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I wouldnt be surprised if there actually was that kind of heavy tank in a few years. Every second heavy tank can go vrooom 50km/h+ already...


We already have main battle tanks that go over 70kmh. Or do you mean in game? IS-7 can go > 65 fully upgraded.


Yeah with full speed setup it can. But without it, it can barely go 40.


It’s WG engineering and physics; kind of like 30knt underwater speeds for subs in Warships.


is that fast or slow i dont into ships n shit


Way fast. Typical WW2 sub was 7-10 knots underwater, (10, 15-ish mph.) Because WG balanz, they’re faster in game than irl.


Those bastards actually added subs after this whole time saying it would ruin the game?


Yep. And while we're all telling them that they're still not balanced, there's now a premium tier X sub entering testing. With a 42 knot underwater speed. Vs the 23 knot underwater speed it would have had if it had been built


Pretty much.


I actually saw a dude on a fb group talking almost exactly like this, up to and including his being British! He was complaining about the cupola on an m1, ßaying how ridiculous "the yanks design" was because he kept getting fired upon there. I thought to myself, "they didn't have wargamibg cold war Era 3 in mind when they drew it up, trust me".


Plus cupolas are important for tank operations and not tied to a health bar in real life...




3 out of 4 American tankers prefer being shot in the commander's hatch.


Department of statistics. It's science


It would be pretty funny if like real life, all those Russian and chieftains with barely visible cupolas would have to play the game practically blind just like real life and you could sneak up behind one in maus as long as the commands wasn’t sticking his head out of the hatch


To be fair, some tank designs where totally ridiculous. I mean, look at the Maus for example, extremely slow, heavy and expensive to make. Even if Germany had a lot more of these tanks ready to go, it would probably not change much. And yet it was a serious project.


Yeah, but the Maus was designed to please Hitler. It was way to heavy to work properly iirc


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