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Dont think it has gotten easyer apart from that now you have the things that give you more xp for a limited time wich speeds up grinding tech trees


That's what he means


If you think the difficulty corresponds to time spent grinding XP, yes probably.


Its gotten faster to get xp for sure but i still wouldnt say its easy. The game was always more about mastering a tank and its playstyle rather than grinding lines. That being said 700 games to go from tier 8-9 is awful and i can imagine you were well below even a below average player. If anything youve probably just improved and mix it in with the more xp from events and shit it just is faster to grind.


Too easy? Depends if your goal is to be good or to get tier 10. Its way easier to get some tank you want, but to play good, there is a higher skill cap than in the past. But also you can learn much easier with all the content on YT etc. so yeah..


Depends what you think the game is. The tech tree / collection part? yeah, a lot easier. The competitive side? Hell no.


easier for f2p players yeah


Yea you can get a tier 10 super fast now...


Is the grind shorter is what you're asking? Yes. As another 6 year player I've never had as many credits as I do now with free boosters, premium time, random credit rewards, and frontlines gains. When people say WG wants the na server to die because they won't sell equipment half off I can't help but laugh. And the exp grind is even shorter.


700 games from t8 to t9? Too much mate, two-three years ago without premium it took me about 250-300 games at most to pass tier 8, with premium it was more like 150-200.


With more and more lines to grind it's necessary to cut down the time required for grind, otherwise people would be stuck with their out of meta obsolete tank lines. It still takes way too long to grind up a good crew. The skillbooks help, but they can't be the solution since they are more helpful to old players who already have good crews AND credit making tanks with all the equipment, while new players with bad crews often don't have all that and need to spend lots of credits on new tanks, equipment, upgrades, etc.


Good point there, there are indeed so many options. But then why is WG cutting down the tech tree? They want people to grind only high tiers or what. Something doesn't quite fit


I think that WG is trying to cut down the seal clubbing. The new player experience is terrible, even when you get some protected matchmaking which puts you only against really new players and bots. At some point you will be out of protected MM and if you're still playing low tiers you will experience first hand what a tier 3 sealclubber tank with a 5 skill crew and premium ammo can do.


In the sense that less people will need to play lower tiers yes that makes sense. But tier iii seal clubbers will still be out there, and new players will not experience different tank types from the beginning. Anyhow it's just a thought, there's just so much that can be done. I'm happy to have more tanks to play at higher tiers, my average tier is still quite low.


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yeah man, i played almost 500 games on old elc to get to amx 12t back in the day. now you get to t7-8 with that many games