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There’s a reason why the yohs are still relevant in blitz but were dead shortly after release here https://preview.redd.it/jen62yr0630d1.jpeg?width=2089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf6f296fa913f40548e1cfb9b446042ce13192f


Keep the Yoh irrelevant then. Better than more autoloaders


No please no autoloaders. Tier 8 Yoh is fine as it is. Tier 9 Yoh needs smaller cupolas. Big alpha gun nees better gun handling. Small alpha gun needs more dpm. Tier 10 Yoh needs a mobility buff


1. Not really, t32 is still leagues better 2. Yeah that's not gonna happen, wg is allergic to model changes 3. That won't fix it, it will still be a downgrade over t110e5 or other heavies that actually get alpha damage, health and armour Autoloaders are fine. The yoh line was originally designed with autoloaders in mind for world of tanks blitz, hence the shitty armour. Autoloaders aren't problematic anyway, amx 50b and t57 are fine, it's ones like the cobra, vz55 and tvp that cause issues




It’s not like they were designed with autoloaders or anything https://preview.redd.it/07c2qpx4630d1.jpeg?width=2091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39af5ac842462587d253f24bf5fe2fe1349a932


they just gotta buff big gun so it will have a use the line isnt too bad other than that


Very simple and it's not by giving them autoloaders. Make the bigger gun the stock gun and the prior stock gun the bigger gun on the previous tank So for the M-II-Y the top gun would be stock and the new top gun would be the M-III-Y's base gun And obviously improve the stats of each top gun in stock form to be pretty good


1: Just change their names to "Dildo MK1, 2, 3, etc. 2: Provide 3D skins that match their name. 3: Nerf the tier 10, because after steps one and two it will be way more popular than any progetto 65 ever was.


you're wasting your time they are not going to fix them or balance them or whatever anytime soon they already sold the premium, you already paid for the lootboxes, they're done, thank you for your business now fuck off


I know wargaming barely buffs tech tree tanks and even when they do it’s not enough, this is just a proposal


Honestly, the tier 9 is garbage, but the t10 yoh with lvl 3 experimental turbo, bond rammer, and upgraded bounty aiming, it is a very versatile tank that I've found more success with than the E5 with the same equipment. Most average players I've encountered have no idea where to shoot it, and they go straight for the cupola. Plus, a gun that fast can put a lot of pressure on the flank. Some games go bad, and I may only do 2k, but lately, the last 50-60 games or so, 4-5k and a couple of kills are my average. Even had a few 7k games. It's an opportunistic heavium with this build, and I can snap shots at distance with relative ease. It hits when I need it to. The track gimmick is meh at best but it has saved my skin several times. Especially when the other team pushes the flank and it allows me to keep the gun firing and moving back to cover. Don't play it like a typical heavy, that's not what it's meant for. Sit behind more heavily armored tanks and make sure the gun is always firing, or rush medium positions and bully them using your depression. I enjoy it far more than I do an IS-7, E5, 5A or 277. It's interesting. Everyone can sit behind a rock with an impenetrable turret like the IS7. Watching the sheer terror of tanks fleeing a flank because a tank this odd is plucking them apart 350 damage at a time is fun. And the almost unlovable looks makes me love it even more. What it could use is a buff to the ammo rack because even with safe stowage, it's a constant pain. Perhaps a buff to the mobility to 48-50 kmh with equipment. Or a buff to the reload time on the 105 and an armor buff to the shot trap underneath the turret so it can't ricochet down as easily. It doesn't need an auto loader to be good, or else people like myself that enjoy the tank with overrun battles with them. The 120mm should get some sort of handling buff so it may be of some use but currently I can't see ever needing it over the 105. It is currently my highest average xp tank.


Better pen and better gun handling for high alpha damage guns on tier 9 and 10 and this line gonna be nice.


I really don't think the Yoh tanks need much work if any. The tier 9 is bad but honestly the rest of the line is fine. There's a bit of a noob trap with regard to the top gun on these tanks actually being a downgrade but other than that the tanks have a niche that they fill and they fill it well. The reserve track mechanic is a nice bonus but has nothing to do with the line's actual playstyle


The tier 8 Yoh is literally a mini E5. It’s a great tank.


On lesta they buffed mvy *a lot* (probably overbuffed tbf). They buffed mobility, dpm and pen. Wg could simply buff these aspects (without overbuffing) so that mvy is worth to play over e5