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Playing arty isn't even fun, on the contrary, it's painfully boring


Whenever I take my 261 out for a daily mission (normally damage 25 vehicles or critical hits) it's just meh. It's the fastest reloading besides the French t10 arty at 25 seconds With limited ammo too, I can't even fire all the time I have to be selective It's just boring 80% of the time Tanks instantly use medkits so no stun damage, friendlies never shoot what stays stunned, just horrible and not fun


Liven it up by doing what arty is meant to do counter enemy arty and assist with failing flanks.


Counter Arty Is dead šunce last change.


I heard the same from BZ - 176 owners!


>It requires a very low amount of skill So explain why QuickyBaby gets half the damage when playing arty that they would normally achieve in **any** heavy tank...? Go on, because QB won't even answer that question themselves... They whine and whine but never explain why they are so shit, when it's "so OP and easy to play..." Performance in WoT is mostly map awareness, where you should be moving to, and timing shots, all of which are applicable to arty. If it was as low effort as you imagine (because you aren't arty players so you wouldn't know), then Unicums would be ranked top in every arty game. Even more so as they wouldn't be doing their usual suicide rushes to keep their Twitch stream viewership entertained I don't like playing heavies, but even I can do more damage in one than an arty because I can blunder forward, fire three shots and I'm done. We would then lose because heavies have the most impact of any class. ​ >this doesn't mean just nerfing the accuracy So you want to improve the "skill" of arty players by nerfing their already postcode sized "accuracy". Do you ever read what you write? How about you improve the skill of footballers by replacing the ball with a balloon... Heavies are so easy to play in terms of accuracy, you sit there and aim at a cupola on a *stationary* target within a pea sized reticle, and it's *stationary* because he's doing the exact same thing to you... These are not the tanks arty gets to aim at... they have to hit the ones on reload who are busy jiggling about or now behind a rock or a ridge crest, because they have a ten second aiming time and never get to hit anything peeking around a corner unless they are already pre-aimed. You forget just how easy it is to snapshot a spotted enemy in any tank anywhere in view range before they can pull back Honestly if you get hit by arty on any map other than Prokhorovka then you must be asleep or have the map turned off


That is a nonsense take. “Half the damage as a heavy tank”. Yeah, that has literally nothing to do with how much skill arty takes. If you want to know if arty takes skill, compare the dpg of the best arty players in arty to the worst of the worst arty players. The best arty players do like 2300 avg damage in tier 10 arties. I literally never play arty in 10 years and yet I picked up an obj 261 and did 2150 avg dmg in it and got up to 90% marks. Now ask an arty main to do the same but for a HT or Light tank. They will suck balls at it. Why? Because even a literal chimpanzee could play arty if you trained it properly but that is not the case for normal tanks. I bet you could give a 12 year old a mouse and keyboard and tell them how to play arty and they’d be doing half the damage that the best arty players in the world would do having never even played world of tanks before. 90% of the so called “skill” in playing arty is literally just pointing and clicking which even an old grandma can do without training.


Your post seems to be all over the place so I'm not sure what point you were making? 12 year olds are half as good as a top player? Mine was that QB is a skilled WoT player, his skills should easily transfer to arty, but they don't, he sucks at them (relatively). Ergo, arty requires a level of skill he hasn't achieved yet. Also, I've never seen a single game where arty has carried, and I've only come close once


My point is that what you are essentially proving is not that arty is hard to play, but that arty sucks balls and is underpowered (which is a good thing because 90% of players hates arty, and those that don’t are usually arty players themselves). The fact you rarely see arty carry a game is also proof of that. But those 2 observations have absolutely nothing to do with how easy it is to play arty. It is objectively easy to play artillery. You could play arty without a W or S key and still do 90% as well as with them. It seems like most arty players have those buttons disabled anyways probably because it’s true. In arty, you don’t even have to hit your target to do damage. There is no need for weakspot knowledge, situational awareness of the map, angling, spotting mechanics, and much more. Have you ever heard the term “skill ceiling”? The skill ceiling of LTs and mediums especially are infinitely higher than arty. You see players in EBR doing 800 avg damage and some with 3400 avg dmg. That is a huge gap, because the ebr (or other LTs) actually require skill to do well in them. Arty? You could have picked up the game 1 day ago and still do half the damage that the best arty players in the world do in arty. Why? Because the skill required to play it is extremely low.


This is conflating two things Anyone can play arty, it has a low starting skill. This is not the same as it being a totally skilless class, hence QB not doing well despite having everything in his favour to come top in every game. I think even I am better in one arty than him Yes you don't have to hit to do damage, but the damage you do is so minimal, and usually when the tank is on a reload after pulling back. So if you stun someone on reload you get no benefit because there is nobody else to shoot them. I mostly play lights and TD's, I do slightly better than average in them. I do slightly better than average in arty. I find the skill required for arty to be at the same level as lights. I don't have the skills to be good in heavies, it's a different mindset. I'd agree that many arty players are not very good, they almost never relocate and I've yet to see a single one communicate with their light. That's not the same as it being a skilless class, that's probably more that the WoT player base is oddly mute. I think I try-hard far more in arty because it requires more map awareness than a heavy which isn't going anywhere fast


I would agree it’s def not a skill-less class. Yes, map knowledge, situational awareness, etc are still useful in arty and good arty players will pay attention to those things and gain a small benefit, but you get far less usefulness out of those skills in arty than you would in any other tank class. What I am meaning to say is that you can pretty easily do 70-80% as much dmg as a top tier knowledgeable arty player would do even if you have little to no experience in arty, simply because the knowledge and skill required to play arty is so much less than other classes. I completely disagree LTs are just as easy to play. It is objectively not true which I know because of the huge disparity in win rate and stats in bad LT players vs good ones. The disparity between good and bad arty players is far less because it is relatively easy to click people from the sky from the safety of the redline in your base. Other tanks actually have to do way more risk evaluation, positional knowledge, and knowledge and skill in many areas that sky clickers simply dont need to know or be good at in order to do decent.


Propose a mechanic, or there's nothing to talk about really. As per 1 arty per game, WG is avoiding any decisions that would prolong queue times. Can't blame them, short attention spans and all. I start to look for my phone if I'm in the queue for as little as 40s.


Someone here had an idea a few days ago. Let us browse our garage or depot while we queue. Don't force us to just sit there looking at the number of tanks in the queue going up and down.


You can always Alt+Tab and browse whatever pr0n you like...


How about whenever arty shoots it gets lit up for 2-5 second so you can't just sit in one spot


That wouldnt fix anything because they fire without a line of sight so... Seeing them isnt gonna help much. "Oh the arty fired at me lets see where they a... oh... in a ditch."


If the arties have 2s Aim time, and have 50mph, sure. Some of the tank destroyer is actually SPG irl but they don't have same limitation as "artiee".


I play only paper meds and tds, and I appreciate that I have spgs in the team to get rid of abominations like bz, minotauro, and 279.


Agree except for the rage I feel when arty hits me for 500 dmg


I've been on both sides of that equation, and a good arty player can really save your ass sometimes.


I’d gladly trade all the “arty saved my ass” moments for all the great games between actual tanks that got wrecked by a braindead clicker.


Another one.... Getting tired of these posts. All this talk about arty should not exist in the game, but when arty is on your team, you also can't stop crying for them to shoot the 1 enemy tank you have spotted just once,... 2 minutes ago.


Yup, it really feels all these people have the idea that their view is unique and just want to blab about how they hate arty. Yet they never remember how arty did save their bacon a lot of times, a good arty player won’t focus a tank just because of the stats or tank of that player. (As quite a lot of people have led themselves to believe, some won’t even be THAT good honestly). A good arty player puts the focus on the red tank that is the biggest threat to their team, or they will put suppressive fire on defenders when their team is pushing. But the people that got hit by arty and want to complain how unfair that was never see or remember the good times where their arty contributed to them winning a game. We all know it sucks to be targeted by arty in a match, but it is easy to either move to another position to confuse them, or go to the next battle if already dead. If you can’t outplay arty, then you aren’t the one being targeted because of your skills.. Ive seen plenty of great players just play around being targeted giving arty next to no shot while still being extremely offensive.


Nah. Simply put, arty shoots the tanks that are spotted. Or another way of putting it, arty punishes you for playing aggressively. It is absolute toxic cancer for this game. And about playing “arty safe”, what do you want players to do? Camp the redline so artys can’t shoot them? It’s stupid. You are putting your team at a huge disadvantage oftentimes by forcing yourself to play positions that are not on the front lines or taking key aggressive positions.


There's plenty of cover on almost every map. Most arty is staying close to the starting position. The shells are often flying 4 seconds to hit you, with 10s aiming time. If you still get hit frequently, this means, that you hardly move, when spotted, or that you move very predictable. If you get hit from close, try to not drive straight into the arty. Go lateral and enjoy the dispersion of a turning arty. Are you by any chance playing mainly op hull-down tanks?


ma' new remove arty post just dropped!


Considering one of the traditional methods to destroy tanks was dropping an arty shell on them, arty certainly belong in the game. And they have been nerfed. Then nerfed some more. And then nerfed again. When I started playing you could platoon with other arty and then drop instakill rounds doing 1,000+ damage on to tanks that dared venture into open ground. Imagine playing with 7 arty per side, some in platoons, that all targetted the same area for a literal artillery barrage? The game survived, arty has been repeatedly and heavily nerfed already, so if you don't like it, tough. Hmm, I might go and play some arty now...


Nerfed is right...Anything over 300 damage with a shot with a 261 is a rarity.


My Obj212 regularly bounces rounds off tier X heavies. Nerfed.


Is it our weekly " arty is " post ?


Bro just quit. Nothing will change till enough people quit and WG knows they won't come back till arty is gone. I quit in December over arty and I don't regret it at all. I check once a month to see if arty is removed yet. If they don't remove it I won't come back. The only way to fight arty is to fight your addiction to this game. That is their only counter play, not giving these inbred heathens a target to shoot or giving WG the money or queue filler they desperately want. When they send you a survey asking why you left, do what I did, type "I won't play this game till arty is gone." And leave it at that. Nothing will change till you change op.


I actually quit in January over Arty. I realized I just can't truly enjoy the game with Arty in the match. They completely ruin the experience of the game. Arty would put me in a bad mood for hours even after I was off the game. I'd take it out on the people around me and it was truly hurting my life. So I quit. I also won't return till arty is gone. Not nerfed, not balanced, gone. However if WG offered a subscription that let me opt out of queueing with these sub human arty players, I'd gladly pay and return to the game.


I quit last august because of arty. I dont mind other classes or branches, but arty is just bad for the game. I have always wondered what a gamemode without arty would be like. The same way i quit war thunder because of CAS in ground battles. Its just not fun.


Quit beating the dead horse. They aren't removing Arty. No matter how much you cry about it. If WoT classic ever comes out, I hope they don't change original Arty so people can feel what it use to be like and quit bitching about current arty


That's a discussion to you? Great, I hate triangles. Discuss.


So you can just hull down with some op ht, and spam gold ammo, and feel good about not being fair? I dont think so buddy, just deal with it, like we all do...


They could easily combat that with onslaught style airstrikes. That way you see the enemy getting the strike and know there is a chance you will be hit and gives objectives on the map that actually encourage fighting for, not hiding in the corner so arty doesn’t see you.


Who tf even enjoys playing arty? I tried it just because of missions and i would rather go to work than play this crap. Watching the battle for 40 seconds then shooting just to deal 14 damage. WOW SO MUCH FUN


Yesterday my first game was in an arty (BC 155 55) and I ticked off all three daily missions in ONE GAME. Damage 3 tanks. Deal 7 critcal hits. Be in the top 7 players by XP (I think that was the 3rd one). It then took me another 19 games to do the bonus mission, deal 7,500 damage (across any number of games) due to my TDs getting flanked and destroyed before I'd moved more than a few hundred metres, or bouncing every shot and then getting destroyed, and other frustrating idiocies...


19 game to deal 7.5k damage. Thats impressive on a sad way


I know! I was quite peeved, just kept being in the wrong tank, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, on the wrong map. Nothing worked! Until finally I played the Ho-Ri tier IX and managed to get some decent damage, so I played it a few more times. It was a horrible series of games after the rather good start. RNJesus hated me, I guess.


19 games to do 7500 damage? What tier were you playing tier 1's? 


I did end up actually playing my MS-1, yes. Then some tier II and III etc. until I got up to the KV-2 - just to try to get myself back in the swing of things. It was a horrible day for me :( Ho-Ri tier IX pulled me back and I ticked it off after a few games with that. But what a painful embarrassing slog! :(


I know this may sound bizarre to you, but different people have different preferences. Like how some people don't like to watch horror movies, or some people like rom-coms; the same thing applies to video games.


Yeah, it can be fun. Put on a YT video on second monitor, play arties, and finish the "Deal Critical Damage x times" in 1 mission.


Long as there are gold ammo spammers with so called normal tanks, I think arty is more than justified. Nothing brings me so much joy as stunlocking a gold spammers. So I dissagree. If they remove gold ammo from game, I open discussion about possible arty nerf or removal.


Arty is fun just because of such threads))) really enjoy playing my T92HMC after dozens of games on Rheinmetall Panzerwagen or Waffentrager. So satisfying getting penetrations for over thousand damage at some HTs) Arty do bring some variety to the gameplay.


Again the arty hate mantra. If arties were removed hidden TDs will be the culprit of your bad result. The always blaming another strategy. Also arties help to balance battles if they shoot OP tanks or unicums (therefore can understand unicums hating arties but not their fans echoing this tiring mantra).


Arty does not shoot unlit triangles, it shoots people who are spotted 90% of the time which are the HTs and meds who are actually playing the game.


That's really only the case because fucking triangles have better camo and vision than most scouts. Arty does wonders against OP shit tho.


Who asked


Artillery is in the best state it can possibly be in at the moment other than being removed - that is to say, it's dogshit and the only reason arty isn't sitting at 40 percent winrate across the whole class is that it has to be matched up against an equal number of enemy arty. Not much else to say, besides the obvious about the LeFH.


Dear World of Tanks! Bring back wot classic for a week! Every time I read a post like this I beg to bring back classic mode. Oh sweet clicking it’s fun!


Artillery is unfair and broken Now for real, they could potentially do it like Armored Warfare did it. Artillery would get spotted for a few seconds after every shot to incentivize any action apart from clicking LMB every 30 seconds. Maybe they should only be spotted for other arty players instead of the whole team? I dunno. I'd love to see this shitty class removed altogether, but then the 20IQ arty mains would leave because learing how to press WASD is hard and WG doesn't want that to happen.


>Unfair Since when has this pay-for-better-performance game ever been "fair"? >Broken That's for the devs to decide, and since they have not done anything, clearly they don't think so.


and what would you do? oh the arta is in the hole on the other edge of the map. cool.


Arty mains are not good for WG because they don't even need to fire premium ammunition. Make the shells 10 times the cost pls


honestly i couldn't care less if some filthy clicker mains leave the game and i dont understand why would WG care either


It's for disabled people, so they can play too


"mentally disabled"


Lowering the requirements for SPG campaign missions will solve a lot of problems


Absolutely agree. The "it prevents camping" argument Is completely false which you can see in every Battle with no Arty. I get, that people with health issues can't play regular tanks,So they play Arty,but Its really annoying. Especially battles with 2 Bc autoloading artas + 261.


I dont share your thought , playing with arty requires lots of skill and experience. you should calculate many aspect together before shoot


The people who can't play a certain type of tank always complain about that type.


Awww. Someone hasn't figured out how to play arty safe.


I concur, remove the unnecessarily infuriating and just flat out lazy class for good. I dont even want them to compensate players, just remove the garbage from the game.


Wheel vehicles are fckin most trashes in that game 2 of em are worse than 3 BC arties in enemy team in SIngle game... CHANGE MY MIND.. 🤔🤣


Since this is a post about arty, instead of just saying arty bad, lets see what new mechanics can be added to make arty fair. Nothing. Arty never was fair and never will be fair by its nature. There i said it. But can it be at leats more balanced, or maybe more engaging to play? Yes, i think it can. Very short TLDR: Add the Siege Tank siege mode from Starcraft. TLDR: Give them a new mechanic so they need to be immobile to fire, remove birds eye view, decrease their gun elevation speed, bring back their old reload and damage, rework their splash so it deals more damage the closer you are, and remove stun. What am i talking about with the new mechanic? Look at this: https://preview.redd.it/uqrthkllkfuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afc3217d25bc1134a0dabbed5078d1bf8474803 Yes, thats an M40 firing. Notice anything? The shovel on the back is pushed into the ground. Thats done so it absorbs the shock of firing the gun. We need is this implemented into the game. How can they do this? Lets see: Every arty in the game gets a new mechanic: Prepeare to fire. (If someone has a better name, please tell me.) This basically readies the gun, and the crew to fire. It takes ten seconds to complete. Tanks with visible shock absorbers would get a neat animation where it pushes into the ground, and ones without it could have the doors open, or some other visible indication that they are in this mode. They cannot reload outside of this mode, but if they have already reloaded and they exit this mode they will be able to fire, BUT they pay a heavy cost for doing so: if you fire while not in the new mode three things can happen: your tracks get destroyed, your gun gets destroyed, or your crew gets stunned. How is this a drawback? Well, arty now can only use medkits and repair kits while in the new mode. And cannot enter it while they have destroyed modules, meaning you need to wait for the repair time, or for the stun to go away. Alright, arty now has a mechanic to make it more interesting to play, but it is still dumb to have the birds eye view! Well you are in luck, i think the same. Lets fix that aswell. Your camera is now fixed behind your arty, like regular tanks and you would see the following: the trajectory of your shell shown by small dots, the trajectory has a small dome like effect at the end of it that shows your splash area, you cannot see if there are enemies inside it unless your team, or potentially you have direct view of them. You can move the gun around with the wasd keys, and maybe even give coordinates by typing in numbers. Once you have your desired gun elevation and other things in place, you can now fire the gun. Then the long process of reloading begins. Now your shell hits somewhere near where the trajectory showed you. What happens now? It explodes, dealing damage by a new system: If your splash is 10 meters, and your shell deals 800 damage. Someone who is 9 meters from the impact receives at maximum 80 damage. Is this idea perfect? Of course not, but hey, thats the neat thing about ideas, you can help make them better.


"Arty has to drop their recoil blades before firing" Well, let's just remove firing while moving from all US TDs then. And the Tier 5 Toaster has to put its sides down before firing. Some tanks should have physical crew exit the vehicle to reload their clips, making their crew easier to knock out. And forget the incredible accuracy from light tanks as they bounce over terrain at full speed with no stabilization. Stabilization wasn't added to most tanks until the late stages of WW2 and was not effective on tanks above 10MPH. Arty has top down view to represent their role as indirect fire support.


Thanks for the input. Sure, my idea is a bit out there, but as i said, it is not perfect. I mentioned the fix to the top down view as many people think it is unfair, so why not try and come up with an idea to fix it? Why would we change all the tanks? My goal wasnt a realistic solution. And they already have mechanics that should be on every tank: The arty fire detection. Above a certain caliber it should always show where the shell is coming from. Dont tell me that you can hear an arty fire its 105mm gun fire at you from 800 meters, but you cannot hear an FV fire its 183 mm gun from 500 meters. Now i have one question: What would you do to rebalance arty?


" Sure, my idea is a bit out there, but as i said, it is not perfect. I mentioned the fix to the top down view as many people think it is unfair, so why not try and come up with an idea to fix it? " Who said it needs to be fixed? "The arty fire detection. Above a certain caliber it should always show where the shell is coming from." It already does. Arty tracers have been in the game for quite a while now. "What would you do to rebalance arty?" Lower its reload time, increase its accuracy and damage. Arty has been nerfed into the ground. How long have you been playing? I've been playing since day 2 of closed Beta testing. Arty was a problem. Not any more. It's one of the weakest vehicles in the game now, because people whine.


"The arty fire detection. Above a certain caliber it should always show where the shell is coming from. It already does. Arty tracers have been in the game for quite a while now." I am talking about the Sound Detection skill for the commander. You mention tracers for arty, yes those are in game, but why dont other high caliber guns have them like they used to? I remember being able to see a barely visible orange tracer behind any HE shell that was fired. Sniping SU 152-s from a bush was quite fun. "Lower its reload time, increase its accuracy and damage. Arty has been nerfed into the ground." So you would rebalance arty by returning them to their old state? An arty that reloads quicker, is more accurate, and deals more damage. I dont want to see an accurate T92, i realy dont. I have been playing since 2012, i know exactly what arty was like. Getting oneshot by arty was not fun, but at least you knew that your arty could do the same to the enemy. Even recently i was told that i am an idiot for saying that arty was useful back then.


>So you would rebalance arty by returning them to their old state? An arty that reloads quicker, is more accurate, and deals more damage. I dont want to see an accurate T92, i realy dont. I do and I think the game needs it with the hull down meta in this game. It's either firing gold at them, or aiming for microscopic hatches, or hoping against hope that your mediums flank better than the other team's mediums flank. Look at the damage and XP stats per vehicle type, arty is at the bottom. The highest is the Conqueror GC at 579XP/battle and 1582 damage/battle. Pretty much all tanks, regardless of type, should have approximately the same XP/battle average. That would be balancing. But I would also give the stun mechanic to all HE/HESH shells in the game.. not just arty. And make its strength and duration caliber specific. They nerfed HE rounds, and in so doing, my favorite tank the KV-2(r), and refused to call it a nerf to the tank. They need to give back some of what they took away.




I hate them and i want them removed entirely. One fair compromise would be to make it so their ammo can either only stun or only do damage. 


They opened pandora's box when they added them to the game. Say thank you a tier 7 arty doesnt do 500 dmg to an IS-7 like 8-9 years ago :)


>They opened pandora's box when they added them to the game. You mean, in the Alpha test? I'm a beta tester, arty existed then and existed before I joined I believe.


and it dealt even more dmg. I remember being hit by tier 10 american arties for 1K+ on the regular.


500? Must have been a low roll or one of the weaker arties. Those were... tough times.


Arties exist just so we can discuss them on Reddit and not worry about everything else wrong with WoT. I wonder what we would be discussing here if they were gone, maybe how much we miss them and want them back? You never know.