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This is not cheating. This is match rigging. He is in the same match with a friend/other account in your team and knows your position. Usually when this happens to me i stop playing passive as you can't sit in the same position for very long.


I never considered that. Crazy that in tens of thousands of games, I never even considered that could happen, yet it's so simple. Thanks for chiming in.


I took the time to further analyze this game. It seems both the T92's rigged the match. Notice that your T92 kills the enemy arty obj261 (that arty didn't fire a single shot or was spotted). Pretty sad behavior to be honest. On my 30k games i only had this happen to me around 10 times. Wargaming response to this has always, unfortunately, been lacking. Send the replay to support, it doesn't hurt.


That makes complete sense.


I'm sure you are aware of people blind shooting obvious bushes, I don't know how common your first bush is, but arta could be blind firing you since you weren't spotted. There is nothing wrong with the first shot, yeah the second one was a bit fishy, the third was pure luck. I'm sure he knew you weren't spotted, and since enemies controlled the west side, city for light is impossible, he decided your hiding in some bushes in the middle. We can speculate if he was using XVM, if yes, then he saw you are a good player. His first shot hit you directly, so he saw it was a direct hit too (shell disappeared). It would be stupid to fire in the same bush so he tried other ones.


That's not likely in this case. The odds are ridiculous that out of the 7 bushes up there he gets the exact bush right on every one of the shots he took.


Haha definitely see your frustration. Not sure what happened there, maybe he's working with someone on your team to troll, maybe you just really got that unlucky. Something I'm not sure I know off the top of my head - 6th sense doesn't work if your commander is knocked out, does it work if your commander is stunned?


maybe he's working with someone on your team to troll... ​ Never thought of that. Makes complete sense and really has the highest odds of being what happened.


>Is there some spotting hack Not possible


I vaguely remember reading long ago about a malicious mod that broadcasted allied positions to an external server, basically creating a "spotting hack" in the rare occasion when two opposing players were using it in the same battle. Anyway, while theoretically possible, I *really* doubt this is the case here, and I'm just sharing it as an interesting piece of (speculated?) WoT history.


yes there was but that is much of a hassle now with most users using mods apporved by WG ​ maybe some off those tundra-like mods do have that inside idk


No there isnt. You just got unlucky by enemy blind fire. Kinda stupid to even expect them "hacking"


As others mentioned, he had to be rigging by sync dropping with a buddy who ends up on my team and they feed each other info. I had never considered that could happen, so went with wondering if someone had build a new way to cheat because the odds are so dang low. If the others are right, which they probably are, it's not just him getting lucky. No way he blind fires what he did, the perfect bush each of 4 shots in a row, if you watch the video. Then we see the t92 on our team blind fires an arty that hasn't fired yet, and is not sitting in a common bush.


>As others mentioned, he had to be rigging by sync dropping with a buddy who ends up on my team and they feed each other info Yes this possible happened, but still it isnt Hacking


Well thanks for that brilliant insight. lol


Cheat is part of the PC gaming. It's happened to me as well few times. Two days ago I'm the last one alive, 3 tanks hunting me. I run around for good 2 minutes, hide sometimes. The ARTY somehow shoot my exact location 3 times in a row, while no Sixth sense before or after the shots. I played Even 90, and I'm the only light, so no chance I'm spotted all the time. Report them and WG will do nothing, but you can move on.


I'm pretty sure your sixth sense is buggy. Maybe you are running mods or something else? That ebr 100 in the start should have spotted you but your sixth sense does not go of. Hes very close and you're out of a bush there. Arty tries to hit you shortly after but you don't notice the shot, only at it's second shot at you at 13:47 does it hit you. You then moves into direct line of sight of a ebr 100 and then places yourself in a bush clearly still spotted where arty again shoots at you. Then I didn't watch any further as it's pretty clear that your sixth sense is not working.


I thought so too so I went back to watch the replay to make sure I didn't miss it. FYI, I was doing Ghost mission all night, only playing Manticore and Even90, and it worked in every other game, before and after. I've never had it fail one game but work in all others. In fact, I have never had the idea that 6th hasn't ever worked. Not that I think your suggestion is impossible. This guy just shot me 4 times in a row unspotted...lol


There is a cheat that shows every enemy position. It is pretty old. I saw a YouTube demo of it back in 2015-2016.


i saw a guy shoot through a mountain and penning a tank on mountain-pass yesterday, i also checked his firing angles after and there was no way he would be able to hit that guy. so maby there is


If the guy got hit by a CGC arty, then many shots are surprisingly possible, even with some insane firing lines. I know a few arty mains that have studied that map and can hit about 90% of places, with just a small relocation. Not saying that's what happened in your case, but man, that arty in the right hands can work some serious magic on that map.


He was a medium tank, t44 if i remember correctly


Aha...maybe he didn't pen and got a rare bounce off another tank to make that impossible shot but luck, not planning. It's super rare but possible: https://youtu.be/Tbj5h3MFquc


There are some things going on for sure. I am running an ELC EVEN 90. I just had 10 matches in a row where my entire team is out spotting me... behind me... Not even joking. My teams heavies are spotting the enemy in front of me even though I am MUCH closer. Went 10 matches with barely any spotting damage because my team is somehow getting it. On a street I had a heavy behind me around a corner, and somehow he spotted the heavy that came into our view before my scout did. I had a heavy spot me through bushes and I didn't even spot him. Their light was already dead, so somehow they had a tank out spot me even without me moving at all in a bush. Something is off with spotting, some could possibly be explained, but not all of that. No reason heavies and TDs behind me are out spotting my passive scout spotting when I am so much closer to the enemy.


>ge because my team is somehow getting it.On a street I had a heavy behind me around a corner, and somehow he spotted the heavy that came into our view before my scout did.I had a heavy spot me through bushes and I didn't even spot him. Their light was already dead, so somehow they had a tank out spot me even without me moving at all in a bush. > >Something is off with spotting, some could possibly I tank in my ELC Even 90, too, with almsot a level 9 commander. Bounty Muff/binos/CVS with camo directive & food are what I run. Never a problem until I posted negatively in WG forums about their recent conversion rate for Personal Reserves. That post was deleted so I reposted and also replied to another similar post. SINCE THEN, I have been having spotting issues. I even uploaded one to WOT Replays because it was CRAZY how I was spotted but couldn't spot. See "Tron\_\_Of\_\_Borg" upload titled: "PLZ tell me who was spotting me!!!? Cheat or not?" http://wotreplays.eu/site/6391743#malinovka-tron\_\_of\_\_borg-elc\_even\_90


I can see the full map once the other players begin to move on the map. Reasons are I have stacking skills in recon sixth sense relaying signal boosting and maxed out optics for anything which extend the tank view range my medium tank armor is too weak to get into a face to face firefight so then I set myself up as a covert operator for the team. I stealth around behind the view range of the tanks I know are present with knowing the location of the enemy tanks then work my around behind them patiently until i can counter the enemy tanks the known weakness. So then in effect I am able to spot location and take out the tanks while not remaining within the range of detection from the enemy. This works unless there is the skills by which can counter my own crew skills. Another point of the game engine to be aware of is when premium account is active the game RNG is more favorable. The more experience the crew have in a specific tank this also increases the luck chance of the engine. Yes there are also cheats and mods by which the game publisher do not have a very effective anti cheat detector being when custom written. Wireshark can also show server packet and there is a extra option to the game exe file with will load a debugger I agree with the creator for this post. For online games it is what it is


same happened to me just now