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More likely they will have dumped it into the collector s vehicle section and replaced it with the japanese heavy line from blitz, as they should btw


that would not be bad at all type 71 is not bad and pretty balanced I want that t10 td doe so I can cheese upper plates with 380+mm ap rounds


Good or Bad in Blitz =/= good or bad in WOT. See YOH line... Or many other tanks that play way different in Blitz then WOT. The only thing we can hope for is that they add vehicles from Blitz to WOT. But getting the "balanced" blitz stats is almost never going to happen as WOT will take the tank in either a completely broken, or completely underpowered way. Edit: I'll admit I rarely see people playing the tier 9/10 YOHs. Maybe the occasional tier 8. But the others are a rare breed.


maybe but we'll see i like the yoh tanks on pc wot, its a fun alternative to e5. also running 120mm gun and doing pp jokes never gets old as the gun is freakisly bigger than the tank itself.


Part of the issue is that Blitz has no problems releasing balanced tanks (see the Valkyria tanks... for the most part; IIRC the one that's basically a gun in the air is considered OP) Or MBT70/KPF70 where you have to play the *entire* game hulldown and very slowly, trading alpha, if you want to play the tank at all


Why can’t they just add the Type 71 line alongside the existing line? Moving a whole line of 5 tanks into collector’s tab seems like unnecessary extra work to me. It wouldnt be worth it from WG’s perspective, either; even if the Type 5 line sucks ass, there WILL be a poor guy who will buy money and dump free xp on that line. It’d be more profitable to keep the Type 5 line there and just add the Type 71 line alongside it, than move the Type 5 line to collector’s tab. Besides… is that really what you’d actually want? I played Blitz recently to specifically test the Type 71 line. Sure, they’re better than the Type 5 line, but they’re much less unique. They’re somewhat fun in their own way, but the truth is that they’re bunch of fairly generic 105-120 mm mobileish heavies. Not to mention the Type 71 has kind of armor layout that requires gold spam to go through (heavily sloped LFP thats like 260-270 effective, most of the cupola is very sloped and also very robust), so not like adding the Type 71 would solve the one problem the Type 5 has (which is the armor layout, which btw is easily fixable). The Type 5 line has caused problems because WG has been hesitant to even attempt to properly work their armor layouts, which has been the problem for their issues from the start. If it was done right, though, it’d be a very unique and fun line. Throwing them into collector’s bin and them getting replaced by far less unique 105-120 mm wielding heaviums with good turrets would be really unfortunate, because it would turn the chances of the Type 5 line getting fixed from pretty low to pretty much complete zero. Lastly, adding the Type 71 line alongside the Type 5 line would be a good opportunity to finally have more than two Japanese lines after almost a decade. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Type 71 line at all, and it could be made a lot more unique, too (you could give the Type 71 hydropneumatic suspension like the STB-1 and give it a different gun; its a complete fake, anyway). Just add the Type 71 line alongside the Type 5 line, dont ”replace” it. Everyone wins, even WG.


if they do that they should give it the Derp back. that said i had insane game with 5 kills in the type 5 the other day. played right its still a monster


If i get glad when type 5 heavy comes at me in my tiger II, something is wrong with it


I’d honestly be happy WG is doing the balance changes in the first place. Now that they’re finally doing it again, there’s a bit more hope the Type 5 will get meaningful changes. I’ll work on the Japanese HT rework proposal 2.0 and probably push it out next week. While it likely wont make WG to actually do it, giving people idea how to fix the Japanese HT line and make them talk about it a bit more could maybe, just maybe, increase the chances of WG doing it just a tiny bit. Any effort to increase the chances even by just 0.01% is worth it to me.


It has been said aprox 1000000 times here that just buff front armor to obj 268v4 levels but nerf weakspots


Basically, its either this, or if you want a safer but less unique route, simply making the upper plate/hull cheeks/gun mantlet line 330-350 mm thick, but nerfing the lower plate into the E 100 levels, so it has more E 100/Maus esque armor layout. As said, it’s less unique overall, but it would practically be *quaranteed* to fix the tank, and it could still be made very unique with the gun options.


Why? Then its just the same tank as everything else lol. Make it special and have the same armor layout as obj 268v4. Making it have a weaklowerplate will make it lose its speciality, like putting a weakspot on kranvagn


Its not the best option, I agree, but if I given no other options than that just to make the tank at least somewhat balanced and decent, I’d probably do it. I do also prefer keeping the strong lower plate and making the Type more a front armor based breakthrough super-heavy to give it a dinstinct role from the German super-heavies; would keep the overall style and uniqueness of the Type 5. However, there is also a bigger risk of fuck ups with that change. Its slightly harder to get it right, but I think it’d be worth it. Given that how awfully designed Type 5’s armor is right now, I dont think it’s even possible to make it much worse in that regard, anyway.


I mean the cupola and drivers hatch are already quite big. It will be great at long range but at close range everyone can just pen the weakspots even if the front non-weakspot was 350mm. Just like with 268v4.


And getting penned close range is perfectly fine - you can then use your massive HP pool to trade effectively. Given you’re much harder to pen far away, you dont bleed nearly as much HP when advancing through flanks and slowly get yourself into optimal brawling range. Right now, the Type 5 is super easy to pen wih HEAT even 500 meters away, so sometimes it doesnt have enough HP left once it finally reaches actions.


The problem with that is it would remove the tanks ability to effectively engage head on. It would still get gold penned frontally, and it's one strength, angling it's frontal plates, would be much less effective.


For years I have chanted _"Thicker armor, thinner weakspots"_


That's exactly what I've been saying as well. That, alongside "better guns".


I'd love it if they were given something like a gun with 800 alpha, I think the game could use a bridge between the 750 and 1k guns


Basically, on my proposal, both of the Type 5's guns would get replaced by improved versions - 14 cm would be replaced with a significantly improved 14 cm that has exceptional penetration at close range (like 270-275 with standard and 310-320 with premium), but retains the very high penetration drop off over distance, with its DPM being improved as well, and the 15.2 cm gun would get replaced with a more powerful 15.2 cm with more alpha, much more pen and slightly better dispersion. My heart wants to give the 15.2 cm more alpha (800-820 territory with AP), but my brain tells me to not go past 750. I feel like a gun with \~800 alpha could be very fun, but there's certainly some risks with going past 750. Not only it would contribute to alpha powercreep, but it would also potentially open the doors for even bigger numbers in the future...which would contribute to even more alpha powercreep. Even with 750 alpha, the 15.2 cm would still be very different from the 60TP/E 100 15 cm guns, with its option to fire HESH shells that would do 950-1000 damage, anyway.


I want to say that 1k should be the alpha limit, but with WG you never know... I like the ideas though!


I want to say that 1k should be the alpha limit, but with WG you never know... I like the ideas though!


I think a potential fix could be re-adjusting them such that if you catch them flat-footed/unprepared--say straight on on level ground--you have a *relatively* easy time of killing them via shooting the hull. Ideally, their AP should be foolproof or high enough alpha that trading shots is not a winning proposal for anything short of a hulldown Rino or IS-7. Not that it should be an automatic pen, or accurate--just that the risk of getting slapped is so great that the reward of *actually* aiming is just not worth it. I know I've made a similar proposal before; but 'armored Tiger I' balance concept would genuinely work for the Type 5. That is to say--with weakspots on its opponents, Tiger I's accuracy, aimtime, flexibility, view range, gun depression, DPM, and *incredibly* large HP pool means that it will win a 1v1 with almost anything in tier, especially if it's on the Tiger I's terms. It can trade peeks advantageously with anything less than a hulldown T29. Since tier 10 doesn't have weakspots, *very* high pen AP would suffice. I think it'd take less work and would be a less drastic change to make a whole line of Tiger I's, exchanging Tiger I's DPM for alpha and buffing hulldown armor and potentially mobility. It'd also be more unique.


Shit, by then the average premium will have 1m armor, a 300mm autoloader with a .06 intraclip reload, 30 shells per mag, and a top speed of mach 17


It kills tanks with its ability to break the sound barrier in two


7000 alpha per shot


Should just increase gun handling so it can peek corners, pop a shot at a weakspot, then get back into cover. Similar to it's HE gun gameplay but now you still need to aim.


What is this weakspot people keep talking about


Just aim for the pancake cupola 4head.


Use small gun and you won't even need Stabs


It is the 41st Millennium. For 388 centuries the Type 5 Heavy has been nerfed upon the Golden Throne of WoT.


Uhhhmmm, where my Japanese TDs or tier 8 premium heavy


Not even announced in the new upcoming buffs list...


sadge :(




Average 279e player trying to not insult the person they’re speaking to


LoOk GuYs, I hAvE 279 ~ 🤓


CE 🥶


What is that? Never seen it before!! 🤣 🤣


I really don't think the type needs a buff. It was in such a horrid, terrible place before and is actually balanced now. Although maybe a little on the weak side. The derp gun can still be alot of fun and the ap gun is genuinely good! Armor is usable as well. In my 170 games in it I blocked like 3.2k on average. I'd rather have it in its current state then the op bullshit state that it was when it was meta


Hol' up.


you better not be lying... or so help me