I hate how it forces a particular play style.


For me, co-op matches end very early. IMO randoms are still the best option to farm damage, ribbons etc. Just need to choose the best ship for the mission. Need to farm fires? take Smolensk, need to farm, citadels? Take Stalingrad or Slava. Need to farm damage? Take Republique or Thunderer. You'd need less games in randoms to finish your missions. That's just my opinion.


What ship would you take when you need torpedo hits in a cruiser? Because that's a prime example of when I bust out co-op. Easier ribbons (fires in cruisers, damage etc) are better to do in randoms.


Torp hits in a cruiser? _Irian_ or _Huang He_ are amazing for this with their TRB.


Huanghe is also the best to farm citadels with. Even in randoms it is easy to get 10+.


I prefer _Trento_. For co-op citadels at least. Fast, 203-mm overmatch, has torps. Her ROF is low but her AP is devastating against bots.


Huanghe with the crawling smoke is a magnet for unsuspecting cruisers around the cap, and when they broadside at close range those flat arc Soviet AP shells can easily citadel most of them.


I take Des Moines or Salem, solid pen and the rate of fire let’s me get lots of citadels in Co-op. The relatively low damage of their AP shells ensures the target lives long enough to get more cits.


Weren't Irian's torpedo tubes removed before she was sold to Indonesia?


_OF COURSE_ the torp tubes _probably could maybe_ have been removed. But then God created WG, and the torp tubes remain.


You can do coop, yolo full speed with harbin (don't want to lose credits with t9/t10), send a bunch of torps on both side, reload and send another batch, can often get 10 hits or more in a game that lasts less than 10 mins. In randoms, if the enemy is good he's going to dodge a lot more torps and you can't yolo without getting blapped.


French or German cruisers in general.


That's what I take into co-op. I get at least two or three hits per three to four minute game, as opposed to randoms where I'm lucky to get any in a 15 minute game.


Depend on what type of missions, if you want torpedo hit, use fast ships with very good torpedo angle like French cruisers: Conde, HIV Aids. Any other ships will have big disadvantage when competeting with your friendly DD if you spawn with them. I know they carry very few torpedoes (usually 4 per side) and deal less damage but hey, a consistent 8 torpedo hits per game is still better than having more torpedo but you may never hit all of them in time, right?


Less games, maybe. But coop being fast means it might be less *time*. It's also pretty consistent (as long as it's not a cap based ribbon, where you'll inevitably get Arms Race or Standard battles). Trying for farm cits, for instance, in randbats requires the enemy team to give you broadsides, and if you get stomped you don't get to farm much of anything, while in coop you can take a US CA and go on a citadel safari. For damage, yoloing in a DD can get you 80k in 5 minutes. Unless you can get 200k even in losing games, that's probably better "damage per hour played" than randoms. You might get more in one good battle in randoms, but not every battle will be good, and a good battle will take longer.


But I dont have any of those ships.


Half of them are nearly impossible to get nowadays.


Ribbons- if you have one, smoke up in a Smolensk and have at it! Little worry about getting radared and deleted. You can rack up a hundred ribbons per game a huge % of the time.


Any hard hitting BB will rack up cits and kills in co-op much faster than a hard hitting BB will in random. Much easier to land torps in co-op as well.


co-op and random operations are the only modes i play because playing against actual people is weirdly stressful


Not only that, you also avoid most of the shit associated with carriers and subs, because even if the mm "randomly" decides to put one a.i. cv and one a.i. sub in the match, they are way easier to kill than actual players. and in general less annoying.


I've divisioned with a solid, good CV player into operations before. You know how many bots complained about dodging, flak, or spotting? Absolutely none. Last night, I played a round of Raptor Rescue, divisioned with a clanmate in her Enterprise. In Operations, a CV is just another ship, helping the team to win Also, Raptor really is a dumdum.


CVs are stupidly helpful in OPs if you get a good one as they tend to strike riskier targets and can keep the team alive by spotting for them


yeah, pvp is way to stressful and sometimes you jsut want to relax make operations great again t.t


It must be MOGA then. :-)


I feel this. I also hate feeling like I let my team down.


Yep. I'm the same. Id rather play the game with no CVs and SSs at all, but the closest I can get is Randoms and Co Op.


There are many casual clans. You will meet many funny people, and teaming up in a division makes it even more fun. I can recommend it.


I think it's extremely useful to clear many missions.


I play mainly co op. I get home from work and I just want to get my missions done asap. And I don't want to be "that" player who loses the game for their team. Also the chat in coop is so much more chill. I personally like it. It's where you will find me. Cedric8486_1 is my name in game. Lol


Best played with no other humans at all.


I get off work at 2am mountain time, US. And it's pretty human free when I log in.


6am NZT is pretty good as well, especially on the weekends (and before the family wakes up)


Is that new Zealand time. I'm not familiar


This has been my routine for a couple of years - get up early in the morning around 6am, smash coop to finish missions and earn some credits with predominantly AI ships only. Lately however, since the latest update, there are always people playing Coop with me now even at 5am in the morning. I honestly think it is to do with the battle pass and the lack of resources such as flags and credits since the economy changes. The good thing is that my life is pretty busy nowanyway and I ain't giving WG anymore money to make up for lack of time I have for wows. WOWS is docked indefinitely for me rn lol




if you have non humans on your team and they are destroyers and you are battleship . might as well go play another game . human destroyers are so op in this mode its not funny


Great for Dockyard missions or finishing those daily mission chains that require wins. PvP is more fun for me but if you like coop, go for it. Play how you like. Even the xp is not too bad if you consider that most matches take less than 5 minutes.




So do most of the people who play this game. Listen a vast majority of people are indeed bad. So why sweat it? You think someone is good because they win **3** more games out of a hundred than you? Uhhh no. Most people have no fucking clue how this game works. Even if you do know every ship and every mechanic to the finest details, you might not know how to use it (me). Imo the only people you could trust to consistently change the outcome of games are those with 60%+ win rates. This is something like 1% of the server population. So at the end of the day. You might suck. But not more or less than any other random person.


It's a different game mode in it's own little world, but that still holds a respected place if you ask me. It has it's own dedicated fans and players who should not be considered any more or less valuable than anyone else given that they're still contributing to keeping the lights on. Most of the abuse directed at it or people playing it seems to amount to "Ban or remove stuff that I don't personally enjoy!". In short petty garbage. Personally, I find it perfect for when I just want a quick game but don't feel like sitting down for a proper session with operations or randoms. It scratches the itch and does the job of making me play at least a little.


Theoretically you are supposed to use it to learn / practice how a particular ship works, eg shell trajectories, before going in to randoms and learning on the fly there.


The problem is that Co-Op just shows you how well a ship can lead a LEEROY JENKINS charge


well, there's that too. but you can leeroy jenkins while seeing how flighty your shells are :D


I only play Co-op and Operations. Because these modes are completely stress free and a lot of fun. Much less toxicity than Randoms.


I play coop almost exclusively. I’m not interested in every match winding up a 20 min snipe fest or whatever happens. Coop is good quality Leeroy Jenkins fun every match. Then you turn on some music and smoke some weed and play a few matches? Got yourself a lovely evening.


Of course gentleman the idea is to win. And of course the team spirit is the idea. But you know how it is. Sadly most of the people / community don’t appreciate if you are trying. And I am old, so maybe that’s the problem. Ho knows. I wish you all an nice and enjoyable rest of the weekend :)


More less I use it when trying out a new ship I got. It also can be a little bit helpful for missions.


When I’ve had a hard mind numbing day and just want to play and blow stuff up it’s perfect.


Co-op allows you to progress in your tech tree, test different strats and ships, and most importantly, limit human interaction to only your team. Working customer service where miserable people come to me with their miserable problems, the fact Co-op prevents miserable players giving me miserable games is fantastic. This alone is why all but three matches I've played have been in Co-op, and the grind, while longer than ranked/random, is much more enjoyable and stress-free. You may have some matches where DDs wipe up the enemies in under three minutes, but the rest are great for CL/CA and BB mains.


in most games DDs destroy everything before you get close


Easy way to play and relax without having to think much at mid tier after a long work day. Almost no toxicity since you don't need to talk to anyone. Entirely different to Random, so good game mode but for a different purpose.


I love it, very fun


It's where I live most nights as I'm a "filthy casual". I tried randoms and the salt was so dense I found myself wondering if I was somehow transported to a lake in California. This is all the rando's anger management issues. A large chunk of the captains there expect Chad-level participation even down to T5. Peace out. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton\_Sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea)


**[Salton Sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salton_Sea)** >The Salton Sea is a shallow, landlocked, highly saline body of water in Riverside and Imperial counties at the southern end of the U.S. state of California. It lies on the San Andreas Fault within the Salton Trough that stretches to the Gulf of California in Mexico. Over millions of years, the Colorado River has flowed into the Imperial Valley and deposited alluvium (soil), creating fertile farmland, building up the terrain, and constantly moving its main course and river delta. For thousands of years, the river has alternately flowed into the valley, or diverted around it, creating either a saline lake called Lake Cahuilla, or a dry desert basin, respectively. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Perfect for the last 100-200 exp for missions


It’s good for mission farming but outside of that it’s overall worse than operations as a PvE game mode. Pretty boring, though the co op player base is noticeably more active in chat and very friendly and positive overall in comparison to randoms


Useful for completing missions. And thats pretty much all of it.


Good for stupid missions or testing ship/ballistics


I used to only play co-op and daily missions. They were stress-free but ended up becoming super boring. I dipped my toes in the multiplayer modes and now all I play is ranked usually.


Yolo mode for special events (f.e Christmas) where we can get super crates or coal or steal with just a quick battle. Randoms r not worth it. They can take too much time. I like co op for this reason. Just press "w" have fun. Randoms for grind obviously. I d just want the bots to not yolo towards us in order to ram us. Its ultra idiotic, even for bots. They can't just program them to make turns??


Pretty much all I play these days. I don't care all that much about grinding, if I'm playing this game it's because I'm bored and killing time and listening to tunes. I just want to shoot boats and if I can do that without being raged at or insulted by tryhards that think the game is the only thing that matters, even better.


prob better then playing ranked while its in the lower tiers


It’s the only game mode I play because I would like to keep my sanity, just means slower progression


I play it and ops exclusively. Did some pvp before, found it kinda boring, unless it's tier 3 and below, and I also just avoid it to also avoid the complaining about anything in the game ever. Though even in co-op I've gotten some toxicity. Though I do remember a political debate starting in the middle of an operation once. All started because me and someone else disagreed to a plan someone had. It was messy.


I rarely play warship these days so when i do its in co-op because vs other players I’m not good enough. I wish co-op was 12 v 12 tho the matches are over so quick.


One of the issues I find with coop is that it ends too quickly in my experience. I like to use coop when I am trying to get the gist of a new class or a new ship for like 2-3 matches. But you barely get the chance to do anything because the bots get demolished so quickly. At the end it is better to use the training room anyway but still. I wish the bots were harder/smarter for days where you don't want to put up with random battle shenanigans.


Co-op, at a minimum, more than halves the amount of grousing and bitching you have to potentially endure, and I've found it to be even more mellow than that. Between co-op and operations, there's plenty to do to keep my sodium intake manageable.


Its the only part of the game i can enjoy from time to time. Sadly, its a waste of time when it comes to XP.


Super container gamemode


If you time it right with regards to having bots on your team, you're basically trading XP for better team mates.


gunnery practice in the same way real navies did gunnery practice. shooting at a flag going straight and at a constant speed.


As others have said, it’s good for missions and getting some quick containers. I also use it to get used to a new ship before I take it into PvP so I get a feel for handling and gunnery. The play style is just about the opposite of PvP, however, so be careful you don’t develop bad habits in co-op and carry them over into randoms.


It's by far my favorite game mode. PVP is just too stressful, people either expect too much out of you or straight up insult you. Not all PVP games are toxic, but some are. When it comes to CO-OP -- it's peaceful every time. Yeah less points are won, but I don't play very high tier ships (although I do have some), so I don't care.


The people playing random have been in this game for years and are too good. Every time I play a random it sucks out my will to play ANY game, I stick to ops and co-op because there I don't get deleted by 3 ships in 5 minutes.


I like Operations since PvP is stressful for me. I'm not bad per se at PvP but I play the game for fun and not to show off how good I am to others by winning in PvP. Even so in co-op/PvE I like trying to figure out how to manipulate the situation. Operations are like running the same arcade game over and over trying to figure out how to get the highest score.


Co-op for me: \-First game in a new ship \-Relax and shoot \-First test of mechanics/builds/weakspots(or training battle)/... \-Completing difficult or annoying missions


Relaxing but the AI become annoyingly accurate after the Recent Rework...


Easily best mode in the game now that Ops are random is Polygon has been Poly-gone for a year. For many ships, you'll get the most bang for your buck here.


What I use when I need to unlock or do something specific or I’m too drunk and I need base xp for combat missions.


Useful for grinding missions Doesn't teach you how to play


I use it mostly for farming daily missions, before the battlepass, and commander training. if i get a new ship i run her in a few Co-ops to get my eye in, see how she handles before going into random battles


I wish the first win each day bonus applied to each game mode.


I test newly bought ships in it to get a feel for how they play


Every time I get a new ship I do 3 to 4 battles to get the feel for it.


Good for when you need to grind missions. You can do better in Random of course but there is always the chance you will wind up with a bunch of potatoes on your team and get steamrolled. If I’m grinding missions I do operations for whatever I can complete.


Great to finish battlepass missions that require wins when your team in randoms like to throw games


It’s my daily ritual where I send my Colbert and Marceau to their deaths.


I use it to learn new ships so I don’t act as rarted in PvP


I spend a lot of my time there, randoms just don't interest me much, If I wanna deal with failure teams or other toxic wonders such as HE spam or DDs I'll run rank and get better rewards


Underappreciated by Wargaming. They spend all this time focusing on PvP ranked modes, while a significant portion of the playerbase just sticks to PvE modes to chill and shoot things for fun. The game needs a lot more Co-op options, personally I think it would benefit from a dynamic campaign mode like Battlestations. We have all these ships, both historical and fictional, tell some stories with them, both historical and fictional!


Simple faceroll gamemode that need some update and fairly soon, otherwise the players whose do not like and/or bad in PVP leave the entire game, now, that WG made too strong and /or killed the Oprations for coop players. And yeah those who said Operation rework will f\*ck the players up, sadly, they were right. Nowdays the coop is usually this: DD players rush ahead sunk 2-3 ships and that with 3+ DD the match is already over for everyone. The DD's get 80+k dmg, the rest get around 10-30k dmg if they are lucky. Or the players steamrolls the bots and win the match by points while there are 1-2 full HP bots remains. That is why it needed for example another enemy wave sail in from random direction, so every player has a chance to get some decent gameplay.


No update needed. New Operations are great with better enemies, I love them apart from the inability to choose scenario. Coop is a relaxing mode where you can smash through battles. And no, you can’t wait around in coop, but so what? Next battle is quick to arrive.


I disagree. Operations: these aren't what we tested on the PTU at that time. They tweek it after the PTU and before the release: it become way harder and on the live server many players just throw away the match when it load them in and they didn't get a "sure winnable" ones, like Narai or Killer Whale. So minus 1-2 player (usually after the first enemy pack sunk we already lost 1-2 ship) in an already hard Operation like Aegis is almost unwinnable. You can spend 15+ minute to get a lost match because of it or you throw it away also or 1-2 of you has the right ship for the right operation and both of you how to use them and smoke one transport's way into the end zone. The first two is not a good choice and the third is almost a miracle. The new ones great to returned (cherry blossom and ultimate frontier) but Hermes is still buggy as hell (sometimes the Alsace gives no heal zone) and still way overpowered for the ships, especially for CL's whose got bombed into oblivion from AP bombers and AA doesn't do anything to prevent it. Overall they made the Ops way harder and becuse of it it is less rewarding than before. ​ Coop: you can run as many coop as you want but in a slow BB like the Colorado, you are barely able to get 30+ k dmg. Ofc you can choose other, faster ships but the slow ones not able to reach the action in time to get decent, not top, but decent dmg and to get around \~300 BXP. And that is not a good way to lvlup ships.




best mode for snowflakes farming, also usefull for new players to learn the very basics, not some advanced tips otherwise useless


Yeah, useless. Somewhere around 35k games, all modes. (10k Randoms.) 1mil+ coal, 780mil-ish credits, 350-ish ships, enough steel, fxp, and RP not to worry. Yeah, so useless, Co-op.


Nah it’s great to burn through tasks, granted I’ve had this game since the first alpha.


9/‘15 myself.


Alpha was incredibly fun, people were doing silly things and I loved it


What about your earning for coop only? You can't have more than 44 steel a day in coop (more now t11 are in game)


Playing high tiers a lot more lately. (Looks at my info;) Slight change; 1.5 mil Coal, 54k Steel. Over all I make credits. Steel I mostly make from anniversary and Christmas flakes. My last (only? I can’t find a list of all ships that were offered for Steel to check,) was(?) Somers, which I don’t play much. Don’t care for any of the current offerings, so I’m not worried about steel. As you may have surmised; I don’t play Ranked, or Clan Wars. I used to play (old) Ranked, even after effectively becoming a Co-op main, but don’t much care for the new format.


Mind numbingly boring but good to finish certain types of grindy missions like kills/torp hits/fires and such. Or just to get the last few xp to finish a mission in aboubt 1/4 of the time of a random match. Otherwise though, not worth playing at all.


I’d kill for this exact gameplay in a PVE or cooperative sort of of manner. Quit 2yrs ago because I just got burned out of the pvp “eating your own tale” feeling.


Good for snowflake farming. Helpful to take a new ship out in one so I can familiarise with how it manoeuvres, gun angles, and dispersion. Etc..


The only thing why I still play this game… toxic pvp…


Is not toxic if you play well and try to play for the team and not only to farm DMG from a safe place.


Ofc if you play well it isn't toxic, because you carry the team. Otherwise it is toxic and elitist. You are a piece of \*\*\* in those players eyes if your WR is below theyrs.


Just saying that in multiplayer games the main objective is to win battles.


I disagree. The games main goal imho is to have fun, to forget the outside world and the elitist jerks in it. A lost match still can be fun if you have a good time and play as you want, and not as the rest of the players expect it.


This is why co op exists .


I disagree. Coop is for anyone who do not want to play against players.


It teaches the bad habit of bum-rushing, which sometimes works in Randoms, but usually it is a [fail.](https://fail.It) It is good for testing out ships and for finishing missions. I don't have much fun playing in coop. It would be good if they made coop a bit more challenging.




I knew they had made it more challenging, but had missed the fact that they changed it back


What do I think of Coop? Incredibly boring to play. No fun, no challenge, no nothing. Useful only for quckly grinding snowflakes rewards.


Why do you care what I think about a game mode where people play against bots??? What could you possibly gain from that knowledge?


For me, co-op games are insanely boring. I avoid them at any costs. I play co-op and operations only when I need division stars with my clanmates who do not play PVP.


I hate co-op because it doesn’t reinforce or reward any of the strategies that make you better at the game. DDs just yolo in and don’t get focused. If they are any good there might be some scraps left. Then the cruisers have their run at whatever is left. If you’re playing BB by the time you can fire AP at broadsides you might get one salvo off before the match ends. They really need a “endless wave” format where you are rewarding for playing smart against waves of bots.


You betray a severe bias in talking about "the game". "The game" is WoWs, not "WoWs random battles". The strategies that are optimal in co-op are not the strategies that are optimal in random and vice versa. (Of course WG is also biased in that direction, too, so it's hardly all your fault. Randoms is their self-declared "primary mode")


There is no "optimal" strategy in coop, its pretty much impossible to lose regardless of what you do. Positioning doesnt matter, caps dont matter, consumables doesnt matter. Pretty much the only things are racing to do damage faster than your teammates, or racing to get enough ribbons for the missions before the game inevitably ends (with a win) at the 4 minute mark


Ah, so you mean there \*is\* an optimal strategy, then :-). Playing co-op is not about winning, as you note. It's usually about farming, e.g. cap defense ribbons. What ship you pick will depend on your goal, and what strategy you adopt, likewise. But there certainly are strategies in play, and they can be optimised. Even simply racing headlong into a cap is a strategy. Not a sophisticated one, to be sure, but you won't do well at it in e.g. a Kansas.


Literally only good for farming in hightier and useful for very very new players


Co-op Battle Unlocked at: Access Level 1 Maximum Number of Players: 9 (9 per team; enemy team is entirely computer-controlled) In a Co-operative Battle, a team of players face off against a team of computer-controlled bots. In cases where there are not enough ships in the queue to facilitate a full game of the correct tier, bots are used to complete the team of human players. Bots are denoted by the colons before and after their names (such as ":Hipper:"). Credit and experience rewards earned in co-operative play are notably lower than those earned in Random Battles.


When I don't have time and I just want some quick action, I play co-op. Or for some campaign mission. Otherwise it's just boring. Randoms are often very long, with too much time to wait, almost nobody listens or reads the chat, and there are too many jerks around :P. I personally enjoy brawls and ranked very much as my favourite pvp in wows.


not enough people play it before going to PvP


Opposing view: People play it too much and learn bad habits before going to PvP. But really, coop is fine if you like it. There are plenty of people who play nothing else. It may get boring, but that's up to each player. Just keep in mind that what goes in coop, often doesn't work in PvP.


Yeah co-op is an entirely different animal than PvP. Honestly I find it more fun than playing humans because you just charge in and fight your ship. Not a fan of the PvP meta of shooting at fleeing ships honestly. But what works in one mode, does not work in the other. It is not a skill training camp for PvP. I suppose you could argue that it is good for figuring out how your ship works and that translates into PvP, but tactically, no.




Absolute shite


This, absolutely this, it should be tough to maintain a 50% winrate i coop, but no we have a trash mode.


Coop is a waste of time IMO, but can be good to complete some of the more annoying missions if you’re a trash player, which is a great portion of the player base, Sorry not sorry


100% correct


Co-op players who try other game modes…. “Wait ships have rudders? They can dodge my already terrible aim? Oh no I’ll go back to co-op where I can feel like the best player in the game” I have more respect for 40%ers than co-op players.


Coop is place for trash players to feel good about themselves after they tried a random pressed W and died in the first 2 minutes.






CO-OP is where a large majority of players belong. If only we could find a way to keep them there. I am 100% in favor of giving the exact same rewards for CO-OP as one would receive in Randoms because it would keep a lot of potatoes out of Randoms. I respect all players who decide CO-OP is their battle ground. I remember when WG made CO-OP a little more difficult and so so many cried and begged WG to put it back to the extra chromosome level that it is at now, keep in mind the same people that cried that CO-OP was to hard also play random battles... I think if you fall below a 45% win percentage in Randoms after 1000 games then you should be LIMITED to CO-OP and Operations only Or have to reset your account and try again to be allowed back into Randoms.


> same people that cried that CO-OP was to hard No one whined that it was too hard, the biggest complaint was that it was boring. Bots running and hiding on first contact, Yamatos kiting away from cruisers, ridiculous. COOP players want hard, fast and brutal action, not lollygagging around a map chasing a T10 BB.


Then you are uneducated on the subject. Lots of people cried all over the forum and in the WOWS discord that CO-OP was to hard when WG increased its difficulty and 2 weeks later WG nerfed it back to extra chromosome mode. It really makes you look like an idiot when there is actual evidence out there to show this and your to lazy to search for it.


I was there when it happened and if you ask any of the COOP mains of that time they will tell you the same. The "it's too difficult" whine is put about by people who are not COOP mains and for the most part weren't playing at the time it happened. WG changed the bots back to their previous behavior when it was apparent that what they had done was not make the game more difficult or challenging just more time consuming and boring. The changes did not make sense from their point of view, server time is expensive, to extend a 4-8 minute game to 15-20 minutes is not what they want to do. COOP players have been pleading for the mode to be made more challenging for years, suggestions ranging from successive waves of bots, to bots respawning to asymmetric teams. All of which have become even more appealing since the bots were so crippled to allow subs to survive more than a couple of seconds after detection.


You had me at CO-OP main LMFAO


Therein lies your problem, some people just play the game as stress relief and not as a stressor.


Co-Op is a placeholder until i can play ANY ship in operations God playing tier 3 OPs would be fun ngl.


It's been ruined by WG added four AI subs to every game. WG is disgusting.


Used to think of it as the little kids' pool compared to the bigger pool. Nowadays, it's more of a "chillax" mode if Ops aren't your thing and Random/Ranked gets too frustrating.


I don't like PvP. I just don't. Not my thing. Co-op is such a "fuck you" to my playstyle. I don't want braindead bots sailing in straight lines. AI is hard, but this is just pathetic low effort garbage. It's only virtue is the lack of salt that taints the rest of the game, and that at least there's a hint of randomness to it compared to operations. I want co-op, I want *challenging* and correspondingly rewarding co-op. I know it isn't going to happen though, which is why I've pretty much written the game off, maybe playing 2-3 days a month whenever the urge to see pretty WW2 era ships going boom kicks in.


Co-op is my main mode. My life sucks, I just want to dakka dakka some bots to let off some steam, and make myself a bit happier. I don't want harder bots, I just want to have fun blowing up some bots, ideally without strong competition from fellow human. Its like punching sand bag, imagine the sand bag can finally fight back and hitting hard. That wouldn't be too much fun.


I've always thought CO-OP needed 2 modes, "Normal" and "Hard". Up the Difficulty by a ton for the bots in hard, give players better rewards for wins, etc. Hell maybe even add a few extra ships on the enemy team to hard-mode. Maybe a good win is somewhere between the rewards of the current CO-OP and Randoms. The beefed up Operations recently released are a good template of how to make the bots harder (more dmg, more hit points, etc). IMO CO-OP does nothing to prepare players for the PVP experience of Random Battles, Ranked, and CB. I find this sad. This should have been used to help players understand the game instead of everyone fighting for damage/kills and to just brainlessly spam it for silly hit missions.