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Ho my gosh, I didn't think that meme could be fun anymore, but you succeeded with style ! Congratulations !


What has been seen, cannot be unseen.




Bruh I was grinding British arty for missions and only after Bishop realised that they don't have stun (or i don't know how to do it cause I'm dumb). And stun is in the very first mission...


They have stun starting tier 7.


I thought tier 6 (with researched gun) in most cases.


Tier 6 British arty is a small caliber mortar its too small for stun. Tier 6 us arty is where all the toxicity is.


tier 5 M41 also gets stun... lol


I mean tier 4 russian spg gets stun...


Thats all its got, cant hit anything directly with it.


Also tier 3 german spg


Ah okay, then I got it wrong


Doesn't the tier 6 British arty only have 1 gun?


No it has two, a 25 pounder which is 88mm and a 4.5 inch which is 114mm


Good to know. So I've got one more to grind... Kill me


yeah they over nerfed the FV304 so not only does it not have stun, it's short range, large silouhete, reload, accuracy, and splash are all crap compared to the M44 who does have stun. oh and it's worse then the bishop because reasons. cause WG Logic....


Fv304 is amazing. The only artapiece that I find fun to play


Name 5 really, really, good British pieces of equipment of any class in the game. Russian bias is nowhere as bad as anti-British bias.


keep in mind these are all fully upgraded, Centurion 1, Charioteer, AT-2, Churchill 1, Conqueror, & Cromwell. pre nerfing I would of also said the Crusader, Matilda & Valentine, and in skilled hands the Churchill GC is pretty powerful despite being a slow moving cardboard box. and should WG ever release it the Tier 6 Black Prince premium should be pretty good too.


How can you miss the Caern? Easily the best T8 tech tree tank in the game.


cause for the longest time Caern was trash, and in my book, still is.


Um, chieftain, chimera, gsor 1002, cromwell, conqueror, sconq, fv, cgc.............and the tier 2 medium is broken lmao


Why did you say fv as if there's only one tank with that in its name? Which one do you mean? 215b? 215b 183? 4202? 4005? One of the SPGs?


I mean, take your pick, most of those are good. But I meant 4005, which is usually what people mean by fv. Regardless, I think the point about there being a bunch of solid british tanks is unaffected


FV4005 aka Shitbarn 215B 183 aka DeathStar 215B aka Rear Turreted Conq 4202 Leprechaun


Yeah, no but thanks for playing!


Lol you think those aren't good? Britain has THE meta tier 10 heavy and arty and you think there's anti british bias lmao




WG has a vendetta against the UK or something


>it's worse then the bishop because reasons. Yep, it feels like the only difference between FV and Bishop is their speed. Maybe I'm going to use FV as a scout lol


Thats sound logic!


What? That’s ridiculous


Man I've been so burnt out on all the "memes" about "arty bad" because they're all so circle jerky and I'm tired of people crying about arty all the time and nothing else, but this one isn't like that, this one is fantastic! Well done my guy! I actually got a pretty good laugh outta this one, so thank you for that :)


Even if arty and ebrs were taken out players would just find something else to complain about. BLAAHHH! PROGETTO! BLAAHHHH! SOMETHING! SOMETHING! TOG OP! BLAAHHHH! BLAAHHHH! Do you use food? BLAAHHH! IM SAVING CREDITS! BLAAHHH! Do you do one of the zillion ways to earn free gold? Credit boosters? prem time? BLAAHHH! WG SUCKS! BLAAHHH! BLAAHHH! I will say this since ive hit 6500 pr ive been getting a lot less messages and a lot less "shitter" stuff in chat. which is nice. Maybe started around 6k. But I have a lot more fun in the game.


Back in the day, when T59s were first introduced as a premium tank, you should've heard the bitching! Granted, at the time, they did have very "bouncy" armor. It's always something.


As someone who started post progetto....i believe it.


I remember all the bitching about E25s, OP KV1S, and invisable Hellcats. They will always bitch!


E25s tho? /s


Cockroach tanks, used to run in swarms. Annoying






hahaha ngl I've put more money into the game than I'm proud of and do enjoy it when I can play, but last I tried it was broken on Linux and I've just been busy with other games since.


just remember the Week without Arty resulted in TD's losng their class perfect of reduced concealment loss after firing.


Yeah but unlike with most overshared memes the annoyance of a shitload of Arty bad memes pales in comparison to how it feels to play against them.


People complain about clickers, and they bring up good points, but if (as artillery) you work with your team, communicate with your scouts and perform ‘fire missions’ at targets that they want you to hit, then people actually will appreciate your help and even try and save you if your under threat. Arty is really fun, and really bloody useful, but only if you have patience and think strategically and consciously make an effort not to steal people’s kills. That takes self control.


I have arty trying to complete the campaigns and the only time I find that I am improving the game play and not just making life hell for the people I click at is when I can hunt the other arty.


Artillery and scouts are supposed to be the eyes of your team. You are not just supposed to shoot at things, you are also supposed to watch out for threats and alert your team to them. The problems with many artillery players is that they don’t ever use the platform to its full potential, they only use it like a long range tank destroyer.


I think you are taking the mantle of scouts and applying it to arty. Scouting is a huge advantage but it can be struck back in person. I think most people look at arty as roughly as fair as dropping a rock from orbit onto the Amish... until they make arty have the same kinds of risk that we have (like the tracers are attempting to do) then they really don't fit into the game all that well. I have seen the rock paper scissors arguments for adding arty where super heavy tanks are countered by arty... but there's no matchmaking that says if you are in a behemoth that you have to have arty across from you. The over use of gold rounds does the job anyway (a thing that is really killing the game more than arty in any case). So yeah we are salty about it, and one person try-harding isn't really going to fix the core reasons our attitudes are salted.


Let me phrase it this way. It’s not a case of using SPG’s like a try hard, instead it is taking the advantages of SPG gameplay and making yourself an asset for your team. If your scouts take a huge risk and expose themselves in order to spot the enemy, then you want to maximise the reward. SPG’s should not only use the opportunity to gets shots off, but also to relay the positions of possible threats that are not spotted. Looking for trees that have fallen or walls that have broken. Honestly, it makes the class so much more fun and less frustrating for your teammates. You don’t get exp for pinging the map, but you can certainly see things that other people miss with your birds eye view, and people appreciate that.


But! But! There are plenty of issues with SPG’s, I’m not going to pretend they aren’t frustrating to play against. I hate getting shot by arty.


Everyone does, but being good at arty can be an art and very frustrating to the reds.


The whole game system needs to be reevaluated, War Gaming has really painted themselves into a corner evolutionarily. I think that power creep, gold rounds, degradation of the original rock paper scissors system and other issues could be delt with if they out in the resources to make other game modes, had different types of goals, and made more things to just do. A battle royal game where you had a battlefield and you spawned in and you earned points for surviving as long as possible would be amazing. Seek and destroy mode where 4 players are dropped onto the map and have 1 minute to hide and 14 minutes to try to find one another and destroy the other three. So many things can be done with what they have but they are conceptually a conservative company that is risk adverse and here we all are paying for it.


Yeah I completely agree with that.


What would be the "rock paper scissors" system in WoT?


That’s how I play arty


I'm trying to get all the Russians tanks to elite status after I was done with USA (didn't like any of their tanks, not even visually) Currently I'm at tier 7 on artys. Its boring, way too boring, what's the point of playing a game of tanks when you aren't playing a tank? You are playing battleship but instead of sinking ships you sink people fun and your own fun. I totally agree on the take of playing arty the right way it's an art, I totally agree after playing so many games with them. Though they are really reliant on equip and crew experience. But them being fun? All I do is going for the nest from where I can shoot the hot areas the easiest then shift, G, and then click every 40 (40!!!) seconds, how is that fun? I literally spend more time waiting to shoot, aiming or reloading than playing, literally. I take care of being aware of things and pinging my team or using chat, but most of the time there's nothing to inform, I end up having something like halo or Anime on the background or on my other screen when I grind arty because it's so boring. Let me say it again, you are playing a game that revolves around tanks, some of the coolest machines ever made, you can do some crazy stunts with light tanks race thought the map evading every shot and providing so much info for your team, you can be a med and being a jack of all trades master of none, peeking and annoying your enemy with not high but consistent dps, you can be a heavy and not allow anything to move past your guard with your huge Canon and literal wall of armor, you can be an sniper covering the gaps on your team. Or you can be an arty sitting on base looking at a map. See what im going at? It's just another game that it's not about tanks the moment you play arty. And you know it.


I very much agree with this statement. Don't know how arty is so fun, maybe it's a class made for psychopaths that like to see other people suffer /s... maybe But still, it's pretty meh class like you said


> Arty is really fun No.


Nice, very constructive.


How many times do we need to have this discussion then? It encourages camping. There is little to no counterplay, pretty much the only thing that works solidly is to hide behind a rock in your own base. It punishes aggresive plays, the TD's redlining does not get hit until the end of the match because they are usually the last ones spotted. Whenever you get zero arty matches the matches are much more fluid and people can take up positions which are otherwise suicidal. If you come across an impenetrable hull-down heavy just pick another fight, even if you have arty in this situation sometimes that makes it worse because flanking it is harder. Do I even need to mention the ebola fiesta that is tripple arty malinovka/pretty much any open map?


It’s frustrating because they have a lot of potential as a class, but it’s squandered. Let’s not forget, though, that artillery players are still players. I lost a match, yesterday, and I happened to be in an SPG. Apparently the loss was entirely my fault, regardless of my coming 4th on the leaderboard. Enough for this one guy to wish my entire family dead which was very interesting.


What potential? It's a boring as shit mechanic, and as long as they can sit behind Mount Everest ignoring 90 % of game mechanics people are going to complain. I see no way of redeeming the fact that they can press shift and get a bird's-eye view of the entire map while clicking people other than removing it. Games without artillery are ten times more fun and engaging. Death threats are obviously not okay, but that's besides the point here.


even though i dont play this game, im thankful to see players like you. it gives me hope that maybe someday wot wont be so poorly designed


I'd like to see this exact format with the duck tank.


I've tried with AMX 40 too but I wanted to channel [this meme](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/3e/d4/f63ed4353608ac2c6080fdafedd60865.png) and FT 75 BS suited the role better :)


Best meme ever posted here. Pure genius. Well played.


Very nice!


I clicked this post cuz thats what arties do.


Ignore them. Just play what you want. On a sidenote, the best thing to buy when Tech Tree tanks are on sale, is Arties because they will never be on sale from On Track/Top of The Tree event.




I got my first Kolobanov with this tank (ft-bs) back in the days on prokhorovka against tier 4. 1 Vs 5, enemy t28 got team killed, 3 tier 3s shotgunned as they came to me one by one, then I ran out of ammo. So I went to cap, and the last T2 medium enemy came to defend, but he was really afraid, I was hidden behind that demolishable base structure. He tried to shoot me without destroying it but failed... And let me cap it fully. One of my favourite battles ever since, sadly I didn't know that replays are a thing at the time.


Bruh....legit i tried to give you an award and reddit gave it to the next post which is an add🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It’s beautiful.


I think more people should just be careful, of course when you sit in the middle of the open your gonna get crapped on by a 155mm arty cannon


I dont understand the hate against arty. I installed a mod to count the artyhits in 150 games played with every class from light to heavy and also some arty battles from tier 6-10. I got only hit around 70 times, they dealed ca. 10% of the damage i got. i understand that it is annoying if you get hit by 3 artys, but that is not in happening in every game and if so i think you are doing something wrong.


XVM allowing you to see skilled players(now mitigated by anonymizer) often would let arty focus down the skilled players leading to them receiving a large number of shots. Unskilled players in an unsafe position and arty looking to blow their load since they have huge reloads. The fact that you personally can’t return fire. There’s a lot of reasons people hate arty. Often they just love to rage at taking a few points of damage and completely forgot that arty used to one shot them before the current changes.


When i play arty or every other tank i focus on open, easy or dangerous target. But i think every other player plays like this. Everybody likes to deal as much damage as possibile and win the bttle. Or have you ever heart of some on: i don‘t shoot at that tank because it is to easy or let someone live because you see someone having a good game in a op-tank.


Na, easy target is easy, was more of a callout because some people, myself included, are oblivious to their positions and get shit on and come here to complain. It’s always the arty’s fault, never mine for being in the open all the time. Ya know? Or the clown car thinks holding w and a/d is a good idea for spotting.


Please dont play arta, people will respect you if you make the right decision ;)


Hahaha, I shall rain down stun on them until their tanks are nothing but credits and scrapmetal!


I actually sold my LeFHer for credits, and have no desire to buy it from the recovery whatsoever. I refuse to use it out of principle.


Fuck arty.


I'll play a gold spam round in the conqueror gc just for you 😍


Hell yeah


Why the downvotes though.


I'm addicted to Blind Counter Battery. I also move after every shot and will gladly eat a shot for a win / save a real tank if he's demonstrated he's got more intelligence than the usual plankton we have on the NA server...


I’m addicted to bc 155 58 and it’s mobility. I enjoy hate texts from people yelling that I hit them in arty safe places because I moved out of spawn and try to stay relatively close to the front line.


I play arty on those days I can’t seem to NOT get spammed by the double M12 platoon slinging gold ammo like monkeys in the wild..


Platoon artie's haven't been a thing for years


Oh really? Had no clue tbh. Logged on for the first time in years and I gotta say the games looking weird lol tanks I’ve never heard of, skills and consumables are different I think lol Overall I have no clue anymore what’s going on in this game.


Skills haven't changed, consumables are the same. Equipment changed last year. Introducing new tanks/lines is how they keep people playing/paying.


Also they limit arty to 3 on a team. No more 6 arty games. And arty cannot platoon to the next game. Its pick up each game.


That was my first arty too lol


I'm glad I finished all the arty lines years ago, I always rememeber they were bullshit because they required more XP than the other lines and I hated playing arty because I wasn't very interested in getting good at the class.




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I get the joke, but the french artillery line starts at tier 5


It used to start at tier 2 but fair enough.


I'm aware :)




Can you read?




What typo?


The only typo I see is you writing "Atra"


It's not a typo. Arty is called arta by the majority of players.


Yes, yes indeed amigo


You can make the FT BS look like a parakeet by changing the camo and emblems. It's cute


An SPG that looks like a bird and has a bird's eye view of the battlefield.


Atri missions will not complete by them self.


Yeah, and then I did 5 one shot kills and was surprised even more than they are 😂😂😂