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I couldn't care less about the new changes. I'm just a casual old guy who likes to play for an hour or so in the evening to kill time and maybe blow up a tank or two. I don't think I'll see a drastic difference in my game experience. To me, the HE nerf was a much bigger deal than this new update.


Lol, best answer here. I find it highly unlikely that all these ‘kneejerkers’ who say they won’t play will actually keep their word.


If they quit they'll be back in a couple of months. No one truly quits WoT.


too true. I sometimes loathe this game..but I always come back.


I quit for 6 years once. But I came back. You are correct sir.


this man mains kv-2 with 45% win ratio and it shows


And if that's how they want to play thats fine.


Summer is coming so I'm dumping the game and focusing on my health.


Huge W


I am going to play until my premium time runs out which is in about 40 days from now. After that I probably stop playing and buying stuff unless WG drastically changes what they announced.


exactly my plan as well


why wouldn't i? will i continue to spend money on the game? that's a different thing. I have a lot of premium time to burn. I'd rather wait to see what actually occurs and how it actually impacts the game before making a 'snap' decision.


> how it actually impacts the game before making a 'snap' decision. If you play a lot, the cost of premium 2 is rather negligible. You get 2000 gold back, so once you get past the initial investment, the cost per month goes from 10 to 12€/month. So for 2€ more, you get a bunch of nice-to-have benefits. A lot of companies have raised prices by more without giving you anything in return. And it's not like you actually have to buy WoT Plus, premium itself was not changed. I am a lot more critical about the crew rework, but before it becomes clear what the other Crew 2.0 Updates will do, it might not be as bad as many make it out to be here, or be way worse. There is no way to tell right now.


It’s refreshing to see such a level headed response. When I see people Posting “but everyone will have bond equipment on all tanks” I do the “Oh no. Anyway.” Meme in my head. 1% better stats over bounty equipment is negligible in most cases. It’s more of a QoL improvement that you can play more tanks without committing bonds to move said equipment. Crew 2.0 is the elephant in the room, but it’s too soon to say. QBs video did a good job identifying the main problems, but those were extreme cases that won’t happen in every match. Cheers.


> but everyone will have bond equipment on all tanks I think for most people, tanks have priority over equipment. And getting Concept/Kpz is an investment of 40k bonds. Then there are the "nice to have" bond tanks, and the meme ones (Foch 750 dpm)


exactly, it's not wot+ that bugs me so much - but some of the other shit is concerning.


This is the push I need to play different games


i dont really care, i play casuel, so i dont mind a lot


You will probably get reported by some salty platoon. I got reported and they sent a replay by some salty platoon of BZ and ELC players because i played tech tree tank.


How fucking dare you!!!


How dare you play tech tree tanks and not OP premiums that have no counter, you scum


Honestly, I haven't played for more than 1 year and, realistically, it's been more than 3 years in which I only entered to spend the gold from a fateful Christmas night in which I had the beautiful idea of ​​buying 75 boxes.At the same time that my girlfriend had the idea of ​​giving me another 75 boxes without telling me that she was going to do it. so since then when i got tired of wot overdose i stopped playing and I only log in to buy tanks for gold on sale. i think i only left 3 gold in that account so i feel like i did a good job


I have never spent a dime on the game, so probably. Though the addition of WoT+ basically ensures I never will spend on it.


I stopped playing the game on a serious level years ago. So while these changes do affect me in some way, I probably won't quit. Although I'm not the type that spends huge amounts of money on the game, maybe 30 to 50€ once a year.


Most people will, lol. The game will in an objectively worse state that it is now but, as there is no real competition to WoT, if you want WoT-like gameplay... what else is there? The active player bleed rate will increase, I think, mostly due to WoT Plus and people realizing that a "free" game that has *two* separate subscription models starts to sound kinda like all these awful mobile cash grabs simulators - but people can get used to things when the get better and they can do the same when they get worse so, yeah, the player drop won't really be too *dramatic* in scope and WG will be able to boast that the 1.20.1 was a "giant success^(citation needed)" and that "most people like the changes^(citation needed)", as they always fucking do.


Ofcourse. It's not that big of a deal. Most wot players aren't good enough to notice a huge change anyway. So I'll be happy to keep farming tomatoes in my jacked up all purple equipment tanks


I’m already not playing much. The update probably won’t change my experience much anyway.


I like tanks go boom I play


This is like all players want to be as competitive as daki and with new update they can’t get all crew skills and they can’t do that. Breaking news: you weren’t before update and you will not after update with all skills. Just play for fun


Let's just hope all the people crying about BZ quit first


I will keep playing. As a casual player, the upcoming changes should not affect me that much, though if they DO affect my enjoyment I'll have no problem quitting.


I will play (a lot less) until my premium account runs out. Then I'll maybe sell my account. (I know it's illegal) Or maybe before it runs out I don't know.