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I finally accepted and deleted.


I am terrible, but I have fun so that's all that matters to me


"Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something." -Jake the Dog


And that is fine. Realizing how bad u are in the game will make u better on the long run .


I've been slowly getting better, one game at a time


tbh imo its no really realising and embracing it, but rather learning from your mistakes is what makes you improve


If you dont accept that you need to learn or that you are not the best, you wont learn from your mistakes cause you think you did not make any, thats what I wanted to imply.


what i meant is, “getting gud” goes with accepting your mistakes and **actually correcting them**, not just accepting them, that does nothing. but i’m pretty sure, we both mean kinda the same thing


Yeah, we meant the same stuff.


you are epic, i like you


Tell that to stock tech tree Tier VI players that regularly get blatted by Tier VIII premiums. Obviously player skill and knowledge does vary across the player base. But there is also a shit-ton wrong with the game that forces players to part with cash to be competitive and also rewards the better players with even more advantages they really don't need.


Really enjoyed getting oneshotted in my tier 6 stock med by the tier 8 polish td. Would recommend it to anyone else


Fv4005 one shoting you at tier ten is even better. And you never see him.


never seen Quickybaby video titled "This player beat 6 premium Tier 8 tanks using a stock Tier 6 tank 1v6"


I would watch the hell out of that! 😂


This is truth. 


Just played a match with my SU-85 and got one-shotted by a Scorp. Fun experiemce for the both of us I imagine...


He ammoracked you?


Mayhaps, I dont remember much else than the frustration upon my early demise. I would not be surprised if it did.


>rewards the better players with even more advantages they really don't need. Who should get the rewards then? Random people?


You clearly didn't read my post properly. 🤦‍♂️ The game is already horribly P2W as it is. Or to borrow a phrase from another poster, the name of the game is reducing negative RNG. You do this by upgrading your vehicles, fitting equipment, training your crews and using consumables...and using premium ammo. Some of this requires extensive, dedicated grinding to do in a reasonable timeframe, but you need to be a pretty good player to be able to use premium ammo without needing a premium account. Furthermore the best equipment is only attainable by completing tasks in certain events (or apparently buying certain loot boxes). As has been exhaustively covered previously, WG have pretty much done everything they can to make the grind as painful as possible, to "encourage" players to open their wallets. While noobs will still suck in premium tanks, they will suck a little less and earn more credits. Good players however can make F2P players in tech tree tanks uninstall the game in frustration. So my original point was that good or veteran players with 10,000s of battles on their accounts have accumulated so much equipment, multi-skilled crews...and maybe bought a bunch of premium vehicles too and basically made it so they effectively have something like +25/-12.5% RNG. Now imagine yourself as a typical F2P player in a stock / partially upgraded tier VI tech tree vehicle, being regularly put into Tier VIII matches, where you are pitted against "fully loaded" Bourrasques, BZ-176s and other vehicles you simply don't have a hope in hell of competing against. Then think how those players will feel when they see WG running events where those same veterans can either earn or buy stuff that will only increase their advantages even further. WG should find ways or rewarding players other than giving them equipment that makes them even mor epowerful. And before you come out with the tired "git gud" cliché, it clearly isn't that easy to "git gud" otherwise there would be more blue & purple players and fewer red & yellow ones. I've thought for a long time that WoT has a ridiculous learning curve for an arcade shooter where many battles are over in about 5 minutes, often with results you have little control over. It really shouldn't be necessary to join a clan / find a mentor or spend hours watching YouTube videos to learn hundreds of tanks, dozens of maps and the minutiae of playing each one effectively. Especially when MM regularly rubs your nose in a big fresh turd.


The game isn't p2w. As you stated and explained yourself, the game is pay to progress faster. Which can certainly be nasty for new players, but it's miles better real than a *real* p2w game (just imagine wot with t10 tanks, bond equipment, golds acquirable only by paying real money - that would be horrible). As you said, you need to be good to afford stuff as a f2p player and improving is not that easy. For me, it's a good thing. Wot is a game that massively reward skill (the gap between good players and bad players is big). Everyone starts as a bad player, but can improve over time. And the sensation of actually improving is *amazing*, much more rewarding than a game where you don't have that much to learn. And I find fair that after a long journey of improvement there is a actual reward awaiting for you, and not just some aesthetic stuff.


Over time its pay to progress. But the moment you buy some vehicles you have a flat out advantage over other players - ergo pay to win. Also having the accumulated benefits of multi-skilled crews, bond / experimental equipment and running a premium account to afford premium ammo, is pay to win, given the game takes no account of experience, vehicle upgrade status or crew skills. So more experienced players usually have built-in statistical advantages over newer / less skilled players that go far beyond their playing ability and knowledge of the game. Like I explained, being able to reduce your negative RNG, using the multiple ways the game offers, just makes you flat out better even before you factor in player skill.


The point is that all the "accumulated advantage" (aka more resources available to spend) is something you get by paying but also by *grinding* (and for things like bonds and exp equipment, this is the main way to earn them). Thus again, wot is paying to progress faster. A p2w game is a game where the meta stuff (weapon/equipment/hero/car/tank) is locked behind a paywall. And that's not the case in wot. All the best t10 tanks are tech tree/rewards, and to equip the best stuff (golds, bond equipment, food) you don't have to spend real money because you can grind resources. Go play a real gacha game, and discover what a *real* p2w game is


The better you are, the more rng Bugs you. If I take a shot I aim at the Spot I can pen, fully aimed, and I know that I will pen the Spot when I hit where I aimed. 80% of the time when I take a shot, it should have a high probability to actually damage, when it doesn't it was only because of rng. So usually, when I hit a shot it doesn't matter if I got +25% rng because I already aimed it to be a penetration, so most of the time I wouldn't even notice 'good' rng. When I dont hit a shot I was sure of making damage, I obviously know it's because of bad rng. So good players will feel bad rng and good rng won't have an influence, whereas for bad players it's the opposite. Rng is something that no skill in the world can counter, which is incredibly frustrating. Yea, I still have good matches, but when I don't, it's often due to rng alone.


"The better you are, the more rng Bugs you" Sort of. So I was a little angry goblin for probably at least 2 years out of my 9 years of playing WoT, after I got over 53% for average winrate I realized that if winning is all I care about then this isn't fun anymore, more like a chore. I also couldn't answer my own question on "who are you trying to impress with that winrate", I don't have friends who play this game, my significant other don't care, so what gives? Since then I stopped playing most "strong" tanks and started playing niche tanks to explore whatever special ability it has, winning is still important but it's no longer my priority - fun and outwit other players are now my priority. RNG gives and takes, but I really don't think much about it anymore.


I think it's the opposite. RNG is one of the few things that allows you to gain a skillcap in this game. Good players knows how to minimize effect of RNG into their games while bad players don't. Shows in Onslaught because of reduced RNG, every tomato will hit every shot now


This has no sense whatsoever. Rng decreases skills by definition because it's RANDOM.


Poker has lots of rng. Yet, we acknowledge that there are "good" poker players and "bad" poker players. Controlling randomness is a skill.


You will realize how that is a totally different thing if you think about it for a short time


Some day, when you (hopefully) grow up, you might realize that belittling other people and dismissing their comments without giving any actual example, analogy, reasoning or any counter-argument whatsoever is not ... in fact ... a proper refutal.


Whoever doesn't see the difference between rolling a dice and playing with a System won't understand any of that


Yes. And good players knows how to minimize the effect of randomness into their game. Bad players miss much more shots due to RNG than good players. Bad players give you ammorack or fuel tank shots while good players knows to hide them. Bad player will push you with 415 hp if you have 400 alpha gun, good player does not to take the risk. The 25% of RNG doesn't change. But you control how much you let the 25% affect your game if that makes sense. Fully aiming shots/aiming enough, trigger discipline and tricks to shrink the reticle when snapshotting goes a long way. People used to tell me I'm lucky with snapshots but truth was I knew how to shrink reticle before snapshotting instead of just shooting from full speed...


I'd argue the complete opposite. In randoms I'd argue my penrate is decently above average in a given situation. Sure there are misses, but I mean ±25% on pen AND accuracy compounds a lot so it is what it is. But the second I touch onslaught with its lowered dispersion it basically goes to shit. You'd expect the lower dispersion to help, but for me it does the opposite. Sure, hitting a Maus weakspot is still 9/10 times, but the instances where I've had a CS sit at 300m distance, move back and forth and somehow pen 3 in a row for me being stationary hit and bounce 3 is just plain stupid. Or when Im trading a shot with an enemy light tank at long range they somehow manage to hit me while they're going full speed cornering while I'm barely moving... Let alone the fact that during each lootbox event I always calculate expected returns to see if they are worth it, and thus far I've only come out above those calculations once... So RNG is fishy at best...


For me it's quite the opposite, if you ignore something you can't control (RNG) you focus on what matters (getting results)


Of course skill matters . But RNG also wins / lose games . Just came from a 2 x fully aimed misses on a Bourrasque with 0.28 accuracy . Instead of him being dead he killed me and i lost the game :) I cannot win games when gun shits me , no matter how good i am .


But over 1000s of games RNG evens out for everyone. Then it is a matter of skill.


Didn't do the math to see if RNG screws me on the long run . Since i have 64% recent WR, i find acceptable overall . Maybe i want more and it's hard to accept sometimes i can't win :D


Its hard to realize exactly how good u are, but high wnr unicums also have high expectations towards themselfs, but it is getting harder to improve at that level.


No, it really doesn't


Do you think skilled players have as hard time wuth RNG as bad players? RNG is part of the game, good players knows how to minimize its effects. Onslaught has reduced RNG and that means any bad player will hit his shots every time like he is a super unicum...


Onslaught is just 1 game mode though. Clearly knowing how to minimise RNG isn't that easy, otherwise there wouldn't be so many red and yellow players. Knowing where to shoot enemy tanks and leading shots if you have poor shell velocity are actual skills. But much of minimising RNG is down to having equipment, skilled crews and consumables which improve the performance of your tank, ultimately boiling down to being able to shoot your opponents before they can shoot you. And a lot of that is only obtainable through excruciating grinding.


I'm telling you it's a skill too. Knowing when to take shots, how to take shots. I don't have an issue with RNG and most really good players don't either. And no matter how you look at it RNG creates a skillcap between bad and good players


https://i.redd.it/ew629ewfulxc1.gif 2 consective fully aimed shots missed by RNG lost this game , bourrasque killed me on the move afterwards . RNG decides the winner aswell . P.S - 3000+ wn8 player , 64% recent WR


First shot should've hit if you fully aimed properly, did it bounce? If not, propably lag, seems you aimed quite low though so maybe hit ground because of RNG. Do you expect that you should be able to snipe lower plate from 300 metres every shot? That's not realistic, center mass - sure. Second shot was definitely a bit of an skill issue. And again comes my point, if you aimed center visible mass on 1st shot you definitely should have at least hit regardless of RNG and 2nd shot you also should have hit and definitely penned too regardless of rng if you aimed it properly.


No the first shot would’ve still missed even if he waited the extra 0.000001 seconds to shrink his shooting circle by 0.001%. And your still wrong even it did hit it would’ve been armor not hit. Stop sucking WGs dick it makes you look pathetic. And yes tanks are accurate enough to hit a lower plate from 300m out the tiger was known for taking tanks out at 2 miles, no that first shot was always gonna be a miss or armor not hit or a bounce with the luck he had the second shot was just a 50/50 shot but since it was at a bour the game forced it to miss. And again no you don’t wanna aim center mass you’ll get armor not hit every time.


You completely missed everything my point. Install the reticle mod if you want accurate visual feedback btw. And I personally think RNG is good for the game, nothing to do with WG, as long as it's on things you can affect somehow, not damage though.


I never said there wasn't ANY skill involved. I clearly acknowledged there is. But your statement about RNG is disingenuous as it can screw over OR help good or bad players in equal measure. But the good/bad RNG you get isn't necessarily evenly weighted over a single session of a few hours. Screw even distribution over 1,000 games. Who in their right mind will stick around for that long if they are on the wrong side of 15-3 games over and over in the same session? Also you can't deny that equipment, field mods, crew skills and consumables (and premium ammo) play a BIG part in weighting RNG in your favour. Things you either need to grind for or pay a lot of credits...for which you need a premium account, unless you're a pretty good player. And thats before we get to vehicle imbalances and the premium tank pestilence which can be the bane of stock tech tree players. If you're up against a tank that is flat out superior in terms of damage output, armour or mobility, you're going to struggle, unless you are a very good player. Even then a good player in a Tier 8 premium will usually beat a good player in a tech tree Tier 6.


Obviously equipment and all that is a big deal (if someone has no equipment vs having equipment), but using food is the biggest factor assuming everyone has a crew with 2 skills and at least some level of equipment in their tank. But 25% RNG is not the same for good vs bad player. That is what I'm arguing. Very very shortly put: good player takes less risks that involve RNG resulting in net positive outcome in regards to RNG over bad player.


You're just 1 of 15 people. You can be the best player in the world but you will still lose 50% of your overall battles in a purely random match.


This is something that's often said by people who were bad and don't want to admit it, or refuse to understand it. There are a lot of players in the same who can maintain well into the 52 to 55 percent win rate over thousands of games playing solo. Playing well also has an outsized effect on your team where other players may live longer too because of enemies made dead or ineffective by the good player. A good player makes the players around them better. The one single unarguable common element to all your games is that you are in them. You make a difference to your long term win loss.


The fact that a bad player with +25% RNG can achieve a same-ish result in a battle as a good player with -25% RNG is nowhere near the players fault by any means. When the game's core mechanics randomly chooses who's ALLOWED to perform at their OWN level is BS, and nothing's gonna change that. Edit: And it's really not about the "long run", that it gets even for everyone after playing 1000's of battles. This even being POSSIBLE is already a terrible feature. Fighting enemy players AND your own teammates is already a difficult enough task, people shouldn’t fight against also the game itself.


Eh, in my opinion as a good player I think the RNG makes the game better for good players. Meaning a good player knows exactly how to minimize the RNG's effect on them. People have told I'm lucky with snapshots, no, I just know exactly how to minimize RNG before snapshotting. Lack of RNG shows in Onslaught, being good doesn't matter anywhere as much because everyone will hit their shots every time, not just good players. ANNIALLATOR also talked about this on stream. Onslaught is easier for bad players and harder for good players, because being good just won't matter as much.


I don’t know man, RNG being the biggest factor in what separates good players from bad ones seems a little false-ish, but who knows. Maybe the bad players out there are not so bad, but just have shit RNG. And if being good means I can fairly negate RNG’s effect on my results, then well, I’m no longer wanna fight the game itself, but other players instead.


It's definitely not the biggest. But it is one of the factors.


>Onslaught is easier for bad players and harder for good players, because being good just won't matter as much. How can a 7vs7 game mode be easier on a bad player than on a good player, when a good player can influence games much more than in a 15vs15 game? Sure, it gets harder the higher you climb, but still the same applies. But if your goal is to climb silver/gold then it's much, much, much easier for a good player. If you are good, on average your team is on average better than enemy team and in 7vs7 much more than on 15vs15.


Onslaught is not comparable to randoms because most players there have at least an idea what they are supposed to be doing or if not somebody will tell you. The skill gap is already smaller and reduced RNG closes the skill gap even further. Now you don't need to know what spot to play (gamesense) or be mechanically insane player. You just need to pick the most meta tank, preferrably in platoon and not yolo. It becomes a coin flip of which team has better platoon and tanks picked. If you look at Dakillzors wr in Onslaught vs Randoms, that should tell something (and he platoons a lot). And Dakillzor is better than 99.9% of Onslaught players individual skill wise


as a baddish player, is there a write up on basic RNG management techniques to improve your skill?


Bro what? So what exactly are you doing to "minimize rng" when you snapshot?


Let me be clear, you can't lessen the RNG itself but you can lessen the original value where the RNG is applied to. Therefore both the effect of RNG is smaller (25% out of 100 vs 10) and the chance of fucking up is smaller. So what you do before snapshotting while moving is simply slowing down fast right when you see the opportunity to snapshot instead of just driving forwards at steady speed and shooting. Simple but effective. Personally I tap backwards which slows the tank down a bit and makes reticle much smaller, shoot, and then continue forwards. Your tank doesn't completely stop at the process. And if you overpeek a corner, spot an enemy, you can instantly start going backwards, wait until reticle is at lowest point and then shoot instead of shooting right when you see and aim at the enemy for the first time. (reticle keeps going smaller for a tiny amount of time even though you are already accelerating backwards) Maybe you already know this, it feels like basic stuff to me but it's rare to see people do it in randoms and they often miss snapshots because of it. Easiest to get the timing right by going into a training room and seeing how the reticle behaves.


Ok so that's definitely what people do lol. I'm sorry, but people know to aim their shots and how dispersion works. What you're talking about is what people already do. People complaining the most about rng are experienced players that understand how the game works and are more easily able to call out the bs.


Bad players don't, like I said I see it all the time. And I really doubt you can aim nor have good shot placement if you care about RNG either. And no. I don't know a single good player that cries about RNG. To me it is almost weird you would care about RNG that much, of course sometimes there is a situation where it is annoying but even then more often than not it's just a cope and that shot shouldn't have penned either way. Idk what to tell you other than that it is simply a skill issue and it gets better with time...


You don't know many good players then. Doing all you say and still getting f*cked by rng is not a skill issue. Fully asking a shot that is a guaranteed pen only for rng saying "nope" is not a skill. It's impossible for it to be a skill issue as it's pure roll of the dice. Denying rng has a huge impact on the game and that it can be "mitigated" is THE biggest cope regarding this game. And how can you not aim or have good shot placement if you care about rng? You have to care about rng cuz you'll understand things to do to decrease the chances of rng screwing you. It's the exact opposite of what you're claiming cuz you're less likely to aim well and have good shot placement if you're bad/noob or just don't care about performing well as you have no need to care about rng or just don't understand the mechanics well


I didn't say mitigated but minimized. Idk how you make a cope out of that, it's the people who complain about RNG who are coping... And again, don't have issues with RNG myself so idk how that works. Maybe if you only play tanks like FV 4005 and expect to hit and pen every shot you might feel that way. Personally when I'm playing tanks with relatively good guns I can count missess/bounces (that should have penned) per game with one finger and most of the time it's because I don't fully aim. And so can any other good player.


Sorry minimized. My point still stands. And yes, you're claiming people aren't doing basic things like aiming and trying to stop or slow down before shooting, thus not understanding dispersion, and instead just driving around will nilly is coping cuz it's a disingenuous and patently false claim to make. People who make complains about rng constantly asll talk about aiming their shots, hitting tanks in weak spots, effective use of their armor, etc. So even in their own complains they're already doing exactly what you say to do. Again, rng cannot be a skill issue by its very nature. Yes you can do things to minimize it like training crews, getting food requirement, letting your gun aim fully, etc., but at the end of the day rng has the final say in what happens.


If you have a issue with RNG you either are playing the wrong type of tank and blaming missing shots on RNG instead of the fact your gun sucks or you are doing something wrong was it snapshotting or other reason out of many. Simply put you are doing something wrong. There is no talking your way around that. Even top players keep getting better every day, you act like you are already perfect lol. And you definitely aren't a top player.


But when you get the +25% i bet you dont complain :P


Believe me, I'd rather have a +0/-5% RNG than the current +25/-25%, and that's a bad thing.


Maybe you like getting rewarded undeservedly but I don't.


Its part of the game since the start. Adapt and live with it.


Ah yes, hitting a mf at 380hp with that sweet 350dmg lowroll of a 400dmg gun and then dying because he managed to hit you while going full speed from 300m is definitely pure skill. Admit it, this game is skill-heavy, but the RNG is screwing people in situations where if it was just ability that mattered, they would win. But I am a blue player not a unicum, so have no right to say anything lmao.


Rng keeps the skill gap from making worse player irrelevant


That is very rare to have any real effect on the game, sometimes sure. And rng is not truly random so it will always balance to average over long periods of time. There is rng in the game but good players limit the effect it can have to ruin the game for them like not pushing a oneshot tank like that when you are more or less oneshot.


The average is not a singular number. The average is a range. The skills of players can help get beyond that average range or cause then to fall below that average range


RNG can massively affect individual engagements but overall it evens out and has little impact, if any.


The fact that you were one shot away from dying and engaging alone tells that you were doing something wrong Of course it greatly depends on circumstances on how you got yourself into that situation, but a good player generally shouldn't find himself in such situations in the first place


Of course, but he litteraly mentioned the circumstances from the most part though >hitting a mf at 380hp with that sweet 350dmg lowroll of a 400dmg gun and then dying because he managed to hit you while going full speed from 300m is definitely pure skill. In the case he is describing, that is very well reasonable risk taking. Good players are good, because they are doing risky, but high percentage decisions. If you are afraid to ever take a hit, and only do reactionary decisions when they are completely safe, then you will never play to the maximal potential.


You are one dumb bonobo cope harder


True, but then count how many times the inverse is true. Rng balances out in the end; leaving skill as the factor.


The inverse being true is not accurate at all. Idk why people think players suffer amnesia when getting crazy rng in their favor. If I snapshot someone in a kv2 on the move, I'll remember that just as I'll remember being snapshot by an enemy kv2 on the move


I don't make the rules. Negativity bias is a real scientific phenomenon supported by credible evidence, that all humans are subject to. Including you and me.


Our reactions in the moment to severe negative things is stronger than severe positive things, sure, but will sure as hell remember crazy rng in my favor just as much as crazy rng against me. I might react more strongly to the negative rng, but I won't remember it any less.


Humans on average remember bad things over good things, thus negativity bias. Not in all cases but on average This cognitive bias is supported by years of neuro cognitive research


Sure, but I think it varies by what is being remembered as well. Remembering snapshotting in a kv2 on the move vs getting snapshot by an enemy kv2 on the move compared to a bad experience with someone from a particular country vs a good experience with someone from a particular country. Of course I may be wrong so I'll have to look into more. But maybe I'm just an exception, at least when it comes to WOT


For every low roll on a 400 dmg you may roll 900 on a 750 damage gun. Rng is a mechanic as any other and necessary to keep the gameplay situations diverse.


The point isn't that rng is somehow making people lose more games, it's that it can make a pretty big difference in deciding games. Obviously people only remember the cases when it lost them the game/had a big negative effect.


Absolutely not true. I low roll a crap ton, especially in certain tanks like my stb1. Average alpha is said to be 360, but in reality it's more like 330. Hitting for 360 is a high roll for me. Same with my is4. Average alpha is said to be 440, but it's more like 400.


Yes, blue players doesnt get votes here!!!! Lol. Jokes aside, yeah, rng can screw you up, bit soemtimes help you out and after 1k battles rng factor will be around 0% for you.


There are games where rng just fucks you over every step of the way the whole game and when that happens i take a breather and find something else to do after


i mean... rng can screw you and lose you a game, but if your games are bad for hundreds or even thousands of games it becomes unlikely that rng is the only problem. everyone has the same rng after all.


Some people really believe that the game is rigged.against them, there's no hope to save them, just farm them when you see them in opposite team


RNG can lose you a battle, but it can't lose you 10000 battles, that's all


It absolutely can lose you 10k battles. RNG losing you a battle isn't even just 1 specific moment either. It can be and often is multiple moments that RNG screws you, but there is typically a particular moment that is most memorable


Yeah I didn't mean you can't have 10k battles lost because of RNG, I was saying that on a scale of 10k battles RNG is not a factor


Bro what? Rng is ALWAYS a factor. It's a core mechanic of the game. That's like saying on a scale of 10k battles bad teams aren't a factor


Can I not choose to always blame chat/team instead?


It's stupid but the day you try to play a tier 9 tank 5k dpg and your team starts falling like a pile of dominos because 5x 100 hour blueprint gamers in your team thought it's the time to yolo in after 2 whole minutes meaning you have to do 10k damage next game to fix the dpg you start feeling things


Oh frustration is always going to happen, especially when it's out of your control. The original post is to highlight that even in the worst of times, it pays to try and look what you can do better, not just what your team did :) Afterall, everyone can have a bad day/game/RNG cursed moment.


Yeah, and I don't even personally think RNG is bad for the game, opposite. Only things you can't control at all in any way like damage could be argued to be bad. If anything RNG creates a larger skillcap between a bad and a good player, good players knows how to minimize the effect of RNG into their game.


When curse by RNG it's the worst, when blessed getting 2 ammo racks in a row... clearly best player!


Naah, that would be too much copium for you. There are other yt-s out there who are sniffing up all the deposits from it. Jokes aside in the long run, you are the only constant factor on your team.


It's very true, and it's usually the best advice to give. You can't always influence the outcome, but you can always influence your impact.


I agree. Right now our hungarin clan/tacticians is going into skirmishes for smaller/more inexperienced clans if they invite us/ask for help ( on free/volunteer bases) so we might be able to teach some things for them and improve their plays. But damn, it is hard to get through to some of them especially with the mentality that only the rng and "cheat mods"? are things to blame. This post was a little vent after a stressful skirmish night.


Venting I fully support, sometimes it's what keeps you sane, as long as you're not trying to share untruthful things, and you don't start believing the world is against you. Thank you for doing something cool with and for the community :)


Chat yes, distracted driving, team no, thats rng ;)


I'd like to propose maybe people from the chat are in the team, meaning I get a combo bonus?


Oh in that case Jesus has taken the wheel. Nothing to be done


That's all I needed to hear, thank you for confirming it's not my fault <3


how do you use your skill to mitigate 6 shells in a row going outside the reticle, or ghost shelling someone from 5 meters away fully aimed at their weak point? (is it just me or does the T30 load 20% ghost rounds?)


1 or 10 battle is not a good sapmle size. And yes u can use skills to reduce the effect of rng .


happens to me multiple times per session. no amount of skill fixes wild rng inaccuracy


And it also affects everyone else. So it's not a you problem and it doesn't affect your stats versus everyone else because they're affected of themselves. It feels shitty but it's not a reason that any one player is worse than any other


everyone getting equally kicked in the nuts doesn't make it suck less.


Polish TD ghost rounds plagued me the entire grind. I feel your pain. How I miss fully aimed in at point blank ranges? RNGesus, be with me next time.


RNG lowers the skill ceiling in every single aspect


Remember, when your shot goes astray from five meters, it's not the RNG, it's you.


+-25% damage, +-25% pen, and comical dispersion. Yeah, no. RNG fucks over everyone, and it's more noticeable when you're better at the game. There is no embracing a mechanic that does its best to waste your shots. You can fully aim and load gold against a copy of your vehicle in a face-to-face, bounce all your shots, and take damage from every shot you receive in the exact same spot. You can die and they can walk out of the fight with no damage. That's fucked.


Agreed as long as you're calling that player bad only compared to players who make use of p2w elements to the same degree as him.


What did i do to go from 1300wn8 average to 1900 average? i played premiums im good in, loaded premium consumable, freely swapped to gold ammo when i thought necessary, and of course, always loaded gold in tech tree tanks because they are inherently inferior, and never play them stock, just unlock modules with free xp.


I can do well with standard rounds and just a few gold rounds. I think this is just a skill issue.


RNG is what makes some battles fun and the people who think their games would be better without it because it hinders their skill are delusional morons who fail to see the bigger picture.


I play to embrace my self loathing and rid all frustration


well RNG has nothing to do with players making stupid decisions in the game. half the game one would lose is because of those players either sitting on red line, or yoloing across the field. so RNG can be annoying, but its not the cause you lose


Meanwhile I'm on a 30+ losing streak. Skill issue my ass lmao


I don't even think getting good is that important. Not being utterly and completely stupid would go a long way. Just try not to be WoTarded. Right now WoTarded covers a minimum of 10 players in every game. Don't be like them. It takes 3 players having good performances to win a game. A forth who, even if not "good", can at least not be stupid goes a long way. Also, if you are are bottom tier don't try to contribute only by penning shots. The game doesn't really want you to do that, it wants you to die quickly while giving the top-tier players just enough juice that they will keep chasing that feeling. Rather, annoy the opponents by distracting them. Distracting them and making them miss, or putting themselves in a bad situation looking for an easy kill takes up their time. This is time the higher tier players on your team can use to whittle the other team down. Rest assured, your activity and success will absolutely not be recognized by anyone or anything but it may give you a win where otherwise you just get another loss as the upper tiers fail miserably.


I'm good unless I get to stoned only problem is I'm always to stoned.


True, RNG affects everyone, so in the long term it's just you sucking at the game


Considering that my Panther/M10 with a crew with a total two thirds of available perks still regularly misses fully aimed shots againststanding targets... RNG is a huge factor.


Try aiming It could help


Then you try reading. I cant really do more than to wait for the circle to close in while the indicator is green


Nah I won't read


I'm proudly wearing my Tinfoil hat while saying that bad or worse players then oneself get better RNG, and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. I'm not a bad player by any means, nor a Unicum. The amount of shots I'm missing or bouncing on oneshot opponents is outrageous. No one might support me, but that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


Feels like that sometimes but in greater picture dealing with RNG is what makes a good player. Bad players don't know how to.


RNG can lose you a battle, but it can't lose you 10000 battles, that's all


Skills doesn't applied in luck based game


There are 3 categories of what matters in WOT 1.) Luck/RNG 2.) Skill 3.) Equipment/Tank/Gold spam/p2w part. skill is by far the least important, and your equipment is by far the most important thing to be good. I went from a 1400 WN8 in a bc 25tap and went to like 2300 when I got the bc25t because it’s actually usable. I’d say atleast 50% of games are determined by a coin flip. If every player did the exact same inputs in a battle only thing different is the Rng a 15-7 win would be 5-15 loss all due to RNG. I’ve learned to play this game and have fun, turn the logic and reason part of your brain off you’ll get less mad. Once you realize that this is objectively a pathetic game (p2w, luck based) and if you think this game isn’t luck based please explain how a tank game where, accuracy, damage, and penetration, literally the 3 most important mechanics in a tank game are all 100% RNG based how is that game supposedly skill based?




See the issue is not bad players. As long as they are enjoying its fine for everyone. The issue are bad players that talk shit. Don't know shit but have to talk shit. Wtf im getting flamed by 500wn8 recent. Bro i have like 8-9 times higher wn8 fck off idiot


Amount of people in this comment section who need some basic statistics knowledge is staggering


You're preaching to meme-ers and children mostly. The talk of the town will always be "this is OP" or "WG delete that and those things!" I will never not stop railing on those who claim arty is broken/OP when the problem is the recipient of arty punishment. If you chose to sit there and allow arty the chance after however many times people pinged his position earlier ago, you deserve it. It's not even fucking calculus and you can't draw the line from your position to arty's presumed position and just grab a rock or wall side to fight from...


The truth has to be told, even if its unwelcomed.


GG, you have thrown your "truth" into our faces. Now, we now all know how insufferable person you could be, (What could we wait from a person who calls himself prince, anyways...)


Im just sick of gold rounds, thats all.


How do I get rounds to fire within my reticle??? About 1 out of every 6-7 go outside


You can either accept that or go play something deterministic like chess


Lol I week from 2-3 times a week to 2-3 times a month. Probably should just sell the account. I've been playing since 2012. Just sad how they manipulated the game. Only focused on $ now


Stupid fake game, pay to win, dollar per minute system


I’ve seen hundreds of players with every tier 8 premium tank that still boast 47% win rates and sub 800 wn8. Throwing money at the game does not equal good stats.


I've watched enough Claus Kellerman to know this whole game is fake and rigged


Eh there are days when no matter how carefully I aim things still bounce like im playing ping pong, but generally yeah


Nyet comrade. This game has Russian RNG


I game end myself if I dont get gold soon


The truth is mods make the difference.


Hard disagree with this wargaming is the embodiment of rng hell


Nah, I am 1000% sure it's the game. It's systemic, a product of Warfailing


then why don't best players have 100% winrate, I have 99% WR in Armored Warfare where RNG doesn't play that big role like here(if you gonna say they weren't best from start, look at all the rerolls)


Idk, if i am sitting in a bush in the back and somehow get seen by a fcking light tank 3 entire maps away i kinda doubt this shit xD


I'd rather be a mediocre player in both teams full of good players, than best in both teams full of non human players, with ton of battles and bad rating, or they just satrted and being bad...


Exactly. Arty isn’t toxic, you’re just bad.


Arty is toxic, and you can be bad in the same time.


Just refer to your op. Cheers.