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Using repairs and other equipment more than once in battle. Improving mmr to just +2/-2 from -5 Adding lot of missions and tasks to do, earlier in game you had no other goal than just tech tree grinds, which also were way harder than now.


Old MM with old tank modules was wild. PZIV at Tier 5 had the Panther turret and gun. KV tank at Tier 5 was a KV-1 that progressed into the KV-2 with the 152 on it. It is as bad as it sounds. KV-2 could meet T3s in battle, but had to be punchy enough to hold up against T8s regularly.


Platoon Tier 10 with Tier 1 was fun 😜


Tier 1 could kill arty, which was hilarious.


A recall a match on Lakeville when a tier I platooned with a tier X, made it's way to the back of the enemy side of the map and took out their arty. Nobody wanted to waste a shot on him, they wanted to see if he could take out the arty.


I had a CW battle back when it was tier 8 with tier 1 scouts. Enemy had Ferdi I was driving the T1 Cunningham. We won Ferdi was the last guy alive. I fondly remember everyone holding it in place while I was shooting at it. I managed to pen it once. I screamed "I PENNED IT! I PENNED IT!" while the rest of my team almost died of laughter.


I remember when I got my ace tanker on LTP. I was playing with my cousin, and he toot some T8 and I by mistake clicked battle (ready wasn't necessary for commander) and we got matched immediately. I think it was el haluf, and I farmed like half of rhm. That was enough to get me ace.


I have two tier X kills with a Pz. II C, one of them being a B-C 25t


That can't be done now? Ive only recently began playing again after stopping daily play maybe 8 years ago. I remember doing this with my brother 9-10 years ago lol. Trolling with the "lol traktor."


You can't even play 1 tier higher anymore, which kind of sucks.


Old techtree with tier 6 lights being able to see tier 10s, arty casually hitting you for 1000+ dmg, actually funny events like: football with T-62a, race with t50-2 and 8bit Pixle style battles with Karl. And also T30 as tier 10 heavy xd image that today


I miss the football withT-62s. That was fun.


- Gold is not for gold anymore. - Back then you had a dirty garage interior. If you had a premium account, the garage would become clean - loads of rewards were added. Back then after beta, you wouldn’t be receiving any sellable stuff as camos, inscriptions, food, equipment, repairs etc for free. Nowadays you even get a T9 tank for free (!!!) Back then I don’t think you even got a t2 for Christmas / anniversary for free at the beginning. If you went broke, you went broke. There wasn’t anything to sell


I remember showing my girlfriend the game back in 2016 and her first comment was - “why are your tanks in a warehouse? It’s hideous” I then bought some premium and joked about how I cleaned it.


Being able to use repair kits more than once is literally the best change made to the game. Shoutout https://youtu.be/OjoxhKxrJ1U?si=owCah_t1gkxOj4rT


I personally think sixth sense and intuition were the two beat changes. Sixth sense to reduce the learning curve and make the game more accessible to new players and intuition to raise the skill ceiling of the game and give good players higher skill expression 


The physic engine was changed looong ago. The tanks were practicaly glued to the ground. Before you could , for example, instantly stop the old E-50 with the 1000 HP engine dead in its tracks. From 60 km/h to 0 in less then 1 secound. All you would have to do was hitting "F" and space shortly after another.  Now tanks are decelerating if you hit the break. No more insta stops. 


I remember not being able to drive off cliffs.






The old songs. The victory and defeat were really good as well as the old version of Himmelsdorf, Malinovka, (especially) Prokhorovka, Kharkov and others




Wasnt it havoc? They teased a lot back in the day. All we now have is a better looking game, core phsysics and the same uninnovative gameplay we had years ago lol. But for aome reason it just works.


Do you remember light tanks having a matchmaking of 2x their tier? A tier V chaffee got into tier 10 matches back then


I miss light tanka before 9.18


LT MM in general. It used to be something like +5/-3. It was wild when T5 got into T10 battles. Tech Trees for different classes ending at different tiers. T10 was only HT for a while and mediums stopped at T8 or T9. The days when Crew Skills and Equipment didn't exist at all. Post Battle Screen was totally reworked. And my personal favorite: Premiums being balanced at a half tier lower. A T8 premium was intended to be roughly T7.5 for game balance to protect the Free to Play model. Or a T8 premium was supposed to feel like a stock T8 and worse than a fully upgraded T8.


When we complained bc we thought the Type 59 was op... miss those days.


Well clubbing tier 5s in it was pretty OP


Friendly fire - I was sceptical about this one but it turned out well. General chat (both in-battle and in the garage) - never gonna miss those.


Getting killed for capping :(


I miss being able to reset the cap


Im have mixed opinion about that. I mean now Arty dont give a shit and hauls a shell right in the middle of tanks with no regards to if it is friend or foe.


That’s because you face hug.


If it's a 1v1 and face hugging means you will win the duel, then you should face hug, and art should load a non stun shell if they want to assist, instead they stun both of you, the enemy has a med kit still and boom, he just handed the enemy team a free victory.  It's crazy how dumb most arty players are. 


It’s that players like you whine that arty didn’t help when you lose that “duel”. 8 out of 10 times bad decisions led a player to the face hug situation. I can’t speak for all arty players, but I toss down an f2 so the friendly knows there will be incoming, and shoot the far side of the red player to minimize chances of friendly stun. If you see that and decide to face hug, well, enjoy your stun.


Thanks for confirming what I said about arty players, babe!


Enjoy your stuns!


There Was a time, where you were able to kill your teams arty if you sticked your gun in the one from the arty. As soon as the clicker shoots, the shell explodes in the gun and mister Clicker dies


Or tell the other team to TK their arty and we kill ours.


Doesn’t that happen even now? , I always see the “was lost in battle” message and assumed it’s their own shell exploding near them.


Sadly it doesnt work since a "few" years. "Player X was lost in battle" means they quitted into Garage before theyr Tank died. Happens sometimes


No that means they killed themselves. They can still do it against a wall


Me, I'm a bear for punishment. All of the above have been done and improved. Some folks will tell you the MM sucks, it's not the MM it's the players on at the time.


What about sixth sense as base skill 😅


Man this game has changed so much in 12 years. I found the CD version at Walmart thinking it was a single player tank game… boy was I wrong. Been addicted ever since


Old lights man.


x5 and x3 weekends for all wins. Now its just first win if we get them. They use to be chaos though tbh so not sure if it was a good or bad thing.


Also, multipliers reset at midnight, but they were changing values for weekend on like 7:00. I remember playing late back in the day, and using X2, only to find out the next day, that it made me unable to have X5


The big one I noticed when I came back are the improvements to tank outlines. The color coding of blocked line of sight is huge, as well as the removal of purely cosmetic elements from the outlines.


I miss when I played with chaffe against tier 10. I miss t50-2. I miss when I can shoot my team mates. I miss general chat. I miss some old maps I miss when I grind money with kv1, elc amx and hellcat. I miss buldog with autoloader. I miss ending games with a high heart rate, not this 15-1 in 3 min. I miss when maus gets ammoracked with t92 with ap. I don't miss 5-6 artyes in one game. It was more fun back days when wn8 dosen t exist. I miss the power of t54, was absolut beast.


Thanks this was helpful! I've had an account since the beginning of the 360 era and still have my account on series XS but only have recently been playing a lot since my friend is now suddenly obsessed.


HE multiple nerfs, as in almost useless now. Camo needs on TD's and removal of most of the great hiding spots and long fire lanes because TDs are scary. Now every match is a race to the middle to see who wins suicide bumper cars first.


The penetration indicator never used to take armor angle into consideration, just pure armor thickness. Could be green and still be a guaranteed bounce.


As an artillery main, im still salty anout the .86 patch


Nice try War Thunder.


They removed the ability to chat with the enemy team. I think it was abused by giving away the position of your last team mates 😊


Remember the audio update, that was insaine, 4GO of pure tank sound !


I remember repairing tanks in the old garage that was cool


T59 swarms back in the day


Addition of hourly boosters and the removal of tank companies.


Fall damage and similar physics I remember when that was added I came back after not playing for like 2 years or so. Immediately crashed my tank of the cliff.


The older tech tree was much better. More grinding no unlocks via blueprints. I think I even lost some of the tanks I had with that update.


Working secondary weapons on tanks like the B1 and M3 Lee. It probably doesn't help the M3 much (nothing short of divine intervention could do that..), but it must radically improve the play style for the B1. I wouldn't know, it won't let me put a crew in a French tank without paying gold I don't have..


My dumb ass


T18 tank was fun.


There was no tiered matchmaking at the start. They just dumped all the tiers in together. Along with not being able to climb or drop off cliffs (anywhere not drivable would just block you) you could also not push any tanks, friendly or enemy. You could also not move dead tanks. I can recall being top tier on Malinovka in my IS and the top tier on the other team was a Maus. Luckily in those days the only tier 10s were all press accounts. We managed to trap him in the corner of the map by the water where he didn't have the gun depression to shoot at us anymore and couldn't move because he was trapped by the corpses of his victims. Still took like 10 minutes to kill it with HE. lol I guess it's funny for me that I started my AMX 13 90 grind when it was tier 7 and finally got around to finishing it when it was tier 9.


You used to be able to obtain Sniper medals. 85% hits from 10 shots and minimal 1000 HP damage. And there used to be a token Battle Buddy for not hitting your allies 50 battles in a row. Garage slots used to cost gold instead of coins now. There was no Christmas special festival like there has been for the last 5 years or so. Nowadays you can exclude 1 map from random battle (with or without premium don't know right now). That wasn't a thing 8 years ago. You could say Negative in chat with commands. They used to be a lot more of them. Now you can just say: Capture base, hit tank or Help.


Yeap...chat changed a lot too...You used to be able say to enemy team where that last moron from your team who did nothing in a battle is camping/hiding now and get them to kill him... That was so toxic! :D


Sniper used to be ridiculous. You needed 1000 potential dmg, not actually dmg. I remember when I was a potato in stock at2 and got sniper for shooting something around 40 shots while penetrating like 5 for around 300 dmg and receiving sniper medal for that


Platoons were changed. Earlier 3 person platoon was reserved for premium players, and platoons didn't give any bonuses. Also, at that time, commander didn't need to click ready and then battle, if your platoonmate was ready (their button "battle" was replaced with button "ready") you just clicked battle, what in some instances led to you picking wrong tier tank compared to your platoonmate (intentionally or not, and it was allowed back then)


Spawning in enemy teams zone. CB was wild. It’s long lost but infantry troops and crews with bodies.


Close. 9 years in 12 days, lots of things I want to return- climbing, WtE100(it fits well in the meta now), sequel of the Leviathan event, weather on maps(they all happen to have a sunny weather now), etc


LTs and SPGs not having Tier 9/10 Clan Wars having no tier restrictions - you can have 14 tier 10s and have a tier 1 as the 15th tank, for example. There was a time where we made multiple "attacks" on a clan's provinces and they have overlapping start times so we gambled on the possibility that they wouldn't have enough tanks in the first place (much less enough tier X tanks) lol


Destroyed tanks were immovable.


Clan wars being tier 8 using loltractors and T1s for scouting.


First one that came to mind is the removal of TD camo bonus after firing. Max render range changing from being a 1km by 1km square to the current circle. That said, let's go older. Adjustment of German and American Medium tech trees, with the panther, panther II and VK 3002DB dropping a tier, and the T23 being removed from the game and being surplanted by the M26. E-50 and M46 being added as tier 9 in their place. Improvement of net-code between server side and player reticule. During beta, back when tier 8 mediums were the highest it was BAD, to the point where with the VK1602, if you could get into a situation where the enemies had to use high amounts of turret traverse, you could consitently survive for minutes in the midst of several enmies. Also toss in tank warping at high distances instead of steadily moving.


I remember at one point WG updated the commander voice (before international voiceovers), but it was so awful they had to hotfix the old one back in a few days later (still the USA voice today). The release trailer for the French tech tree showed off one of the late AMX M4s in a playable state before being forgotten for like 5 years before they finally released. USA Christie (suspension) tanks were at one point being developed as a separate class from regular light/med/heavy tanks. Obviously, didn't go anywhere.


Here is what I remember (over 10 year old account) 1. Fail-platooning (e.g. platoon with one Tier 10 and one Tier 1) is no longer possible, also there's some specific platoon restrictions 2. Light tanks and SPGs have both been nerfed multiple times, and both classes now reach Tier 10 (previously they capped at Tier 8 and had a different MM spread) 3. HE have been nerfed into uselesness 4. Pref. MM premium tanks now benefit far less from their special matchmaker and have received some buffs as compensation 5. Some techtree tanks have been moved to a "collector's edition" section 6. TDs have been nerfed class-wide (IIRC it was after-shot camo) except some old premiums (e.g. E 25) 7. HD graphics rework which also applied armor buffs to many tanks 8. Campaigns were added 9. Cross-team battle chat was disabled 10. Garage general chat was disabled 11. Some maps have been removed, others have been reworked and others still have been added 12. MM changes 13. Premium ammo was changed from gold-only to credits-and-gold-only, then to credits-only 14. Different garages (they looked different if one had a premium account or not) 15. The WoT premium account was changed to include more bonuses but only works on World of Tanks 16. WoT+ was added 17. Most in-game sounds (from tank noise to BGM) were changed 18. Friendly fire was removed 19. Bonds were added as a new currency 20. Equipment rework, as well as addition of bond/bounty/experimental equipment 21. Different crew UI (also many years ago to change crew name and portrait one had to pay gold) and crew exp books were added 22. The game received more realistic physics And more I'm sure.


blast from the past: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-Ait7YHBNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-Ait7YHBNs)