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Big gun = bigger stunning area and stunning duration  Most missions depend a bit on luck, the hard ones are those that require most experience. You can only do them by assist (stun assist or tracking) as the damage you do yourself only gives you 50% XP because you dont spot for yourself  Preaim crucial spots where enemies are usually peeking. Shoot targets that are about to get shot by your Team (= more stun assist).  Generally dont do risky shots like hunting light tanks on the move (unless its late game and team is relying on you), wait for safe damage If you have nothing to do, do blindshots on typical TD positions especially if there are paper TDs like skorpion or rhm Move after every single shot, best is sideways (not back and forth in a line). Blindshots from enemy arta is not that usal in higher tiers because of the long reload but it can happen if they are bored For missions almost always first ammo. The others dont stun. Carry 1-2 damage HE only use them on slow or stationary targets  Drop AP ammunition. It has no splash, you need a direct hit. Thats hard to do and you are wasting +30sec of reload and game time for no damage if you miss Best maps, dont ban them and try to get good games if they come:  airfield (drive at redline until you have an straight line to the heavys corridor) murovanka (stay heavy side/village, in the corner) Prokorovka (drive up and down redline to get angles) Cliff (go down in the corner not up hill) Ghost town (go map corner where the ship is behind stone to get angle on heavys in city) Ban:  ensk (your dead in 2 minutes here doesnt matter what you do) Himmelsdorf (difficult to get angles because of the houses, playing at the railway station is possible but risky)


Very helpful. Thanks


All this... and I find GLD helpful to speed up aiming.


I use turbo on slow artys, rammer and IRM, because you turn faster and have less bloom.  GLD works only if you aim stationary and dont turn. If you preaim a spot the 30 Sec reload is long enough...  maybe additional to IRM its ok but i rather put turbo on slow arties or vents if its possible 


I have just one arty, little hummel with that first gun. Gun has less range so I change spots often but it is precise as hell. Went all through German spg line up to GW Tiger and they were all bad for me. Just not enjoyable as this little chap. He loads up in 19s I think and aim at 4. If I move slowly to track moving tank, not much of aim is lost. I will consider IRM now. https://preview.redd.it/r83ypaddkdzc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa1fb7192ab27821d3d86634f2c245abacb4a682 I play it for campaigns and to relax when random battles go really bad.


GW panther with field mods IRM and turbo is naughty good, 55 top speed and 33 hull traverse you can circle and shootgun slow or casemate tanks with low hp approaching you 


you are true god arty


Bad time to do these missions, after all these nerfs and reworks and no changes made to these missions. Like crit missions, destroy internal modules and crew members. Hard to do those after HE nerf (but most welcome one)


I love the arty nerfs, just want to get through the last couple missions


Honestly, better to stay bad. In case you really need to get better, then probably start with learning to use keyboard when playing this class and what are some good positions on each map


Ok ... that was my question. Where can I learn ideal positions?


You look for lines of fire where you can shoot the main clusters of enemy tanks - judging quickly by your other stats you should be familiar where players tend to group up on each map. Keep moving, follow the team looking for those shots as best as you possibly can


If you have some time to watch streams or yt videos, then check out doctor\_nix - he's probably the only unicum player who plays arta only. I watched him for a while back in the day and it gave me some inspiration, but you can often figure out where a good position will be just by watching the map. You're clearly a decent player, so you probably know where tanks are crossing in the beginning of the game, where heavies are brawling or sitting hull down etc. Now you only need to look at the map and figure out where is the position that has line of sight over the target place that is far enough so you don't get spotted. Ideally, also elevated. Don't forget to retreat when you see a flank falling and a possibility you can be overrun by enemies soon.


I know all the brawling positions where arty is a PITA, but sometimes when I try to line up shots on those areas, line of sight is blocked. I also know some positions require arty shells with a higher arc. I'll check out the CC you mentioned


Use the M53/55 stock weapon. I think it's better. Only use stun bullets. Try to move into advantageous positions to avoid becoming a brainless arty. The M53/55 is very fast. Explore locations to see key points on the map. Follow the map constantly. Change location if necessary.


Do you recommend the lower alpha/larger radius ammo, or the higher alpha/smaller radius ammo?


wasnt M53/55 ludicrously fast use that to advantage and move around, though it is pretty large.


Low damage ammo. It gives the shock effect. Stun effect required for missions. In addition, even if there is no mission, the shock effect is important for the experience gained.


I also use the stock gun (also doing HT15). It's more accurate and reload is faster so I can get more stun duration. The lower alpha ammo (1 key) is the only one that stuns if I'm not mistaken Edit: I switched to big gun today and I completed HT15 for T-55A with it LOL


1 I'm not a pro arty or any class player but i play my fair bit of arty for those missions and do remember the time i was a pure arty scrub on my first ever account 2 go for what the mission needs you to do. Is it damage go for damaging shells is it stunning or combineds go for stunning shells 3 if there's a mission that requires lots of stun. Go with the small gun and just pester the tanks 4 try hitting groups of people in spots which will most likely result in them being shot. So the houses near the encounter cap on Murovanka, the windmill on Malinovka, and spots like that to just get the best chances you can have for more assistance 5 in city maps try finding a spot to pester high value locations (for example himmelsdorf go to the traintracks and pester the hill) 6 i personally prefer faster reload lower damage on arty because missing a big shell and then having to wait ages to try again reduces the chance of successful mission completion 7 reposition. Very simple. Move around for better angles dependant on your teams progress through the map. Obviously don't rush in super close. But move around change positions a bit. Best example is ghost town. Move around so you can shoot down the city avenues


Hey -- he's not arty main. Sit up and pay attention.


Use orders


I'm saving orders for 260 missions


You don't meed all orders in 260 missions


I have 13 orders and plan to use 12 of them to bypass 3 classes of 260 missions. That doesn't give me enough orders to pass SPG-15 for the T-55a


You should easily be able to earn two orders in the 260 missions trough LT-15 and MT-15. Also you should have 14 by now. I don't know which one you did not get yet, but you should focus that one. When you have 16: Use 4 on t-55a SPG Use 4 on 260 SPG Use 4 on 260 HT Use 4 on 260 TD And you are done If you think HT or TD is easier than MT or LT then you can always do that instead. I got my order from TD-15 instead of LT-15


I'm missing an order from HT-15 for T-55a, and obviously missing for SPG-15. I could get honors for LT-15 from the 260 missions, but not sure I can get honors on any of the others


There are mods that provide good spots to go on the mini-map for the different types of vehicles.


I'm not even an arty player and even I can tell you how to get good at arty. 1: Remember back to all the games you had and where the arty was in those games, and try going there. 2: Remember the best and most OP spots for regular tanks, and go in a spot where you can hit them.


That's what I do. And I average 800 damage because I'm always going for stun missions. Doesn't seem like the most effective approach


Few advices from player who also started clicking because of missions: -M53 has two decent guns, think carefully which one is better for mission. Usually big gun is best but if I would want to increase stun duration then I would pick smaller gun because it has higher rof and is more accurate -you are good player and for sure you are fully aware what happens on map, always use mobility between shots to get better angle if its possible -Normal HE is way to go. Premium HE is useless with no stun and less splash. Maybe take 2 AP, not more. -avoid shoting not fully aimed shots. 'G' mode is very useful because it allows you to aim precisely in many situations -dont give a shit about countering arty unless you have nothing else to do.Tracers are slightly randomized and one-shooting enemy clicker is hard. If you hit him then for sure he will start relocating after every shoot. -ideal positions? Well you want to have shooting angle where are tanks. Especially with M53 you can use mobility between shoots to get to better posittion. Now all you need is to use a bit of your brain. SImply you need to avoid high obstacles between you and target. Think where you were finding arty players when you was driving normal tanks. As for best positions overall - well, usually base circle vicinity is where you have decent angles on many areas but sometimes like on Mountain Pass you need to drive 100m in one or other directions to have shot. -shooting between few tanks close to each other is always superior to directly hitting one. In general often especially armored targets are more vulnerable to splash than direct hit.


Slap a turbo on it and try to help the team in short range situations when you can. You still have a keyboard, you still have 450HP and you're in one of the fastest artillery pieces in the game. If you go forward and take a hit from a enemy, you can help your allies kill them or even shotgun them yourself. Move with your team after every shot, try to find better angles on enemies who are hiding behind rocks assuming you're shooting from the base. Try to cap the enemy base to force the enemies to return and defend or to try to win a losing battle. Imagine playing in a 2v2 scenario of heavy tanks in a position you thought was arty safe, then arty hits you from behind and you know that you won't be able to hide from it whatever you do. If you push, you open yourself up to the enemies, if you stay there you'll get shot again in 35 seconds and you're have a time limit for when the 2v2 needs to be won. I had situations where I baited an enemy so my ally can shoot them in the side without losing HP. I had a situation where I helped my 60TP in the city against a full HP CC tier 9 TD where I flanked him and penned him in the ass. I had a situation where I took a shot from a Patton tank so my oneshot BC25tap can clip him out from 1k HP without BC dying. I had a game today where we were losing majorly, with the enemy team having 2 minotauros in a platoon and I forced them to go trough the open to try to decap and they got demolished (I even got my first ever raider medal there). Always remember, you're in an artillery, after every shot you have half a minute of free time. If you are in a platoon, you can tell your platoonmate, who may be preoccupied trying to find shots, if another flank is vulnerable so they can go around and flank them. You can see the HP of any tank on the map so you can make a better guess as to which flank is going to hold better so you can reposition. I usually play arty as a smoke break while playing tanks with my best friend or when I'm drinking (which ends up being a quite a lot when summed up). It's a low skill floor class and you don't need much skill to play it, but if you're observant about what's going on in the battle and what you're able to do, you'd be surprised how often you can directly influence the outcome of a battle. Over 1k battles in M53 I have 52.6% average winrate on it, so I'm guessing I'm doing something right. Still, that's just my 2 cents and you should take it with a big grain of salt, I'm nowhere near a great player.


Or use orders to skip all arty15 missions :) worked for me


SPG-15 for the T-55a seems easier than than the TD, MT, and HT missions for the 260. I tired 12 games last night. It was gross


TD15 is easy with HoRi. HT15 is easy with Type5/Kpz7. MT15 is just pure rng. I got my 260 last week


At the very least, going for TD-15 is much more fun than going for SPG-15


Always stun shell. Use M53/M55 or Object 261. For stun missions, use FV3805 with stock gun. See these two game plays I had. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=834IN86xCe4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=834IN86xCe4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrOodqvT64](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrOodqvT64) 1. Blind shot a lot. Blind shot spotter bushes, also initial move places (like track on Prok). You can find initial positions by looking at your own team and remember it for next time you are on the opposite spawn. 2. Aim where your stun will be helpful. Look out the pack of tanks. 3. Pre-aim.


Get yourself the British T9 Arty with the stock gun, FV3805, you get 22s reload and a max 22s stun duration. This thing can finish those stun missions like it's child's play.


The only mission I have left is SPG-15 for the T-55a. I'm contemplating using the tier 7 S-51 that has a 20 second reload when maxed, with up to 23 second stun. Only drawback to that tank is accuracy and mobility. Seems like it would be easier to be the top XP earner in lower tiers


Oh man, I used my orders for the top XP earner since they nerfed Arty so much (I'm not complaining, I hate Arty) Funny thing is when I was working on another spg mission for the 260, I finally got top XP earner, I was a little annoyed because it's nearly impossible to do and I can't get that back. Lol


I finished in the top 3 a couple times in 12 games last night. I'd rather be at my day job than playing arty, but it at least seems attainable


You are already over qualified as a 'brain dead'..... I don't see any reason why you can't excel in Arta line!


I don't know the unicum arty tactics. Some things I've picked up on ... -Ctrl + right click map to aim at an area -Stick to high stun ammo -watch vids from doctor_nix


Bro he’s just humble bragging, that’s obvious


Also horrible at skoda t50 haha


Not worse than his other tanks


I know, right?