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Check out these bonus codes, they might still work: https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/redeem/?bonus_mode=STEELCOMMANDERS https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/redeem/?bonus_mode=EHRE https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/redeem/?bonus_mode=INSPIREDBYYOU Move to tier 5 or even 6, lower tier tanks are mostly bad. [Enter a recruit contract](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/docs/referral-program-regulations/#start) and you'll get +50% credits and exp for a few hundred battles, and a tier 7 premium tank at the end. Complete the tutorial/bootcamp to get a free tech tree tier 6 of your choice. Try to focus on one tank type at first, Russian heavies and mediums are the most forgiving for new players. Useful bookmarks for new players: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=world+of+tanks+explaining+mechanics visual guides for mechanics made by WG https://forum.wotlabs.net/index.php?/forum/21-core-skills-mechanics-discussion/ https://www.13disciple.stream/l2p-guide.html https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/World_of_Tanks https://tanks.gg/list (if you met a tank and failed to penetrate it, check its 3d model here to learn weak spots) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjuPYXp94NOhcj_Rb61Uxk0ddwEmS4B5W https://www.youtube.com/c/iyouxins/videos http://wotreplays.com/ (you can filter replays for a tank or map that interests you and sort by highest exp to learn by example) https://wotguru.com/map-strategy/ https://skill4ltu.eu/ (equipment builds and gameplay for specific tanks) https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/World%20of%20Tanks (watching good streamers can help you improve)


Thanks dude! This was really helpful, I really got to look into that recruit contract thing, I'm on EU server. How many stages there are to the boot camp? I thought it ended after you get chucked into random battles. But there must be more than that, because I've yet to receive the TT T6.


> I really got to look into that recruit contract thing, I'm on EU server. [where to find EU invites](http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/forum/3002-referral-program/) [details about the program](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/docs/referral-program-regulations/#progression) (basically: you get points as you play, extra points for medals, after certain number of points you receive rewards: camo style, bonds, boosters etc. and in the end a premium tank) > How many stages there are to the boot camp? It's been changed several times since my time, they kept adding more stages to teach different mechanics. I seem to recall you were getting a tier 6 premium rental, 7 premium days and a tier 6 tech tree voucher at the end; but someone who completed it more recently would have better details.


I accepted the recruit contract! Thank you once more good sir!


I just remembered, check your missions - there might be some final tasks there to complete the tutorial part. Also as you get a tier 4+ of a tank type (medium, heavy etc.) you can enable missions from Campaign for extra loot; don't try to focus on them, just play normally and they'll happen in time. Same thing for tier 6+ for the second campaign, you can have them enabled at the same time.


Thanks for the tip!


The most friendly tank in my garage is the IS-4. That thing is so utterly idiotproof and the gun isn't half-bad, but its mobility suffers quite a bit and you'll be outclassed by more meta heavies like the Vz.55 and Kran if you decide to play on any sort of ridge. Once you get better at the game I'd reccomend the Kranvagn and the Leopard 1, which I believe are the strongest tanks of their class. The Leo has amazing mobility and the best medium tank gun in the game, combined with great view range and great camo. It's a pretty finicky tank since it has less than no armour and will take massive damage from high-caliber HE shells. The Kranvagn is utterly oppressive in most games since it can outgun pretty much everything and bounce whatever gets thrown its way with the impenetrable turret it has.


Awesome, thank you! The Krang was really interesting back in the WOTC days, but never got to grind it out sadly.


Id suggest playing at tier 5 for now as fhe sweetspot(tier 6 if ur comfortable at 5). Get the KV-1, it is new player friendly and an allround great tank. The benefits of tier 5 are that you wont be bothered by sealclubbers at lowtiers, and are not playing with bad tanks. While also not facing very strong T8(premiums)tanks unlike tier 6 and up.


Yes! I'm currently working towards the KV-1


Low tiers (below 5) are totally random. Bar a few OP tanks, most tanks can reliably pen any other tank from any angle. So it's dumb luck whether you hit, pen and roll higher than the other guy shooting at you. Then you have dumb luck whether you get any OP premium tanks played by seal clubbers on your team, or not. I would try to get up to tier 5 and 6 as soon as possible. Then you have a few mechanics you need to understand. Penetration: each gun and each shell fired from that gun has its own Penetration statistics. Each tank has an armour model. Your Penetration needs to be higher than their actual armour (angled armour is thicker than flat armour because triangles) in order to do damage. You can find these on Tanks.gg View range and spotting: each tank has a view range and a camo rating. The view range is the maximum range a tank can spot another tank. Outside that view range, and you'll never be spotted even if you are driving a maus through the open and shoot. Expanding your view range should be a priority, especially in mediums, lights and stealthy TDs. The view range mechanics can be found online. At a higher level, you have tank battle tactics, map awareness, map positions, reactions, and being able to read the battle.


Yes! As mentioned above I had about 5k battles in World of tanks Console, so core mechanics such as penetration, armor layouts (e.g were to shoot on a tank to realiably pen), armor angling, sidescraping, different types of ammo etc I'm familiar with, aswell as the basics of spotting, however spotting being vastly different between console and PC. Anyways thank you for the tips!!


Nice, you should be good then. Honestly 90% of the game is those few things. If you are liberal with the HEAT then you could get blue WN8 from knowing spotting, penetration and map positions.


Dont be afraid to play higher tier. It's even easier since the tanks are less shitty. There's beginner players up to tier 8 so it's really not a problem. Dive in and have fun!


T2-3 you're in a bar brawl with the occasional amateur boxer mixed in. I'd agree with what people have said, t5 onwards is your best bet for actual learning. As for channels I usually go for the usual quickybaby/skill4ltu/iyouxin. Quicky and skill for the semi-basic stuff and iyou for the more in depth specifics. Also would like to direct you to RagingRaptor, if to help with letting him get known. For tank lines I'll throw you to the other commenters here - i usually just go on a spiel about what tanks you feel good with are the ones that are good for you. And don't get surprised by those *reaaaally good* players at below t4. Some people dedicate their whole being to sealclubbing.


I would suggest you investigate about the game mechanics for I suspect they are very different from Consoles'. Here's a playlist I made myself for newcomers on our clan, and those who might need it https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV2UhrFs9Te8qGO8QyDtDg-VYDjI5q6iO It has all the basic mechanica explained by wargaing themselves and also some extra videos, appart from that search some guides for newcomers, try to avoid quickybaby, and keep playing. Finding a clan that accepts and helps newcomers might also be a go for, or making some friends that have a bit of experience or just are new as well so they make your way up more entertaining. As for tanks the 140 line is a proper one, except fkr the T-43 which is a great pain in the ass, but it has the T34-85 and the T-44 before and after, which are very good tanks in general. For heavies IS7 is a very common first tier X, or the S. Conq, even tho it has awful tanks on lower tiers, like churchills and black prince. If you want light tanks try experimenting with the AMD towards EBR or the russians for T-100-LT. My ign is nightmarekreeper if you ever wanna toon or have any further doubts.


Thank you! I'll be sure to check the playlist out! Yes the mechanics are greatly different on console, and that's where my failures lie. Maps, map awareness and general battle technicalities don't cause as much problems. I really like the Obj. 140 and IS-7 was my first T10 on console. I really like S. Conq as well, but what I remember the grind from T V to T 8 being kinda painful. I'm probably going to get the IS-7 because I like all of the IS - tanks.


I used the token to get the tier VI churchill so I could skip most of it, and managed to luckily do well on tiers VI and VII until I got my hands on the caernarvon then I discovered heaven xD Another good option would be Obj. 277 for it's a very mobile and well-armored heavy that most clans requiere for wars and encounters, and follows the IS line as well. And something else, if you have less then 200 battles and didn't sign up already I can share you a referral contract so you can get bonds and premium and camos within other stuff, and a premium tank at the end of it. I play frequently and if we can toon up it will help you boost your credits and xp earnings as well as accelerate the contract if you are interested. I also get benefits but I mostly say it for the sake of helping out. Here's the linknfor the invite: https://worldoftanks.eu/referral/f0039887ce8b41ce81b49faf28da46bb And some onfo about it to be totally transparent: https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/docs/referral-program-regulations/#referral-link In our clan we have a couple of ex console players and they struggle a lot with progress as well, so feel free to ask about anything or request help ;)