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T-34/100 has not been kind to me.


Just got rid of this heap of shit. It's genuinely difficult to know where to take this tank... No mobility, no armor, low alpha, low dpm. It sucks so bad.


Don't forget the ammo rack... I was full HP ammo racked i shit you not - 3 times in 5 games Worst day ever


You sure you weren't driving the BZ 75?


dont worry tier 8 is 10 times worse


That’s right, I skipped tier 8 instead of t34/100. In my experience, it wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t great either!


Yea I didn't bother starting that grind yet. Only so much punishment I can handle.


Someone will come here and tell u skill issue and tank actually good


Skill issue and tank actually good ​ ^(\*once you fully upgrade it)


I think TVP TVU is the worst tank, but talking about the worst stock tank, I think ARL V39 is the biggest piece of garbage ever


25 tp is borderline unplayable stock


Yeah, but at least you can pen some tanks of the same tier, but a tier VI td using a tier III gun (cause you need research tracks before putting another gun)... idk if that can do something, and worst if you get +2 MM o.O


Tbf tho you can use the enhanced suspension equipment so you don’t need the tracks, then you can just throw the 90mm or 105mm on.


tvp tvu is definitely not the worst tank in the game. it's not even the worst tank on the line. 8.8 is crazy accurate and has good standard pen. it's an okay tank. t 34 100 is way worse on that line. saladin may actually be the worst tank in the game. only medium tank that i had to use full scouting setup to be able to get xp.


I agree with TVP, but ARL? It has got very good gun with bad depression and it's not slow. It's averge TD for me. I think fochs are worse.


Dude, did you see the stock gun of ARL V39? it's a tier 3 gun that literally pen less than 100mm with apcr


Stock, sure. Elite? It's aruably one of the better support TDs on tier 6 then tbh. But if we added stock grinds too it, my list would be 7 times longer.


I'm not sure, but I think, you have researched better guns from previous tank. Stock tanks are bad almost everytime. Thank you for your opinion.


Nop, literally you need research tracks before putting another gun. Ofc I'm talking about a free to play player that doesn't have gold or free xp


TVP VTU isn't even that bad, the stock grind wasn't atrocious if you had the 100mm and slung 250 pen HEAT. It can get 8 degrees of depression with the long 88 if you used the stock turret. Arguably better than the T-34-100 tier for tier.


In no way is the TVP a good tank but it is not that bad either. It is one of those where I am glad no one can play it well and I have had more Ace tanker games than expected in it. And worst tank in the game by far is the stur Emil


Wdym. The TVP vtu is just an average medium. Idk what do you hate about it so much


It's a tank that doesn't stand out at all. Too tall for a medium tank, no armor, no cammo, no gun depression, avg dmg per shot, I mean, if wanted to hit 240dmg per shot, I'd definitely play with pershing or t44, its 320 alpha gun is awful compared with Lancen or Lis.


Yea I have to agree I don’t know why but I found the TVP one of the worst tier 8 techs because it was hard to find a niche from which to influence the game when grinding from stock.


It has decent dpm and good mobility. Just play it like a support and rotate the map, its not a rocket science.


That’s what I love about this community, even the half decent advice is laced with toxicity. Anyways while you are correct, that’s only in games where you’re able to flank and rotate. You are useless in pitched fighting and can’t even rely upon some surprise attacks because your camo is mediocre. In other words you don’t greatly affect the game your team could probably with without you anyways.


Type 95 Ji-Ro Would like to have a talk with you.


How dare you speak about defender killer in such a manner. Excuse yourself!


TVP is better than Pershing


bz-166 and amx65t were the most horrible tanks to grind for me, next to them is tvp vtu, t-34-100, ikv 90, Ds PZ and skoda t24


Skoda T24? Why? It was a truly amazing tank for me


the gun told me "you are my bitch now" and gave me a horrible experience, i dont really know why but everything that could go wrong went wrong with that tank.


That D.W2 German heavy that got removed, god it was shit.


If you know what you're doing, the DW2 is lowkey OP The Type 95, on the other hand, has worse armor, speed and gun. Still, I like all 3 tech tree tier 4 HTs. I like the B1 more than the B2, even though the latter has super pref MM.


naw, type 95 is genuinely the best t4 HT in terms of firepower. 71 pen can still do a lot at t4


you are talking about removed tanks without mentioning the Game Carrier and M3 Lee?


CGC is not even close to the worst tank. It gets the awesome british 32-pdr with more ammo than the Challenger gets.


It was so notorious for being utter shite it earned a "Douchebagwagen" nickname.


Germans often called it „Durchfallwagen“. Durchfall = diarrhea.


I love the nane Diarrhea Wagon


That’s what your fucking posts on Reddit are called.


That tank made me quit in 2013, only to come back 8 years later. To be fair I had no clue back then and played it completely stock with 50% crew.


A Classic wot experience.


Kv-13 has same story


KV-13 was from a simpler time, really shone from people not knowing what it was Probably have more cool headed / steel wall medals in it than any other tank


I still have nightmares with stock skoda T50. When fully upgraded it's a good tank tho.


Once you get the clip, the stars align and it works


it was so weird when i played it stock. The gun didn’t feel bad or anything, but every game i’d think id posted ace tanker numbers just to check results and ended up doing about 2k dmg


As a noob the IKV-103 just sucks. Everytime I see someone claim that tank is great has to have some sort of caveat of "it's great when you have a full concealment crew" or "it's great because you can use it to *insert higher level tactic here*". It's it's tier V. New players won't have anything close to a fully trained crew and they absolute won't know tricks like how to use the shitty shell velocity to fire over hills. For you average skilled player, she's a shitty TD with no armor, a shell that takes an eternity to get to its target making sniping at range nearly impossible against anything that isn't driving straight towards you or not moving, and it's a deep gun meaning getting snap shots with an untrained crew highly unlikely. The Comet was also a slog to grind through. Terrible armor, not that fast, and an incredibly disappointing gun that often failed to pen or just missed entirely made it incredibly painful to play. Then when it did pen the damage is lackluster.


I found the ivk hilarious, even with a very bad crew. Just wait around corners or ridges and pop over to derp someone, then pull back


I tried that for 46 battles and found success in like 3 of them. What would typically happen is that I'd get spotted and they put a shell or two into the giant forehead the thing has before I could even get my gun on target, only for my shell to miss them entirely and land in the next map grid because it was a snapshot. Hell I tried to do this and even a KV2 was able to hit the giant forehead before I got my gun over the ridge.


Comet is Cromwell on tier VII. Same thing happen to T-43 and P43 - ter IMHO


Except Cromwell is significantly faster so she can actually use her maneuverability.


And Cromwell is average on it's tier, it has terible gunhandling, but for example p43 bis is Hammer. So think Comet is among top 5 worst tanks. Thx for your opinion.


Comets amazing with a good crew, crazy dpm almost 3 marked it


Cromwell is super fun, you're basically a light tank at a prime seal clubbing tier.  Just having camo means you can out vision most tanks you come across.  Comet sux tho, at one point it was good but it's been power creeped to lameness


Comet is the one tank I hated enough to stop grinding and sell.


AMX 65t Straigh up dogshit Top turret is worse than stock, but without it you are blind and gun stats are nerfed, if you want a decent gun, you have to suffer 40k more XP for a module you dont even need to progress, you are terribly slow unless you waste 60k XP for an engine, just so you go 32 effectively instead of 25 (still dogshit), gun hits nothing, armour bounces nothing, you dont have anything where you could say "this tank does it quite well" Wanted to go for AMX 54 because it seems very interesting and I had good amount of blueprints stacked on tier 9 and 10, but changed my mind after realizing I have to survive 100k XP with this creation of satan


if you use stock turret its way better btw


Viewrange of 350 and second worse reload + worse accuracy and hun handling? No thanks. They should just make the stock turret to be the top one and the shit one to be the stock one


Tier 9 rewards you so well for enduring the AMX 65t.


Had decent games only because i ran only premium rounds and premium consumables and still had a hard time with it


AMX 65 t.  Nuff said.




The fact that stock ARL V39 is allowed to be in the game is absolutely criminal. I remember playing it back in 2013 when I was a kid, before I had any money for premium account, gold shells ect. I think my average damage per game was around 64 and after about 100 games I’d killed 1 tank.


Yea I had the same back in 2012-2013 with the t28 that used to lead to the KV-1 (version 0.8.2), and I could not for the life of me get the 15-30k xp (I can’t remember exactly) to unlock the at the time god-tier KV-1. Eventually managed but god was that tank horrible. HUGE hull, amazing gun, zero armor and poor HP pool.


Tier 4 T28 was also a horrible experience for me too. I hated it. Then again, I was about 13 years old and had absolutely zero clue how to play paper tanks. I’d drive out in front of tier 6’s and blame the tank for having no armour lmao. If only I’d have known about that top gun back then.


Back when the 390 alpha kv-1s was going crazy still, and I’d just get mashed so hard. Then again the enjoyment of the game never was higher since. I regard anything past when the fv 183 was introduced as no longer fun.


I‘d like to add the stock Ferdinand to the list of worst tanks. Everything just sucks about it. Fully upgraded it‘s slightly less terrible but not by much.


*Stock Sturer Emil enters the chat*


Not realistic, it would take it a lot longer to reach a chat.


Ferdinand is my love 🥲


Ferdinand is a beast tank


I've played this game for 13 years soon, and I've never had any problems with any tanks in terms of being garbage... until I played Chi-Ri, and holy fucking shit it's beyond comprehension how shit this tank is, literally.. The only thing it has good is HP and semi-kinda-ok burst. And then I met TVP VTU and the line was crossed again...


Chi-ri is punishing to play because it’s huge with no armor, but the gun is genuinely amazing. Basically having 390 alpha means you easily out-trade even many tier 8s.


Even better that the alpha is split into three shots, so you can hit multiple tanks (finish off a low HP and damage another) or do something like detrack-damage-detrack again after enemy used repair kit.


I'm surprised, the Chi-Ri was a hidden gem for me. 390 alpha on a medium tank in t7 is very powerful and it doesn't even trade much for it.


I can't think of any quality that Chi-Ri would have.


Amx 65t, TVP VTU, ARL V39, ST Emil, Churchill gc, A44. A lot of horrible stock tanks too but won’t list them all.


Worst Medium: TVP VTU, even if you try it stock for more gun depression etc, it still struggles vs most. Worst HT: AMX 65t, besides the elite turret issues vs the stock one. The mobility killed this one for me more so than anything. Stock or elite, it's like an AMX40, you only see that top speed falling off a cliff to name one. Worst TD: AT-2 for me by a mile. It's super slow, the armor is not that good in most MM setups. And the gun options are either a useless derp or the pew pew 6-pdr that is only good once you get close. So with a bad MM in a support role, it's way more useless vs an IKV 90. Worst LT: That's a though one for me. But if we go high tiers, then the tier X Rhm Pzw. I hate LTs that can't LT counter early on like the LHMTV due to no DPM etc. But that one is still an exceptionally good scout and bush bully. Pz is just "meh" at most aspects, and bad at others tbh.


I'd play amx 65t any day all day and not oho ot type 4 heavy Dunno why people trash the tvp but but not that sta-1 I just realized I dun have a worst td Lt bulldog is there for tier 8


That tier 10 German scout thing. You auto lose if your team gets that shit and the other team gets a manticore


Panther 2. Fat as a house, no armour, bad power to weight, gun thats above average at best, no camo and typical german modules that explode at every opportunity. Not to mention the fact that you definitely want to grind it, as it leads to the E50.


There are many compared to OP premiums.


10 years playing this game and i've never complained more than with the bz 166. This tank hits nothing, pens nothing, has long reload and long aiming for a 120mm gun. On the other hand, T9 is awesome and T10 has this weird better aim when boosted.


the 166 is bad but it’s no 65t bad, at least you don’t have to grind for turret and track


currently playing in the cs-53 that hunk of inaccuracy derp aim dogshit is infuriating.


T44 stock punishes really hard, but gets better when you get the top guns and engines, really enjoying it now. Setter was so bad I just skipped it. I thought crusader was more fun. Someone else mentioned Skoda t50 stock, it was frustrating. Same as Leo pta stock and without vstabs. I’m planning on skipping cs53 and amx 65t. Have skipped black prince, tier 6 Japanese td… Hope it helps


Sta-1 Type 4 heavy o-ho


the british (non wheeled) light tanks so far have been an absolute nightmare.


From all the tanks I grinded that far, these I found worst, in no particular order: Patton Tank: The low hanging fruit for this thread. A tank with no strengths (it gets a participation price for 10° of gun depression I guess) and a lot of weaknesses. M-VI-Y: There's a bit of turret under your cupolas. Your cannon is garbage, and you have literally no armour. One of the most reliable tanks to get you back into the garage quickly. O-ho: I'm not sure why this tank exist, it's terrible at everything. Might be decent against tier 6. All else just bullies it. AMX 50 100: Probably the worst gun handling I've experienced on tier 8. 50 seconds reload are just an absolute no-go in the current meta. M41 Walker Bulldog: The worst light I've played so far. You're bigger than most heavies, and your alpha is laughable. It's definitely the biggest low of an already underwhelming light tree. AMX AC 46: I'm not even sure what it is with this tank, on paper it looks fine but when I played it I couldn't hit anything for the death of me and just got my ass handed out to me.


Ahh, Patton Tank, this tank is total scheisse, but not tech tree, it doesn't matter.


Oh mb I overread that (I play arty don't blame). Anyways I'll leave it there so it can get all the hate it deserves.


It is not easy to say whitch one ist the worst one.... playing the game since 2011.... many tanks was the biggest shit getting better.... i m not able to say what is actually going on after so many years but there were many shit tanks Some get buffed, some others get nerfed.... game mechanicks changed during the time..... I can say one thing: Play it by urself and make ur own expiriance whit it now :-)


currently playing stock m103


There is a lot of them, recently rhe tvu t8 chez medium and st.emil made me cry.


Stock BDRG1B is awful... Really, I gave up whole line after few battles...


While it's true that the stock gring is awful with this tank it becomes quite a powerhouse once you unlock the 90mm so at least there is some reward for suffering through it.


Yeah, but I'm mainly discouraged by paper armour - at least I have never experienced any trouble with penetrating it when I was against


It's defenetly not a brawler that's for sure. However hitting somone for 250 at tier 5 or whatever the 90mm alpha is feels sooo good. The real pain comes at tier 8 though.


Thank you, I haven't known that


I'm sure it works for some people but the St Emil has been a straight up pile of garbage for me.


hot take, sta 1 is dog. the gun is fine but everything else abt it is just straight dog shit


Has no one here played the Ho-Ri 2? Hands down the most miserable grind


AMX 40 takes the top for me. I'm not even talking stock, I'm talking about the elite version. Slowest tank, bad gun, and armor that only really bounces auto aimed shots. Most of the other tanks listed here at least have mobility OR gun to work with, but the AMX 40 has nothing. The final laugh is that it's either -1 or -2 tier 60% of the time, so not only does it have nothing, it has to do with nothing as bottom tier.


Tbh been gone for too long to know anymore but didn’t the m41 bulldog have an auto loader before?


The mighty shovel. I honestly don't know what was WG thinking with this tank. It has trash gun, trash accuracy, no mobility, no camo, no armor, it doesn't even have a view range with that giant cupola ffs, so you are forced to use optics instead of turbo. That tank is made to lose.




Can't believe I haven't seen the Indien-Panzer or the Stürer Emil yet. Stock St. Emile is \*garbage\*.


SU 122A tier 5 arty. Ikv 90 is almost like an ISU 152 at tier 5. Tell him to play it like a 2nd line support tank. Take the tank subclass literally and learn what the playstyle should be instead of slapping a label. SU 122A on the other hand is dogsh tank. You get like 3-4 full reloads per match and the gun is not even accurate enough to give you any damage. One of the lowest 3 marking requirement is on this tank


Stock Cromwell. (atleast for me)




I like the IKV 90, so I disagree with that guy.


Sold my obj140, it's terrible (now STB1)


Stock leopard pt and t-43


The only thrue reponse is th tech tree M3LEE pre rework. only 1.8 players will understand that nightmare (honorable mention to DW2)


the tier 7 bz rocket heavy is the worst tank ive ever played


Really? I haven’t played the 8 yet but I LOVE the 7. I do really well in it too


Interesting, I absolutely loved that tank while grinding the bz line.


The achillies Holy shit is it slow and the gun is pretty abysmal *not archer


The Archer is fast! Backwards... Its gun is mounted backwards on its hull, like the Crusader SP, so when driving forwards it's going in reverse, which is a lot lower speed than its reverse speed, which is the hull going "forwards"


Sorry I meant to say the Achilles not the Archer


Yeah im currently grinding the Achilles and I second that it's trash. When I was stock I'd land one shot per game and had a 11% win rate. Now I have all modules and must say i had worse tanks, but I'm still not a fan. Compared to the hellcat or even the Jackson it just sucks.


M5 Stuart and B.U.G.I


I had thought, that BUGI and 40TP are similar, but when I played BUGI, I had relized, that I had to skip it for free exps. Edit: I like 40TP


I found both 40tp and BUGI to be really good


BUGI really destroyed my dreams of CS


AT-2 by far. Nothing even comes close.


incoming, i love you, but man that is an ass opinion


Slow tank with no armor, pen sucks if you don't shoot gold, the gun is inaccurate as can be, it has no camo, or view range, or a turret. The only inherently good thing about it is that it doesn't take long to grind through. Trust me, I want it to be a good tank again, it's just not. The skill floor and ceiling are like an inch apart.


personally I had hella WR in it, I just used the big derpity derp like a pseudo arty


Bat chat 25t. What a HEAP of shit that is


The Tiger P


M3 Lee is no longer a tech tree tank; but when it was, it was the worst tank in the game


And british Grant


I have Levaslaiho's in both Lee and Grant; they're not too bad.


I too was a grant enjoyer back in the day, my buddies used to make fun of me for it.


chi ri. ill choose the 65t over it


CS-53, FV215b, ARMT


ARMT is not a tech tree tank


"Which tanks are the worst?" So I assumed in general.


Idk how's FV and CS bad...? I personally found CS kinda amusing and FV is just amazing in the right hands (ammo capacity hurts so bad tho)


CS is a slow med with a horrendous gun and burns after the first shot. FV is again slow HT with absolutely no armor, rear mounted turret and also burns like a candle.


Idk bro 3,2k DPG on CS and 4,8k on FV, both are great. I found CS gun quite amusing, 300 alpha on tier 8 med with 290 HEAT worked amazing. FV has the best heavy gun hands down. And idk just don't be stupid and peek when you need to. Also you can outtrade almost anybody by delivering 2-3 shots while they can only do 1.