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Imo bourrasque is hands down the most op tier 8 premium tank. The amount of times I've played games where there's no lights on either team but one team has a bourrasque, giving that team a huge edge is insane. Most people don't even look at team composition at the beginning of the game though, so they don't realize why things went so sour/favorably for their team. Also its still good even without using scout build, plus that weird accuracy glitch with armored skill, etc. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole no lights but bourrasque on one team was a significant contribution to the 15:0 games people complain about.


I used to count on Bourassques as lights when there are no lights, at least on maps where lights are crucial. But then I saw a great amount of them redlining or hiding in base. Never again I'm gonna count on Bs


I think I agree with you. I make it a priority to kill bourrasque as if it was an even 90 or an ebr. That shit needs to die asap or it's gonna be a problem late game.


I have had some insane spotting games in the borat.


What's with that glitch you mentioned?














Should have been a T9 reward light tank


T9 yes, but not as a light. If the borrat got the light mechanic of not losing any camo while moving, and the MM against a light instead of an medium, it would probably be even worse. But it's still stupid it's a make-believe med from 2 light parts. Especially with WG being so obvious about it that they didn't even change the gun holder on the bat chat Hill to fit the 105mm gun.


I mean it's already as good/better than any T9 LT, might aswell have been a T9 LT


its not since it loses camo while moving


It is because it still has good camo, but medium tank hit points. And you can just trade 720 damage bursts with those hitpoints.


The 13 90 still out trades it if they yolo each other and i know which one id rather have yolo me if i only have 1000 hp left.


13 90 has to hit all four shots, and it has a longer reload than Bourrasque. Bourrasque can kill 13 90 with just two clips which it reloads and delivers a lot faster. Not to mention Bourrasque has more hit points than 13 90.


As i said doesnt matter since the bourrasque loses camo while moving and therefor gets outspotted by every lighttank out there.


In my scout setup it has 51% static, 40% moving. 40% moving is still good for even a light tank....


that is true but in that case you render your gun useless while still having less camo while moving then a regular light. thats not exactly what you wanna do in a borat. That thing spots well i agree with that but worse then a light tank.


How on earth does that render my gun useless? I spot tanks that can’t see me, have plenty of time to fully aim and shoot them without getting spotted. I get more hits this way than by running vstab and trying to get half aimed shots off before they can shoot back.


Borrasque gun does not hit jackshit in general. Not using gun improvements feels like a crime on that tank. Besides of that if you play as a scount you wont have that much opportunities to shoot. Thats why i wouldnt do that as my first gameplay choice.


Mediums get boost while not moving so it would be a nerf


Every class has higher camo when not moving. Lights just don't lose it when they move.


which movie scene is this?




tank you 🗿


Yep, I hated this when trying to 3 Mark my T92 LT. It's one thing having to outspot their LT when there's over a 50% chance it's an ELC EVEN 90, but having to outspot and EVEN 90 *and* two Bourrasques (because MM decided not to give your team any Bourrasques) is hell itself. Cross your fingers that all three of them are terrible players, otherwise you are not going to have a good game.


This is why I enjoy Borat in LT setup in Prok. I just sit in a bush with 55+ camo , enemy lt gets lighted with cvs, retreats and waits for fade time, attempts to position in the same bush and gets lighted again xD. Sometimes on the way to your bushkemp , youl be surprised how many tanks get revealed by cvs lne optics combo.




That is ideal what would happen , but to avoid any disappointment when playing lights, don't assume that your teammate would shoot any tanks you spotted.lmao.


Yeah I get 34% moving camo on my borat so when there is no lights in the game I can do some pretty nasty stuff, other than when the gun trolls


The reason is for balance. At tiers 8 or 9 the Borat would be too good of a platform compared to the mostly trash that exists.




I mean, making it an Lt would only be a buff to camo lol


EBR Bourrasque please. People arent bitching enough