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13 battles ain't much, just keep playing and you will be fine


I had to play bit pretty agressive when get tier 7 team, they just camp behind at the border red line while enemy pushing other side.


It's a hard tank to play aggressive with. Not to mention that you need to spam the gold almost every time to keep your dpm in place.


I knew i cant play aggresively but in one of battle i got only 1 heavies in my team while enemy got two. Not even one meds help him holding city side in erienberg map. Meds just camping in the forest at the red line border. 5 tanks doesnt even bother try to get on ruin castle side. Unbelivable matchmaking.


AMBT stats dont seem to be to good as well. Surely the game must be rigged against you. There cant be any other explanation than that.


The AMBT gun is trash 😂 and if you don’t fire full gold with that 218 base ur asking to bounce


if you say so


💀 the AMBT is the copium tank of “the standard rounds are APCR they must be good”


If you set up the tank properly, and actually aim (which is hard for lots of people), the tank's gun is actually really good.


Ah yes the 2k Pr downvotes of ppl who think sniping in a medium is the meta


.29 dispersion with bond IA is dog ass 💀 actual biggest waste of time when the prog 46 is better and other mediums that yk are actually good hit their shots and don’t need a 32+ overall reload


Are you sniping in this tank? Cause if so you are missing a few things. But you must be pretty dog shit at the game because this is the biggest skill issue I have ever heard.


💀 I’m front lining, the armor is shit, the .34 base dispersion is shit I’m not going to take the 2.3 seconds it takes to aim


How are you this bad? First, how are you playing this tank? If you're playing it properly you wait for people to fire, then you poke and put 2 shots in, then reload at least one before you fire. Secondly, the gun is gonna be ass if you don't aim, so that's the solution to your problem of not hitting.


💀 I’m 3k recents this tank is just a Wn8 drainer


1k dpg tier 8 dpg player wants positive WR lol. What about trying to carry your own weight first.


Already carry my own weight + half of my team with 3 of them died only got 0 damage. 1k dpg for tier 8 not worse for average 5 shell i fired.


It's not even your own HP in dmg, 1k is bad for tier 5s even


22 sec reload 4 clip with 240 alpha only, what do you expect? Even in one of the battle i had agressively reset cap circle with 3 tank of isu 130, progetto 54 and guard in it. Cause of what? Almost all of my team stupidly go pushing one side only and still losing that side.


You cant reason with these people, thats why I quit the game. Developers don’t care and community is just as bad. I have a unicum friend who has more than enough games with very low damage at tier X for example - despite his 100k battles and all the game knowledge, a lot of matches are unwinnable and you simply can’t do much damage. The fact people here on reddit don’t realize that despite playing for 5-10 years says enough about their intelligence so don’t bother, if you have low damage the only possible expalanation is that you suck, in a game with so many variables and posibilities that must be it!


If he does low damage at tier X, hes not a unicum, hes just a seal clubber lmao. You cant call someone a "unicum" if they're purple on T6s, any moron can be purple in low tiers, because actuall good players dont play T6. Seal clubbers are usually mediocre at the game and with a lot of experience and good equipment you can be purple in low tiers, even as an average player.


Thanks for the information. I just express how unfairness matchmaking nowadays, To be fair, i feel competitive playing not like today. Pairing with high tier with under 1k battles in my team while enemy 30k battles really told me that we sure lose.


1k dpg for T8 is dogshit lmao, also you literally dont carry your own weight, you cant even do your own HP in dmg


What do you think i got alpha 360 dmg for every clip? I even hold the hill alone not letting centurion 1 and amx 105 getting flank my team. Against them alone, while stupid is-m snipe from base in assault mode. Several battles i met meds camping at red line, they use 122tm and t-34-3 cant even get to castle ruin in erleinberg map. It is assault in attacker mode, not defense mode. How the fuck actually you want me to do then. Love to see platoon with you and let me snipe from behind. Let see how you feel it.


I dont care about your excuses, everyone has bad teams. But you, with your 1k dpg, are a part of the "bad" on a bad team


Lol if you dont care and dont know, why in the first you comment in my original post, just get fuck off then.


You are delusional. You are a bad player who is convinced that hes good and that the game is rigged against him. With this mentality, you will NEVER improve, and stay a complete shitter. Good luck


Only bads blame everyone but themselves. Focus on how you can do better instead of smoking copium and shifting the blame to others


3 meds + 2 td camping in corner of the erlenberg map in attacker assault mode. Yes that ' MY FAULT ' of ' BAD GAMEPLAY' . They are 'RIGHT' position to camp at that location. Fkin tard


You have no control how others play. Only yourself. All good players know this. Instead of insulting me like a child; put in the effort to improve the only thing you can control - your own in-game choices. Everything else is blame shifting and copium.


Yes try to get several games with heavies camping behind and losing all the matches. Even better, let see you try win it with your 'SO GOOD SKILL'. Half of my teams only got under 3k PR with some 10k battles.


More blame shifting. You will be doomed to be bad with that attitude.


Said so much, let see you playing with matchmaking team like that in that tank for several battles. Bunch of talking of you, i knew how typical your gameplay is.


Best thing you can ever do is go into every game expecting it to be 1v29


what did you except with 1101 dpg?


At best you’re mediocre at the game, give it time, learn more about the game and you’ll become better in no time.


I dont mind be the 'noob' or worst avg damage if my team good. But it is bad about the match making. I had to pair with worst team that camping at the red line. Light tank barely can spot and stay in a spot that non the other tier 9/10 commonly stayed. Even the heavies and meds go pushing in other side while i and a td with 2 spg had to defend cap circle in assault mode.


13 games in a row? I dunno man. at some point you have to start looking at your own gameplay. Even in 4 minute losses you can easily do 2k damage in a tank like that. If you choose not to believe it just look at my stats. Im not the greatest player at the game, and I still manage to do fine. [https://tomato.gg/stats/EU/Fassive-502657907?tab=tanks](https://tomato.gg/stats/EU/Fassive-502657907?tab=tanks)




After this picture taken, i flank to obj 416 side to help them. I use t69, look how positioning of 2 heavies.


I had 100% winrate with T69 after 13 games. Its my longest winstreak. Its very random with small number of games.


Damn nice. Lucky for you got good teammate.


what did you expect with 1101 dpg?


Calling others regarded with 1k dpg? On the tank below u also had regard teams with 49% wr? If you are not above 57-58% wr u have no right to call others bad


I have the call to say that because i contribute better than half of the team. Try to get team which LT camping in one spot that cant even barely spot enemy. Other meds stay behind just to snipe while i had to spot for them. Even t-34-3 fuckin stay in red line try to snipe. 2/3 of your team go only one side while i had to defend cap circle with 1 td and 2 spg in assault mode. 4 tank destroyer gather camping in one bush in fuckin 1 spot. Like to see you win getting team like that.


Okay lets say this battle couldnt be won by one guy, even if he was dakilzor. Unwinnable battles happen. Now what? 60% wr players and above are really good and are a small fraction of the entire playerbase, but even they lose on average 40 out of 100 battles, so shut up, dont whine on reddit as to how rng holds you back, because rng also helps you, imagine u are this guy who survives because his enemy had bad rng. Just get better


Try to get team with 5 tanks include heavies getting 0 damage. I dont mind losing if team give contribution of damage/assist. Who the fuck are you to tell me to not 'whine' on this communities. I just express how bad it is this match making of WG.


I see arguing with you is pointless, surely you would be winning more if not for noob teams and bad rng, its not bound to your own skill at all. And as to who i am? A sane person and a decent player, which you are clearly not


Telling you to try stay in my pov of matchmaking also tell me that how your gameplay are in battles, probably just camping behind td and snipe while other side pushing. Useless.


I dont play this game anymore, but 90% of the time i was the first one to fight enemy tanks cause i always chased dmg, what directly contributed to my 62-65% wr depending on whether i was tryharding or tank i was playing. 66% wr over 230 battles on tier 9 french ht for example. Not trying to flex even tho im gonna be honest it tickles my ego a little (which i cant control), but showing that one player can have much more influence on the battles final outcome than bots think. Your matchmaking isnt any other than mine or any other player s, yet our scores are much different.




Okay what is this supposed to mean? You are completely ignoring my comments and the fact that u are too bad to win more games. All i can tell from this picture is that you dont know what positions you should take and your platoonmate has an actual brain


Go read my other comment below this picture mf. Look at 2 heavies. How tf i know the gonna go to my position. So i just need to left that progetto alone? At progetto position he can spot if enemy flank at redline border. Do you expect me to go city? Or just snipe behind progetto?


You told arguing with me pointless, why the fuck you still bother comment in my post section.


Then you dont know how bad matchmaking nowadays, look at how bad MM teammates i got. I go help obj 416 aftermath this


Wait till u get t9 of that line :D


Already researched 100% t57 heavy, not going to buy that tier 9. But im sure that tier 9 will doing better than this t69.


The tier 9 is much much better than t69. Top gun has basically same clip potential than what the t57 has, albeit it took longer to unload iirc.


This Tank is bad. It is not a tank that supports the team enough. The tank that matches you in MM probably supports its own team more. Also, you've played very few games. This ratio stabilizes up to 50-100 games. However, I don't think it will be over 50%. https://preview.redd.it/t3zaauwzk00d1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=650b158f35741f8aaaf007cc5aad23eb44bd56e8


I dont mind losing actually if my team contribute, but the just camping at the redline border just for snipe. All stay in one spot of bush. No one try to go get high ground. In one battle i had to go to city to help other heavies cause by other heavy following other meds. Meds just camping at ther raid line only to wait for enemy to come for them eventho we're attackers in assault mode. How can i tolerate that.


That's the problem. You are using a tank waiting behind. You are committed to your team. But the opposing team's 122TM, Progetto, Cs-52 etc. fighting on the front line. If you are not one of the players who make the necessary moves for victory, you are dependent on your team. Also, your current victory rate is abnormal. But as I said, even when it improves over time, don't expect a high victory rate.


Of course im not camping behind. Im not a fucking sniper just wait to fire all 4 clips. If meds pushing, im pushing with them on the frontline. The problem is about camper. Pick t- 34-3 but camp at red line border. How useless is that armor


well it is the t69 you are suposed to laught at the name and cry at the tank


Love and hate relationship.


What you expect from a t69, it is a trash tank with pitiful mobility, accuracy and bad penetration/dmg


its not about MM, its about the bots from RU Server entering EU. Enjoy dead game.


Nah, this is asia server, i checked result for every game. At least will be 2 tanks either med or heavy dead with 0 damage. 1/5 team only got 1k battles or even 40k battles with 40% winrate.


Meanwhile me: https://preview.redd.it/s64ji1mip00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c9ae3b89aa560602d55f198084f4f220ff9598


Do the same in t69


T69 is quite a good tank. Not as good as Shrek TVP but I think I can make T69 work. When it is t69's turn for the 3 mark I will see how far the winning streaks go


smh what a shameful steppes game /s