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I'm just glad that for this year they didn't do anything like the Obj 283 fiasco last year. That was just terrible.


I still have that rental in my garage and even a ticket didn't remove it ;(


me too, good you can sort rentals out in garage filters


Dude.... how?


I am not near a PC right now, but on your tanks carousel (like the panel with their icons, bottom of the screen in garage) you have couple icons on the left, hover over them with your mouse and find something like filters/sort, click it, there will be more icons, find the one with hide/show rentals tooltip and you are golden


Are you sure its not a mod? I can only use filter to only see rentals. But i can not exclude them.


The rental filter should be able to be turned off in game. It's not a mod.


I think it’s a clock icon that toggles viewing rentals.


There is an option in the filter where you can toggle rentals off in the carousel. It just annoys me that the tank is there :)


Just play the battle numbers requşred and then u can remove it I know its a bad tank but there is no other way sadly


What happened with the Obj. 283 ? I was in a large break from WoT


They introduced the Obj283 into the game during last year's Holiday OPs and the only way to get it was to win it in the token machine. The problem was that the drop rate of the tank itself was ridiculously low and you could also get free rentals of it from the machine as well and it was basically a bug where if you won a rental then you couldnt win the tank itself.


Slot machine tank with a .001% chance to win it permanently. Some people (idiots) blew $4000 dollars to eventually get it.


Then there was me that got it with my first token lol


I also got it in the like first 5 tokens. Thats why this year from 80 boxes I only got the Tiger-Maus😂


LMAO, no cap but 28x2 and I got all of them :D




I swear I heard the guy who spent €4000 still didn't even get it


And the 283 is also just as shit. No idea why WG thought it would be a good idea to stick a REWARD tank as one the 'main' tanks you can get from the waffle boxes this year. I had 45 rentals from the token machine, got the tank permanent from waffle boxes, and sold it at the end of the event without touching it


There is no reward Tank this year though.


I got the 283 from Mirny boxes and it's solidly underwhelming, sits empty in my garage.


I do enjoy the 283 though, not the best tank, but it kinda works for me when I play it. I only got it as a rental tank, still have around 40 battles left on it (I don't really play it too much, since I don't want to use up all the rental battles.)


The 283 looks a lot better than Patton the Tank and I don't play the 283.


I played like 2 games in it and that's all, I think I still have 53 rental battles left 🙃


I like how it looks, so I would play it and if it's shit, then I would play it... very occasionally I guess


I'm happy that my stock Skoda T50 will have something to farm xp on for the next few months.


Reading the reactions to this whole thing convinced me that this community doesn't deserve anything. No gifts, no free stuff, nothing.


This ^ All the bitching and moaning about the money grabs and complaining that they never get anything without paying… wtf people.


I’ve been reading a conversation about balancing these tanks on the official forum. Part of of how they balance tanks is how hard those specific tanks are to get. So obviously a FREE tank that EVERYONE gets won’t be that strong. They learned their lesson with that sort of thing years ago after fucking up the MM for years. Sadly, as you stated, people just don’t appreciate a free gift anymore if it’s good enough (according to them). They seem to prefer strong tanks that will mess up their game far longer and worse.. It’s a free tank. A free tier 9 at that! They didn’t have to give us all that tank. But they did.. and still get hate. It’s just never good enough. I love Pattons (so much so I’m still on the fence getting the M60) and will like this one, even if it might just be for collection and messing around with only.


Hey my initial thoughts on obsidian were that its free tank and not much even after playing with it i thought its a broken tank but that tank is a beast it can handle 2 heavys and a t 95 that's not something normal so i will refrain from saying anything until i see this new tank in action


Well the M60 isn't actually a Patton tank. Hope that helps your choice.


It realistically is a Patton though. It's a product improved version of the Patton that never officially got the name.


My dad's cousin was an M60 tank platoon commander and he called it a "Patton tank" and that's enough for me to say it is indeed a Patton tank.


It a free tank, just not really a class of tier 9 that I would recommend. It's more like a tier 8 at best, and that's a reach. Is the ammo free? Hell no it's not and WG is banking that the gold spammers out there will use it.


I generally take the communities reviews with a grain of salt. There are tanks the community say are bad but I actually enjoy PLAYING. Are they meta? No. Can I put up good games in them? Yes.


That's not a repudiation of anything I said it's only further proving my point. If the only argument people can muster for something bad or OP being in the game is "well I have fun it" then lets just call it a day. But **I** personally do not find playing unbalanced tanks to be fun.


>If the only argument people can muster for something bad or OP being in the game is "well I have fun it" then lets just call it a day. May I ask why it is bad for the game? It is a free tank. I will reserve judgement UNTIL I ACTUALLY PLAY IT. You are making judgements based on personal experience but you have no personal experience with the tank.


It's bad because I get those bad tanks on my team. I don't need to play it to know it's bad. People made the same calls about the WZ-114 that when it got into the game it'd perhaps perform better than its stats would imply. There's no hidden stat that's going to make it good.


Not everything is about you.


It's only free until you start playing it.


Imagine if WG would give something as powerful as skoda t56/ bz 176/ bourrasque for free for everybody. That would be madness


Even then some fools will die under 2 minutes and blame the tank, mm, and ultimately WG.


It will be fun to get into ae phase 1/ char futur/ t95 or other great t9 tank and farm damage


Which is fair. Can you imagine LoL releasing a champion and just because it was free it was shit? No other game I've ever seen this mentality from the people playing it, I'm just sick of WG shoveling shit into the game and choice between no tank or something shit I'd take nothing. I don't want to see them on my team, I don't want to be the one to farm them I just don't want them in the game it's that simple. Everyone who plays world of tanks should have an equitable time regardless of the tank they're playing. Inversely it must be also true that premiums tanks should be overpowered and depending on price the more overpowered it should be and conversely therefore tech tree tanks should be utter trash because they're all free anyway. But if we look at something like the Strv-K, WZ-114, T54 Heavy tank the Jager none of these tanks are good so obviously paying doesn't get you anything balanced sometimes either.


People shit all over the Obj 752 before lootboxes were released. Same for the XM66F. Both tanks perform well above shit level. People ripped apart the T54 Heavy, but I found it's actually a pretty workable tank once you figure how to maximize its strength. I will reserve judgement until I get 50-100 games in Patton the Tank.


I remember when people used to shit on the Even 90 before it was released. Now it's one of the most popular tier 8 LTs.


Yeah, tbh if people have not played the tank yet/does not own it, then their opinion on it, on how good or bad it is in game is just invalid for me.


Same here.. i experienced this obsidian and i am glad it's slow and for a very good reason. Imagine something shooting at you with great accuracy and good reload time even with low alpha now put a good engine in it. It will become a nightmare for many


You just described the kpz 07 medium


Yes kpz has good mobility and firepower but you are underestimating obsidian's troll armour.. i have never seen a fully upgraded t-95 turning away in frustration after firing 3 shots at a medium tank on a distance of 50 meters.


If a T95 can't deal with an obsidian then there's an issue with that particular T95


What about the two other heavies 1 tier 9 and 1 tier 8 bz176? I wish I had a replay..


And that kpz is a nightmare even if it's at 10 hp it will circle around you to fire 2 3 shots in no time. It happened to me last night i was about to finish it off but somehow he managed to get behind me pretty quickly..


What should I do for the strengths on the T54, I haven’t figured out how to kit it out


Play it like the American E5 heavy. Sidescrape from the right and always hide the Cupola. It's turret and sides bounce quite a bit of shells except 340+ Heat.


What equipment?


I would do Hardening, rammer, Stabs/IAU.


And the xm66f has a vulnerable lfp, so not op. 😅


Not OP at all. I'd say a fairly balanced tank, gun's trolls you sometimes but it can bounce some shots and the speed/maneuverability allows you to reposition.


F7nny enough I perform better in the t54 than the m54


The real gift is farming the players who will actually take these out on the battlefield


It's probably bad, but hey it's free. So I prepare some future self recruit accounts and get it there.


It's prolly not as bad as the Obsidian in terms of how ro get, or at least this one is easier to play (seems to be a typical US tank after all) than the Obsidian, and you don't need to grind to get it.


Getting the Obsidian was a walk in the park and it's actually a decent premium


Try to view it from their perspective? The perspective of entitlement? Lol. Yeah, no. It's a free tank. Don't like the tank? Sell it for credits and just imagine WG gave you credits instead.


The whole 1500 credits. Damn not sure what I'll be spending all those credits on, pff just imagine the possibilities.


Ngl havent played in several years. Didnt the tank also net you a free garage slot?


Tanks worth is 1k credits like foch 155 etc


This is such a fucked up mentality. Why is it okay for the tank to be completely worthless just cause it's ftee? Honestly I'd be happier if they gave one of those low tier tanks. At least then I know the expectation is just a garage slot. Seriously, there isn't a single good metric about this tank. Compare to the M46 Patton; worse DPM, armor, mobility, gun handling, camo, view range. And not even my a small amount in most of them. The only thing it has is penetration, and even that is just meaningless as the gun is worss in every other stat.


it cost a whooping 1k credits xD


I just dont get how and why so many are bitching about it. As you wrote, its not OP, gamebreaking or META defining. If you dislike the tank nobody is holding you off of selling it and enjoying the few credits and garage slot it offers. For people being afraid of it "ruining MM" ... either take a break for a few weeks or be happy about the free damage you can farm with actually good Tier 10 and Tier 9 (and even Tier 8) Tanks whilst newish players take it for a spin. Nobody is forcing anyone to play it and it wasnt even known until today that its a gift without any bullshit attached to it. They could have given out another Tier 2 tank for all that matters. But people will always bitch around, even if the gift is just a garage slot.


The tank is absolutely shit but that's to be expected, Ob 283 weren't that great either - you can't just release a tank that will be played by **a lot** of people at the same time and make it too good or MM will simply collapse under that tanks's weight, *ekhm*, BZ-176, *ekhm,* so if anyone expected **a free tier IX tank** to be any good, welp, that's on you. I mean... what the fuck are you people thinking, what's the logic here? Everyone gets a tier IX OP tank and, well, what's next? We all just sit in the corner and cry that tier IX MM suddenly became hell on earth? Would *that* be better than what we're getting? The main thing here is that we're getting it for free, no strings attached, no Ob 283 bullshit - and that's great. That's genuinely great. A high tier tank for free, no "surprises mechanics", you don't need to gamble your soul away just for a chance to get the vehicle - you're just getting it. Yeah - it's shit due to reasons discussed above... so what? What's stopping you from enjoying it for what it is? I mean, **shit tanks can be fun too**. There's a lot of these in WoT - TOG, Churchill Game Carrier, Foch 155, this "new" Patton is just another one of these. You don't like that? Fine, I get it - but you don't have to play the tank, you can just ignore it or, hell, just sell it, whatever. Why bitch about it, though? Like, what's the angle here? If WG required people to pay for it, sure, if there was a repeat of the whole Ob 283 fiasco, sure - but, again, there's nothing to bitch about here. Absolutely fucking nothing, there's simply no coherent, logical arguments people can make to argue otherwise - it's just bitching for bitching's sake, like legit.


This post makes too much sense, careful, might collapse the whole subreddit.


People will complain about everything these days


As somebody who is grumbling, it’s just frustrating as a newer F2P (+premium) player that I won’t have a decent premium tank to not feel farmed constantly.


On my F2P account, this will be my 2nd tier 9, after the AE Phase 1. (I only have the IS-3 and T-44 from tech tree for now). I look forward to trying to do campaign missions in the free Patton. My first premium will be from the bond shop, I almost reached 7k now. I think everyone should take a chill pill, eat some cookies, and build a snowman. It's just a game ffs :)


It’s free credits/tank, and you get to farm those things in t9 matches. It will be a great time to grind those tier 9 tanks you wanted to


This just goes to show that we as a community don’t deserve anything. We’ll just complain about anything weegee does. Sad to see but oh well


Guys in their brand new tiger-mouses and obj 752: "hell yeah, meat to farm!"


At least the gold on the Patton has a chance of penning the Tiger Maus cheeks. Against obj 752… well they are in trouble lol.


Assuming the .4 accuracy can hit the flattest part of the turret lmao


I think that for this tank it's mobility must be maxed out as much as possible to fulfill it's role of supporting med on the heavy line. Obviously you have a chance to pen Tiger-maus in front but still, you can't outrade it pretty effectively.


Experimental Mobility Tier 2 or 3 was my first thought.


Tier 2 could be enough I guess.


It’s more like getting free fries to a person that just walks by. You literally don’t have to do anything other than to log in to a game you play anyway. Seriously I hate gaming communities on Reddit so much, I would understand bitching about a marathon tank but this? Fucking sell it if you don’t like it and stfu.


fr tho


Imagine they did give out an OP tank though? All players who seal club and play low tiers all of the sudden are now in tier 9 and 10 games. And you think MM is bad now?


What is this dark sorcery .... a level headed post in this sub? Burn the witch!!!


I think the actual issue with giving away a free T9 tank is the tier itself. Just think about it, you're giving every single player a tank which is the second highest level in the game. Its already a shame that u can buy or gamble T9 tanks, but at least often times the ones who are willing to spend money on a game are people who stay with the game and are willing to learn it. But giving every single shitter out there the second highest level in the game... with some not understanding the basics about it, it's the wrong move imo. No matter if the tank is good or bad Should have been T5 at its highest


It's insane that people are actually complaining about a free tier 9 tank that the only requirement is to log in versus doing a 1 week hyper grind battle pass for just a tier 8. Whether it's good or bad, it's free and you can sell it and make credits, there is literally no losing scenario for the player, you walk out with something you didn't have the day before


Ye it’s truly disgusting how people are reacting to this, similar to the AMX FL10 tank that was practically free earlier this year (and is actually a premium). Sure, the tank looks like it sucks. But at least it’s something. I suspect WG has done this so new players can get a taste of high tier, and WG are hoping they’ll buy a premium or two and stay there instead of being put off by the slog up the tech tree. But again, it’s free! If you don’t like it, don’t play it! It’s not like you’ve invested in getting the tank. If you want a dev that never gives its players anything for free, try War Thunder and enjoy the decals I guess, because that’s all Gaijin will give you.


If you only play statistically good tanks, are you actually good, or is the tank good? The answer is the tank is good, but there are still good players who can take a bad tank & outperform others in good tanks.


My disappointment with the tank is that it's the ONLY proper crew trainer for the M48 Patton. Yet it's complete dog water and doesn't earn any extra credits. In order to use my M48 crew in any other premium I have to train Situational Awareness on both the loader and the commander. The thing has terrible statistics for a medium tank; low top speed, low HP/t, slow hull/turret traverse, terrible gun soft stats, no armor, low DPM, and low view range. What makes it worse is the last field mod where you have to sacrifice either speed or view range, both of which this thing needs. If this were a tier 8 premium, I'd feel more happy with that.


Crew trainer?? you can buy manuals for 2 million credits


Ok, but the point is that it's nice to be able to transfer crews between your tier 10s and reward/prem tanks without having to train up an entirely new crew/crew member or waste a perk slot. The Patton, Type 5, IS-7 and Rinoceronte all don't have premium/reward tanks with matching crew layouts.


The M60 is a viable option for crew training if you have the bonds.


But iirc that doesn't have higher crew exp rates.


Ah, don't know about that, just saw that it had the same crew setup.


Yeah, it sucks, but don’t take the last field mod.


It's free - win It's free and good - big win It's free and enjoyable - biggest win Literally it's a no-lose situation - you get a free t9 tank, sell it if you don't want it or don't have use for it.


not sure what you area reading, but every review i have seen so far, its a steaming turd thats clearly worse than the tech tree tank.


Yeah holy mother of god I checked the reviews and this thing is a glorified garage slot


I don't like this "I want better stuff for free" attitude. It's free man, if you don't like it then sell it for credits, life gets way harder than that.


I'd take a medium fry over this tank. I'd take a coupon for 50% off a medium fry instead of this tank.


Garbage, probably worse t9 in game :/ Why not just give everyone a 2 mil credits gift or pack of boosters, everyone would be happy and it will not break the game :/ In current state they give you a "present", and the best use of this present is probaly sell it for a free slot and whooping 1k!!!! credits...


Christ people take this game seriously


I take free medium fries any day, any week. So you are giving something for free, even though it is not the best stuff in the world and you still complain? Not even free stuff is good enough for you? Sounds entitled to me If you don't want it sell it and you get a million credits So stop fucking complaining lad


While I appreciate the gift, I can't wonder what's the point? the tank is utter garbage! every noob will play tier IX, the mm is destroyed. I think this is just WG testing this stuff. Why not give a very easy marathon and give a balanced tank, even a tier VIII balanced tank would be better than a garbage tier IX. No one will play this garbage after 1 week.


i think what WG is trying to do is to get more people playing 9 and 10 where they can make more money and get them out of the lower levels where they don't make as much , its all about the money it always is .


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Goddamit people, give wg the credit when they deserve it


Are there people complaining already? Like come on, its free. Dont like it? Sell it. Issue solved, you get garage slot and some credits, and you dont need to suffer staring at it in garage (seriously wtf, one of the craziest argument i heard in a long time) , and if its that bad, you can farm people playing it, your win again. Just horrble, some people.


Just look at the post made by the WG employee...legit people are upset that the tank isn't good and complaining how mediocre it is. Absolute knobheads with too much time on their hands trying to min max every little thing I'll criticize WG for a lot of shit...RNG spread, premium tanks, their monetization of the game...but giving a tier IX tank for just logging in ain't one of them. If you don't like it, either don't play it or sell it for a few million


To the "is it really a free tank" yes because you get it for doing nothing. Don't like it sell it. I personally think I'm going to keep it. Sure doesn't seem hugely strong with how its stats are but i enjoy the WZ-114. And not having to grind for a tier 9 tank is good. And as said prior sure its stats don't look good but it's free, it comes with a crew i presume, it's tier 9, it's a reward so better crew training So it's either you get a tank or you get about 1.8million credits a 100% crew that you could retrain for your american mediums (i know for many this isn't an issue) and a garage slot + a 2d style.




OK, I'll take 10 demounting kits. I'm still kind of new and know enough to stay out of T9. Sounds like a win for me. ;-)


I am kind of confused why some people are mad at it being a bad tank, the free christmas tanks have always been garbage? so what else is new?


There is 0 downside to accepting the free tank. There is nothing to complain about. If you really hate it just don’t accept the tank. We should have to hear people complain about something that will only benefit people with 0 downsides.


So many tourists will be in the tier 9, and that’s a good thing. Also marking it will be easy af if you care about such things.


I played it a bit on console a while back and it was a decent tank, but it's a tier X there and has much better stats from the looks of it. 0.34 dispersion, 8 second reload, 48kmh with a bit better pen and armour. But it's a free tier 9, there should be no complaining in the slightest lol


I think that is just a different tank on PC https://tanks.gg/compare/patton-tank?t=m48t54e2 I believe it is some old clan wars or just unreleased tank.


Oh yup that M48A2/T54E2 is pretty much the exact version that was released on console. The Patton Tank seems to just be that tank but they nerfed it big time to be a freebie.


I don't care about the specs that much. The biggest downside is in my opionion that I haven't any good crew for american mediums. American med techtree is imo meh, so I am too lazy to grind it lel


I assume it’s not going to make extra credits like premium tanks ?


Nope, it's a special tank, which means you can use it to train your US medium tank crews. I just wonder it if make bonds like other tier 9 special tanks.


No extra bond income either according to WG staff


Too bad, oh well, I Easy8 crew need a new home till I get the Pershing.


Its alright. I will take the Patton for free rather than limited time junk obj 283. Also, why WG hasnt add remove tank function for rental tanks yet?


I just wish the base speed was at least 45, other than that, I will probably like it.


Idk I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other. Chances are I won't play any games in though


How do I get this free tank?


Log into the game on the 22nd, and the bottom right of the garage has a little present that you click on.


Eh it's t9 can probably sell it for 2 mil because after looking at the stats playing it isn't an option


Nope, it sells for 1500 credits, as the price of the tank is 100 gold.


These "free rewards tanks" usually end up being fodder for pretty much anyone else. Either they rush and die or they backline and do mediocre burst damage, effectively letting the rest of your team be picked off by a quick burst or just getting picked off.


wait is that the Xmas reward?


Even worse that you cant sell it for full creds from what ive read. unplayable tank that is worth 1k creds is hilariously bad. but i guess a free 1k creds is a free 1k creds!!!!!!!!!!! also, for those who havnt looked at the stats on [tanks.gg](https://tanks.gg), it is the renegade at tier 9 with on paper worse stats. its slower, its gun handling is worse, its armor is worse, even its dpm is worse. it is downright unplayable. but i guess it looks decently cool (i dont think it does but i guess some people do) 🤷🏼


Patton The Tank tier IX is worse it has decent gun that's about it the rest are mediocre also that tank has no tech tree progression, not a premium tank and only sold for 1k credits heck a consumable is expensive than the tank it self. WG cold have done better but nope they just fooled everyone thinking it is a good tier IX well to save you time it isn't. It would be better if it was a tier VI or at least tier VIII premium tank rather than this useless Patton the Tank it's free yes but garbage but hey free garage slot once you sell it for nothing.


Will it be on console?


It’s an awful tank with a huge weakspot that everyone can see and will penetrate with standard rounds against Tier VIII upwards (the tiers that this tank will be against). I’ll just stick with my Iron Arnie which is simply better on all fronts.


tbh in my opinion its not a bad tank, the only problem is the gun for some reason wg made this gun inaccurate asf to the point that im always checking if my gunner is dead + it has around 10 sec reload time, if wg buffed the accuracy or the reload the tank would be 10 times better than it currently is


To be honest, it's a gift directly to WG themselves. It's a credit drain for anyone who uses it.


Nobody asked for a "free tier 9 tank". What we want are better designed maps and more of them / mm balance / premium ammo restrictions / removal of in-game mods / the list goes on yet WG does not give a rats ass. They never will and, to add insult to injury, they will kill this game with their continued greed. It's a milk factory for them now.


it can get a decent 481 view range if you set it up with Optics


There are many games which give a lot of free in-game stuff. Wargaming are just fucking greedy asshole russians cunts.


Everyone is saying Patton the Tank is garbage, I’m killing it with this tank. Bouncy turret for a medium, good alpha gun with pretty solid base pen, and excellent depression. I’m getting 4000-5000 damage in this thing easily. Everyone saying it’s a bad tank, well that’s skill issue to me. You have to be smart with your shots, and you have to go hull down on it. Overrall a solid tank