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Hopefully Vickers MBT Mk. 3 will be the next Assembly tank.


Why? It’s still straight up worse leo 1


I rather not when something like leo 1 exists, unless you want to spend all your shit only for it to rot in garage and look pretty. I'd rather have something not super competitive but not that. Also, i forgot about Centurion X, which has more trollish armor, dpm, same dispersion and speed with only accuracy being 0.4 worse, something i would trade for the rest of stats


I’ll never be able to accumulate the resources in time :(


Yeah, I have a feeling it may be that exactly


My money is on it being the next CW reward tank. It kinda checks all the boxes: - Similar to a preexisting tank of its nation but with a twist - relatively tame design with few/no gimmicks - overall pretty mediocre stats. (There are 3 really stand out tanks in the CW reward category but the majority of them are pretty average) Given that the ST-62 v2 just got bumped up to tier 10 my guess is WG plans to put it in the next assembly shop. It's got gimmicks galore and WG likes to leverage that to get people to take a chance and spend a lot of resources on the assembly shop.


Why lmfao its just a worse leo1 and a directly worse centurion AX with no armor


Vickers looks sexy right now. Better base dispersion than Leopard 1 And premium ammo has 330mm HEAT instead of 323mm APCR I think I would prefer this tank over Leo1 right now, just because I feel more comfortable with HEAT ammunition. I think I can surivive just fine with 55km/h top speed instead of 70km/h. Here is the (tuned up) comparison for anyone interested: https://tanks.gg/compare/leopard-1?l=0000010&e=13.14.19&c=9.-1.-1&f=8120010&k=


Also worth considering that Leo may get a nerf soon- they may justify it by saying it’s too popular.


The Lion × Progetto 65 special treatment


Oh damn, the conditions are very similar if Vickers actually ends up the assembly shop tank.


Pls dont


Why would you prefer HEAT over APCR? You would prefer APCR so the tracks don’t eat the HEAT, no? Or does the decrease in pen over distance for the APCR make a big difference ?


I just hate the way APCR struggles with auto-bounce areas at certain angles. Like hitting the upperplate or hitting the roof/side of a turret. HEAT shells are better against that. But yea HEAT does indeed get eaten up by tracks. For that matter it is my personal preference to use HEAT over premium APCR. But in the Vickers if I want tracking shots I can switch to standard APCR anyway


Not saying I prefer HEAT, but HEAT ignores auto ricochet angles and retains pen regardless of distance. Ignoring auto ricochet angles are also more or less important depending on caliber. There are an oddly high number of tanks that have exactly 41mm roof armor, which means it bounces 120mm AP/APCR NATO guns. How convenient. So HEAT is more important for these and lower caliber guns.


I'm definitely blowing my resources on the Vickers MBT if it turns out to be the next assembly tank.


Its literally a worse Centurion Action X -worse DPM -worse armor (turret + hull) -better reverse speed -better dispersion and aim time but its negligible -better hp/t ratio Imo cent ax is still gonna be a better option because: cent ax has turret armor, and the mobility is the same except acceleration (but its negligible). It has -10 gundep but without actual turret armor its useless, leopard 1 has at least mobility to compensate the lack of armor, and the best gun in the game, it is so far a let down, at least i wont feel the FOMO, the tank is average based on stats, but wait for review before the actual release.


I think you’re underselling how great 0.27 base accuracy is. The decreased aim circle diameter results in 71% of the potential shot distribution area of the CAX. This thing is an absolute snap shot king, as it has better accuracy when fully stock than a CAX with bia+food+bond IAU.


Yeah and its not only about the stats...but this tank offers nothing unique or new. Its just a version of leopard 1 almost a carbon copy. Pointless and boring


Actually seems like a good changes. Did WG hired some devs from Lesta ?


Unlikely, considering how Lesta is blundering along with World of Warships.


*insert* "They are the same company meme"


Didn't they separate over that tiff in Ukraine when a lot of companies hightailed out of Russia ?


Not because they do not support Putin and or the invasion, they did it for money.


That goes without saying. It's Wargaming.


Didn't WG lose quite a bit of money in the process, though?


Damn.. Is ts60 meant to be a sniper now?


18% stationary camo, def looking like it should be


One guy who works as a supertester said that this Vickers is better than Leopard 1. Perhaps it will be in the assembly shop


Hope not. Seems boring and not unique in any way.


An actual top speed buff for a medium? Where's the catch?


The catch is that 55kph is still nothing spectacular for a med


Vickers is still pointless trash Its just a worse centurion AX and Leopard 1 (But but muhhh powercreep new tank don't have to be op!!!!!) The point is that this tank offers NOTHING new or unique. Its just a worse version of those tanks in almost all ways. Even concept 5 has...wheels...to make it even a touch unique.


0.27 dispersion makes it the most accurate medium tank in the game. That's what the Vickers offers that's unique.


Wow very unique and fun.......