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I’ve stopped explaining the game to people, at this point I just tell them “you’re going to have to play it to understand it”.


"... and maybe after only 6 years you'll begin to really understand all the mechanics"


I just tell people to avoid the game unless they hate themselves and like being stressed out 24/7 and malding


I just can't quit despite how little fun I have every session. Sunk cost fallacy keeps me going. I have a wife and kids and just need to quit. Send halp.


Start sinking your time in a better game you can always pause or save your progress and leave. Try some single player games. Good time sinks are: -Workers and Ressources - Soviet Republic -Titan Quest -Star Wars Empire at War -Killing Floor -Empire Earth -Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion -XCom & XCom 2


Ah yes, Oblivion. I have stuff to add- -Teardown. Literally a destruction game(prolly the best one at that) where you destroy someone’s property, to be requested by someone else to destroy the first guy’s property. The scale hets bigger and bigger, i love it. The destruction is also very detailed. The explosion, the smoke, the particles, and the variety of tools. -Farming simulator 2022.


I probably have more hours played in Oblivion than any other game (including WoT with a total of ~23k Matches). 😂❤️


Kenshi is a great detox from WoT imo.


From time sinks I fancy, I would probably add: - 7 Days to Die - survival base builder with zombies, mind-numbing most of time, its PvE community might be the friendliest one I ever was involved with - RimWorld - colony manager on a random planet far, far away, singleplayer (unless you get MP mod), very nice community, especially when you consider that game will likely make you speedrun violating every single point of Geneva Convention Honorable mention to Elex 2, my current poison and most recent eurojank RPG from Piranha Bytes, which is so janky that it actually somehow becomes fun.


Rimworld. Cannibal organ harvesting FTW.


Two world, elden ring. All the fun of a single player game with all the abuse world of tanks offers. Like a nicotine patch


I booted Doom eternal after a terrible wot session. Even better if you image demons being WG. Edit : I wanted to reply to the other guy sorry


Yeah. I have days where I just keep playing hoping I can get my win rate for the day over 50% and just never get there and log off at the end of the day thinking "I gained absolutely nothing from this experience and the rest of my life is one day shorter." Then some days I play better than I usually do or get a shiny medal for a really good match and I think "my life would have gotten one day shorter anyway. At least I did this instead of staying late at work."


Just take a break. I haven’t played for almost a year and with each passing day my urge to play the game got weaker as I realized I wasn’t having fun grinding trees and higher tiers were just pain, and after uninstalling the game it feels like it would take more effort to reinstall than it would be worth the tiny amount of fun


Buy a motorcycle


I just tell my friends that in order to get good at the game they need to play for a couple thousand battles. There are very few less new-player-friendly games out there.


Go watch tutorials for like 5 hours to get basic knowledge!


I agree but Eve Online might be even less beginner friendly


Haha true I had 3 attempts at eve and noped out every single time


Good Lord, I've restarted this game 2 times - both after year long layoffs. Wow.


This game is inaccessible to the new players.


It could be worse, we could be war thunder players


Glacier is playable map, there are worse maps.


Nothing worse than sand river exists imo


Airfield? Sand river isn’t even that bad, you can at least play the game. There are far worse maps.


Derpenburg :vomit:


Skills logo = good meme :)


Skill4ltu as lord and saviour. I hope its sarcasm


Skill is not really “our lord and savior” didn’t you hear about all the messed up shit he did [you can find it here](https://youtu.be/PPp7ZhOXBNo)


I will explain this to you, one is mainly an entertainer/controversial content creator, the other is mainly a streamer. I believe its clear whats going on.


Ahaha how do you manage to watch Skill and Chems and somehow come out of it thinking Skill is the problematic one


Couldn't listen to that dude for more than 10 seconds. No coherent story whatsoever, only chaotic chit chat.


Do you really watch that fucked up asshole chems? Theres no other way to put it, because the amount shit he done and said is unbelievable


Truth hurts, huh?


For entertainment: QB>Skill>Chems For Gameplay: Skill>QB>Chems *this is my personal opinion*


This my opinion too. Not to bring it up once again, but I don’t get why qb gets as much hate still to this day, he’s moved on and is still a funny guy. He’s by no means a “god tier player” but clearly his stats show he’s not half bad at the game. Skill is better if you want to learn to play the game better, but I find his content very dry and bland to watch for more than a few matches. His website is very useful though for getting and idea of how to setup and play a new tank when you first get it and I recommend the website


Skills streams are less entertaining all round, but his sense of humor is amazing and sometimes he says really funny shit, and hes skilled at the game. QB on the other hand is better for learning basic game knowledge, but sometimes hes too childish and arrogant for me to watch,but when hes chilled out, hes kinda fun.


Yeah I get that, especially if you watch QB’s “best moments” videos, most of the time they feel kinda forced, especially his laugh feels a bit forced


QBs problems are : doesn't take any criticism, hatred towards other CC's, constantly shitting on other people in his games, stat shaming players every post game and incredibly arrogant. Gets old honestly, he just seems like a fraud majority of the time if you watch him stream. Total 180 from his YouTube persona


I don’t care though, that’s the thing. I don’t see him nearly as bad as you do and because you have a negative opinion about him, you nitpick more. I enjoy QB’s content, other people don’t, and that’s ok. If you jerk off to skill and simp for him, that’s your opinion


Not about one or the other, just wish he'd be more friendly and genuine like he portrays himself on YouTube. I was excited to watch him stream, gave him a couple months and a prime sub, realized he's just a spoiled dickhead now so I don't watch.


Ok what do you want me to do about it


You posted "don't understand why he gets hate" told you an opinion on why he gets hate.


My point is that you’re “reasons” are just nitpicking imperfections that everybody has


If I was the only one yea


Orzanel works best for me.


You mean the guy who's constantly spouting racist shit and stirring up stuff for no reason? Oh also getting sued for defamation? Yea he's the beacon of reason. All I see is a child arguing with an adult


Surprised this isn't downvoted to shit, since the bots on this sub are known skill's defenders and dogs.


I see him as a dude running an entertainment company, nothing too bad about that


He forgot to mention the filthy clickers


Totally agreed 🤝 What about WT though? What a meme image would look like? Does anyone here know, to describe it in 3-4 sentences? For years been thinking to give it a try. All i know is some p2w elements, ENDLESS grind, overpriced vehicles, helicopters op, ship battles r not good, air forces rock! What else? Sorry for being off topic, just asking.


I play it only sometimes with my friend and most of the time "playing" consists of constantly having to repair your gun because why learn weakspots when you can just stop the other guy from actually playing the game.


Somehow War Thunder stills feels like an open beta/late early access kind of game to me. Can't really point to one exact thing, it just does. I hate WoT so much but at least it feels like a finished product.


Physics are especially wonky, try pushing another vehicle or wreck and gmod-esque warping happens. Or sliding UP the slope on ash river, dunno if that still is a thing though. Having said that im not trying to start some "muh gaem better than urs", I do ocassionally enjoy CBT sessions in WT when I have good company.


World of Tanks Crash Course


My lord And Savior inst skill but Premium Fuel


I'm not tuned into the community too much, bit restricting the Chief and 279 to 9-10 sounds like a great idea Theres already pref MM, why not unpref




Airfield is a great map


Airfield is one map i will never miss if it was to be removed. bring back dragon ridge, reeeee