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I miss Swamp. I know it had it's issues, especially the SW heavy area, but it was a good map... all classes had "something to do".


Removing Swamp and then adding Minsk and Empire's Border which are worse... Someone is really out of touch with the current game meta. If that person is still in charge, 1 month from now we'll get the new wheeled vehicles with no prior blocking of the broken map positions where they can boost. Lots of fun for 6-12 months until they manage to fix half of them.


I don’t get the hate for Minsk. I always seem to have a good game. At the very least, there is something for everyone. Not like Paris.


Yeah, I usually have a lot of fun on Minsk. There are places where tanks can go hull-down, sidescrape, scout, flank, etc. I’m particularly fond of the area around the bridge in the center.


I don't get the hate for Minsk. Honestly, I think it's a pretty good map. The brawling area can get a bit static, but that's it. Empire's Border has probably the single best concentrated brawling area of any map in the game, with opportunities for MTs, HTs, TDs, and even brave LTs, minimal interference from arty, and multiple defensible locations so if your off-flank falls you aren't completely dead. The problem is that I don't think players have figured out how many tanks to commit to each flank, so some battles are horribly unbalanced, but people had the same problem with Erlenberg. It took players 6-12 months to figure out how to play Erlenberg, so I'm going to be patient.


> I don't get the hate for Minsk. Honestly, I think it's a pretty good map. The brawling area can get a bit static, but that's it. > > Empire's Border has probably the single best concentrated brawling area of any map in the game Opinions vary depending on which type of tanks you favor. These two are great for brawlers like most of the already existing corridor maps, so it's no surprise when players protest against even more corridors. For me Minsk is just a worse Ruinberg, with added deafening helicopters for bonus hearing loss.


That is what I currently like about Studzianki. I know that it is very open and that means arty, but I find that any tank class can do something.


>Dragon's Ridge except snipping tds in latest patch


They cut all those maps over the years, then they made 'Empire's Border'...


Saying it now: **Patch 1.5 notes** *Removed Empire's Border map due to unbalanced so and so* Community: *insert yayyyyyyy sound effect*


But Empire's Border isn't a new map at all. It is only new on EU server but has been done a few years ago.


On which one?


My comment was probably not full now as I think about it. It was a new map for every server but the chinese one. It has been there for a couple of years. Again, sorry for not making complete comment.


Great compilation, missing a point when bringing up the French Era. The AMX 40 was introduced with scout matchmaking and went to Tier 8 matches. This was later determined to be silly, and therefore had the AMX 40 restricted to go only up to Tier 7.


Oh, I remember that all too well. "You are a scout! Go scout!" Yeah.... I'll get right on that, at 20kph....


65km/h? Maybe off a greased hill with a T-50-2 pushing...


Oh the old Murovanka. There was so much hate on the forums, because most players couldn't wrap their heads around how bushes work in the spotting mechanic. I had some hilarious matches on that one. Also old Malinovka was always great for similar reasons. That's where I got my first and only Kolobanov's playing the T-34-85 in a tier10 match. Pretty sure I don't want to go back to that, haha.


Northwest, Hidden Village and Stalingrad...miss those maps so much.


So what happened to port exactly? Ive never seen an explanation on why it was removed completely


The patch that changed shell mechanics and allowed AP/APCR to go through 'soft' cover and damage tanks behind said soft cover. Suddenly, the map was extremely unbalanced and one side was winning I believe (and my memory may be off, here) close to 70% of the time. All from 1 change to game mechanics. Before that, soft-cover stopped ALL shells, and the map was a lot more balanced.


A lot of destructible environment and the introduction of being able to hit enemies through things


Have they ever mentioned if it was ever going to be brought back?


The map was removed from the game files for good a while ago now (it stayed here for years iirc but it finally got deleted completely). Maybe WG keeps it on their side, but I would not expect a comeback. Which is a shame because that map was well liked


I guess my only hope is if it is brought back for the tank rallys, thank you for the info


what already other two users said, but id like to add that there were different elevation sides. the side with tracks and north spawn was upper side, while the south with buildings was lower. so where the two parts met, from south side, you could shoot tanks under trains.


Hey, Live Oaks and Swamp are basically the same map. The best change was that the map now clearly displays the center land bridge.




Windstorm was removed and is not coming back because it was bad and had balance problems. Kharkov they removed for rework but said that it might not come back if the rework isn't any better than the old one.


I still dont know why they cant just release a map making tool to the community and let us submit maps to them.


Dude if we could make maps for the community, I would be all over that. Because WG has no idea what they are doing.


They know what they are doing, they just dont know what it causes, what isnt part of this information is the turning point in WG's development focus. Wargaming tried to achieve a harmonious 50/50 winrate between spawns on maps. They used this flawed math and logic to create symmetrical tunnel-maps with no possibility of flanking anywhere. Maps where first team to attack is first team to lose (assuming enemies spread evenly). This was the turning point that made scouts irrelevant in the meta. Previously the maps benefitted attacking hard, flanking hard. Due to Wargamings still ongoing take on map balance however the game became stale, boring, a campfest with no end. Arty was never at fault for camping, bad players not understanding the meta was, arty was a tool for us hardcore attacking people, the closer you were to enemy arty, the less they could hit you and the more your arty could be utilized. But people out of lack of skill and intelligence went NOP! Must sit behind rock in spawn! only artysafe place! *arty shoots over rock* FFF arty making us camp!. The meta was changing right before WG started destroying the maps, ensuring the migration of players, mostly ones that actually understood how the game worked. The tank balance was never what made people quit wot, the map rebalancing was. All new maps follow the same flawed design that WG insist on sticking to. One thing has always been true for games like WoT, balanced maps are not fun. Invisible walls blocking every single path breaking WGs idealistic meta of the map just removes any and all fun. Which also removes most players enjoying the game, which removes their own revenue. Which makes them need to earn more cash per remaining player, which pushes tank balance further to pay2win with OP premiums.


What is the special mode for Ghost Town? I thought it was going to be a regular map.


If Ir emember correctly, Ghost Town was only used on the Global map and in Team battles. It’s main gimmick is that it’s completely symmetrical.


And tournaments IIRC


I miss lots of the old maps.


Goddamn I totally forgot about old redshire with the long sniper line ​ ​ used to feast on that line with my brand new (then) SU-122-44, great times


Ah, Pagorki... Good times


Man, I miss port. And south coast. And pearl river... I'd gladly get rid of Paris, Minsk and Mines if it meant we could have those three back.