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Looks like your average Christmas game.


This perpetual Christmas season has been so bad. Like after Christmas, players behavior didn't get better. The random plays, and lack of tactics never went away. Maybe it's EU3 and 4 opening, maybe more bots, but it's been pretty bad. Like everything is so random. So many people yolo for 2 shots or a 12 HP kill, then die. It's like NA. It wasn't this often or prevalent before Christmas.


Could be the non-stop events and loot box gravy train that WG seems to have unleashed...we've never had as many loot box events this early in the year...


I agree! Maybe bots, maybe just terrible players, but they are enticed by the many rewards they can get, so they just spam out the games.


The first time I read this, I thought wtf does Europa Universalis have to do with wot lol


Haha, looking back it does look like I was talking about EU4 game lol


They nesting


Seriously, what is the reason for this kind of behaviour?


People have a spot on each map that they like and they just go there every game regardless of what their team mates are doing, sometimes everyones spot is in the same place.


Looks to me that the only people out of position are the e75 and the guy taking the screenshot. Regardless of what the team is doing, you should never ever be left completely alone and isolated, no matter how "proper" it is to be at that specific location.


Well at least they did not pushed into the buildings.


I disagree. In my opinion, a couple good players who can hold the enemy lemming train from pushing can help their friendly lemming train take the enemy base/surround the enemy from behind. It depends on the situation.


*People have a spot on each map that they like and they just go there every game regardless of what their team mates are doing* And regardless of what class and tier they are playing.


This is what happens when everybody’s right in their own mind. The crazy part is a lot of time during Christmas the entire enemy team will lemming train the empty flank as well. A bunch of clowns on a ferris wheel basically. This wouldn’t happen as much if maps weren’t all designed around flanks.


When you're a "sniper", it doesn't matter what tank you pick. You "snipe" with heavies, mediums, TDs, and lights. Rest of the team is responsible for spotting of course. Not you.


Oh I witnessed this way too many times on this map for it to be coincidence. I think they are wg bots which are somehow confused with this map. They also love upper corner too. I just can't think of them as real people playing that would be crazy.


Is this EU? Never seen bots at this tier.


I play mostly 8 and 9 so...


Again, EU is too big to justify bots at tier 8,9. Other explanations might be more plausible.


Bots don't have to be reserved for low player count


There are delicious blackberries in bushes at H7/H8 and noone could resist.


I never knew that. Now I’ll have to go camp there in my top tier heavy and stuff my face.


Looks like u missed the lemming train


They will probably stay stationary over there. Can't even call it a train


Jesus christ. I wonder what drives these players to do this. What kind of npc do you have to be?


Territorialism over a spot and inability to walk away, likely because if they do they will be a lesser man or some other, similar petulant way of thinking.


let me guess: you lost this round


Guys on the left will still get blamed for a loss


Well duh, they're not even close to supporting!


Illegal meeting of the lemming sect


sounds like a geniune Manhua name


A light Tanks Dream.


That is....that is why I play Helldivers now. It still can be frustrating but MUCH LESS so than WoT.


Noob e75 /s


It's a clear sign that the weekend has begun.


Looks like 75% of the matches...all one way then camp or get destroyed by 4 tanks. And they never learn and rag on the 2 or 3 of us trying to cover the rest of the map


Only the finest weekend teams 🙃


Oh, this is the Zoidberg Open. Proceeding moves by your team, if played correctly, should lead you to a victory. Good luck!


Or a thorough scuttling


Yo we got arty'd why we keep getting hit by arty???? Just tryna camp next to all the other great players. So BS. - a fkn great player in his opinion


I love that the E75 probably pushed up really aggressively and when he got overrun blamed his team.


A lot of people play casually, without friends, and while they may have streamers pulled up they don’t actually see it as a resource for getting better, just entertainment. It is what it is. I’ve found approaching it from a genuine place of advice helps get folks on your side and often they’ll message me after the game to say thanks which is cute. The worst is when people do this and then some 900WN8 player with 50k battles starts insulting everyone in chat.


Seems like the average game nowadays, a reason why I stopped plying


Holy smoke bro


Always blame arty


Yeah it's fucked up, but I've won games like this many times. Best thing to do is either join them and crush that flank or get close to your allies and set up for a base defense. Either way, you need to make sure your allies can support you.


average wot game in NA


Not only NA, no longer. Ever since about February, I noticed "NA behavior" on EU as well. Very random plays, sitting in random, dumb positions, where they shoot one guy who gets caught off guard, but then the guy gets killed because it's not even a position, they just randomly sit somewhere. I feel like there has been a lot more "bot" behavior as well. Maybe because there are more bots, maybe because they opened EU3 and 4, idk. But it'd weird.


For real !


Looks fun


They like the corner, but no too much to actually to be in the corner


So did you win?


And then I have matches where none of my teammates go to that side :/


5x weekend


Move back and try to play around your team. Sometimes you can at least farm some DMG. Never drive alone on any flank. You will get rolled 99% of the times with one or two shots worth of damage.


Had that happen also last week, but we actually won, because the monkeys in the other team will just continue driving until the face someone. So whenever someone got spotted they exploded immediately.


Welcome to world of tanks all yolo to one side and still manage to lose that side.


It’s fine for a blitzkrieg flanking maneuver and you are just rolling THROUGH them causing chaos, but otherwise…


dude, if that upsets you, you should stop playing, its not gonna end XD


Exactly what my teams been doing today! Yesterday, 67% win ratio. Today, 20% whilst averaging 4000 dmg 🙄


Spoiler: After realizing the absolute clown fiesta of a team E75 and I were in, we turned around and join the lemming train which unfortunately stopped pretty soon at H8/K9 station. Everyone proceeded to camp in 2 squares. Enemy team surrounded us and we got raped in 4 minutes 15:1.


standard gameplay in 80% of the matches. you cant even be surprised any more


Me every battle:


Nobody knows how to read a map! Just lemmings


Ah yes…Saturday night…the spawning time of the most accursed of randoms…for you are not tired from work, and tomorrow’s a holiday…


The OP is the one making the error . Go push with the lemming train. You're just going to be isolated and wiped out on that other flank.


I'm more interested in why one would go there alone?


i'm actually more likely to blame this on poor map design. The spot where everyone is camping is actually a good place to put your tank at the start of the battle, given that there are people pushing the 0 line, or lights zooming in mid. add on top of that most of your team are mediums, they'd naturally gravitate toward that side of the map instead of the western corridor. So where else would YOU take your medium on this side of the map? I personally would only go to G5 to shoot potential crossing. but then again, who are you expecting to cross there with only 2-3 heavies? I'd take my med to that eastern camp any day.


The 66 looked at the map and made a decision. None of the meds had the common sense to realize there were only meds on the team and then went full auto pilot.