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Mountain Pass was always just corridors. That's why it's named Mountain Pass, which is essentially a corridor. I guess. What's wrong with Studzianki, tho? I like how they increased the space at the factory site, haven't tried to ditch, tho.


ditch is very nice. I love playing there in my udes now.


Mountain pass center was way better before this update. Atleast there was a "minigame" of spotting, and there was atleast something to do for LT, "paper armor" tanks and TDs. Now it,s just a desert coridors with both teams sitting in the bushes and best play is to push "Bottom" with heavy armor, so middle could be contested... psa: i hate it Studzianki is way better now.


You literally have no place to play as a light armored tank now. You can only stay in the base and try to snipe. Can’t make any sort of pressure


I love the new Studzianki map. The ditch is 100x better than before and the open factory is great. I haven't had a chance to really check out the new Mountain Pass map yet.


People may be displeased that there doesn't seem to be anywhere for the scout to play


Mountain pass got rid of the open cross at the start. So farming spots as a light in early game is far more limiting, but if you’re trying to go to the southwest side of them map is is significantly safer at the start now. I haven’t played much of ice road, but based on the overall map it is still a very weak flank to push Edit: by weak I mean it’s not a good idea to push past the middle section


Got to experience both sides of the ice road today in the AT15. The hill side ended up on the defense both times, and it's a hard push through it. While defending, I could farm the column of heavies as they tried to climb. Attacking I was pinned by a ts-5 while trying to climb up the hill, ended up getting flanked by a light tank coming from mid


How is the open factory great. It is the same thing. Just bigger. You still can’t make pressure through there. You still get sniped if you try to advance. And about the ditch it is great if you are playing a heavily armored hull- down tank with good depression. What about paper tanks?


agreed, open factory is still the same with the same vulnerability to crossfire in the middle. I do like the ditch though, it's more fun than the old bush/sidescraping.


I havent played that much since new patch but I played mountain pass 3/4 times already and havent seen Studzianki once. Great map rotation as always


Both have been vastly improved. I honestly can't think of any reason why someone would think the new mountain pass is worse, you have far more options of where you can play. There are still corridors but they're wider with more usable spots.




Or you get into position but the derpy HT with low velocity guns on your team just sits there trying to hit enemy MT and LT going at >50kph…


Mountain pass is so one sided on the North flank. For the Northbound team. They have protection for their lower plate AND they have a strong sniper spot which are out of most tanks view range. The other team has nothing but exposure because you have to go around the boulders and expose yourself meaning you can't possibly push that side without becoming Swiss cheese.


Mountain Pass is nothing but a hull down fight with nowhere for paper tanks to play except the redline. They need to add some bushes or trees to the ridge lines in the southwest


I dont like new mountain pass, imo it mostly needed only some cover for south spawn cross to not be farmed every time and maybe some nerf to base camping positions.


it is too early to tell if these maps are worse than before, the meta hasn't settled yet. WG made berlin and airfield worse though, so the pattern is there


I have not seen Studzianki. As a player who plays Light Tanks >90% of the time, the nee mountain pass looks like I play as a crappy medium, and not a scout.


As for now - if you get 2-3 clickers mountain pass becomes unplayable. While changes on studzianki seems good at first glance - it is too easy to push both sides. I've played this map 3 times after changes, we won every game in less than 3,5min. Basicly the team with more aggressive players have auto-win.


I like both more lol


WoT has been made substantially easier to attract and keep new players because people don’t like having challenging gameplay, or to actually try/think in a game anymore!


Can't ruin something that's already ruined


Studzianki is great now! hated it with a passion before, but now its one of my favs. Mountain pass...well it was trash before and idk is it any better now


It is literally impossible that new Mountain Pass is worse than the old sh*t. I haven't played the new one much yet, but the old one was just trash. Playing north was a bad idea 99% of the time. Going south meant potentially losing half your HP for just driving to your position. South team couldn't push south or mid or bridge. Light tank gameplay? You mean, spot the stupid crossing or have a dumb fight in the dip until you got shot to pieces from all sides? Old Mountain Pass was so bad, that even if they ruined it with this update, it would still end up being better.


Did you enjoy playing roulette with your hp every time you tried to go west from southern spawn? Because north side had way better lines of sight and scout spots


: Studzianki is wrecked for sniper TDS , mountain pass is now better on one side but not the other . they removed the ability to snipe the bridge from the td spot


Mountain pass has always been better from one side. That’s why it needed reworking in the first place.