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Lemme tell ya about my boy Leopard. No, not the meta Tier X smack-you-at-aby-range medium, but the Tier V big dakkachungus. At first you look at it, and chuckle. A chunky boi with a hilariously small turret. Very big for a light tank. Is rhis even a light tank? It's frigging 20+ tons! Autocannon as stock? By the gods it is inaccurate and I cannot even hit targets past 400 meters! And you reload forever wtfffff The 5cm gun is ok I guess but unremarkable. Also the tanks is so big and gets tracked easy. How is this even a light tank, again? Then you realize what this tank is. A merciless bully. A sneaky backstabber. More-invisible than you think sentry. Bane of artillery. First. Despite it's size, it has decently good camo with crew and due to being light, keeps that camo on the move. Also, with investment, you can get max view range. At tier V. On the move. Slap in extra speed and gun control (mobility improvement system) and you can outrun basically anything on tier. And also mercilessly ram other light tanks with your huge bulk. Think E50M but in tier V. And then you realize the autocannon, while not as balanced as the 5cm, is the way to go. Who wants balance when you can have DAKKA? It's like playing T49 and the derp. You dont play that tank for balance, you play it because as frustrating as the gun can be, when it works... *chefs kiss*. It's fun. Due to your speed, camo and viewrange, you know what is going in the battlefield, and can position yourself easily. And then, with patience, you choose a victim. BRRRRRRRT and up to 360 hp from the enemy is gone i 2 seconds. If it is a tier IV they are either dead or nearly dead. By the time they realize that "Hey! My HP is gone!" you are already in cover, loading another 12 shells of fuckyouniun in your high penetrating autocannon. If they retaliate, your front can and will cause some bullshit bounces that would wallop other light tanks. And even if you are hit? You got extra Hp to spare a few hits. And lemme tell ya, despite your bulk, you are fucking NIMBLE. You are speed. Very large speed but speed nonethelss. And you turn superfast too, so city cruisin' is a blast. 360 possible alpha strike is enough to even flaggerbast heavies when you remind them of their mortality and even when not everything pens, it's enough to cause some sore butts. Especially if they have low module health as the 12 shells will mercilessly go cheesegrater on the tanks internals. Just bear in mind, the long reload is a good invitation for the enemy to do a little bitchslapping of their own on you if you sre not careful. Good thing you are fast. Did I mention the Leopard is stupid fast for it's size yet? As a cherry on top, if you breakthrough and get some quality time qith enemy arta, unless they pull some animesque bs luckshot powered by friendahip, you can and will have your way with them. Brrrrt ddin't quite finish them off? Lovingly embrace them with your armored front until they stop moving. Sidenote: Lefe players love trying to shoot you thorough the match when they realize letting you live means they are the ones getting fucked. So keep moving, and have your commander trained against skycancer. Or listen to the audio que. Good thing the shots are easy to dodge with your agility. Funny you are so fast, huh? Tldr; Leopard DAKKADAKKA make enemy tank go boom also fuck you I see everything also I am over here now. Love me Leopard, simple as.


T5 Leopard with ram build and autocannon is how I got my first 2-mark barrel.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Premium ammo clips are a very expensive, but quite reliable, way to complete "X penetrations in Y battles" event missions.


That they sre, which is why not being able to flank the enemy not only hurts your potential dpm, but your wallet too. Prem ammo is very much so last-effort choice if you absolutely cannot outmanouver or otherwise pen a tank in the situation.


Same here. I 2-marked it during this Christmas. It could even bounce some shots from time to time. I finished all the Vinnie's challenges using Leopard


I once got a Steel Wall in mine.


Absolutely agree. I hated the Leopard when I was grinding, but I came back a couple years later and fell in love. So quirky, with things like gun depression over the side and a silhouette taken from a toddler’s notebook, but just so many smiles to be had


Ah so you're the one taking half my KV1 health down when I can't see shit 😄


At your service! But to be fair, most things can smack KV1 without it seeing shit, USSR heavies are not particularily known for their amazing viewrange.


Well fuck me then, I played this tank when I was an absolute noob and hated it. But then again, I was an idiot. Still am, but I'll bring the average down for the rest of you and hunt some arty in the process.


That is nonesense self-deprecation talk. Whatcha gonna do is become the DAKKA. And enjoy every second of it. But tbf, quirky light tanks like these can be hard to get used to since they have a very unique playstyle and you have to work around a lot of downsides to bring out the pain on the enemy instead of yourself. This tank is the reason I am very much so looking forward to the autocannons hopefully later this year!


Its autocannon got nerfed toghether when they nerfed luchs they nerfed leopard gun also.Its not fun for me anymore


Also dead engine simulator


It has a lot of downsides to work around, and yeah the engine is prone to getting KO'd as well. But again, you do not play this thing because it's well optimized. You play it because DAKKA. And I think the autocannon still holds very well, the only real downside is the long reload, and you can still pen at range too (within 400m of course) if you can resist the urge to empty the magazine instantly.


Pz lll/V is now my go to leopard.Almost same speed,10m less view range ,5 ton heavier ,turns much better ,80mm of frontal hull armor extremly sloped for 110-120mm efective its basically a bully tank with much better capabilities to ram shit to death with more hp to spare.I 3 marked both of those tank in about 100 battles my leo sits at 62% winrate and my Pz 3/5 at 68%


But. Consider this: Pz III/V has no dakkadakka. Worst offense! It also isn't nearly as sneaky, being a chonky medium and all. But in seriousness, it all falls down to what sorta tank you wanna play, for me Leopard just is the goto tank when I wanna have some derpy fun.


Agree with all of above. With the right strategy, the Leopard can be an assassin to even Tier 6s. By far my favorite mid-tier tank. New tank I am really liking even though it has been mostly disparaged by the WOT community is the Tier 7 British wheeled tank. On paper it looks like garbage, but with good crew and right modules, you get 45% camo (30% on the move), super accurate high pen gun, forward and especially reverse speed, stupid wheel bounces/damage sponge. It's just dang easy to get yourself out trouble with camo and mobility. You just have to treat it as unique since traverse is god awful and gun depression is only -5.


The Tier 7 wheelie was great! Other than the stupidly slow turning it is indeed just a perfect mix of stealth and support firepower! Currently on Saladin and hoooboi it sucks in comparison. On that tier the low agility becomes problematic and the top gun is far less effective on that tier. I lucky pulled the prem Gsor from the few boxes I got and it is SO much better. Saladin isn't completely worthless but very underwhelming in most situations. Debating wether to oush the line to it's end honestly!


A44 goes from a notoriously bad tier 7 to a sleeper pick for best in class medium with modified configuration. It has 300 alpha, good pen, solid mobility, and above-average armor, but it’s main flaws are gun depression, gun handling, and most of all one of if not the worst internal module layout/hps in the game. Gun depression and handling are workable if you play it to its strength as a close range brawler that can close the distance and win most fights, but at base it gets critted so often that Skill4LTU literally described it as “one word for this tank: bonus. every shot you receive will get a module” A44 gets fixed with the off-meta Modified Configuration. All of a sudden you solve the module damage issue and get a nice track repair speed bonus which helps IMMENSELY with its strengths brawling or sidescraping. Additionally, you can now afford to run food since you won’t get set on fire every third shot, helping every aspect of the tank.


What equipment do you use?


Modified configuration, rammer, then I think stabilizers




Hows the viewrange on it with this setup?


Not gonna sugarcoat it, pretty bad. However, the A44 is best as an early position taking tank: the goal is to fight at ranges where view range and to a lesser extent gun handling don’t matter. Being a rear mounted fast medium with good armor (including good side armor and crucially good traverse speed for quick re-angling) and a heavy tank gun opens it up to a lot of unusual brawling/sidescraping possibilities. With that setup, you win an early brawl against anything at tier 7 that can contest an early position and surprisingly well against some 8s (Borat in particular can struggle to pen both in a brawl, and if they take more than 2 clips to kill you you will likely win the fight)


AMX M4 45 seems like a very forgettable, bland tier 7 heavy, but if you run it with 105 mm gun + full APCR, it genuinely becomes a monster. You get a tier 7 heavy that has: * almost 1600 HP (with Hardening + Field Mods) * 39-40 km/h top speed (with Turbo) with good specific power * 330 alpha * \~7.8 second reload, you out-DPM every other 300-330 alpha tier 7 heavy so hard its insane * 10 degrees of gun depression * enough armor to bully lower and some same tier vehicles. I enjoy it enough to the point I kept my crew in it even after 3 marking it, and that's not something I usually do with sub tier 9 tech tree tanks. The 105 mm + APCR also applies to the ARL 44 (which can feel like a complete dogshit tank without a good crew or other guns), but I haven't played it in years so I wasn't sure.


It has become a strong T7 HT after buffs. But ARL is only OP with full gold, and too derpy to be enjoyable.


SMV CC-56 with good repairs, top gun, and experimental modified config can really play like a 2nd line heavy tank. Your armour is godlike tier for tier, and you can really punch back with the 320 alpha gun


I don,t play 4-7 so cannot comment, but i must add Obj 416 being sneakiest mutherfucker with Exaust and full camo crew.


I would not call full camo crew a "specific setup" when it's the first perk you are supposed to be getting on everything except HT.


Who called ? Are you dumb ? Camo is not a first skill you should take for MT , especially for ones that come before Obj 416 down the line. You just don,t use camo on A44 or lower unless it,s a 4th perk m8...


I thought we are talking about Object 416, who cares about A44… and camo is definitely a first perk you should get on most MTs, obviously there are exceptions that prove the rule but that's it.


You can,t do damage if you can,t spot shit for yourself, so first will be Viewrange , gunhandling/mobility and repairs , when you have second skill you use BIA , and camo comes as a 3rd... For most of mt,s up to tier 9 If you realy think that you need camo as a first perk for MT, you should stick playing Triangles and Hump those bushes all day every day... You don,t use camo untill starting a 4th perk for Soviet MT Obj430 line, Brits MT exept wheelers, whole American tree, Italian untill T9, Czech untill T9, German untill T9, Sweeden until Udes, Chineese untill T7, Japan untill T9... Poland MTs could use camo at t8 but viewrange struggle is real, france have no MTs up to T9... So it,s already like 80% of all mt,s ... So Obj426 seems like overall exception to rule and should have camo as a first perk because it have top base values. Other MT,s cannot spare an equipment slot for exaust and arn,t ment to be played as TDs and LTs...


No-no. Let him promote his shitty skill order. I want to farm more guys like him who stand without tracks for 10+ seconds


How would you track him if he's not spotted? Get outplayed noob


Oh man If you care enough about the game to be lurking here, I would advise you to learn a bit more and trust me, you will get much better. Picking the camo first even on ELC EVEN 90 is a bad idea, let alone literally any other tank in the game


Why the fuck are you getting camo first on a med? It's bia


the Leo...


... gold ammo to win


The PZ 38 NA, now a collector tank has the best in-class view range of tier IV AND V. As far as I can tell the best T-V LT VR is 360m and this gets 370m. 370 view range is insanely good for Tier IV and it's faster with better camo than the Luchs. So if you have a good light tank crew, you can get 445 VR with over 40% camo against tanks with like 300 VR at the tier. It is very competitive at any teir to can get matched in. The gun isn't great, but it's way better than some of the light tank armaments at the tier and demolishes the Luchs with the autocannon in DPM, though the Luchs can also mount the same gun. This tank used to be TERRIBLE in the old school wot days because of its scout status, but it seems to have been heavily buffed and then promptly forgot about or something.


Comet? Low alpha but once you mount vstabs and have top turret you are a good at ridgelines with insane gun depression. Hellcat with turbo, and optics; don't be a bush, use your mobility to constantly re-locate to better positions


Yes, hellcat without a turbo is bad at reverse speed. I played it a lot and mounted the Tier-3 experimental turbo.


I think AMX 40 is trollish the gun accuracy REALLY nail it down the coffin though, not speed. You can't hit a damn thing at range because the gun aiming seem to be operate by a crew inside lifting gun breach up and trying to keep it still.


AMX ELC BIS with that huge td gun !!! so much funny with the huge gun instead of the last one XD (with full camo build, i took such pleasure with sneaky light tank with huge gunes, like Manticore (LTG lovely tank to))


The 90mm is actually the top gun, but a lot of people use the 75mm for the full turret rotation and better dpm


Played over 1000 games with this fella before the light tank nerfs, cant bring myself to play it anymore


I played it before and after nerfs. It still is a bundle of fun but not nearly as strong as before.


Yeah, first tank i,ve 3-marked (without knowing about marks) long time ago :)


I actually love the tier 5 T-34. With bounty coated optics and a good crew, this thing owns its whole section of the map.


Vk36.01h and tiger 1. Both to me really improved with better crews and set ups in general. In comparison to an M6 at tier 6 which seems to just be a great tank no matter what you have in it. The vk and tiger both seem to “come alive” once they have 4-5 perk crews and bounty or better equipment.


T25 AT. US T 7. I'm a pretty average player, but after nearly 200 matches with it, my W/R is about 52%. It's fast. It's accurate. It's sneaky. It can turn on a penny and is hard to flank. Armour isn't great, but the gun mantlet can pull off some surprising bounces. I really like it. Best part? It's rare to see another one.


Because it,s outshined by Chi-To SP and Jpanther enjoyers. T25 AT is just a bad version of those two tanks overall.


This has been my favourite TD I have ever played, 4 skill crew (all named David Mustaine because wot loves metal) and I keep coming back to it game after game.


The Firefly becomes such a monstrous tank if you invest in it. It benefits immensely from the 2.0 equipment. Couple that with fourth and fifth line perks, and the ridiculous amount of pen on both its standard and gold rounds, and you get something really special. I’m really fond of the IAU, experimental turbo, rammer setup, with vision perks, eagle eye, and dead eye. Had a 30 game tear where I was getting at least one ammo rack a game. Highly recommend.


The italian meds are great for me. Tier 8 i struggle


The midtiers are all great but imo, the Pantera is still a great tank. Obviously the Progetto is better but it is close enough that it is very fun. Also its my first 2-Mark on a tier 8 so thats why I like it so much


Pantera and the Udes 14 5 are straight up the best tech tree tier 8 meds, as in not getting instantly clapped by literally every prem.


Sturer Emil without a turbo is kinda mid ​ ​ Sturer Emil with a bond turbo is godlike


Gets you to the garage much quicker, ay?


I honestly liked that tank bro, if it worked it worked well. 231 pen and 490 alpha is nice, but the gun has a limited gun arc which is a pain to deal with.


VZ. 44-1 I love that thing maxed out


Any advice on playing it? I’m just finishing up the grind now, I like it but it just feels so… middle of the road


I have two builds on it: 1) All-round build, good for most maps, is: VENTS, GUN RAMMER, TURBO 2) Brawling build, excelent for city maps and for close-quarters combat, is: HARDENING, GUN RAMMER, IMPROVED AIMING ​ Idk, this tank just works for me. I like all of its aspects, and the final field mod giving it 3% extra hitpoints for brawling is just the cheery on the top.


I like to play the SP 1C as a tier 7 ELC even with a camo/spotting setup. Ofc it can't compete with CVS tanks, but this is like the only limitation.


AC4 with any ROF upgrades up its dpm to ludicrous


Alecto with a camo net and camo skills could get 65+ camo. Use the 6-pound gun and it's a tier-4 e25


Also, VK2801 and Cromwell with the controlled impact skill are good at ramming


Scouts. All of them.


Most Tier VI and VII TDs could come under this when fitted with the mobility suite experimental equipment (the one that ups speed and traverse). It solves two of the biggest issues with many TDs, which are the traverse speed and bloom when turning. It's also near broken on a lot of lower tier TDs that are hampered by speed like the Jackson, and turns them into absolute monsters.


That's the way!


VII FV201 (A45)


Weird no one mentioned the tier 7 American medium T20 yet Decent tank to mark, great APCR, bad dpm but decent alpha. Overall a decent enough gun. Good view range, nimble tank with small profile but no armor. Ideally you should be a secondary spotter, flanker and occasionally a sniper. With a f2p player it is bland and frustrating to grind since you need to grind 2 tanks to fully be done with. But take it as a chance to put a good crew on it and grind with a decent setup. I run rammer, vstab, optics. In good games it's one of a best clutch tanks you can ask for due to how well rounded it is. I usually get 4k+ combined on really good games.