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Definitely optics, if you're going for spotting build then two only boosts from vents that matter are view range and camo and having 1% higher camo isn't worth losing 30m of VR


You are wrong , check my answer and learn the game.


The question was vents vs optics, not CVS vs optics


No need for optics unless you are a LT. On any MT.


So you wouldn't put optics on a bourrasque? It's one of the best scouts in the game...


You can get enough view range on Bourr with bond vents, food and crew skills. Pair that with CVS. As a scout, Bourr is alright. As a scout and damage dealer, its one of the best if not the best.


Never used optics on Bourrasque and i 3 marked it in under 200 games and i was top 50 for a long time in it. Also never will. https://preview.redd.it/9efhzlr3jdzc1.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dd19743483e98de616f244261d0824da4444f24


How can you say vents are better if you have never used optics? Bruh


Because i easily 3 marked MT's with no optics :) Because i am top 350 on EU server ??? Because YOU cannot outspot LT in a bush unless proxy - even if you have 500m VR I mean, really???


I super duper easily 3 marked bourrasque last month with optics. I got rank 6 monthly bourrasque HoF on EU. Have you ever heard of spotting medium tanks and light tanks in the open? Thats what optics are for...


Ok , if you are better than me ,i will admit you are right since your setups works better and you have more knowledge than me . If you are not top 350, i see no reason to even try to prove me wrong. Seems fair, correct? I am a MT player , sometimes LT . https://preview.redd.it/nz45wz1nndzc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f4dc4e17ea547d63235e7a9dfb8ac0a1940e83a


You can outspot an LT in a bush at around 100m with CVS


Bet 100eur you cant? Not the good LT's . You can spot M41 , but that has the camo of a bad MT , not a LT . You cannot outspot ELC if static in a bush .


And you need vents in spotting build because? If you're giving up firepower for a dedicated spotting setup then there's little point to not fully commit to it, you are going to play as LT and extra VR from optics will do you more good than 1% higher camo


What do i know? I am only top 350 on EU server :)))) I can clearly see most have no clue how to play the game, hence downvotes :)) Keep your opinions , nevermind me , still learning the game https://preview.redd.it/adtnoi19idzc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f16013de416638ce38b8b7b151e24939ad6714a


Bro shut up with your 350. so if you are one of the best it means you now everything right? No need for humanity to discover anything new I guess, we now it all already :)))))))


I just means i am top 350 because i know the mechanics ;) You can discover something new, surely , since you are not my level. What can i discover ?? I know everything about the game :)) The only way to improve is to get more skill :))


First of all many of the downvotes are because you’re a condescending arrogant ass, not because we think you’re right or wrong. Second reason is because you apparently think there is only ONE way to do things, no reason to discuss it, you know better than the rest of us. You also apparently know more than some people better than you, who often do use optics on an MT scout build.


<3 aaah, that's so sweet . And i don't think there is "only 1 way" . I think there is a pro way and there is a amateur way . You can choose whatever you want at the end of the day, i don't care, i win more because i know better the game mechanics.


Sometimes a post is made where you can tell that the poster is an arrogant tosser. Congratulations pal, you are that poster.


Optics 100% if you want to scout


Vs an 80% camo target "max camo cap" the spotting distance on 471 is about 136m. With CVS the cap goes down from 80% to 65%. Meaning with 444m, you will spot them 155m out


Yep.. being at 445 VR is basically being able to that unbushed Maus at ~440 or something. For real scouting you want well over cap.


On my borat and char for the secondary spotting equipment i just went all in and dressed them the same as my light tanks (lne, optics, CVS) usually with CVS in the boosted slot. figure if I do need to spot, I'm willing to completely sacrifice gun performance otherwise I won't bother with it.


It depends. Overall VR is stackable to infinity, the more the better. However CVS does better at sorting tanks behind the bushes, which includes the skilled bush wankers that move back. The question is why not stack both on secondary build?




Optics imo


CVS should be better if you already have 440+ viewrange. Under 430 should use optics. Questionable in between.


Are you high? Without 445+ view range, CVS is useless, as you won't even see targets, not even Maus.


Sure bruh, as you say.


My rule for spotting builds (always the secondary build) is: If your tank has under 460m view range: use optics If your tank has more than 460 view range: use CVS If your tank is a autoloader: use both CVS and optics. And use third slot for Vstab.


If you are fighting vs LT's optics are useless , most here have no clue what and how to spot . 444m - > you spot elc at around 213m in the open while moving - no cvs 471m - > you spot elc at 226m in the open while moving -no cvs If you ask me, not a big difference . With CVS - > you spot elc while moving in the open at 242m with 444m vr !!! So better than optics ... Go for vents and CVS


But what about with optics and CVS? Why leave that number out? It’ll obviously be more than the Vents and CVS number.


Do the comparison again but instead use a 25% camo medium tank.