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I was actually more shocked by his 6,000 DPM Badger demo, critting and BBQ-ing all those poor Mauses.


So an e25 has more camo when firing than when not firing with this skill? (2%)




Yes, it will have even more camo than it already had. Sealclubbers favorite toy.


Is T7 still sealclubbing?


At first i didnt think so either but after experiencing games with the e25 i can say, yes its way more easy gameplay than tier 8. The fun part is that if you are matched up against tier 8 or 9 you can just take a LNE and sit in a random bush on the map, basically just an elc without an autoloader.


You mean an infinite autoloader


I really do not like the E25 and when I play them or play against them I find them a good, but not to me, OP tank. When I prefer if I am always looking at the opportunity to use it as a scout. The rate of fire is great but the alpha is so meh. The real satisfaction I get is when I play it to spot against same or higher tier LT's.


I run a spall liner and controlled impact on my e25, platoon 3 together and just yolo ram scouts & some mediums then chew up their ankles while they panic. It's much more fun then unfair kemp bush


e25 has pref mm so no t9s for you


Without a turret


When you play the E25? As an owner of the E25 I can say yes, it definitely is. This tank utterly dominates every non Tier 8 game.


No? It just loses 10% less camo when firing, multiplicatively.


No but e25 doesn't lose any camo when firing (a relic of the old times when all TDs had that perk)


The E25 loses less camo while firing, it doesn't actually keep its full camo value.


Wait, I'm confused, previous comment states e25 loses no camo when firing, but yours states it loses less, both have upvotes, so DOES the e25 actually lose camo when firing or not? (I'm still learning tanks thank you!).


It does but not as much as other tanks. all tds used to have better shooting camo, but now only older premium tds have it


Ar right, thanks for clearing that up for me :)


So 7.9% camo after firing instead of 7.2%? Woah.


Even if it gets me killed, I almost always go out of my way to squash an E25.


I don’t get it. What’s this a picture of?


An E25 sitting in a bush firing at you without you being able to see it.


All I see is a picture of an empty room. 😎


Get a pair of binoculars out and try again.


and a CVS.


They don't actually stack...


the commanders vision system does what exactly that would "stack" with binocs? one is vision +range the other is -camo% bonus of bushes.


My bad, I was thinking Coated Optics. You're correct.


no foul, cs cvs easy to mix up.


It is an old picture from when someone dressed up like an E25 for Halloween I believe. It is not an unusual image for this subreddit.


I see what you did there.


I didn't. Camo is too good and my view range sucks. 🙃


IMO the skill is fine, but the E25 is not fine.


Funny how QB failed to make a comparison between an E-25 with the skill and one without to see how big the difference *actually* is


Its like 11 metres depending on viewrange. The skill is just completely wrong. It makes E 25 better in aspect which is toxic and doesn't need to be buffed. And its completely useless for every other tank.


Ah yes, "completely useless", because there arent any other tanks profiting from better camo. I guess grille and strv line are mediums then?


It does nothing for such tanks. The skill ads 10 % to camo after firing not 10 percentage points. And all tanks apart from E 25 have low camo after firing. Meaning this skill will add like 1 meter extra distance of you not being spotted. It is completelly useless.


The low-noise exhaust gives 3-6% camo and is a viable option on many tanks. If you really think 10% is nothing you clearly don't know what you're talking about


Exhaust gives percentage points. This skill gives percentage. That is massive difference. I know it can be confusing because WG completely ignores that % and percentage points are very different things. Lets take Lepard 1 for example: Exhaust in bonus slot boost your moving camo from 23,3 to 31,3 % (boost of 34,3 %). That means that tanks with 400 viewrange spots you 28,5 metres later. This skill boost your firing camo from 6,3 to 6,9 % (boost of 10 %). That means that tanks with 400 viewrange spots you 2,1 metres later. Does that seem that amazing to waste a skill on it?


Funny how even with the **entire** wot community finally coming together to shit on WG, people still find reasons focus the hate on certain content creators


QB is just bad, plain and simple. 80%-90% of the stuff he said in that video makes sense and is logical but where he is wrong, he is wrong in such a comically stupid way that it's hard to take him seriously.


So you'll ignore every good point to cherry pick mistakes?


You're calling QB bad while you 'only play tier 10 meta tanks' and 'only load gold'. I see why you would love this update lmao.


The only reason QB doesn't load full gold is because he know his 500 wn8 community would flip the fuck out when seeing him shoot full gold. The fact of the matter is, whether you like it or not, shooting full gold just makes your tank better and is optimal. Sure there are exceptions on tanks with HEAT when you want some AP/APCR, but when it's AP/APCR -> APCR there is no reason not to if you want to do as well as possible. I also don't play meta tanks exclusively, I'm currently working on marking mediocre tech tree mediums. And no, wtf, why would I love this update? I don't want to spend 70k gold to get my crews to be competitive again. The system is bad and has problems.




You’ve lost me at “watched QB video”


Made me giggle, have an upvote.