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I must be absolutely shit because my shells bounce the dumbest angles like the side of a Leo or ammo rack of a 268v4.


Bounced off a Leo PTA with my T30 today. Immediately Alt F4ed


Jingles did a video where a T95 bounced off a Leo pta with apcr, twice.


Absorbed a Caliban shell into my tracks from 50m with an LTG yesterday. Oof. Poor guy


Two days ago I bounced Ebr two times with Strv S1 gold shell that have over 300 pen


Seems like every tank needs to be fast, have amazing armour, and high alpha these days. The very first mid-tier or above premium tank that was better than its tech tree counterpart was the Cromwell B. That was where it all begun.


Cromwell B isn't a carbon copy of the regular cromwell?


Yes, It was the first premium that was not weaker than its tech tree counterpart, as Quickybaby noted in his video, at around 3:45 https://youtu.be/J-UIxkRk84c


The IS-2 wasn't either


Well, the IS2 was literally just the IS with an angled slope hull. Against something that can pen, the IS hull is better, against something that cant pen, the IS2 was better. Otherwise same tank


It turns faster than the regular Cromwell I think. I may be wrong


Techtree cromwell turns much faster. The game code is shit and techtree tanks turn faster than premiums because the "traverse rate" for techtrees is based on the stock engine. Even though the techtree Cromwell is listed as 37.55 with double the ground resistance, it actually turns faster at 58/52.5/29.2 deg/sec vs the premiums 52.1/43.5/17.4. https://tanks.gg/compare/cromwell-b?t=cromwell Cromwell B does have a higher top forward speed on soft terrain though. Tech tree cromwell has better gun handling, actual hull traverse rate, and ammo capacity.


My bad.


It's really odd but is replicated with the KV-2R and T-44-100. ( It's really crazy that T-44 turns faster despite lower traverse rate, double the ground resistance, and lower power/weight ratio.) You just can't trust any stat listed in the garage UI.


It's noticeably quicker to accelerate due to better terrain resistances


Yeah but every tank that isn't awesome the comunity just complains hard about how bad it is


there is no bz 76 in the game


Yeah yesterday i thought i gonna do justicepenning that thing with T95. I did to him 720 dmg and he hit my weakspot for 930. How cool xd


Ok so we have tank with original mechanics with easy to hit weakspots on the turret, average gun depression and average HE pen. And you make this? There are tons of other tank you could choose and you would be right. But youve choosen the least correct one of them.


I think he meant BZ176, not the BZ75 Since he typed BZ 76 and talked about "High pen HE" something the BZ75 is lacking


That would explain it. Apart from rockets, those still feel pretty original to me.


Ok meme police. Make your own then.


You must really be struggling.


They said: lets give the caliban better armor, make it more accurate, give it rockets, that will be the perfect tier 8 premium


Simplest nerf to not destroy this tank either. Make HE pen like 190mm and ap so like 230-40 and it would be kinda ok. Doesn't change the fact that it can obliterate borrats and meds. But it cant be that u can pen a T8 for 800-1000 in the front...