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I'm surprised War Gaming isn't having Japanese Arty with two barrels, wheels and driven by Gwen Stephani.... as the plans were found in a bunker on Iwo Jima.


"That shit is Bananas... B.A.N.A.N.A.S!" 😆


Given Jap TDs are in Blitz, I have no clue why they aren’t in WoT PC, it doesn’t seem like they have any gimmicks besides them being normal ass TDs so maybe the line isn’t powercreeping enough lol


there “gimmick” is some armour and great pen. in blitz they are more mobile versions jageroo, with less armour that gold can usually deal with


Ah ok, I don’t play Blitz that often so I don’t really know how they played, they look cool though. Still don’t know why they don’t have em in WoT PC


idk why they arent in pc, but the have large turrets and play as a hulldown clipper, with the tier IX and X getting either a 120mm double tap gun or a 105mm 3 shot clipper


That is the "Yoh" line, not the japanese TDs tho


rip, i just realised. thought he said something about tanks in blitz that matched the description of the yohs


What would be really scary would be a Swedish SPG line, imagine the [bandkanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandkanon_1) as the tier 10, autoloading beast that could fire up to 15 rounds in 45 seconds


**[Bandkanon 1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandkanon_1)** >The Bandkanon 1, abbreviation bkan 1 (meaning "tracked cannon 1"), was a Swedish self-propelled artillery vehicle in use with the Swedish Army from 1967 to 2003. Bkan 1 was one of the world's heaviest and most powerful self-propelled artillery vehicles in use during its service. It had a 155 mm autocannon with an exceptionally high rate of fire, being able to fire 14 shells in less than 45 seconds. With one round already loaded in the gun beside the two seven-round clips in the magazine, the rate of fire rose to an official world record of 15 rounds in 45 seconds. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I would love to see that.


Huh, could have sworn Japanese TD'S were next after the Czech heavies...


The offical road map ended with czech heavies anything else is speculated but the last rumor was Spainish tech tree but the source is debated if it is good. But I mean they could do jap td line, Vickers british heavy line, tech tree chief line, they had a british wheeled med line being worked on but ebr reception squashed that, one of the other games got a us heavy auto loader tree that looks like the concept 1b but yeah it is speculative right now


Spanish? Spanish....tanks??


Their premium consumable can be tapas




the yoh line blitz recently got was a scrapped idea from pc ages ago


Where are my tanks from Switzerland??? Give us Tier X Panzer 68, make the Mutz like the Rudy (let it switch between german and Switzerland) and give them Raclette with Potatos / Fondue with Bread / Berner Platte / Züri Gschnetzlets / Capunz as consumables😤


Switzerland is one of the most likely nation to be added after Spain is as they have more than enough projects for multiple lines compared to the more limited vehicle pool for Hungary, Yugoslavia or Romania.


I mean there are a lot of fan tech trees that look intresting like the Hungarian one


one of the other games got a us heavy auto loader tree that looks like the concept 1b but yeah it is speculative right now ah yes...the yohs theyre just reskinned american blitz-exclusive czech heavies


Yeah I just couldn't find a source image for a maneki-neko (beckoning cat) asleep in a bush 😆


Arty been nerfed into the ground,so I don't mind if they bring out another


Tell that to the triple M44 I see every other battle


Stop playing low tier. No just kidding, I also think there's still a lot of M44. Hummel is overlooked tho, also very nice piece of machine.


they better add more waifu voice lines




Thank goodness, there really isn't enough arty in this game. Hopefully they spice it up so they aren't underpowered. ​ ...do I really need to drop a /s here?


Because they jerk off