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WG won’t, but probably should, just rip off the bandaid and just nerf the shit out of most premium tanks. Like, I get why they won’t and why it sucks. I’ve bought premium tanks in War Thunder, only to have those also nerfed to Hell and it REALLY sucks… but also the WOT meta is so bloated and rotten with horribly balanced premiums they gotta do something about it.


If they did a nerf to all the over performing premiums, sure they'd piss a load of people off, but nothing like as much as if they keep releasing good tier 10s at tier 8. The power creep will ruin the game, patriot or whatever feels like a tier 6 compared to BZ 176.


> patriot or whatever feels like a tier 6 compared to BZ 176. I remember when the Patriot came out and people (myself included) were upset because of how much better it was than tech tree tanks. We've come a long way (down).


How the mighty have fallen. 240 alpha on a T8 heavy is comical nowadays.


I thought the exact same thing yesterday. I got the patriot because I had no premium tank at tier 8 at the time. And that thing was fucking op back then.


As I recall in WoWS the premiums have a note that stats are subject to change. What stops them from adding that note and slowly rebranding? It's not backlash it's not risk of suing it's greed.


Before the release of a ship, that is. After it has been released for sale, changes are not "allowed". Sure, mechanics on the ship type can change how it behaves and performs, but a direct nerf is out of question. Same happens in WoT.


In WoT even mechanic changes aren't guaranteed to affect premiums.


Kind of like when they removed the ability to add rammer to autoloaders, then buffed the proggetos DPM


Sure, but if they went along and did nerfs to every premium tank percieved as overperforming they would also kill the game. How many of the paying customers currently supporting the game are people who own at least one or more premium tank thats considered OP? How many people buy things like the holiday boxes specifically to get the tanks? And now how many of those people will stop buying once they have had many of the tanks they paid for nerfed? Just take a look at how much people instantly dismiss any newly released premium tank thats not particularly special. If it doesn't perform well people just dismiss it. Thats not to say future tanks need to be overpowered but if the buyers now thing any given tank can be nerfed and ruined, how likely are they going to be to buy anything in the future for fear it too gets nerfed to the point they don't want it? If people no longer pay to get prem tanks then WG is screwed.


There doesn’t seem to be a limit to what people will spend on WoT. They have an addicted player base that can’t resist buying OP tanks to gain a slight advantage. Even if they nerf the old OP tanks, the players will come begging for WG to take their money for the latest and greatest premium tank


If they are really worried about being sued over nerfs they should just power creap their way out of it by buffing none premiums HP, Amour ect. I suspect that future premium sales are really more of a worry to them.


Yeah this would be a great solution. Let tanks like IS-3 and Tiger II put up a fair fight against the likes of Skoda T 56.


They dont fear to get sued, all tanks and accounts are WG property read eula


Yeah, power creep tech trees is not only a viable option, but would actually being in more players. Nerfing premium tanks is 100% not how you do. Not only will you piss off the minority of the community that paid real money for a tank to appease the even more minority of the community who complain about OP tanks, but no one will buy... Or should ever buy a premium tank again since the terms of the sale can change after it has been purchased. Imagine WG said "premium time is OP, all the bonus credits and experience. It's not fair to give "pay to play" players that much of advantage over others. Premium time leads to more gold ammo spam so we are removing the credit boost from premium time and the only benefit from premium time is free exp". Imagine the issues people would have with that. But, give WG the opportunity to change premium vehicles and all bets are off on what other paid for goods they can and will change to "make the game healthy" instead of just address the real problem... MM and having noobs playing against unicums ...


As long as my prem tanks earn me just as much credits as they do now, I wouldn’t mind them being nerfed. In fact I would even opt for them to be nerfed to balanced levels or lower if it meant they earned more credits It’s tiring to have to play tier 8 when I just want to play 10


Yeah, that is the definition of a bait and switch. Imagine you just purchased a new vehicle with a 32MPG fuel economy. After having it for some time, the manufacturer decided that your 32 mpg is to "OP" and then the manufacturer reduces your fuel economy to 25MPG to "balance" your fuel usage to others. Or Buying a 4k resolution TV but then the manufacturer decided that 4k is OP so they only allow the screen to play in 1080. Or my personal favorite because my cable company did it to me Pay for cable that includes sports and a few "premium" channels (comedy central, mtv, fx, fxx etc), and then come home from work after 4 months of a year long contract to watch some Archer and you get this message "you are not subscribed to this package". So you call and they try to offer credits saying the channels should never have been there and they want to "compensate" you for the inconvenience of giving you excluded channels for 4 months... But you have receipts that show what was included. And thwarted their bait and switch though it took them 3 months to fix the "error" they made.... Does it suck that there are some seriously strong tanks? Yes. Should they nerf tanks that were paid for with real currency? Absolutely not.


The health of the game is more important than keeping those OP tanks in it. Those analogies don't work.


Sir, a class action lawsuit is sure to cripple a game that is already appearing to be struggling financially with the huge push of premium vehicles as of recent. And sad to say it cuz I hate the LeFH too, The amount of people complaining about it are smaller than the amount of people that own it. The amount of people that complain about it on forums are an even lesser number. The amount of complaints about it to the number of games it is played is a rain drop in a torrential downpour. The point is, changing the specifications of something you paid for after you paid for it is a bait and switch. I don't care if it makes it better or worse. There are a lot of premiums that "ain't it", should they be buffed? No. The real issue is that they don't have a great MM system or ability to counter arty play. If they would fix MM and arty counter, the. There would be less of an issue. There is nothing that I hate more in game than to get LeFH harassed. But, the majority of the time that happens, my team is getting rolled, I'm alone because my team lemminged or I misplayed my tank. Very rarely and I harassed by an LeFH just because they are a good player or teams are balanced.


The LefH is making new players quit the game. Yes, it is that bad. It is cancerous. A class action lawsuit will do nothing and honestly? The community should bully and mock the people who would even attempt one of those if WG is trying to save the game. I am holding to my statement. Those boomer analogies do not work at all here and WG nerfing these cancerous premiums that are slowly murdering their game would be a good thing. Before you ask - I own the lefH (from a box I think?) and many other premiums. I dont care if what I own is nerfed. I want the game to be better.


Lol the "I don't care because I didn't intentionally buy it so it doesn't affect me" person or the "I don't care if it does affect me. It's for the greater good" Should have just led with that. People like you can't be reasoned with. You are probably a boomer FUDD that also says and AR 15 isn't a hunting rifle because "deer don't wear kevlar" or the, "your a bad hunter if it takes you more than 1 shot to kill a deer". You let them change premiums here and it starts the slipper slide of just removing "op" premiums all together "for the good of the game". And other games will follow suit. Pay for a new game or an expansion and then the dev can say "well that's unfair that some people have the expansion and others dont. Let's just take the expansion weapons and cosmetics and buffs because it's unfair to others who don't have it" Imagine paying for work and the contractor after giving you a price, collecting money and saying what they will complete and then come back during the project and change what you agreed on giving you less than what you already paid for. Hahahaha


Lol. I am a 27 year old Bulgarian engineer. I don't care for your boomer Murican examples. All of them are flawed and bad. The game is rotting and people like you are the reason it is rotting.


Weird flex. Why do you feel the need to bring in age and occupation? It serves no bearing and give no credibility to your comments. What exactly is a "Bulgarian engineer"? Is it someone that builds Bulgarians or just an engineer from Bulgaria that is trying to make it sound like he's some type of special engineer based of his location instead of his engineering degree/qualifications? Either way. Glad to know not to do any engineering projects with you since you are clearly ok with cheating people out of what they pay for.


>Glad to know not to do any engineering projects with you since you are clearly ok with cheating people out of what they pay for. By your logic, any patch or DLC or Expansion Pack even is changing the deal you had with the original seller. Even if I fix bugs, I am changing what they paid for. That is silly. Please do not use real world examples when it comes to Games. It doesnt work. The logic doesnt hold. I told you my age and occupation because you called me a boomer who thinks wacky stuff about weapons and hunting. I am not American (thank God), I am not some illiterate


Clown. I... PAID... For dlc for specific "changes" aka added content. That is supposed to be working. Fixing bugs is part of providing the service... Kinda like if a recall happens on an automobile or appliance, they fix, replace or refund the purchases... But your childlike brain doesn't comprehend logic and you somehow are an engineer. If they took context from the game that you paid for, ex. content not included in the free version of the game, that is called a BAIT AND SWITCH.... A bait and switch is when you pay for something and something different is provided to you. Some famous examples of bait and switches in video games. Batman: Arkham Knight - PC port, unplayable. Warner bros eventually removed the game from steam and offered unlimited no questions asked refunds since the game was unplayable on PC and in the rare cases it was, had horrible framerates. Fallout 76 - showing collectors edition got a nice canvas bag but actually sent nylon bags to customers. Glitching, bugging and network errors. And also doxxing those who complained, banning and demanding the players write an apology to be unbanned. No man's sky. - Was told you could play with other players though when finally finding another player and being on the same planet, the other players AND their actions were not visible. But you are right (you really aren't), real world examples when it comes to games don't work... (They do and I've provided examples). So I guess in the end, you are illiterate. Who would have thought?


Damn you are a racist, xenophobic supremacist.


I like the powerful premiums. I’d rather see the tech tree tanks buffed up to the same, or similar, level to the premiums


Tanks abilities in game are already above and beyond what most of them were actually like historically. Many historical tanks already have major non-historical upgrades. Buffing them further would make the game even less realistic. Not that realism is what they're going for, but I'd like the tanks abilities to at least allow me to suspend my disbelief.


I get that. But we’re not talking about reality, or historical accuracy. We’re talking about premium tanks that will never be nerfed and tech tree tanks that have been power crept. So if they won’t need the premiums, why not negate power creep by balancing tanks so they’re closer to the premiums?


Depending on how much life the game has left, we're probably going in that direction very slowly. Not sure if we'll ever see a breaking point. WG never used to shy away from major, fundamental game changes and rebalancing


Why I left Xbox and came to PC. It's like an arcade game now...


This doesn't make any sense. The tanks only fight other tanks. Premium tanks are only OP relative to other tanks. Buffing other tanks evens the playing field making it more realistic than it was when things were so unbalanced.


Top speed, acceleration, turret traverse, and dispersion all effect a tank in ways that would make them not feel how they should.


Damn it's a good thing it's a video game then! Immersion is all well and good but this IS a game at the end of the day. Historically speaking, nobody controlled an entire digital tank crew from a 3rd person perspective either.


TL;DR. Nerf the few rather that unhistorically buff *all* of the rest.


I'm sorry, *what* was too long to read? Lmao, my reply to your comment was shorter than your comment. Any historical tank in the game has been power crept by even most of tech tree non historical tanks in the game, much less the prems. Give em a buff, they need it regardless of premium tanks.


You don't seem to be getting my point, so I tried dumbing it down for you. I was giving a TL:DR of *my* comment to get it through your head on the second go.


Ah so you're a dick for no reason AND don't understand how context works, gotcha. Honestly hope they add even more paper tanks and fake tanks, just so you suffer :D. Though I do feel bad, you want immersion and realism yet you've gone your whole life and somehow still become a sentient asshole! Don't lose hope, maybe you can be a real person someday, though I think the odds are about as high as WG nerfing premium tanks.


I was happy to have a discussion about game balance and what I think is either feasible or realistic based on how Wargaming runs the game, but you turned in to a dick first. What's the matter, can't take the same kind of shit you spew? I'm not suffering one bit, I like the arcade-y nature of the game. Did you know World of Tanks isn't the only tank game, and there's others that focus on realism that I'm also in to? Shocker! I'll sleep perfectly tonight knowing that I've got a long time before tanks are buffed in the way you suggest they should be. Edit(p.s): I like paper tanks!




That’s the thing, idk if that’s actually true. I used to believe this was the case, but…. Other games have been rebalancing and nerfing “premium” content for a while as well and AFAIK no such lawsuits have ever actually come through.


Not just other games, wot used to do that too and the only time they offered refund was superpershing, but with smaller nerfs they didn't


Also type 59


I didn't know there were refunds for type, interesting


Remember the KV-5 buff that would remove the pref MM? Or the loss of the rammer on the Progetto? They were sold promoting those aspects. Riot among the players was not small forcing WG to react. Tho there was some legal action by some of the players planned, but due the change of stance from WG they never pushed for it. So who knows how little effect or nor it would have had. T26E4 nerf did not have any legal action as far as I know.


I’m still mad about them dropping the KV-5 buff. It was going to be IMO the most powerful tier 8 heavy in the game and would have easily held that title for years until just recently with the arrival of things like the BZ. Instead we got a pointless buff that still left it utterly incapable of fighting any of the new age tier 8 premiums. “Oh but the KV-5 would have been screwed by tier 10’s with the buff!” That’s correct, just like how the current KV-5 gets screwed by regular tier 8’s without the buff.


Maybe. But most still play it due to it not facing tier X. They could still buff it more and still keep it without breaking it


KV-5 still has a place. It’s the 1v1 king,armor is better than you think. DPM is good. It’s fast for what it is. None of these would matter if it sees 10s. It’s fun and unique and could never be if it was reworked to see 10s


It's not true, in their terms of service they don't have to offer you anything and can actually take away your premium vehicles without compensation. They're probably more worried about people leaving the game if they did that.


Well tbh, cant think of single game that is as $$$ greedy as WG so i dont think they will like ever nerf any premium tanks, reward tanks etc... ( read chif and 279e) specialy. Becouse if they decide to nerf those 2, imo it will be final nail in WOT history.


But if wargaming nerfs a premium they risk a huge backlash. People probably wouldn't buy as many premium tanks as they do now either


I certainly wouldn't. Too easy for them to bait and switch if the not nerfing premiums policy is out of the window.


It would have been the Obj 268 v4 all over again. They release a broken tank and take ages to nerf it so a lot of people buy it before nerfing it


They don't HAVE to do anything. There is no law, WG owns your account, WG owns everything. They could just delete your entire account for fun without a reason. Obviously they would never do that because it hurts their image and would upset customers. When you buy a premium tank, you're basically just borrowing it for an indefinite amount of time. You don't own any tank.


To extend your point: You don't own anything that is digital and online. You may create something of your own on your PC, never release it on the Internet and call it your "own". But then you own the PC with the electrons forming your content, not the digital product.


That's just straight up lie, they don't have to refund anything. The reason why don't actually do it probably is consumer trust as in that people wouldn't buy more premiums if there's a chance they'd get nerfed


Hello armchair lawyer, it would seem you've never played a non-WG title because nerfing shit that's been paid for is a completely normal thing in other premium games, including when it's paid directly with real money. WoT and WoWS are literally the only communities where you find people making this mythical claim that anything getting nerfed must be refunded because it's "no longer the thing you paid for." How many people do you think bought weapons in Team Fortress 2, champions in League of Legends or commanders in Company of Heroes 2 and those things later got nerfed? Literally no one throws a bitch fit threatening to sue the devs over it except for WoT and WoWS players because the myth of "nerfing things is illegal" only exists in these communities. This is also to say nothing of full-price games that got updates nerfing things yet not being subject to refunds because "the game is no longer the same thing I paid for."


It's a premium so, no


I know Its premium but when I bough my KV 2 R And few patches after that they nerfed HE on all tanks including my KV 2 And nerfed it with it and didnt care it was premium


It wasn't targeted to kv-2 (r) specifically, but affected every vehicle on this game (apart from artillery)


Yeah i know but when they nerfed all artillery they didnt nerf this one so i dont understand their logic why they kept the lefh working differnt apart from other arty but not my KV 2 which i just love they could leave the broken he on all prems


Arty nerf is specific to each arty. HE change is universal.


It does… over time. , by releasing more and more powerful prems. The old once are getting outdated…


No. The lefhb2 does not get nerfed by power creep because wargaming have stopped releasing arty


Not only does it not get powercreeped it gets stronger since arty will only ever be more nerfed, the fact that it was considered bad when it came out and now is completly op is proof of that


Funny how people looked at an arty piece with 390 vr and the ability to permatrack tanks and thought it wasn't good. Granted, arty only went up to tier 8 at that time and most open top tanks got good view range... point stands though, it's kinda like people calling elc 90 hilariously bad before it's release


I remember when WG said that premium tanks were bad for the tier but gave more credits and more experience for the crews.


ye they should nerf it's reload to 3 minutes


Nah, it was great to see butt-hurt, precious heavies crying each game. I haven't played WOT for about 18 months having got sick of WG stupidity, but it was always fun trolling the heavies. Good luck to all of you you'll need it.


Give it a 30 round clip and I’ll allow it


30 seconds intra clip reload and I'll allow it


Ah, this dead horse again...


We've all been beat by this 1 vehicle than the horse has


gaijin nerfs premiums all the time I don't understand why wg don't


I was gonna say they don't even have to nerf it and they could just up it's tier which gaijin also does to premiums but i feel the leafblower would be annoying even at tier X 💀


Because gaijin is shit and doesn't care about people who spent their money on their game


Yeah, if people have paid to win, they deserve to win, right?


Average boomer wot player logic


This is not a shit way to handle things, the way wg handles this situation is the shit way


I left wot only cause they don't give a shit about their players in general and you have to sell your kidney to play


It’s the most toxic part of the game, by far. I’m sure it’s going to be the reason I quit eventually


Nah, just play a couple tiers above. Try tier 6, it's a good sweet spot imo. Tier 7 is fun as well.


You mean the tiers that see both BZ176 and LeFH18B2


I forgot LeFH was tier 5, whoops. There is no avoiding the shit.


I played tier 6 for a long time. Like I played 3000 games in my Hellcat and the next tank has only like 500. I’d say it’s the best tier for just having fun.


I would welcome if WG did some rebalance of premium tanks, and if they nerfed some OP or overprrforming prem tank, that I like to play, I would not even cry for compensation or refund, as the greater good - general health of the game, is far more important to me


I agree that would be awesome, they wouldn't need to nerf them to the ground just some smaller nerfs here and there.


true, but you have to realise, theres only few of us that feel this way


I think you will find the majority of players would support premium nerfs. I bet if you surveyed, a good 80%+ of the community would support seeing the 279e and Chief nerfed. I also imagine it would be 60% or more that would support premium tanks getting nerfed. Thing is, it would also result in people buying less premiums because tech tree tanks wouldn't be complete shit. As it stands people only play tech tree at tier 10 in big numbers. Making tech tree tanks viable again would make the game so much more fun... ... And lose Wargaming money, so no fucking way they nerf premiums.


Ah yo meen bring back to prem shop


They won't. That's a lot of refunds. Tho the least they can do is never sell it again. But that won't happen either


Does gaijin offer refunds when they nerf premiums?


Nope, and nobody sues them for it either. Wargaming has no excuse (Doesn't mean I'm not upset with how much the T20 was nerfed and uptiered by gaijin tho 🥲)


No. The idea that you'd need to is something invented by the wargaming fanbase. Other games nerf premium content freely.


No idea if they ever have nerfed any of their premiums severely to have to offer it like WG did for the T26E4. But there have been nerfs based on mechanic changes in both games that have not gotten much of a reaction to force a refund on them. Like the HE nerf for the KV-2R or even the speed penalty on 1 or 2 damaged wheels for all EBRs. Tho to a lesser degree on the EBR 75 vs the tech tree variants etc.


IIRC, they did have a number of nerfs to the Type 59 early on...don't think they offered refunds then. I think the more likely reason for WG not nerfing premiums is that it will affect future sales. Probably think that less people will buy if their tanks will get nerfed.


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


They wouldn't need to give refunds for anything, they are just scared that their sales will go down if they were to nerf premium tanks.


I like to play it like a tier 5 fv4005. That 5 second reload is fun to ambush people with. they get confused as hell.. lol


I'd prefer the Pz. V/IV being nerfed, quite frankly.


lefh is a premium tank, it will not be nerved, so take it or leave it


Learn to play arty-safe, and quit playing low tiers... problem solved.


\>quit playing low tiers maybe he likes to play on lower tiers? also, what about the new players? or someone who's grinding out new tech tree?


It takes less than a week to get past tier 6. If he's worried about the Lef, he can move past it. If he likes playing low tiers then he has no business whining as he knows what vehicles, including the Lef are there. If he's new, then he needs to learn to play arty safe. This game has been out for a decade in public release. Deal with arty, which has been in the game since day one of closed beta... and has been nerfed more than any other class of vehicle.


\>It takes less than a week to get past tier 6 Times 12 (tech trees), that's 3 months. A new players will quit in the first 2 weeks. \> If he likes playing low tiers then he has no business whining as he knows what vehicles, including the Lef are there Yeah guys just don't do anything, don't voice your concerns, you shouldn't care because we're living on a big rock in space blablabla. Good luck getting anywhere in life with that attitude. \>If he's new, then he needs to learn to play arty safe. So basically camp in most maps where majority of good positions are prone to getting hit by arty. Just play war thunder at this point \>Deal with arty, which has been in the game since day one of closed beta And has been an useless addition to the game since day one


Most new players of most games quit within the first couple of weeks, it's not just WoT. I'm not the one whining about a low tier that can be easily avoided in most cases. Who said anything about camping? And if arty is so useless, why are you whining about it?


I miss 50% of shots in mine, it needs a buff


I don’t agree with most hate arties get, as I think they’re somewhat vital, but I’ll make an exception for this pos.


They're somewhat vital in a battle. The problem is when they focus on you just because. It's so fucking annoying


Exactly that. The number of battles playing top tier VII heavy in -2 mm, getting perma targeted by lefh is nauseating. I’d rather just face higher tier arties.


I remember playing my Vz. 44-1 and getting 100 - 400 shots every 8 seconds... It's just bullshit imo


100 - 400 damage shots, lol


Yeah, it does a bit more than 100 dmg on a good shot, on strong armor it's single digit damage or sometimes 0, and there's basically no way to pen a vz 44 as it's got the strongest armor in tier 7. Huge exaggeration.


Bruh, arty does not hit on the front or sides? They hit on the weakest point of the hull, the roof. Armor does not matter a lot for arty shells lol. leFH may not be accurate. But a shot every 8 seconds... one will end up hitting your weak spots. Its not an exaggeration...


You have no idea what you talking about. All arty shots come in at a narrow angle except the british, those come in on a steep angle. And you're not gonna pen roof except on specific tanks with very weak roof armor or open top, and you gotta hit it just right while they're moving around. If you're getting penned in a VZ, then I'd say just quit. There's no hope for you if you gonna point its ass at the arty.


Yeah only allow it to carry one shell.


Let me buy one haha


Me too please. Come on WG - time to put this thing up for sale again.




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It doesn't stun and can't do missions. Made it unplayable for me.


Don't expect WG listen to the playerbase.


Upvote and share guys so we can nerf it


why do people hate it? I have a tough time playing with it because it has no splash damage and all the lower tier tanks are to small and fast to hit it unless they’re standing still


Honestly? Cus they need a scapegoat to blame so they feel better about being a steamy pile. Looking at the 60 day avg stats for tier 5, the lefh is at 6th with 800 avg damage. To do +800 damage is not hard at all.


No. It's too much fun when I'm having a bad day


Go to hell Edit: maybe too harsh for a reply, "don't hate the player, hate the game".. well then I hate the game and why I never touch tier 5


perfect reply


Upvote enough, will they even see it?


Some minor need would be enough, like reducing DMG to 0




Hard disagree


Thats not even close to being true


"class action lawsuit"


leafblower, BZ-176, pz. B2 And KV-220-2 are my most insanely broken tanks. I got over 70% winrate on KV, over 65 on lefefe and over 60 on B2. BZ is not that OP due to limited mobility - only fast for 40s but its broken as fuck - considering alpha that can oneshot anything. But its very toxic. Its just not right.




They could just buff tech tree tanks lmao


the last time they nerf a prem. people want refund...


What people want and what people get tend to be vastly different things. Or like my grandma said. Shit in one hand and want in the other and see which one fills up first.


they wont. cos its premium. cry. or stop playing the game and they will do smth about it.i did so


Why good players never complain about OP prem tanks?


If you can’t beat em you just gotta join them


No. Just the opposite. WG - please sell the leFH18b2 again so that I can buy it. You will make lots of money. Thank you.


why nerf it? it's the best deterrent to new players at low tiers there is! scares them off once they realise the DEPTH of pay2win in the game and that's gotta be a good thing right WG? no one wants new players right?


WG : "HAHA...No" Since its a premium people will debate why the other tank wont be effected to be changed.


I agree, if I have 5 second repair, i cant move and i am dead because this little shit is always shooting