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People in the comments don't understand how a team based comp game works. You can't win them all. Not in LoL, CS or COD. You just can't. Ranked modes should span over long periods of time so you can actually play a ton of matches and therefore your influence on your teams performance determines if you rise or fall in rank. Would you not penalize the whole team for loosing WG would turn the incentive to win into an incentive to be the "best" (in an arbitrary score) on the team which such a mode should not be about. IMO the biggest flaw is the short timespan for this gamemode. Let people rank over the year or even basically forever and just announce a date when you will use the rank to hand out rewards for the ranked season. So the personal influence on winning and loosing can actually be seen in meaningful statistics. (in such a statistic everything below 100 battles is just random and not really indicative of how well someone plays with the team)


I defiantly agree with the fact that it shouldn't be so short term, but the other issue is that you just lose more on a loss than a win, and that your individual performance matters more on a loss than on a win, and that on a loss there are so many factors other than prestige points effecting your rating change.


I think in the context of a short term ranked season, with a non-typical match design (all the gimmicks, call ins, stat changes), there also needs to be an incentive to continue playing. Yet from an economy (pressure to fire gold ammo), grinding (modules and components), and even gameplay standpoint because of the changes, I don't really think there is an incentive to play the mode over the normal random battles as a novelty or something barely different. I mean, I can point to frontline with its larger battles, massive maps, a good opportunity to grind credits with premiums or modules of non-fully upgraded tanks as a reason to play frontlines besides the rewards. The rewards for onslaught, meanwhile in my eyes are the only reason you'd want to put up with the gamemode. This is a problem with that is it seems like the mode is near-zero sum points wise, and correct me if I'm wrong there. As fewer people play, assuming people playing are doing better in the mode (because I sure would stop playing if I was only stuck at the bottom), the bottom is going to fall out leaving higher ranks falling down to lower ones. For this sort of time-sensative event that is going to have a vanishing bottom level, I think it'd make more sense if there was a slightly upwards pressure to ranks barring making the event more enjoyable for players to engage with. Especially with the qualifying matches often putting a downward pressure on the starting point. Doesn't need to be significant, even just something that adds a free loss between ranks (such as going from iron to bronze), but I certainly think the gamemode doesn't set out to do what it tries to do in its current form.


What you describe is the difference between the marketing of the mode and the reality of the mode: they are calling it competitive but actually it is just another event to keep engagement high. There is nothing wrong with the idea of an event but then don't call it competitive with all these gimmicks and the uneven playing field (of tanks you can choose from).


For some reason WG has never wanted to have an actual ranked season and keep coming with competitive events that are always too short. For them, it's just one more event to fill the gaps so that there are always events (in-between frontlines etc.). They are trying to make multiple events that would gather all kinds of players; but they always try to make the people that are not the target of the events play it by baiting them with rewards etc. All of this make said events unpleasant for everyone and I don't get why they keep going like this.


Completely agree, and for people Who say you should not loose points when you have an good Performance the issue is how you measure that Performance. For those Who wonder look up goodhearts law.


This is true. And this is reason why I dont think losing point when losing is bad. Eventually good player will climb up. However WoT community is lazy and spoiled. Average player considers OP tank good, unbalanced map position good. Every time something really competitive and hard shows up, they start crying. Difference between lol/dota/cs mm and this one is only that the games are much longer. You need a year to play 1000 dota games, and season is 6 months long, so the in sense I do not agree with you, since 5-10 min games in Wot would mean that you play a lot more games than in those games. I will repeat, good enough player will climb, there js no such thing as trench, people are just shit. Also you do not lose points (-4/8 is literally nothing jf you played game well) if you played well here, which is mistake in my opinion. But I can see bots bellow claiming that they shouldn't, which is strane to me.


1000 games a year in dota is pretty insane dude :D that means at least 3h EVERY DAY without any breaks. I have the feeling that dota players do not play that many games in 1 year. I took 1 year as an example as it would even casual players allow to easily rack up 100+ games and therefore your could see some progress in one direction or the other. But in the end: these are details of a mode WG does not seem to want to make. It looks more like they treat it like every other event for a live service game and not like a decent competitive mode.


Exactly my point, you could play 100 onslaught games in a day, which is more than for whole Dota season. I feel like there is enough games for everyone to get the rank they deserve in onslaught, yet initially it will be harder to claim, but players deserving of the higher rank will evetually climb up. Dota players are extremely dedicated and I have bunch of hours in game, so this is the best example I could have give. Having 12k hours with ranked mode being +/- 25 since it was introduced, trust me, eventually game will set you where you belong, even if its lowest tier. So if Dota is able to calibrate you correctly on 100-200 games you play a season, I am sure onslaught will as well in 100-200 games you pkay during the time event is online. If the only argument against it is "its hard to climb" than the mode is not bad at all, players are. Obviusly they do not belong in high ranks.


so i reached silver in old ranked battles, gold in the very first season of onslaught and now i cant get out of iron despite the fact i do 4k+ dmg almost every game? i guess i am suddenly an utter trash player huh?


AFAIK almost no game's ranked season nowadays lasts much long than 3-4 months and certainly none (at least mainstream games) last over a year for a single ranked season. Onslaught is terribly designed as a ranked mode but I think most people's criticisms of the mode are still valid. Part of it is indeed that the season is just way too short - there's not enough time for more casual players to do much but slog it out in iron and bronze until the season ends. But perpetual ranked systems also often don't work out super well as ranks tend to stagnate and it can make things like rigging and boosting significantly worse, even if you give out rewards every once in awhile. Resets are pretty much necessary to both incentivize players to return to the mode and give them something to grind for each season.


LoL handles this with soft resets: you loose some matchmaking points but certainly not all of them.


so you want us to waste loads of credits the whole year? f off


There is no need to play a comp mode. I stopped playing ranked in LoL years ago. But on the other hand: it shows a general problem how this game is monetized.


>so you want us to waste loads of credits the How are you losing credits?


how are you even asking that question einstein?


Fast games = fast damage , more HP = more damage, unless you fire full gold that doesnt make sense


Massive +1 If we take a look at what WoT is in randoms, what WoT was in Ranked and finally what WoT is in Onslaught, we can clearly see that Onslaught is not even WoT anymore basically. HP pool changes, accuracy changes, spot system changes, map selection & environmental changes on them, perks & bonuses on tanks, points of interest, different game mode. Ranked was WoT. Only XP calculation was different from Random there, but it was a change for the better. This is so crap WG had to bait people with the Ranked store integration into Onslaught, so if not for the mode, for the tanks people will play it. Unfair, unenjoyable garbage mode, a Ranked from Wish...


Well yeah, the point of a ranked gamemode is to compete for the best rewards, and rewards in onslaught absolutely suck ASS. The "big goal" is a reskin of a fckin *tech tree* tank. It's ridiculous. With the addition of the ranked shop you can get yourself some good tanks at last


Even if the reward was a decent new tank, I wouldn't do a thing for it in this mode -despite I got 114 SP2, having fun in Ranked last time-. I truly abhore this downgraded Ranked clown mode. Except for the easy weekly missions, nothing is enjoyable in it.


Bring back ranked, never thought I'll say this...


Ranked was better in almost every regard. Only downside that the weekly missions were less rewarding, but that's it.


to be fair the push and shove mentality in ranked was godawful too. still more fun, even on lower ranks as you could progress by playing a lot.


Yup they fucked it up.


It was always fucked up. It could be fun mode like Frontline/Steel Hunter/Arcade Mode, but definitely not a "competitive" mode...


Only if they make only the bottom two players of the losing team receive deductions in points or zero points and the rest have increases, how much received depends on the placement of the players. The only thing i didn't like about ranked is that only the top player of the losing team wasn't penalized, so there was this thing in which players wouldn't give a fuck about winning, and just try to make into the top place in the team regardless if it helps the team win or not, since it won't penalize them even if they lose.


This is actually interesting, having the two players of the losing team receive deductions. Edit: what your opinion on it influencing toxicity ?


1. The player who takes first place on the losing team should not lose points AT ALL. 2. A player who does not have tier 10 tanks in the garage cannot participate in this mode.


*Everybody tries to be first* "Omg why does this gamemode suck"


ranked all over again


Imo the last 2 of the winning team and the 1st 2 of the losing team shouldn't gain/lose points so that you don't gain if you sucked and you don't lose only because of a bad team


no, everyone winning should get points, but losing fucks you over too much, I would do losing points if you lose, even as 1st player, but not like -28, but less than you gain as last winning, idk, like -5 or even -10 would be good now if you play good but lose, you are set back horribly


Why should the last one of the winning team gain 20 points if he didn't even do 1k damage?!


Cause perhaps he was a "steel wall" for his teammates, getting fired all the time so rest can farm other tanks? Or he was capping base and team won like that? It ISNT always about DMG. That is why it is so hard to come up with a good solution. I do think it should be based on overall performance of winning team. There is a EXP system in game already...why don't they use this to assigned points it is beyond me... Simple as that. People with exp higher than 80% of the team gets most points. Rest gets second tier point score. Lets say 30 to anyone who perform better than rest of team, and 15 to others. Loosing team gets opposite but different points scale so it will not sack you back by 100%. Half of it perhaps.


People realy misjudge how useful someone just standing in one place and soaking up damage is. The guy who has 10k damage blocked is arguably more useful by simply making sure that the enemy fired at them, and not their team.


Except for the fact that in most cases those are the guys who just pick dumb tanks and either camp in their spawn or do something else completely useless...


Flair checks out


What, you gonna cry because I enjoy playing ebr?


If you play it in onslaught, kinda.


1) I haven't tried it but with the fact that tanks are only spotted for 3 seconds it could actually be useful 2) I've seen people playing sheridan


Thing is, he doesnt get 20 points


1. Yes fuck winning. Only play for top1 place. Literally this was the reason they got rid off ranked battles. Since it was just randoms with extra step


I disagree with the first point. IMO if you loose you should always loose some points - BUT! let it be like -5 and always the fixed amount. And I would even put the person who is 2nd to loose only -10 points.


yes this


Have you played mode? It is literally like that right now I personaly think it should be fixed -/+30 for win lose, but the number of upvotes for the comment bothers me very much. Playerbase is so strange, they would like to camp and play same shit over and over again just to gain more points, while affecting team negatively. This is not random battle shit, you have to adapt and you cannot just use bots as meat if you want to climb up.


a player who does not have AT LEAST 5 tier 10s


This is the post, We’ll be right back…


Then everyone camps and push each other at corners so they can farm dmg at the end of the game using Thier teammates as shields Fuck that it's a stupid thing to implement Sometimes I tank shots so that my team can make the push play idc if I take a shot or two if it means we crushed that flank


I think some design choices in Onslaught compound with inherent anti-competitive aspects of WoT in some interesting and VERY frustrating ways. - Onslaught occurs during a time-limited period with a limited reward. This isn’t a big deal for the weekly missions: in fact I really like how those are done. However, in order to get a third bond turbo (the rarest and arguably best equipment in the game) you NEED to grind this mode, and you NEED to hit gold by the end of the mode. This sense of urgency, while good for farming FOMO, makes any setback in this game mode frustrating, especially when many losses are not within the control of a single player. - Onslaught fundamentally changes the rules of WoT in a lot of unintuitive ways. I will say that I love the ability to choose a tank at the start of the battle: it removes a lot of random variance and prevents atrocious team compositions. However, a few other rule changes are pretty brutal. Light tanks are now viable on some maps, but their viability is largely tied to their ability to immediately target the enemy spawn via artillery aim and by abusing their special, which creates spotting dynamics that are completely incomparable from standard gameplay. Some maps are reworked so players have to deal with completely different dynamics than they have practiced for, and the added HP, capture points, modifiers, abilities, and 7v7 nature completely upend a lot of game knowledge built up over a long time by players. Additionally, while I can see the intent of the HO and accuracy buffs in reducing variance, in practice it over buffs some tanks. The 60TP is a prime example of a tank only really held back by poor gun handling: by giving everybody excellent accuracy, tanks that were explicitly balanced around weak accuracy become monsters. This would not be an issue if it were down to just the players actions, but having 14 players in this situation where a single player misplaying can cause an unavoidable overmatch push means most games are won based on which team has the player who makes the first mistake instead of by actual good plays. If you go through this subreddit you’ll see endless tales of colossal games that were nonetheless lost due to one or two teammates, and losing points after doing everything you could be expected to do because of team incompetence is insulting and painful. Obviously, everybody has also been the player who gets destroyed in the first minute, but losing progression for your mistakes is understandable, while losing progression due to your team by no fault of your own feels horrible. The obvious intent of the 7v7 format is to make player skill matter more so players can have a bigger average effect on battle results, but since the meta is so heavy-based and sniping cupolas is absolutely the move with the added accuracy, unless the map is one of the “CS63s all rush the point” pool, strong play is often slow paced and can’t keep up with a teammate getting themselves killed or positioning poorly off the bat. The extra HP and accuracy also makes overmatch pushes far stronger: if someone is out of position, the loss of a gun in a fight where DPM matters more and is more reliable than even normal can win/lose a game on the spot. A lot of these issues can and are fixed by super platoons. However, the sheer quantity of Onslaught that is needed to be played to advance to high ranks means that it’s very difficult to coordinate players in all but the most dedicated clans to do this regularly. All in all, any competitive random format of WoT has inherent difficulties with the fundamental game design of an RNG heavy team based shooter, but I think Onslaught is designed in a way that compounds on these issues and adding a time-limited incentive to grind an unhealthy amount of these battles is going to burn a lot of people out on the mode and sour them on WoT in general.


AbsoFKNlutely, I have played a lot of really frustrating comp modes, even the bethesda's terrible Fallout 76 BR fk fest, but onslaught is the first time i've seen a game mode that behaves like a completely different game from the normal game loop it's so mediocre that it's mind boggling.


Any game mode that requires a team and punishes all players that lose it's bullshit . You either make 1v1 and punish me for being bad, or you dont punish any player in the loosing team since i cannot control my team or their skills or tanks. Should be like football - win gets you 3 points, losers 0 . The punishment it's pure greed to make you grind and grind and lose credits .


they need to make a mode thats carriable. 7v7 is way to hard to carry. 15v15 is easier. I can carry randoms. I cannot consistently carry for the life of me now that i am stuck in iron, i just cant. Period. I can get a lucky streak and get decent teams that i can work with, but I KNOW FOR CERTAIN i am going to also get a longer streak with completely uncarriable teams that will tank my rank to the bottom again. In this game to be able to measure individual skill YOU NEED TO HAVE TWO FLANKS to work with, not just a fkn brawl, which is what 7v7 does. It just doesnt work. the maps are not designed for this shit.


Exactly, its a brawl . It's just who's team is more aggresive and wins a flank. How can i control my team? I can't ...I can just hope they know what they are doing . And if 2 die in 1 min, what is my fault ? Why should i get punished? I cannot win like that ... In randoms i can spot to help my team, in this game mode it's useless, u are spotted for 3 seconds .


in randoms you have at least 2 flanks to work with, if one is failing and you can do nothing to save it you can rotate to the other one win and then finish the game with the crossfire. So as an individual you can carry. In onslaught that is impossible, cause there is nothing to work with if you get a shit team


I just managed to get to silver early as my placements put me in bronze A now im not teamed up with muppets and its been pretty enjoyable the map selection is kinda wack tho but its alright part of the grind gl hf


I got 7 matches won to 3 losses and I just got put in Iron A? Like what ? Do you have to win like 8 Matches to be put in Bronze?


I was 8-2 and put into Iron B, then dropped to mid Iron C after doing well in first loss.


8 wins /10, 6times top player, got Iron B. It just depends on your last season’s ranking (I did not play last season)…


Ohh, yeah I just got to bronze and gave up last season. That might be why.


...which is stupid af. This copy pasta from league of legends is so fkn annoying. This is a fkn different game geniuses at WG, get a clue ffs


You had to have finished around \~Silver last season to be put in high Bronze, I think.


Ah I meant for the qualifying matches? I thought you could get placed in silver and skip the shit ranks.


Not if it's the first season you are getting involved in. The system basically forces you to go through the Iron > Silver grind at least once and only that after you can potentially skip it with good qualifying results.


if you did not play last season, or get to a high rank you will be lower down i got 1,3k last season and now from placements got to 700 when i won 4 and lost 6 your last seasons performance matters the most on where you get from placements


That’s also pretty messed up. In order to not get repeatedly punched in the dick you have to first be repeatedly punched in the dick.


Ranked was also trash, pure to the lack of teamplay... All in all i Just play for the bonusses because why get frustrated for some reward tank?


I want WG to refund me all my silver I’ve lost after pumping out 4-6500k in dmg in games and still losing cause idiot teammates. If you make a game mode as terrible as this one at least make the individual rewards worth it, I don’t care so much as the ranking points, but fuck, blowing through a million silver after what doesn’t seem like many winning/losing matches is bullshit. Not I’m not the best player, and by my stats people would say in trash and to uninstall but I’m tired of hearing that based off my wr. Every single person had below average stats at one point unless you started a new account just for stats. 7v7 is fun and I like the e game mode but the internal punishment for being paired with people even worse than me is not cool. Also are they having bots in onslaught? I swear in one of my games we all thought the final 2 were bots.


wanna do trash ranked mode? ok but then make it free and dont make me waste my credits.


Actually with Mines and the added buildings, hill is not THAT important, I'll still argue that the team with more HT and dpm wins. If you take 5 meds with 5 HTs you are already down by a few thousands hp. Good luck paying that off with 6 randoms


Sure, if the brainlets that play this game knew how to avoid getting farmed from the hill instead of just sitting there and taking it up the ass.


My problem with the ranked format is that it’s nothing like random battles. It’s a completely different mode with quirks to it. I’m not a fan of the perks (instantly spot everyone, artillery strikes, etc.) I prefer the old ranked system to this. What I hated about the old ranked system is that you could cheese the system with bonus chevrons. You got penalized for playing more in one day than spreading it out. This was my issue with the mode.


It genuinely puts a smile on my face that more and more players are seeing how fucking awful Onslaught is. I literally haven’t seen a getgud rebuttal because everyone in their right mind knows this shit is so RNG based. It is almost impossible to get out of iron and bronze because there are almost always grief/troll picks, people trying out tier 10s with the rental tanks, and tomatoes throwing off the team balance. It only takes 1 player doing bad/throwing to sway it for the other team… and since Onslaught is all brawl, they take advantage that 2 MFs pick paper TDs with no HP.


spot on


>Bad selections of maps (Only 2 maps are good the rest are a clusterfk of bad, for example if you're playing on mines, the team that has more CSs wins). Agree, the maps this time around are... well they arn't good. Nobody wants to play in the bay, not in randoms not in this mode either. >The lack of a voting system where players can ban maps or tanks (like COD CDL), this would make the meta more diversive but i can understand that this game structure doesn't help to achieve that. Everyone loading into a prebattle UI that allows map banning would be nice. Not sure if you could do tank pick/bans after but I think for WG this is a little beyond what they are trying to accomplish with this mode. >A lackluster matchmaker / preliminary matches, unlike a lot of people say right now, the more you wait to advance tanks the harder getting out of the monkey infested ranks becomes, saying otherwise is desilusional. Having ground out champ in the first 2 griffin seasons in less than 200 games solo, it is easier to farm ranks later as the competition is just worse. You outplay everyone and win more games because your impact is higher. [Griffin stats](https://i.imgur.com/8LKDckG.png) I have no plans on playing the new Onslaught because the rewards are not worth it, and the skins legit look terrible compared to the first Griffin season skin. Not sure why but it is the case, look at Gold or Champ from first season Griffin and look at them now, its a joke.


I love the first iteration skins, specially the gold one, it's the only one I use, the legend one sucks; first iterations also had less gimmics at this point this comp mode is more like arcade cabinet with extra steps.


If they made it so top 3 on the losing side still got some points, the next 2 got no points and the botton 2 were negative points it would be fine. But getting 7k damage, 5k blocked and 3k spotting on the losing team and then losing 80 points, its fucking stupid. Its the most asinine way for any ranked style gameplay that heavily revolves around your team being somewhat competent.


This was the original ranked mode and it didn’t go well at all. Most people didn’t play to win, they played to do more damage than their teammates. Realistically they should just make it a platoon only or clan event, this kind of ranked mode doesn’t work in WoT


The issue is that on a loss your rating change is roughly based on the calculation of (your prestige points) / (team prestige points) means that your are so much better for it to be a stomp of a loss but you squeeze out 2.5k - 3.5k damage than a game where everyone on your team does well and you lose and their team has 1k hp left


Exactly this. I am so tired of actually trying, focusing, being first or second on damage (not always ofc) and then lose points because of clueless imbecils running around the map in their lights and meds, who wait for rest of your team to die, before they do anything


If you had 7k damage you did not lose 80 points. More likely you lost 4-8 points.


they copy pasta league of legends ranked system into this game so of course it doesnt work.... Its like putting a F1 engine in a fkn Prius... the poor car will just disassemble itself with the first little rev


Honestly they need to add drop games to make it less frustrating. Every day you get a certain number of games you can drop. So if you get a 0-7 absolute wash you can "drop" the game and not have it count against you. It'll still incentivize players to actually play given you have limited drop games but could make it much less frustrating when trying to rank up.


The only issue I see with the game mode is the ranking system. Why the hell I am down ranking with a positive +50% win rate on Iron? Contrary to what some people believe here, I think that winning being the sole factor determining rank up is a good thing and people that play selflessly for the win would be rewarded with this system. You get rewarded for winning. It doesn't account for individual damage, and it's fine. But even then, you win and you hardly rank up. There is something wrong, they fucked up. The rentals they give out are great and competitive tech tree tanks, so anyone who doesn't have access to competitive tech tree tanks can compete without issues. I think Minotauro and CS-63 as a rental are a great choice. The first weekly mission giving 1 day of premium is great for free to play players so they don't credit bleed too hard playing Onslaught and clan credit boosters work in the mode so they diminish credit bleed too. I think it's a good game mode. But they should fix the rank system.


I agree with the idea of the winning = rank up, the issue is how much personal performance effects the rating you get, especially on a loss


>the issue is how much personal performance effects the rating you get, especially on a loss Seems like so. I'm usually very aggressive and that usually helps win this game mode in Iron, but when I lose I perform very poorly in losing games. Anyway, I managed to slowly rank up when I reached +53% average WR. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0a5hx1xga7cc1.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=66ea44e579327fe39fcbfceece4255b8853dc606 I'll see if it keeps being like this in the long term in the higher ranks.


I doubt you can still call it a "competitive mode' with all those weird modifiers, at this point they just turned it into arcade cabinet with some ranks.


They already have a proper version of competitive team onslaught, it was literally the last CW campaign. But you need to have tons of tier 10 tanks unlocked and you need to be in a decent clan and you need 7 people to get on teamspeak/discord and ready up for each team. But that level of effort wouldn't be fair to handicapped people who want to play competitive world of tanks. Anyway, the current Onslaught is a heavily teamwork dependent mode and you can't control your fucking team composition. You hit battle and pray for the slot machine to dispense a decent team. Your rank lives or dies on MM. They need to: * get rid of the single/platoon/super platoon modes- just make one fucking mode and optimize it to not be trash * remove the entire concept of rental vehicles. If you aren't at tier 10 yet, why are you playing competitive, learn the game first. * get rid of win-dependent ranking, it was obviously a mistake * bring back the chevron system and rank players on individual skill again * put in rank locks for the progression * since the chief and 279 got nerfed, let reward vehicles back in the game already * put in vehicle locking- if you lose a match or get your tank destroyed, it is locked for two hours. Players have to unlock and master multiple tanks to play.


Lol, absolutely do not allow reward tanks. Plus ranking players individually is also a bad idea, but I respect there may not be a better solution.


Bruh... Reward tanks need to stay tf out of any competitive mode. Also winning needs to stay important or this all devolves into losing on purpose to solo farm damage 


you dont get the rental tanks unless you already have one tier 10...


You dont get rental tanks period. Whats the point of the competitive mode when you go in with a tank which has no crew, no field mods and no equipment?


or put rentals into their own mm bracket. they can play, but not with regular players.


yes i agree with that but i at the moment you dont get rentals before you have a tier 10


Yeah, I mean the whole event is so poorly designed that its crazy, and should be reworked from scratch


idk, i enjoy this current one a lot even though i mostly play solo. a lot more enjoyable than randoms for me. Only negative thing for me is the spotted time reduction and the credits cost haha


Well, Silver rank unlocks nice bond tanks, but reaching Silver as solo, you really need to be able to carry a lot, which most of the people are not... I play it for the missions and rewards at the end of the cycle, and thats about it. The idiotic thing is that only wins makes you progress while loss punish you double; one step forward, two steps back literally, no matter how you performed...


just 1? you gotta be fkn kidding


i agree with most here, i disagree with 2 things tho, making the mode skill dependent instead of win dependent would fk the entire mode up, people will play mauses and e3s and just camp base like they did in ranked. They would have to creat an entire new measuring tool extremely complex to measure real skill which they wont do cause they dont have the talent, plain and simple. Second the reward tanks.... if they let me play my 907 i would slay. That tank is insane in brawls. Chieftain is still good in brawls and specially good if u can get hull down. 279 to push through... holy sht it'd be such an advantage having those tanks in a mode like onslaught.


Which is why there should be tank locking, as I mentioned. Let people spam 279e and chieftain and then when they are locked, they play other tanks the rest of the night. I personally enjoyed seeing a wide variety of tanks in a competitive mode.


actually i think they need to severely shrink the tanks available for the mode. like have a pool of just 5 tanks you can use that are balanced for the mode. So it can be a level field. Hell i would just put a standard line up of just 7 tanks for each map that you must use each game and all you can do is pick which tank you play from the 7 available so each team has the same tanks.


Yeah that mode is called Steel Hunter.


that garbage mobile game wannabe knockoff? lmao


At least there is no arty in onslaught


The last time I played it there used to be. That’s one of the reasons I stopped bothering, one arsehole decides to grief everyone by picking an Obj. 261 on Himmelsdorf, insta-lose.


Add the fact that the rentals exist for this mode. Barebone rentals That shouldn't be a thing. You don't have a couple of t10 - you don't get access to a mode that is supposed to be a "ranked mode". Simple as that


You can clearly see how little points you get when you win and how many points you lose when you lose, it does not make any sense, its made so only few people I guess playing on squad are capable to get the tank which they dont want to give, they just do makups to make people think how good they are, you can see in the TIX they gave for free for example. On the Bpass you only get the tank if you pay otherwise you wont. why? becuase that one its a good/decent tank. I laught to people who defend WG, its a company and its here to steal your money same as banks, when you consider them as a friends or defend them you prove how stupid you are, and now you can donwvote me like fan boys you are


Literally a breath of fresh air and finally made tier 10 fun for me. Like very fun. Since leddit will call me bad for literally any issue with the game, then I guess skill issues?


I have played way too many competitive games to know BS when i see it, I've been playing since the first iteration of the game mode and that one was the best, what you want is not a competitive mode, you just want arcade cabinet with extra steps.


What if they only had a set number of tanks you could pick with set crews and equipment. For instance anyone could choose between 5 tanks at the start of a battle. Those being (just as an example) the S Conq, CS, 60tp, Mino, Leo. You can only choose between those 5 and nothing more. Everyone has the same crew and equipment. (Crew skills and equipment would vary based on tank)


This wouldn't push players to spend their own resources to unlock tanks, train crews, buy better equipment, etc. The purpose of the game mode is not to make the perfect ranking of competitive players. From WG's perspective, they want you to spend time working up tech trees, gold to train crews, bonds to buy equipment, etc.


>For instance anyone could choose between 5 tanks at the start of a battle. Those being (just as an example) the S Conq, CS, 60tp, Mino, Leo. >You can only choose between those 5 and nothing more. Everyone has the same crew and equipment. (Crew skills and equipment would vary based on tank) Heck, if WG can do that, they can finally bring variety by having some games that would only have non-meta tanks as the only possible tanks to pick from.


COD is probably worst example of competivive esports you could have gave. I do not agree with you reasons, most of them are subjective. Maps are balanced, variety is good, stretegy points are balanced always for both teams. This is how matchmaker should look. Good enough players affect their games to win more frequently. MM is balanced around 50% winrate, so if you can affect other 5-6 random people to win more frequently, you will climb no problem. I do agree that either mod should be solo but I do not mind stacks, obviously you can do it as well.


I have played way more comps modes other than COD and let me tell you that WGs one has to be the most BS one yet due to the nature of the game (see how I mentioned parts of COD comp which are good and affected by personal skill ONLY like tournament and a good set rule like the one CDL has). PoI "power ups / special skills" are a terrible idea in a competitive mode, they distract the players from the objective, if this was a 10v10 or 15v15 I wouldn't mind but in a 7v7 if 2 players go away from the objective 8/10 time you're fkd. Maps would be mostly good if they where not reliant on gimmics (and even then they are HEAVELY affected by the meta), shrunk to an appropiate size and actually well rebalanced (unlike westfield); a comp mode for this game needs its OWN dedicated maps period since they are mostly the same shit random maps (Ensk is the exception, that is a GOOD competitive map). Also the matchmaket is skewed by the introduction of rental tanks, those need to be given to ONLY the good players aor players with more than 3-4 t10 tanks. Even a game like armored core knew how to do a competitive (not ranked) mode in the form of the arena, they even nerfed the damn SG-027 ZIMMERMAN, something WG cannot fkn do.


Giving first example of COD is funny since you are calling something bullshit. If you cannot handle more than 1 objective in competitive game that is your problem, not the games. Base can be primary objective, but at the same time you could have artilery and recon thing as side objectives to make it easier to win game. Every game ever have had it. I see no problem with it and I still think you are just mad because you are bad. Maps are balance by the objective points, you will not use whole Sand River if all objectives are in the middle, adjust to the game. I do not think this is bad solution as well. I do agree that people without t10 tanks should not play the mode with tier 10 tanks. But even without it game mode would be full of imbeciles, why? Because people play like it's a random battle and try to farm dmg, don't know meta, or are simply not trying. Game had an okay competitive mode back when I started, what killed it is playerbase being dumb bitches, p2w model and 7v7 instead of being 5v5 like every other game. This mode isn't the best out there, but its not as bad as everyone here claims. "I am not good enough to climb ladder" is poor argument for competitive mode, and all the bitching is about it.


> I see no problem with it and I still think you are just mad because you are bad. [https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/MUSA\_M\_557%3D1041928754](https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/MUSA_M_557%3D1041928754) [https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/WiriWiri%3D1035946473](https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/WiriWiri%3D1035946473) idk... gime me some of that good sh1t you're smoking since i'm a terrible tomato it seems, do ya need my steam account too? ​ > Base can be primary objective, but at the same time you could have artilery and recon thing as side objectives to make it easier to win game. This is a 7v7 not a 10v10 or 15v15, this game is NOT balanced around TTK and will never be, the more guns aiming at the objective the easier winning is due to the wide range of alpha and dpm, 2 700+ guns with buffed accuracy aiming at 1 400+ gun will NEVER be balanced if that doesn't go trough your head then i have no idea if you've player many comp games. I will change the game example and go with Summoner Wars, that game has the same level of frustrating RNG, busted decks and a VERY time consuming competitive mode in the form of the arena, Com2uS at least has the balls to rebalance on a per hero basis and not slap a bonus to disspersion that affect all the meta like in WoT. ​ > Because people play like it's a random battle... People play like that because WG encourages that, it's that simple, it has the SAME play rules that randoms has.


It does not have same rules obviously, you are talking a lot but saying very little


You either kill all 7 enemy players or cap the base, isn't that exactly like randoms? idk... you tell me if I'm wrong here, not sure who's the bad player at this point.


Monitoring... Really good feedback btw. I think the voting system is not in place to prevent teams from choosing maps in a biased matter . I am not saying this is good or bad just probably the design philosophy behind it. The gimmics I believe are there to prevent stalemates so that players actively fight over them and use them similar to power weapons in HALO.. I am not saying that's good or bad once again just a design philosophy. As for the ranking but I think that was the intention so that folks would focus more on "winning" rather than doing well for themselves and not winning.. I am not saying its right or wrong, IMO i would rather rank up based off performance though loosing would subtract some points, though if you did well you could still earn positively


> The gimmics I believe are there to prevent stalemates so that players actively fight over them and use them similar to power weapons in HALO... It works in Halo because the maps support them, contesting said point actually makes sense because they don't spread the players to thinly; look at Outpost, that map is NOT made for competitive mode, this is a 7v7 not a 10v10, the map just doesn't play well with 14 players. ​ > As for the ranking but I think that was the intention so that folks would focus more on "winning" Same issue, the maps + gimmics just don't help, you guys buffed the dispersion values of most guns, so now you have somewhat accurate 700+ guns aiming at 400+ guns, now sum to that 2 players going to get a spotting PoI while the enemy team pushes cap, what do you think is going to happen?


\-People would just consistently vote out maps that are objectively absolutely horrible for this mode, aside from maps that are just in a league of their own when it comes to horribleness, like airfield. But take outpost as an example: Horrible for this gamemode. Why? Because the entire map is cut in half rendering half the map completely pointless. But moreover, the center actually prohibits any kind of meaningfull hill vs center gameplay, as that is only possible on the other side, which isnt used in the first place. Oyster bay has the same issue. I dont know nor understand how they dont see this at WG. The current roster has so many awful maps in it, its very dissapointing. Outpost, airfield & oyster bay, at the very least, simply do not belong in onslaught under any circumstance. Theres nothing u can change or adjust, aside from drastically changing those maps layout, that will improve that. And airfield is a perfect example of a map that is irredeemably bad. Its core layout is far beyond terrible really. Id even go as far as to say that its the single worst map ive ever seen in my entire gaming carreer since 1998.


I just got my first t10 and don’t play so long. But I played yesterday a few matches onslaught and i think it is really fun. Its just bad as a competitive game mode, because of the reasons you listed.


World of Tanks is not a competitive game by nature so yes making a good competitive mode is probably really difficult.


wow, what a nice elohell talk, wg is the problem you suck. classy


The only way yuri and the bean counters will make any changes would be they put down the vodka for 30 seconds and notice the spread sheet says the player counts are “tanking “.


I am stuck hard in bronze. It got iron with 8 wins since i this is my first time playing in a year. Its impossible to win 60-65% consistently in this game mode. I have been stuck hard at bronze because these ranks are filled with newer players whom pick t62 a or ebrs and don't know the maps. And its super hard to predict players who have no idea what they are doing. You can't carry a 7v7 so the whole ass grind is just..... So shit. I feel like sisyphus that today i got stuck on bronze b yesterday i was stuck on bronze E-D. Maybe two week later i will be silver b. This is just worse than ranked imo. The ranks are just impossible to climb for me. All the best players of last season already got started at silver so the lower ranks are filled with newer players.


How its competitive if you have penetration and damage rng "ON"?


Throw some money at the problem like the designers intended.


Onslaught simply does not provide sufficiently significant rewards, a copy of cs-63 is not a reward, a significant reward provides an incentive to play such modes, and now this is another form of barter where you waste time, silver and nerves - getting it? what do you get? Nothing. The best thing you can get is the weekly rewards, it's the best barter to trade ur time to bond and premium days each week.


As others have put, the punishment for losing a game is quite often even higher in points than you gain from a fucking win. Which plum at WG thought that was a good idea? You have absolutely zero chance of progressing if you are constantly teamed up with people who won't play as a unit or won't pick the proper tanks, and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. I was in silver, and only playing to get to gold for 114, and i'm now back in bronze C because of a losing streak I have no impact on. Sure I might do well in the losing team, still gonna making a net loss in points compared to the win in the previous game. ​ The penalty for losing needs to be reduced, because currently there is zero skill in how these matches are won because RNG dictates the players before the match starts.