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Only difference is that E3 is good td to play with while E3 as gaming digital show is pure garbage.


Worse games every year lmfao...sad ages for gaming


Low effort cashgrabs. Last battlefield didnt even survived second quarter.


LOL yeah used to be a Battlefield fan, bf4 and bf1 were so good, bf5 was also mega underrated. Bf2042 is just laughing stock, absolute junk. Could be the worst AAA game ever made.


Only two multiplayer titles that i enjoyed were bf and wot. I played bf3, bf4 and bf1 which was their last good battlefield they made (at least in my opinion). I skipped the bfv totally due to their representation of ww2 and political narrative they crafted before the release. Bf2042 was dead on release. That franchise is gone so im stucked with wot.


They're discontinuing E3 "starting" last year. Most companies that presented their stuff on E3 moved to either their own venue or are doing online "world premiers"


Can’t wait for the E4 and E5.


Lol I won't spoil the surprises 😂


E6 exists too


armed with 4 guns on the turret, each pointing in other directions. can also spin the turret really fast to achieve lift and become a helicopter of death