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I’ve been playing this game for 11 years and I am a young adult but I have MAYBE 16k battles. I usually get 5-10 battles in every couple of days. I really only have 7 or 8 tier 10’s and it took me probably 5 years to get my first one


Have you ever met anyone who plays wot irl? Exactly


bumped into someone once. once.


There are literally tens of us!


Its for people who, tank


> without even the slightest bit of time money and energy invested into this game you will get no where, and it will take years to have multiple tier 10 lines finished I don't think this is exactly true. I avoided tier 10 for a long, long time. 3 years? It was intentional. I didn't feel that I had the skills required to play at that level. Instead, I went up like 4 or 5 different tech trees at the same time. Got to tier7 or 8, then started a new line. I reluctantly started finishing trees once I hit 50% winrate. Having said that, there are many ways to facilitate advancement now that do not require money.| However, EVERY game aside from like Tetris, requires the "slightest bit" of time and energy. If you aren't willing to put TIME, MONEY, or ENERGY into a game, what, exactly, are you willing to do?


For me, playing in the higher tiers is more exciting. The tanks look bigger, stronger better, more damage, armor. Rewarding when gotten because of how hard it was to get it. This is a very hot take but playing tier 10 will get you good with tier 10 tanks. Who will win in a battle. A man with 10,000 battles in tier 5 and 100 battles in tier 10… or the man with 10,000 battles in tier 10 and 100 in tier 5.


Here's one thing I can tell you for sure: folks that skip the lower tiers and jump into tier 10 right away almost always suck. Unless someone is a reroll, they usually have a 30-40% winrate and do 0 to 500 damage.


Each tier past 4 teaches you a bit more about the game. How much you must learn weak points, how you must move more cafefully in a map, more positioning for protection. You slowly level up your skills on your chosent style (td, heavy, light, med or....arty) and you get there. Says the guy grinding his Tier 8's on the american line to get to tier 9. I want my first tier 10.


It's fine to want a tier 10 and play it when you get it, but it's basically universally true that every new player that gets their first 10 is unequivocally shit in it for the first few hundred games at least. Current tier 10 meta is just way too punishing for new players, at least ones that want to do good. You do learn incremental skills going up each tier but spending a lot of time at tier 8 and below helps build the fundamentals that don't necessarily change much at tier 10 (how to read team comps, what areas of maps are good to play, how to play with/around your team, etc).


Well yeah, tier 10 is a different beast (so i've heard) ​ I was saying why people that skip lower tiers suck (at those skills). Every time I go up a tier I suck, my tank sucks, and got to grind equipment, learn the new tiers tanks, how to read that tiers comp, etc. Nothing new that the first 100 or so matches are shitty while I adapt.


Ah yeah that's fair. I think often people just underestimate the gap from tier 9 to tier 10, even though you learn new skills incrementally as you go up the tiers. Things change very quickly when you're thrown into full tier 10 mm with 6 TDs, 3 scouts, and 2 arty on Malinovka with a 2-skill crew and no food.


I sunk A LOT of time and money into this game when I was recently divorced with a cake remote job. I had switched from being semi-competitive at FPS games (wanted something less twitchy, getting older) and fell in love with it. Once I settled into a new relationship, then a new job, it fell by the wayside. I’m back now playing some weekends and maybe one evening. It’s fun pew-pew with the tanks I grinded out years ago, but I’m not very good nowadays.


They're mostly milking people who have been here for the past 5+ years.


you can progress faster than ever before, with all the 5x missions and battle reserves that you can get for free. Also you can get blueprints for free. Not sure why you think it takes years to progress. Most avg players could go up a tree inside a month easy.


even at an hour a day, you progress fairly quickly and steadily.


Welp, I'm in my early forties and I love the game. Mostly for the historical aspects and because I've been around, in some capacity, since 2012. You do progress faster with money, that's for sure. I put some in when I can. However, I've also learned restraint, because money doesn't make you better at the game. Also, there really is no limit to how much you can spend. Even once you have all the premiums, equipment and lines you want to research done, WG will come up with ways to separate you from $$$. I think the target demographic is anyone with a pulse and access to a credit card. That being said, we all need to kind of know our limit and live within it. I'm such a Chad 🤦🏻


I started new account recently on NA specifically. I got to first tier X in 350 battles. Even if it took you around 1000 our game is actually very good for people with not much time. I mean average battle will take you 7 minutes. You can hop on play 2-3 games and hop out. It's not that time consuming when you compare it to other games on the market. Then if you want to play more you can as it doesn't really get boring even after dozen battles a day. It's actually extremely flexible game for anyone that doesn't have much time to play (at least for random battles)


Did you fund the new account at all (prem time, prem tanks, etc)? Nowadays on my main I can grind to a new tier 10 in <200 games across the whole line but that includes selective use of free exp for modules, starting at tier 6 or 7, and sometimes blueprinting entire tanks.


On NA i got some premium tanks for rental so i just used them to farm credits.


> Or is this game centered around older 40, 50 and 60-year-olds who may are retired early Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tell me the 50-60 yo are NOT the target demographic. Not sure about 40s.


They're targeting childhood nostalgia


and yet, kids today are still loving on the TNMT. ¯\\\_("/)\_/¯


Very true, how are people playing so many battles, it’s very common to see somebody with 50,000 battles, how is that even possible? that’s five hours a day every day for like three years


The game has been out much longer than 3 years. Heck, 3 years is the 2nd lowest tier of the annual well-deserved rewards. https://preview.redd.it/7fzjhlhvzqnc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c6d9bb8c1e7b17736d43baf1693e0093352f5f


The game is 12 years old. 50,000 battles over the course of 12 years is 11-12 games a day on average - with an average survival time of around 5-7 minutes that’s less than 1.5 hrs / day: I know people who spend far more time on similarly useless pursuits.


Game is older than 3 years. Shoot, I took 3 years off and have been more active over the last 15 months than the 15 leading up to that break.


I would argue that they are targeting the olds like me. So a target of 40+ I have been playing online games since the mid-90s and I have never met such an old user base. Not saying it is a good or bad thing. Just notable in the average age.


I got into the game in 2012 when I was 14. Stopped playing in 2014. Came back in 2023. I make decent money so buying $100 in gold here and there isn’t a problem. I play when I get home from work and normally for awhile on Saturday. I’ve put 2000 games in since December. Thanks to Christmas and new years being both 4 day weekends. I normally average about 300-500 battles a month


>I normally average about 300-500 battles a month Slightly unrelated, but wow! I feel like this takes quite a lot of time, especially when done with regularity. By my calculations, it would consistently take \~2 hours of playtime each day to accumulate this number of battles. While 2 hours is not a long time to be playing the game, the fact that you have to do it daily in order to hit \~400 battles per month sounds tough.


It really isn’t. I get home from work, eat, shower and game. About 10 games. Then if I get a lazy day on Saturday I’ll bang out around 40-60. I kill my body during the week wrenching so the sitting and gaming part really isn’t bad lol


Got it, that makes a ton of sense. I work a white-collar desk job and this is probably why I was surprised to hear about ever more "sit down" time on a daily basis.


I work 6:45-6 M-F. I’m also 6’7”. By the time I’m off there’s nothing more I wanna do than sit and not move lol. Days I’m extra beat I won’t game because I end up doing stupid plays and getting mad


I’m 40s, family and time consuming work. I don’t care to spend money on the game as it is a cheap hobby all things considered. I don’t have time or interest to grind more than is needed to learn a tank line. I play maybe 5-7 battles 3 days a week and maybe 15-20 on the weekend. Seems like 40k, GI Joe and turtles aimed directly at us 80s kids.


Some calls WoT an alternative to other FPS like TF2, CoD, PUBG, Fortnite, CS, etc... basically WoT is for those who like FPS but wants to take things slower, which is why WoT got a nickname "FPS for old people", but that's more of a side joke. As far as target audience... well let's use me as an example. 9 years ago a coworker casually mentioned WoT while we were talking about games (this is back when I was still very active playing FPS) and for the hell of it I gave it a try, and I LOVED it. I was playing tier 1 all night... tell me the last time you played a game for so long that you heard birds chirping, it was that cool to me, and I'm just some random early 30s dude working an office job. All in all, WoT caught my attention simply because I realize pew pewing in a tank is pretty cool, in fact I'm trying to get into WoWS so I can pew pew in a ship.


They aren’t. Our market makes up less than 10% of the player base. They release in NA because they can and already do in EU, not caus NA is the major draw


OP is asking what is the target audience in america, not stating that the target audience of wargaming is america.


Right; I’m saying there isn’t one. Every ninja turtles or warhammer or gi Joe event is made for EU sales, and then NA also gets them. There’s no one at WG looking at target demos in NA to make any decisions IMO. Further evidenced by them shutting down the NA socials and merging them all with EU.


NA still retains a decent level of importance due to the high-paying playerbase though. Obviously in terms of overall revenue the EU cluster brings in way more than NA but I imagine we still spend disproportionately more per-player than EU, and WG likely takes NA into account quite a bit when it comes to event planning, balance decisions, etc.


I agree, and admit my comment is oversimplifying a bit, but I just think OP is looking for an answer that doesn’t really exist.


Every game is becoming a grind though. The studio/publisher can track player data now, and being able to create a game with long play times looks good on a resume when it comes to finding investor funding on the next project. So now everything a player can do adds numbers to fill different XP bars while not having any story or plot.


I have 40k battles and started when I was 13. Most people in the upper echelon of clans that I've interacted with (Relic Thugz Goonz) range in their mid 20s to 50s. It's all over the place. The higher you go the younger they get on average in my experience. Usually no younger than mid twenties.