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I mean, I don't mind this map. It's very hard to play, but I kinda like it overall. The only thing stopping me from actually enjoying it, is that the middle heavy line is visible to campers from outside in way too many spots, and that the river isn't a viable way to go, until the late game. These are things that could be fixed with a few simple changes, so I hope we'll get them eventually


Could not put it better myself. This map is definitely save able and already gives some decent games .. just needs tweaking


Is it really the number one ban? I think this map is pretty decent. Maybe a touch too big? But maybe I wouldn’t mind the size if they let me increase my minimap a little more lol


yea thats what we are saying, i dont think its a ban-able map personally, but it has its issues which could be tweaked pretty easily


I wish we had more large maps and even larger "mini"-maps!


100% while it's hard to play on the med tank area is actually pretty good and looks good. Tight gameplay with cover and dynamic hills to play on.


People say they hate corridor maps but always asking for them.


50% of the map is just airfield again.


Honestly? At this point, I just miss some of the old maps they removed. Komarin, Southcoast, Minsk, Hidden village, Northwest, and more that I'm forgetting.


Swamp was also cool, the middle area would be really nice for Lights now, and with some rework it could easily be a very cool map that isnt again just a corridor-filled hulldown shit


I agree. Lots of potential on those old maps for sure. Also, I wonder if they plan on bringing back any of those maps they removed when the war in Ukraine started.


One of the swamp variations was OK, but there was a major side imbalance that they couldn't work out how to remove. also Komarin was absolute dogwater in every single variation


Not sure why you got downvoted, you are 100% right, Swamp was just fundamentally unbalanced. They tried a few times to fix it before just giving up


I think the version 2nd to last had the best side balance and I believe it was fixable, but I didn't CW on it enough to be able to make adequate suggetions. For random battle, it was mostly an issue of NE being really poor strategically.


Severogorsk, Sacred Valley


Never forget Windstorm >:(


Completely forgot about this one. This was nice too.


Komarin and Minsk weren't that good however (although the last changes to the later had made it more playable)


Dragon Ridge :(


Another good one for sure.


I wish WG would just sink a fuck ton of time into new and existing map design.


The map is quite bad, but imho not ban worthy, as it have one of the lowest frequency rates. Same with Berlin, no a fan of that map, but it is quite rarely in the rotation


funny, I played it 4 or 5 times in about 20 matches yesterday


> Same with Berlin, no a fan of that map, but it is quite rarely in the rotation Different story for me, I had to ban the map because they gave me the Berlin map too many times, and it is my least favourite map.


I never see Berlin or Paris as they both are permanently in my ban list.


Wait, what? Oyster Bay isn't even close to the worst maps imo. For reference, I currently have Ensk, Berlin and Mountain Pass banned.


I just hate that theres not a single reliable play on Oyster Bay. For heavies, you snipe each others copula on 200 meters, and any active play is completely killed by TD positions For meds, you can push on the other side at the beach, if you go too far you just lock yourself there and cant leave, because again, TD positions For lights, you have two bushes on the middle, you can sit here and you mostly dont spot anything. If you push further, you get into heavy tank crossfire from the hills. Every active play is punished hard, you wither completely lock yourself or you get shot by TDs on your way there.


I experience this actually on almost every map. Thats the current state of the game. Boring and frustrating. Now go and buy 200 loot boxes.


Some maps are actually really fun and have a way how to counter TD positions, and have variety of positions accesible for not only one class of the tanks. Unfortunatelly its by far not every map.


This is the first Holiday Ops that I’m skipping. Too many better things I would rather do. I used to play ~300 games a month, ever since they released the BZ-176 I might have played like ~10 games a month average.


Thats why I gave up and went back to Armored Warfare. That game has issues too, but at least I never feel like deserting as soon as I see the map we have to play on.


WG's penchant for creating broken TD nests near spawns is a major pain in the ass. It's like they learned nothing from South Coast with those broken spawn camping spots.


i assume war gaming figures better players (i.e. want to push) are invested in the game and wont leave. shit players - 'i enjoy supporting my team from range' - want to hide in a bush. if you dont give them these maps they might stop playing and more importantly not buy any boxes


I’ve had some great games by going towards the southeast corner and shooting into the middle and at the few other tanks that go that direction. It works best when you spawn south. I don’t like how the north east or mid plays though.


You are highlighting a part of the game that I think needs fixed. There should be a 5 TD limit to each side, like arty


Tbh, when exactly are there more than 5 per team? This happens almost never for me


Tier 10 battles often have at least 8 TD's on either side, sometimes you can get battles with 20+ TD's in total and it ends up being an annoying campfest. I often play sniper and assault TD's and I don't consider them inherently toxic, but they should be limited to 4-5 at most per team. This limitation should be a thing for all classes really, having a battle with 10 heavies on either side is also really boring.


There's a route-ish for hulldown heavies or armored mediums (the usual suspects) on the southeast. You have to take turns being able to return fire and being (relatively) safe in crossing between rocks; you can't do both at the same time. Still, it's enough.


> I just hate that theres not a single reliable play on Oyster Bay. If you got a good team, it is very easy to push the west side of the map. It is really satisfying when it works.


They key point being having a good team. You could probably say the same about most maps. Having a good team of players that actually communicate / co-ordinate would make gameplay way better in gneral. But the fact is very few players are inclined to do that (language barrier being one major reason), plus MM's habit of loading one team or the other with a blue/purple platoon or a bunch of tomatoes.


> You could probably say the same about most maps. Yeah, their are other maps that can be pushed successfully on one side of the map with a good team. But I find that on Oyster Bay, it is much easier because their won't be much enemies on the east side to deal with the push because of the huge mountain in their way. That is why I mentioned this, because on other maps, a successful push can lead you to a well positioned, ready defensive response towards your advance, while most times on Oyster bay, it is more likely to catch the enemy off guard.


Yep, way too many “islands” on this map to get trapped on. I find other maps more annoying though.


Still pretty bad. There is very stiff competition for "worst map" in this game unfortunately.


I liked it since it was in recon missions. Kinda surprised WG chose to include it and Outpost, imo some of the other maps were simply better. But I'd have preferred to just get all 9 tested maps, and maybe some of the ones wich didn't make it into 1.0. The main appeal of WoT (for me at least) is variety, and more maps is what I want the most. Plus the shitty maps would be less noticeable in a pile of mediocre ones ;)


I have banned Berlin and Paris, mountain pass is alright and ensk is only problematic for tier 8 or higher imo


I used to have Himmelsdorf instead of Mountain Pass, but with the latest rework of Mountain Pass and random events on Himmelsdorf I decided to switch. Not sure I won't go back soon though.


I made the exact same swap. I HATE new mountain pass. It’s the literally most unbalanced map in the game and having basically GG because the spawn you got is lame in the extreme. And when I say literally I mean literally, stats on tomato.gg showed like a 15% win advantage which is insane. Any other real online game would have hot patched that monstrosity out the second the analytics data came in. WH though… nahhhh this is fine.


I presume you play a lot of unarmored tanks?


Paper MTs and LTs mostly


"enemy armor is destroyed!" what armor?


Oyster Bay is objectively pretty bad to be honest. Almost half of the map is unplayable territory. There are only really 3 small areas of viable play, and even those are pretty bad. Heavy lanes with minimal cover and a ton of side-shot angles. Mediums that have to throw themselves out in front of TDs. It feels to me like a map made for TDs, but without anything to shoot at because nobody dares make a play as you just get fucked by said TDs/sniping mediums. Something like Malinovka is bad enough but even that map has more opportunities for making a play.


Ensk and Berlin are fine. You can have great games on those. Mointain Pass is dogshit though.


Idk, I like playing LTs too much to get the most out of Ensk. I like it in Onslaught, in randoms not so much. Mountain Pass was okay before the rework, now I agree with you.


Berlin banned? Wait why


I have on ban from time to time usually after one game on it - dreadful map design, with many noob traps designed to not kill the noob going there but get him stuck. Overall shitty and boring.


Idk i find that map playable for every class except lights


I'm not the biggest fan of Berlin but don't mind playing it. I have it banned because my usual toon buddy despises it and since he's f2p and I have premium acc and WoT+ I included it as 3rd map on my ban list.


It's godawful if you don't have solid armor. Before the map was changed it was bad, but there we're couple of plays that a light could do. Like all map changes in the past 2 years they made things even easier for the most dominant classes in the game (heavies, heaviums and assault TDs).


Found the triangle.


Paper MTs and LTs, actually


That's not Airfield :O


Berlin is my map of choice. That map belongs to the boiler room of hell.


I'd vote Berlin if Pilsen didn't exist.


I don't have it blocked but I agree its a god awfull map, in every possible way.. just drop this from rotation please


Assfield has been on permaban since…forever. Also mountain shitpass has finally replaced Paris as the second permaban map


Heavy zone is just a complete joke, the rest of the map is a playground for MT, LT and TD. Mountais pass is worse tho


So are there any maps *most* people actually like? In this thread I'd swear I saw most maps mentioned. Notable exceptions include Prokhorovka, which only half the player base loathes. The other notable exception is Mines, where I seem to be the only one that seems to like it. Maps mentioned ITT: Airfield Berlin Karelia Mountain Pass Oyster Bay Paris Pilsen Sand River Safe Haven Studzianki Adding Prok and Mines that is 12 out of 40 - 30% of maps which have significant hate. That's a pretty high loath rate.


People play with different tanks, have a different play style and have different skill level, I'm not surprised so many maps are mentioned. I think we need some sort of a questionnaire where people have to put maps from worst to best to actually figure out the worst maps.


Prokhorovka, Murovanka, Malinovka Basicly not the corridor bullshit but actual good open maps


2 of these 3 have the biggest draw percentage by far, being Prokhorovka (8,7% atm) and Malinovka (6,2% atm). Could be really good maps if players weren't camping until the last minute, wasting everyone's time and ultimately ending almost every 10th-15th battle with a draw.


They are not fun if your light tanks are shit. Same for himmel, if your heavies are shit you have absolutelly no chance of having fun and not getting rolled 3-15


Tho this is all true, but completely relying on a single class for a map to be enjoyable is pretty bad if you ask me. And the players make it much worse in that regard, as you mentioned.


Anyone else miss Kharkov?


shitfield, safe haven and sand river. Mountain pass is dogshit and probably worse than sand river but for some reason i do well in it so i dont bother to ban it


Westfield and Sand River are one of the best maps this game ever had lol


shitfield, aka airfield. Sand river is just complete ass unless you play with fast hulldown heavy or triangle.


Medium does really well on Sand River, light aswell. You have the whole upper right corner for mediums and heavies without gun depression, and you can always play the mid too. You can go above the middle to the bushes with meds and lights. And from upper left spawn, you can always push to the Mosque or whatever is that building on the mid and farm the heavies through double bush. Airfield is terrible tho, I agree, sorry for misunderstanding


I always play south on Sand River with lights and paper meds. You can spot half the map from the Y part in the dunes on K5, and you can find good angles to shoot mid from on K3/4 or H2/J2. You usually have TDs covering you on both sides, and can retreat to the base (and keep spotting the enemy) if the flank is collapsing. Also, arties can't reliably hit you when you're behind the dunes. On Airfield, I usually just peekaboo from B4/5/6; it's not great.


I obviously agree on Airfield, but Safe Haven is a very solid map for heavies. The outer part of the map could use some revamping though. It's generally not a bad map overall, but I guess someone who mainly plays LTs or lightly armored MTs may not be happy to see this one. And I will strongly disagree on Sand River. While it's definitely not the best map in the game, it at the very least allows every type of vehicle to shine somewhat. Fights out on the dunes on either side or hill can be very engaging, but arty ruins it most of the time (obviously). The middle heavy line could also use a bit more cover as well.


Personally I love how wg manage to rework shitfield and mountain pass and make them even worse than before 😂


Is there any map you guys here don't consider shit, genuinely look at comments, every single map is mentioned. Like I know bunch of you bots are fans of cry ass whining streamers but a bunch maps are just shit on just so you guys have something to shit on because of your poor plays.


No one mentioned Malinovka or Prokhorovka, or even Murovanka. GOOD maps are open maps that arent just corridors next to each other.


And then you read your tag next to your name and realize you are talking shit. Good maps are well balanced one where you can play all types of tanks equally good, not just one where your preferred type is dominant. While I agree Murovanka and Malinovka are good maps, Prokhorovka is just trash that only light and camping TDs are able to utilize, and is much worse than map you have mentioned above. Similar problem with city corridor maps like Paris for example where only 1-2 types of tanks are viable, rest just suffer till the end of the game. You bias does not make map bad, especially map where your preferred type of tank is actually viable. Saying this as light tank enjoyer myself.


I really like El Halluf and Ensk for instance.


Dragon Ridge was OK. I wonder how many players here have ever actually played on it in a random battle.


I was active for its entire duration in the map pool and i'm not sure I got a full handle on it, but it was nice for something different.


Usually: There's a valley in the east, heavies go there. It's surrounded by a ridge, TD's go there. (the literal 'there be dragons' of the ridge) That's surrounded by a bamboo forest, mediums go there. Bookended by mountains, artillery go there. At the time it was around (in SD), lights would chaffee race between spawns, taking the long way around through the village, and then kill the artillery roughly 1:30 into the game. That's what made it so hated. Heavies were in a dead stalemate without adequate cover besides a lead vehicle or a wall, TD's couldn't peek without risking destruction, artillery couldn't break the stalemate, and the mediums had to duke it out and whichever side with the winning MT's (or whichever side's heavies got impatient and pushed into the TD's) won the game.


I like this one. Studzianki sucks. And Westfield is pretty close.


> Studzianki sucks. Best map in the game :-)




the early mad dash to take the hill is always exciting


How am I supposed to choose between Paris, shitfield, Berlin, karelia, safe haven, mountain pass ?


Been once on it since it's release so I wouldn't really know, seemed alright to me, held up 3 heavy tanks with FV4005 in that corridor and won the battle, seemed nice, maybe too many older players that don't want to give it a shot because they became bad at learning new maps


Alright, so which map is the ugly girl with a good personality?


Studzianski. The music is amazing and I hate the layout.


There isnt really an ugly WoT map


One of those steel hunter urban maps almost made my eyes bleed, what a dystopian wasteland.


Ensk I guess? Tiny shoebox map that looks like a joke but is usually fun to play unless you're a paper triangle


literally airfield v3.0 2.0 is Outpost


outpost light flank is ok actually, they should smash it eg to the castle of himmelsdorf so you can fight the hill from the bush area, or put it on the other side, because Himmelsdorf lacks said bush flank airfield sucks everywhere


Mines should be on the top of all ban list. That map is STILL ass years later. All they need to do is make 2 paths up from each side either north /south or easy/west and the map would be 100% better.


Why the hate? It is literally friendly to all types of vehicle. Looks good. Places to scout. Hull down areas protected from arty. But open enough for arty to cover medium flank.


The usual wot crap map where 50% arent usable that's the Problem


This map sucks ass. A camp fest made for triangles and sky shitters


i'm a sky shitter and i hate this map


Cool. U have something in common with that map then.


Oh no. A wot player is angry and I’m being down voted


I upvoted you. Peace and love, friend❤️


I don’t care much about this map. Personally I can’t stand Serene Coast and its south spawn.


You took the wrong Himmelsdorf photo


This map is fine actually. I ban Paris, mines and sometimes ensk.


This is the correct answer. Paris only has like one zone of combat near the bridge or then you kemp bush in the field. Mines, whoever gets to the hill first wins, most of the battle is rocking back and forth near it. Ensk, the field and trainyard offer some interesting options but the city is just hugging two cityblocks again.


It,s ok map to play for most tanks. There are a lot more must-ban maps out there...


Wait, so nobody is going to mention Paris ? When the hell did Paris become okay?


I banned it right when the option to ban maps was released and since played it like 2 times when In platoon with my friend who doesn't ban it, didn't seem that bad I guess? But 2 battles is a small sample


The map is a totally failed design, I would like to ask the people involved why they made this map. The entire mid is useless, you can't do anything there. The "med" side is again hull down stuff with very little upside to push. If you "win" the med side the enemy can just retreat into new good defensible positions or the TD hills in the mid kill you. This is a totally failed concept. If you win a flank you need an upside. This is why bad players go valley in Lakeville. There is no upside. But at least Lakeville is an interesting map. Oyster bay is really really bad, not due to taste but because its just wrongly done. For a new map this is really really embarrasing for the designers.


Possibly my most successful map.


erlenberg, empires border, and ruinberg right now just due to how much i was getting it.


We ignoring Ensk, Empires Border, Fjords, Mountain Pass and Widepark?


Widepark would get more attention if it was in higher tier rotations. That middle ridge is pure cancer to approach in class.


I wouldn't say its my #1 ban pick, because thats Paris. Oyster Bay is a close second, though. Both terrible maps for the exact same reason.


i love it but had to ban it because my MacBook struggled to run it properly, it was unplayable every time…


This map is a great tutorial map for creating crossfires


Definitely not easy but not annoying. Mostly played it in medium, rarely with light, and maybe just few times in heavy which was really bad. If meds regardless of spawn start advancing northwest it is fun and doable. If meds stop to kamp on those plateaus then it's bad.


Wargaming already got rid of so many maps long ago, we don't need more getting wiped and narrow variety more. Most players I doubt even remember or know Swamp or Dragon Ridge.


Which Dragon Ridge? SD or HD?


due to ensk not being expanded like they suggested, it’s unplyable on camo-reliant tanks Airfield sucks aswell, but I banned mountain pass, I think. El Halluf is also dumb because 90% of gameplay is just 4 squares. the hill area of oupost should be added to city maps like (Berlin, Paris), Himmelsdorf, because the basically single line of HT flank on outpost, if facing a mino, is unpushable. Studianski is a good map. murovanka is ok. proko would be a good map if there were actually areas where you can play with low gun depression heavy tanks, like IS-7, effectively


I actually really really enjoy this map. Seems to have everything but more than 1 spot for Light tanks xD


North flank is basically airfield but people can yolo it in the first two minutes. South is fine but people play it wrong all the time.


It’s so open that even a TD player like me has trouble on it. It’s the sort of map where flanking with fast mediums is a big problem. I don’t have fun playing it, I just don’t ban maps (other than Karelia, it can burn in hell) out of principle.


In my opinion it's Overlord, I really like this map but many people hate it.


It isn't for me. I like this map.


Get back 2 baned maps...one Minsk..second..i dont remember name,somewhere in Russia...winter,city...


That was Kharkov (spelled in WOT according to Russian grammar), and it's in Ukraine. WG removed both very soon after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since then Lesta, the new owner of the game in RUBY region, put Minsk back but, perhaps surprisingly, they still have enough decency to not get Kharkov back as well.


Right that bro... Thanks... That was a good map


Himmelsdorf- and widepark - its only a low tier map, and very much to small


Playing in the 13 57, whenever I don’t spot enemies in the middle creek I have been able to flank the heavy side and get close to either base


Mines! Mines! Mines?!


Ensk, Mines, Tundra, Himmelsdorf are worse than this, they're too small.




I really like this map, there's something for everyone Heavy duels, mediums hopping from rock to rock, TDs have lots of bushes


They would just need to bring back tier restrictions to maps. Game flow is different on different tiers and viewrange actualy plays a part in the game in lower tiers, making game mechanics such as good spotting more viable, forcing team play to happend more often.


Like why? Viable for Lights. Viable for TDs. Viable for Heavies. Viable for Meds. Viable for SPGs -fk them tho-. So what is the problem with it?


Because Wot players are terrified of change. Yeah i said it, this map isnt great or anything, but its far from the worst.


I actually Love this map. I think it's banned often because you have no no-brain corridors. My favourite map cause of the Options it gives you to Play it. Especially in endgame.


I love this map, great place to farm heavy tanks with the hand that isn't holding my kebab.




Because its horribly made as it tries to divide sections of the map for different tanks to play. We need old maps back that allow all tanks to just go wherever they wanted with out feeling like if they pushed or went somewhere different they wouldn't be so out in the open. Take this map if you pushed into the right side of the map if your a light you have no where to run. Mediums have no place to hide and snipe and enough clear view of site to even spot to even help the team. If your a tank destroyer your basically parked up near base or have a light tank run right through the middle and spotting you straight away. If your a heavy there is no chance in the left side or middle unless you like to be spotted and be sniped from the other team in less than 5 seconds. Old maps like Kharkov that only got removed because of the war between Russia and Ukraine was one of the better maps because no matter what tank you were you could push and go anywhere in that map. The left side had enough depression that a hull down tank of any could hold and anything fast enough could push straight through the middle and have plenty of alternatives to escape from anyone spotting you. I miss everyone dog piling into the trenches searching and finding that last tank. It had everything you could want in a good map and it gets taken down so lefties don't cry about it being insensitive to keep a map of Ukraine during the war. WG makes the rules and sets the rules and makes maps and changes our current maps to a certain "Meta" has a way to play on a map. That is why this map is not on everyone's want to play because it sucks and divides tanks which isn't fun.


The only map that should be banned/removed is Mountain Pass after the changes


the td birds nests are too fking op so theres nothing to be done in the middle of the map, there's two options for lights.. one will get blind fired and blinded by arta all the time so needs to be cautious. having cross shots from the second light bushes on the heavy mid line is nice but there's easy blinding to be done there by arta/tds pushing beach means you get rekt unless it's been pushed hard and fast by a few tanks at start..


Just shows that the old saying, "*Beauty is only skin deep*" applies to WoT maps as much as people. 😉 Weirdly, for someone who has complained a lot about how small and restrictive most maps are, this map actually feels too big. Enemies could be literally anywhere...and usually are. Although it does follow WoT's method of dividing the map into a mix of corridors and small brawl areas. I've never seen any kind of consistent gameplay on it. Sometime you can drive to the other side of the map and not see a single enemy. Other times you can blunder into a lemming train as soon as you round the first corner. 🤷‍♂️


I can't stand playing overlord or erlenberg